============================== 30.06.10 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2010-06-30 Lynn Garren * src/Hurd160Engine.cc, Hurd288Engine.cc: deal with an undefined order of execution warning reported by gcc 4.5 2010-06-23 Mark Fischler and Lynn Garren * Random/RanecuEngine.h: add a private method (see below) * src/RanecuEngine.cc: Modify constructor and setSeed to utilize all info provided and avoid coincidence of same state from different seeds * test/testRanecuSequence.cc: test for repeating sequences ============================== 09.03.10 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2010-03-08 Mark Fischler and Lynn Garren * src/RandEngine.cc: Cast RAND_MAX to unsigned long to avoid gcc 4.4 warnings. * src/RanecuEngine.cc: Fix a bug introduced in which resulted in the inability to rollback the random state. * test/testBug58950: test rolling back the random state ============================== 08.12.09 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2009-12-07 Lynn Garren * test/testBug58950.cc: test for the 64bit bug 2009-12-01 Mark Fischler and Lynn Garren * src/RanecuEngine.cc: Negative seeds are not allowed. In the past, negative seeds were ignored, resulting in a reproducable sequence. Instead, we now use the absolute value of any negative seeds. 2009-12-01 Mark Fischler and Lynn Garren * Random/RanecuEngine.h, src/RanecuEngine.cc: define maxSeq as a static const int since it contains the size of an array * src/RanecuEngine.cc: ensure that all seeds are in the expected 32bit range. ============================== 12.11.09 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 03.11.09 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 04.07.09 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2009-06-30 Mark Fischler * src/Ranlux64Engine.cc: Fix bug #24689. setSeeds() now uses all seeds passed to it instead of only the first one. ============================== 18.11.08 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2008-11-18 Lynn Garren * test/testVectorSave.cc: Add a test for bug #44156 2008-11-13 Mark Fischler * src/engineIDulong.cc: Fix problem that caused check for proper engine type to fail where an unsigned long is 64bits. (bug #44156) * src/*Engine.cc: make sure that existing stored engine states don't break due to the change in engineIDulong.cc ============================== 04.11.08 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 07.08.08 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2008-07-17 Lynn Garren * add explicit parentheses in various places to keep gcc 4.3 happy * src/RandEngine.cc: change how the compiler decides how to implement flat() * test/testRandDists.cc: force variables to be in memory so testRandGeneral() behaves the same with both gcc 4.3 and 3.4. * Random/src/DRand48Engine.cc,RandEngine.cc: Remove (incorrect) implementation of private, unused, copy constructor and operator=. * Random/src/drand48.src: The implementaton of the drand48_iterate method contained a problematic "if (sizeof (unsigned short int) == 2) { } else {}" structure. Code contained in the else portion had unintended side effects. We have retained only the code in the if portion, which should work on all machines. ============================== 01.05.08 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 18.10.07 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2007-10-18 Mark Fischler * RandPoissonQ.cc: Change fire(mena) to call shoot(theLocalEngine(),mean) instead of shoot(mean), which had caused "cross-talk" between modules that should not have affected eah other. ============================== 15.11.06 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2006-11-15 Mark Fischler * Random/src/MTwistEngine.cc: improve seeding method ============================== 18.10.06 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 20.06.06 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 21.11.05 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2005-11-21 Lynn Garren * src/Makefile.am, test/Makefile.am: Build libraries for Windows Visual C++ without lib prefix. ============================== 22.06.05 Release CLHEP- ============================== Wed Jun 22 2005 Andreas Pfeiffer * configure.in: changed soname to install_name for darwin targets, dylibs still don't build properly on 10.3/10.4, static libs ok. 2005-06-19 Lynn Garren * configure.in, Makefile.am: Use lib when building Visual C++ libraries. Disable shared library build for Solaris CC. ============================== 22.04.05 Release CLHEP- ============================== 2005-04-14 Mark Fischler * RandFlat.cc RandGauss.cc RandBinomial.cc ... all the distributions Express states of all distributions which ave private double members as sequences of ordinary unsigned ints, to avoid precision issues and avoid issues of non-portability of hex input manipulators. 