/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ // C headers #include // Other headers #include "Config/MiceModule.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/SciFiClusterRec.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SciFiCluster.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SciFiDigit.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SciFiEvent.hh" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace MAUS { class SciFiClusterRecTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: SciFiClusterRecTest() { cluster_exception = 80; min_npe = 2.0; // Get the tracker modules. std::string filename; filename = "Stage6.dat"; MiceModule* _module; _module = new MiceModule(filename); modules = _module->findModulesByPropertyString("SensitiveDetector", "SciFi"); // SciFiCluster *cluster = new SciFiCluster(); // event.add_cluster(cluster); } virtual ~SciFiClusterRecTest() {} virtual void SetUp() {} virtual void TearDown() {} void create_scifievent_digits(); std::vector modules; int cluster_exception; double min_npe; SciFiEvent event; }; // process(SciFiEvent &evt, std::vector modules) void SciFiClusterRecTest::create_scifievent_digits() { // evt.digits(); // Create 15 good digits + 2 digits to be merged + 1 digit to be left over (noise) /* get_npe is_used() get_spill() get_event( get_tracker() get_station() get_plane() get_channel() */ } TEST_F(SciFiClusterRecTest, test_process) { SciFiClusterRec clustering(cluster_exception, min_npe, modules); clustering.process(event); // EXPECT_EQ(tracker,1); // EXPECT_EQ(station,2.0); /* int tracker = 1; int station = 2; int plane = 0; int channel1 = 106; double npe1 = 3.2; double time = 12.2; // Construct a digit. SciFiDigit *digit = new SciFiDigit(tracker, station, plane, channel1, npe1, time); // Start a cluster from "digit" SciFiCluster *cluster = new SciFiCluster(digit); cluster->construct(modules);*/ // think of tests for direction and position... } TEST_F(SciFiClusterRecTest, test_get_seeds) { // SciFiEvent evt; SciFiEvent* evt = new SciFiEvent(); SciFiDigit *digit_1 = new SciFiDigit(); digit_1->set_npe(3.0); evt->add_digit(digit_1); SciFiDigit *digit_2 = new SciFiDigit(); digit_2->set_npe(3.0); evt->add_digit(digit_2); // SciFiDigit *digit_3; // digit_3->set_npe(1.0); // evt->add_digit(digit_3); std::vector seeds; SciFiClusterRec *worker = new SciFiClusterRec(cluster_exception, min_npe, modules); seeds = worker->get_seeds(*evt); unsigned int size = 2; // Do like this to remove compiler warning EXPECT_EQ(size, seeds.size()); } TEST_F(SciFiClusterRecTest, test_construct) { /* SciFiCluster *clust; int tracker = 1; int station = 1; int plane = 1; clust->set_plane(plane); clust->set_station(station); clust->set_tracker(tracker); SciFiClusterRec worker(cluster_exception, min_npe, modules); const MiceModule* this_plane = NULL; this_plane = worker.find_plane(tracker, station, plane); assert(this_plane != NULL); // compute it's direction & position in TRF... ThreeVector trf_dir(0., 1., 0.); ThreeVector trf_pos(0., 0., 0.); // double alpha; // worker.construct(clust, this_plane, trf_dir, trf_pos, alpha); */ } TEST_F(SciFiClusterRecTest, test_find_plane) { SciFiClusterRec worker(cluster_exception, min_npe, modules); // Check that every tracker plane exists and that "find_plane()" finds it. for ( int tracker = 0; tracker < 2; ++tracker ) { for ( int station = 1; station < 6; ++station ) { for ( int plane = 0; plane < 3; ++plane ) { const MiceModule* a_plane = NULL; a_plane = worker.find_plane(tracker, station, plane); EXPECT_TRUE(a_plane); } } } // Check that "find_plane()" returns null is plane doesn't exist. const MiceModule* a_plane = NULL; int tracker = 0; int station = 6; int plane = 0; a_plane = worker.find_plane(tracker, station, plane); EXPECT_FALSE(a_plane); } TEST_F(SciFiClusterRecTest, test_neighbours) { int spill = 1; int event = 1; int tracker = 1; int station = 1; int plane = 1; int channel_1 = 1; int channel_2 = 5; int channel_3 = 2; int npe = 1; int time = 1; SciFiDigit *digit1 = new SciFiDigit(spill, event, tracker, station, plane, channel_1, npe, time); SciFiDigit *digit2 = new SciFiDigit(spill, event, tracker, station, plane, channel_2, npe, time); SciFiDigit *digit3 = new SciFiDigit(spill, event, tracker, station, plane, channel_3, npe, time); SciFiClusterRec worker(cluster_exception, min_npe, modules); bool expect_false; expect_false = worker.are_neighbours(digit1, digit2); EXPECT_FALSE(expect_false); bool expect_true; expect_true = worker.are_neighbours(digit1, digit3); EXPECT_TRUE(expect_true); } /* ThreeVector get_reference_frame_pos(int tracker); void construct(SciFiCluster *clust, const MiceModule* this_plane, ThreeVector &dir, ThreeVector &tracker_ref_frame_pos, double &alpha); void process_cluster(SciFiCluster *clust); void process(SciFiEvent &evt); void make_clusters(SciFiEvent &evt, std::vector &seeds); */ } // ~namespace MAUS