""" test_cpp_style can allow exceptions in certain circumstances: * exceptions dict is a dict like exceptions = { file_name:[ ("text of line where exception occurs", "reason for exception", "name") ] } I enumerate exceptions using the line where the exception occurs so that if someone moves code around the exception is still valid. If the actual line where the exception occurs changes, we have to re-enter the exception. Please use these exceptions in moderation - i.e. try to work within the style guide wherever possible. In general, we make exceptions only when there is a good technical reason (typically a non-compliant interface with an external library). Please comment up why you think the exception is valid. If there is no good reason for the exception, it may get deleted... """ import os exceptions = { #pylint: disable=C0103 } CPP_CM = os.path.join('src','common_cpp') LEGACY = os.path.join('src','LEGACY') TST = os.path.join('tests', 'cpp_unit') exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'Simulation', 'MAUSPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh')] = [ (' long int seed;', 'CLHEP also uses long int for its random seed - if we want to be compatible we should follow their lead', 'rogers'), #pylint: disable=C0301 ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'Maths','Complex.hh')] = [ ('MAUS::complex& operator+=(MAUS::complex& lhs, const double rhs);', 'cpplint confused by MAUS::complex not a class but has math operators', 'lane'), ('MAUS::complex& operator-=(MAUS::complex& lhs, const double rhs);', 'cpplint confused by MAUS::complex not a class but has math operators', 'lane'), ('MAUS::complex& operator*=(MAUS::complex& lhs, const double rhs);', 'cpplint confused by MAUS::complex not a class but has math operators', 'lane'), ('MAUS::complex& operator/=(MAUS::complex& lhs, const double rhs);', 'cpplint confused by MAUS::complex not a class but has math operators', 'lane'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'Maths','HermitianMatrix.hh')] = [ (' HermitianMatrix(const Matrix& original_instance);', 'cpplint confused by STL copy constructor', 'lane') ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'Maths','Matrix.hh')] = [ (' Matrix(const Matrix& original_instance)', 'cpplint confused by STL copy constructor', 'lane'), (' Matrix(const Matrix& original_instance)', 'cpplint confused by STL copy constructor', 'lane') ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'Maths','Vector.hh')] = [ (' Vector(const Vector& original_instance)', 'cpplint confused by STL copy constructor', 'lane'), (' Vector(const Vector& original_instance)', 'cpplint confused by STL copy constructor', 'lane') ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'DataStructure', 'ThreeVector.hh')] = [ (' ThreeVector(const TVector3& value) : TVector3(value) {}', 'explicit conversion is okay from ROOT to ThreeVectpr', 'rogers') ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'Maths', 'PolynomialVectorTest.cc')] = [ (' } catch (Squeal squee) {}', '"catch" is a keyword like "for" and "if", not a function', 'lane') ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'Maths', 'VectorTest.cc')] = [ (' } catch (Squeal squeal) {}', '"catch" is a keyword like "for" and "if", not a function', 'lane') ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'Optics', 'PhaseSpaceVectorTest.cc')] = [ (' } catch (Squeal squeal) {}', '"catch" is a keyword like "for" and "if", not a function', 'lane') ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'Optics', 'CovarianceMatrixTest.cc')] = [ (' } catch (Squeal squeal) {}', '"catch" is a keyword like "for" and "if", not a function', 'lane') ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'JsonCppStreamer','ORStream.hh')] = [ ('template<> orstream& orstream::operator<< (short& d) {', 'doesnt like the necessary specialisation', 'richards'), ('template<> orstream& orstream::operator<< (long& d) {', 'doesnt like the necessary specialisation', 'richards'), ('template<> orstream& orstream::operator<< (short* & d) {', 'doesnt like the necessary specialisation', 'richards'), ('template<> orstream& orstream::operator<< (long* & d) {', 'doesnt like the necessary specialisation', 'richards'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'JsonCppStreamer','ORStream.cc')] = [ (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'JsonCppStreamer','ORStreamTest.cc')] = [ (' strcpy(os.m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(os.m_branchName, "Test");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(os.m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(os.m_branchName, "HelloWorld");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(os.m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' long nevent = 0;', 'root uses longs', 'richards'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'JsonCppStreamer','IRStream.hh')] = [ ('template<> irstream& irstream::operator>> (short& d) {', 'doesnt like the necessary specialisation', 'richards'), ('template<> irstream& irstream::operator>> (long& d) {', 'doesnt like the necessary specialisation', 'richards'), ('template<> irstream& irstream::operator>> (short* & d) {', 'doesnt like the necessary specialisation', 'richards'), ('template<> irstream& irstream::operator>> (long* & d) {', 'doesnt like the necessary specialisation', 'richards'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'JsonCppStreamer','IRStream.cc')] = [ (' long nextEvent = irs.m_tree->GetReadEntry() + 1;', 'root can return a long', 'richards'), (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards') ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'JsonCppStreamer','IRStreamTest.cc')] = [ (' strcpy(is.m_branchName, "Test");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(is.m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(is.m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'JsonCppStreamer','RStream.hh')] = [ (' long m_evtCount;', 'root can return a long', 'richards'), (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'JsonCppStreamer','RStream.cc')] = [ (' strcpy(m_branchName, "");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(rs.m_branchName, name);', '', 'richards'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'JsonCppStreamer','RStreamTest.cc')] = [ (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch1");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch1");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch2");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch2");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch1");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch2");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch1");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch1");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch2");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch2");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch1");', '', 'richards'), (' strcpy(t.m_branchName, "TestBranch2");', '', 'richards'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'Maths', 'PolynomialMapTest.cc')] = [ (' } catch (Squeal squeal) {}', '"catch" is a keyword like "for" and "if", not a function', 'lane'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'Optics', 'LinearApproximationOpticsModelTest.cc')] = [ (' } catch (Squeal squeal) {', '"catch" is a keyword like "for" and "if", not a function', 'lane'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'Optics', 'PolynomialOpticsModelTest.cc')] = [ (' } catch (Squeal squeal) {', '"catch" is a keyword like "for" and "if", not a function', 'lane'), (' } catch (Squeal squeal) {', '"catch" is a keyword like "for" and "if", not a function', 'lane'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(TST, 'Recon/Global', 'TrackPointTest.cc')] = [ (' } catch (Squeal squeal) {', '"catch" is a keyword like "for" and "if", not a function', 'lane'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'JsonCppProcessors', 'Common', 'ReferenceResolverCppToJson-inl.hh')] = [ (' TObject* tobject_pointer = (TObject*) pointer;', 'A C style cast is the only option here, without requiring' + ' all processed objects inherit from TObject', 'taylor'), ] exceptions[os.path.join(CPP_CM, 'JsonCppProcessors', 'Common', 'ReferenceResolverJsonToCpp-inl.hh')] = [ (' TObject* tobject_pointer = (TObject*) pointer;', 'A C style cast is the only option here, without requiring' + ' all processed objects inherit from TObject', 'taylor'), ] exceptions[os.path.join('src', 'input', 'InputCppDAQOnlineData', 'InputCppDAQOnlineData.cc')] = [ (' _sleep_time.tv_sec = static_cast(delay_time);', 'This really is a long, it is defined in time.h.', 'rogers') ]