2005-04-13 Mark Fischler * DRand48Engine.cc DualRand.cc Hurd160Engine.cc Hurd288Engine.cc JamesRandom.cc MTwistEngine.cc RandFlat.cc RandGauss.cc RandomEngine.cc RandomEngine.cc RanecuEngine.cc Ranlux64Engine.cc RanluxEngine.cc TripleRand.cc (and tiny change in corresponding .h files) Express states of all engines as sequences of ordinary unsigned ints, to avoid precision issues and avoid issues of non-portability of hex input manipulators. * testAnonymousEngineRestore.cc testInstanceRestore.cc testSaveEngineStatus.cc testSaveSharedEngines.cc testStaticStreamSave.cc testVectorSave.cc * test/Makefile.am Break up the very lengthy validation of engine saves and restores. Compilation time grows worse than linearly on some systems; this split should make the check target go faster. 2005-04-11 Mark Fischler * JamesRandom.cc ranRestoreTest.cc NonRandomEngine.h Express state of this engine in hex form rather than as doubles, to avoid precision issues. 2005-04-07 Lynn Garren * configure.in: set AR and ARFLAGS Fri Mar 11 2005 Mark Fischler * engineIDulong.cc, engineIDulong.h DOubConv.cc, DoubConv.h EngineFactory.cc * DRand48Engine.cc DualRand.cc Hurd160Engine.cc Hurd288Engine.cc JamesRandom.cc MTwistEngine.cc RandFlat.cc RandGauss.cc RandomEngine.cc RandomEngine.cc RanecuEngine.cc Ranlux64Engine.cc RanluxEngine.cc TripleRand.cc * ranRestoreTest.cc Add put() and get() methods to every engine transfering state to a vector of unsigned longs. Fri Mar 11 2005 Mark Fischler * NonRandomEngine.cc Initialize (in the ctor) nextRandom and randomInterval (used if interval-style is set) because these are writtten out and read in as part of the state, and Microsooft VC++ fouls up the i/o when reading back the uninitialized number written out. 2005-02-18 Lynn Garren * configure.in, Makefile.am: Stop using libtool. The newer releases of libtool seem to have dropped support for Windows Visual C++. 2005-02-14 Lynn Garren * configure.in: Visual C++ flags are now "-EHsc -nologo -GR -GX -MD" Mon Feb 14 2005 Mark Fischler * JamesRandom.cc Check that seed is non-negative. Negative seeds give terrible sequences. Fri Feb 11 2005 Mark Fischler * RandPoissonQ.cc RandPoissonT.cc RandomEngine.cc Added missing implementations, per bug # 1806 (FireArray(), shootArray(), getTableSeeds) Check that seed is non-negative negative sees give terrible sequences. 2005-02-03 Lynn Garren * configure.in: install step creates libCLHEP.a, libCLHEP.so, and/or libCLHEP.dylib by adding a symbolic link. 2005-02-02 Andreas PFEIFFER * configure.in: modified compiler flags for windows: added "-O -GR -GX -MD" as this is needed for the multi-thread environments used. Mon Dec 27 2004 Mark Fischler * DRand48Engine.cc DualRand.cc Hurd160Engine.cc Hurd288Engine.cc JamesRandom.cc MTwistEngine.cc RandFlat.cc RandGauss.cc RandomEngine.cc RandomEngine.cc RanecuEngine.cc Ranlux64Engine.cc RanluxEngine.cc TripleRand.cc * Random.cc EngineFactory.cc StaticRandomStates.cc * Corresponding .h files * Random/test/ranRestoreTest.cc Ability to restore engines and distributions without knowing in the restoring program which type of engine was used in the saving program. Wed Dec 22 2004 Mark Fischler * Random.h StaticRandomState.h * Random.cc StaticRandomState.cc Added HepRandom::saveStaticRandomState(ostream) and restore to istream. Mon Dec 20 2004 Mark Fischler * Random.h RandGauss.h RandFlat.h RandFlat.icc RandBit.h * Random.cc RandGauss.cc RandFlat.cc Added static std::ostream& saveFullState ( std::ostream & os ) and saveDistState, and the corresponding restore methods. Thu Dec 16 2004 Mark Fischler * RandomEngine.h DRand48Engine.cc DualRand.cc Hurd160Engine.cc Hurd288Engine.cc JamesRandom.cc MTwistEngine.cc RandFlat.cc RandGauss.cc RandomEngine.cc RandomEngine.cc RanecuEngine.cc Ranlux64Engine.cc /RanluxEngine.cc TripleRand.cc * RandBinomial.cc RandBit.cc RandBreitWigner.cc RnadChiSquare.cc RandExponential.cc RandFlat.cc RandGamma.cc RandGauss.cc RandGaussQ.cc RandGaussT.cc RandGeneral.cc RandLandau.cc RandPoisson.cc RandPoissonQ.cc RandPoissonT.cc RandStudentT.cc Random.h * Random/test/ranRestoreTest.cc Added put and get methods, as well as ostream operations, so that engine and distribution instances can