/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Spill.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/RealDataDigitization.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/JsonWrapper.hh" namespace MAUS { class RealDataDigitizationTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: RealDataDigitizationTest() {} virtual ~RealDataDigitizationTest() {} virtual void SetUp() {} virtual void TearDown() {} }; TEST_F(RealDataDigitizationTest, test_calibration_load) { RealDataDigitization test_case_1; bool bad_calib = test_case_1.load_calibration("nonsense.txt"); EXPECT_FALSE(bad_calib); RealDataDigitization test_case_2; bool good_calib = test_case_2.load_calibration("scifi_calibration_30_09_2011.txt"); EXPECT_TRUE(good_calib); for ( int board = 0; board < 16; ++board ) { for ( int bank = 0; bank < 4; ++bank ) { for ( int channel = 0; channel < 128; ++channel ) { int my_board = board; if ( board > 7 ) { my_board = board-8; } int return_value = test_case_2.get_calibration_unique_chan_numb(board, bank, channel); int unique_channel = channel + bank*128 + my_board*512; EXPECT_EQ(unique_channel, return_value); } } } } TEST_F(RealDataDigitizationTest, test_mapping_load) { RealDataDigitization test_case; bool bad_map = test_case.load_mapping("nonsense.txt"); EXPECT_FALSE(bad_map); bool good_map = test_case.load_mapping("mapping_7.txt"); EXPECT_TRUE(good_map); int missing_channel_counter = 0; for ( int board = 0; board < 16; board++ ) { for ( int bank = 0; bank < 4; bank++ ) { for ( int chan_ro = 0; chan_ro < 128; chan_ro++ ) { int tracker, station, plane, channel; test_case.get_StatPlaneChannel(board, bank, chan_ro, tracker, station, plane, channel); if ( tracker == -1 ) { missing_channel_counter += 1; } } } } // 14 waveguides missing (7 per tracker) // means 14 (wg) * 128 (chan/wg) = 1792 channels missing int number_missing_channels = 14*128; // have to take this test out till we sort out // our calibration... EXPECT_EQ(number_missing_channels, missing_channel_counter); int board = 0; int bank = 0; int chan_ro = 0; int tracker = 0; int station = 0; int plane = 0; int channel = 0; int bad_bank = 99; bool correct = test_case.get_StatPlaneChannel(board, bank, chan_ro, tracker, station, plane, channel); EXPECT_TRUE(correct); bool wrong = test_case.get_StatPlaneChannel(board, bad_bank, chan_ro, tracker, station, plane, channel); EXPECT_FALSE(wrong); } TEST_F(RealDataDigitizationTest, test_bad_channel_load) { RealDataDigitization test_case; bool bad_channels = test_case.load_bad_channels(); EXPECT_TRUE(bad_channels); int bad_channel[3] = {1, 1, 17}; int good_channel[3]= {1, 2, 3}; int out_of_range[3]= {16, 4, 128}; EXPECT_FALSE(test_case.is_good_channel(bad_channel[0], bad_channel[1], bad_channel[2])); EXPECT_TRUE(test_case.is_good_channel(good_channel[0], good_channel[1], good_channel[2])); EXPECT_FALSE(test_case.is_good_channel(out_of_range[0], out_of_range[1], out_of_range[2])); } TEST_F(RealDataDigitizationTest, test_process) { char* pMAUS_ROOT_DIR = getenv("MAUS_ROOT_DIR"); std::string file="lab7_unpacked"; std::string fname = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR)+"/src/map/MapCppTrackerDigits/"+file; std::ifstream inf(fname.c_str()); Spill spill; std::string line; getline(inf, line); getline(inf, line); Json::Value root = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(line); Json::Value daq = root.get("daq_data", 0); RealDataDigitization test_case; test_case.process(spill, daq); ASSERT_TRUE(spill.GetReconEvents()->size() > 0); // Needs more... } } // ~namespace MAUS