// This file is a part of MAUS // // MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with MAUS in the doc folder. If not, see // . #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "Geant4/G4Event.hh" #include "CLHEP/Random/Random.h" #include "src/common_cpp/Simulation/MAUSGeant4Manager.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Simulation/MAUSPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh" using namespace MAUS; namespace { class MAUSPrimaryGeneratorActionTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: MAUSPrimaryGeneratorActionTest() : primary(MAUSGeant4Manager::GetInstance()->GetPrimaryGenerator()) {} virtual ~MAUSPrimaryGeneratorActionTest() {} virtual void SetUp() {} virtual void TearDown() {} MAUS::MAUSPrimaryGeneratorAction* primary; }; TEST_F(MAUSPrimaryGeneratorActionTest, PushPopTest) { MAUS::MAUSPrimaryGeneratorAction::PGParticle part_in, part_out; part_in.x = 1.; part_in.y = 2.; part_in.z = 3.; part_in.time = 4.; part_in.px = 5.; part_in.py = 6.; part_in.pz = 7.; part_in.energy = 200.; part_in.seed = 10; part_in.pid = -13; primary->Push(part_in); part_out = primary->Pop(); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(part_in.x, part_out.x); primary->Push(part_in); part_in.x = 2.; primary->Push(part_in); part_out = primary->Pop(); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1., part_out.x); // test FILO part_out = primary->Pop(); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(2., part_out.x); } TEST_F(MAUSPrimaryGeneratorActionTest, GeneratePrimariesTest) { MAUS::MAUSPrimaryGeneratorAction::PGParticle part_in; part_in.x = 1.; part_in.y = 2.; part_in.z = 3.; part_in.time = 4.; part_in.px = 5.; part_in.py = 6.; part_in.pz = 7.; part_in.energy = 200.; part_in.seed = 27; part_in.pid = -13; primary->Push(part_in); primary->Push(part_in); part_in.energy = 105.; // non-physical primary->Push(part_in); part_in.energy = 226.; part_in.pid = 0; // non-physical? primary->Push(part_in); part_in.pid = -13; part_in.x = 1e9; // outside world volume primary->Push(part_in); part_in.x = 1; // outside world volume G4Event* event = new G4Event(); for (size_t i=0; i<2; ++i) { primary->GeneratePrimaries(event); } double mu_mass = 105.658; double p_in = ::sqrt(200.*200.-mu_mass*mu_mass); double p_scale = ::sqrt(part_in.px*part_in.px+part_in.py*part_in.py+part_in.pz*part_in.pz); double p_norm = p_in/p_scale; EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.x, event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetX0(), 1e-3); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.y, event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetY0(), 1e-3); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.z, event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ0(), 1e-3); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.time, event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetT0(), 1e-3); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.px*p_norm, event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetPrimary()->GetPx(), 1e-3); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.py*p_norm, event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetPrimary()->GetPy(), 1e-3); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.pz*p_norm, event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetPrimary()->GetPz(), 1e-3); EXPECT_EQ(part_in.seed, CLHEP::HepRandom::getTheSeed()); EXPECT_EQ(part_in.pid, event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetPrimary()->GetPDGcode()); for (size_t i=0; i<5; ++i) { EXPECT_THROW(primary->GeneratePrimaries(event), Squeal); } delete event; } TEST_F(MAUSPrimaryGeneratorActionTest, PGParticleReadWriteTest) { MAUSPrimaryGeneratorAction::PGParticle part_in, part_out; part_in.x = 1.; part_in.y = 2.; part_in.z = 3.; part_in.time = 4.; part_in.px = 5.; part_in.py = 6.; part_in.pz = 7.; part_in.energy = 200.; part_in.seed = 27; part_in.pid = -13; Json::Value val = part_in.WriteJson(); part_out.ReadJson(val); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.x, part_out.x, 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.y, part_out.y, 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.z, part_out.z, 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.px, part_out.px, 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.py, part_out.py, 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.pz, part_out.pz, 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.time, part_out.time, 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.energy, part_out.energy, 1e-6); EXPECT_EQ(part_in.pid, part_out.pid); EXPECT_EQ(part_in.seed, part_out.seed); } TEST_F(MAUSPrimaryGeneratorActionTest, PGParticleFromVirtualHitTest) { VirtualHit hit; hit.SetPos(CLHEP::Hep3Vector(1.,2.,3.)); hit.SetTime(4.); hit.SetMomentum(CLHEP::Hep3Vector(5.,6.,7.)); hit.SetEnergy(200.); hit.SetPID(-13); MAUSPrimaryGeneratorAction::PGParticle part_in(hit); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.x, 1., 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.y, 2., 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.z, 3., 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.px, 5., 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.py, 6., 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.pz, 7., 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.time, 4., 1e-6); EXPECT_NEAR(part_in.energy, 200., 1e-6); EXPECT_EQ(part_in.pid, -13); EXPECT_EQ(part_in.seed, size_t(0)); } } //namespace end