be saved and restored to/from streams. Wed Dec 15 2004 Mark Fischler * RandPoissonQ.cc (RandPoissonT.cc) RandPoissonQ has a path, potentially taken when mean is more than 100, where an additional gaussian random number is needed. This had been using the static RandGauss, causing subtle confusion when an engine other than that owned by the RandPoissonQ instance is affected by firing a variate. Instead we use the engine owned by the RandPoissonQ instance. This will affect in rare cases the values of random variates delivered by **instances** (not the shoot() methods) of RandPoissonQ when mean is more than 100 and, for subtle reasons, of RandPoissonT when the mean is small. Tue Dec 14 2004 Mark Fischler * RandGeneral.cc Modify local variable theIntegralPdf, using a std::vector instead of a double* pointing to a new-ed array. This makes save/restore an easier matter. Fri Dec 3 2004 Mark Fischler * RandomEngine.h DRand48Engine.cc DualRand.cc Hurd160Engine.cc Hurd288Engine.cc JamesRandom.cc MTwistEngine.cc RandFlat.cc RandGauss.cc RandomEngine.cc RandomEngine.cc RanecuEngine.cc Ranlux64Engine.cc /RanluxEngine.cc TripleRand.cc Random/test/ranRestoreTest.cc Modified engines and additional-state distributions so that restoreEngineState behaves better (error message and return instead of hang up) when file requested is not found. ============================== 30.11.04 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 27.10.04 Release CLHEP- ============================== Fri Sep 24 2004 Lynn Garren * use AM_CXXFLAGS * require autoconf 2.59, automake 1.9.1, and libtool 1.9b Tue Aug 31 2004 Lynn Garren * change Solaris CC compile flags from "-O -mt" to "-O" * libtools 1.9b or later is required for Solaris CC ============================== 23.07.04 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 11.05.04 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 11.05.04 Release CLHEP- ============================== Tue May 11 2004 Mark Fischler * RandPoissonT.cc * RandPoissonQ.cc Repaired misbehavior when mean is precisely 100.0 in these routines. Thu Apr 29 2004 Mark Fischler * RandEngine.cc * RandEngine.h Code to accomodate possible systems where RAND_MAX is not one fo the two "expected" values of 2**15-1 or 2**31-1. Wed Apr 28 2004 Lynn Garren * make CLHEP work with Visual C++ ============================== 21.04.04 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 24.10.03 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 23.10.03 Release CLHEP- ============================== ============================== 01.06.02 Release CLHEP- ============================== Sat May 25 10:03:13 2002 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/RandStudentT.cc,RandStudentT.h: Added #include HUGE_VAL --> DBL_MAX On Apple/Darwin HUGE_VAL is defined to 1e500 and g++ compiler complains that floating point number exceeds range of `double' Fri Apr 12 16:58:58 2002 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/RandGeneral.cc: Bug fix in the destructor, thanks to Willy Langeveld Bug fix: delete [] (theIntegralPdf); * doxygen/README,config.doxygen,footer.html,modules.doc (Added): Files for generation of the documantation with Doxygen. * All_headers: For Doxygen: added empty documeting comments for classes. Sun Mar 31 10:54:23 2002 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Global_Clean_Up: The following macros have been removed from config/CLHEP-target.h.in (the reason is indicated). Respectively checks for them have been removed from configure.in: HEP_HAVE_STL - all supported compilers have string, vector, ... HEP_HAVE_BOOL - all supported compilers have bool HEP_HAVE_NAMESPACE - all supported compilers have namespace HEP_HAVE_EXPLICIT - all supported compilers have explicit HEP_HAVE_TYPENAME - all supported compilers have typename HEP_HAVE_EMPTY_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_LIST - all supported compilers have template<> HEP_SQR_NEEDS_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_CONST HEP_ABS_NEEDS_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_CONST - current definition of sqr() and abs() works everywhere HEP_QSORT_NEEDS_FUNCTION_WITH_EXTERN_C_LINKAGE - qsort() is not used The following macros have been removed from config/CLHEP.h: HepStdString HepStdVector HepStdList HEP_TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION HEP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE HEP_END_NAMESPACE HEP_USING_NAMESPACE The following modifications have been made in the code: HepStdString --> HepSTL::string HepStdVector --> HepSTL::vector HepBoolean --> bool HepDouble --> double HepFloat --> float HepInt --> int HEP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(xxx) --> namespace xxx { HEP_END_NAMESPACE(xxx) --> } // namespace xxx ========================================= 08.03.02 HepMC has become a part of CLHEP ========================================= Thu Feb 21 16:50:08 2002 Evgueni Tcherniaev * configure.in: Added -D_GNU_SOURCE for g++. Removed check for HEP_DIFFERENT_EXCEPTIONS. * config/CLHEP-target.h.in: Removed HEP_DIFFERENT_EXCEPTIONS * Random/DRand48Engine.cc,DRand48Engine.h: Re-declarations of drand48, srand48 and seed48 have been moved to DRand48Engine.cc Thu Nov 29 16:42:17 2001 Evgueni Tcherniaev * configure.in: Added check for the problem with different exceptions in drand48. This requires also use of -pedantic-errors instead of -pedantic. * config/CLHEP-target.h.in: * Random/DRand48Engine.h: Introduced HEP_DIFFERENT_EXCEPTIONS. * test/testVectorDists.cc: Minor changes to provide compilation with -pedantic-errors. ========================================== 09.11.01 HepPDT has become a part of CLHEP ========================================== Tue Jul 31 09:13:53 2001 Mark Fischler * Random/RandGeneral.cc: Changed from assert (above = below+1) to == This was first reported by Gregory P. Dubois-Felsmann at SLAC. Fri Jul 27 2001 Mark Fischler * Random/doc/html/ (Added): * Random/doc/html/CLHEP-random.html (Added): Added this ZOOM documentation page. ============================= 15.06.01 Release CLHEP- ============================== Wed Apr 11 13:54:51 2001 Mark Fischler * Random/DualRand.cc,Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd288Engine.cc: * Random/RanecuEngine.cc,TripleRand.cc: Each saveState method ought to output endl after its data. * Random/DRand48Engine.h: __P replaced with __STRICT_ANSI__ (for the case g++ -ansi). Fri Apr 6 11:53:19 2001 Evgueni Tcherniaev * test/Makefile.in: Removed testRandDists and ranRestoreTest: they have been moved to Random/test. * Makefile.in,configure.in: * test/testVectorDists.cc: * RandomObjects/RandMultiGauss.cc,RandomVector.cc,RandomVector.h: "Tools" has been changed to "RandomObjects". Wed Apr 4 10:06:03 2001 Mark Fischler * Tools/Makefile.in (Removed): * Tools/RandMultiGauss.cc,RandMultiGauss.h (Removed): * Tools/RandomVector.cc,RandomVector.h (Removed): * Tools/RandomVector.icc (Removed): * RandomObjects/Makefile.in (Added): * RandomObjects/RandMultiGauss.cc,RandMultiGauss.h (Added): * RandomObjects/RandomVector.cc,RandomVector.h (Added): * RandomObjects/RandomVector.icc (Added): As agreed, we migrate the Tools involving Random and another CLHEP package into a package which I have chosen to name RandomObjects. RandomObjects in principle depends on Random, Matrix, and Vecgtor (though the tools that depend on Vector are not yet present). * Vector/AxisAngle.h,EulerAngles.h: Eliminated inconsistancy of virtual methods in no-virtual-destructor class. These classes should not be used polymorphically. * test/ranRestoreTest.cc,testRandDists.cc (Removed): * test/testRandDists.input,testRandDists.out.save (Removed): These were moved into Random/test * Random/test/GNUmakefile,gaussSmall.cc (Added): * Random/test/gaussSpeed.cc,ranRestoreTest.cc (Added): * Random/test/testRandDists.cc,testRandDists.dat (Added): * Random/test/testRandDists.input,testRandDists.input-long (Added): * Random/test/testRandDists.out.save (Added): Moved detailed and long tests into package-specific test area as agreed. * Vector/doc/VectorDefs.tex (Added): LaTeX documentation source for details of all the formulas and definitions in the Vector package. ========================================================================== 18.01.01 ZOOM PhysicsVectors Capabilities have become part of CLHEP/Vector ========================================================================== Thu Jan 18 19:45:00 2001 Mark Fischler * Random/DRand48Engine.h: Placed ifdef to repair problem which when gcc 2.95.2 is used WITHOUT -ansi, would have caused the header to fail to complie due to mismatch in prototypes of drand48() in header and . Tue Jan 9 15:50:00 2001 Mark Fischler * Random/Random.h: Modified comment for createInstance() to reflect the minor fix of Dec 5. Tue Dec 5 11:18:13 2000 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/Random.cc: Minor fix in HepRandom::createInstance() and removed useless code. Wed Nov 8 11:21:44 2000 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/DRand48Engine.cc,DRand48Engine.h: * Random/drand48.src (Added): More accurate code for drand48() on NT. DRand48Engine now produces exactly the same sequences on all platforms. Removed #ifdef in declaration of drand48(), srand48() and seed48(). * configure.in: Added -ansi for g++. After removing #ifdef in declaration of drand48(), srand48() and seed48() it now works fine. ====================================================================== 24.10.00 Generic Functions by Joe Boudreau have become a part of CLHEP ====================================================================== Mon Oct 23 17:54:56 2000 Evgueni Tcherniaev * config/CLHEP.h: Added definition of HepSTL. * docs/Random.html,validation.doc (Removed): * Random/doc/Random.html,validation.doc (Added): Moved docs for Random from docs/ to Random/doc/. ============================== 20.10.00 Release CLHEP- ============================== Tue Oct 17 14:55:45 2000 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/Randomize.h: Added distributions introduced in CLHEP-1.5. * Random/RandPoissonQ.cc,flatToGaussian.cc: * Tools/RandMultiGauss.h: * test/testRandDists.cc,testVectorDists.cc: Corrected warnings on Linux when compile with g++ -pedantic -Wall. ============================================================================== 12.10.00 Expression Evaluator by Evgueni Tcherniaev has become a part of CLHEP Alist, String and Combination have been disabled ============================================================================== Thu Sep 7 08:18:39 2000 Mark Fischler * Random/RandGauss.h,RandGauss.icc,RandGeneral.h,RandPoisson.icc: Correct warnings encountered by Yana Gaponenko. ============================== 08.05.00 Release CLHEP- ============================== Fri May 5 10:32:21 2000 Mark Fischler * Random/JamesRandom.cc,JamesRandom.h: 's mods to JamesRandom are in. * Tools/Random/RandMultiGauss.cc: Changed std:: to HepStd:: * test/ranRestoreTest.cc,testRandDists.cc: Last round of minor warning fixes (in Random package) before the 1.5 release. ============================================================ 24.04.00 StdHepC++ by Lynn Garren has become a part of CLHEP ============================================================ Sat Apr 22 11:20:22 2000 Evgueni Tcherniaev * test/Makefile.in: Removed testQuickGauss. Tue Apr 18 15:36:49 2000 Mark Fischler * test/testRandDists.input,testRandDists.out.save: Committing the re-run input and result files. * test/testQuickGauss.cc (Removed): * test/testQuickGauss.input,testQuickGauss.out.save (Removed): Mon Apr 17 18:00:55 2000 Mark Fischler * Random/RandLandau.cc,RandPoissonQ.cc,flatToGaussian.cc: Added explicit convertion from double to int. * Random/erfQ.cc,flatToGaussian.cc: Included "CLHEP/config/TemplateFunctions.h" * Random/Stat.h: Made constructor private; removed private destructor. * Random/gaussQtables.src,gaussTables.src,poissonTables.src: Changed std:: to HepStd:: Tue Apr 4 18:13:08 2000 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/RandFlat.cc,RandGauss.cc: restoreEngineStatus(): changed "char* inputword" to "char inputword[]" * Random/Makefile.in: added new files. * test/Makefile.in: added new tests. * test/ranRestoreTest.cc: changed std:: to HepStd:: * test/ranRestoreTest.cc: Changed for( HepInt k=0; ... to HepInt k; for(k=0; ... * test/gaussTables.cc (Removed): * Random/gaussTables.src (Added): Moved test/gaussTables.cc to Random/gaussTables.src * test/validation.doc (Removed): * docs/validation.doc (Added): moved test/validation.doc to docs/validation.doc Tue Mar 28 10:40:19 2000 Mark Fischler * Random/Stat.h (Added): Added the omitted Stat.h * Random/gaussQtables.src,gaussTables.src,poissonTables.src: These files are not run routinely but are part of the package to document how the .cdat tables are created. * Random/RandFlat.cc,RandGauss.cc,RandPoissonQ.cc: Removed use of std::string from files. Corrected bare std:: to HepStd:: * test/ranRestoreTest.cc (Added): Added a brief test of the save/restore mechanism. Mon Mar 13 11:12:41 2000 Mark Fischler * Tools/Random/RandMultiGauss.cc,RandMultiGauss.h (Added): * Tools/Random/RandomVector.cc,RandomVector.h,RandomVector.icc (Added): * test/testVectorDists.cc,testVectorDists.input (Added): * test/testVectorDists.out.save (Added): The vector distribution RandMiultiGauss, this time in its proper place in Tools/Random and with a validity test in test. Fri Mar 10 15:59:57 2000 Mark Fischler * Random/RandFlat.cc,RandFlat.h,RandFlat.icc: * Random/RandGauss.cc,Random/RandGauss.h,RandGauss.icc: Workaround for the save/restore misbehavior bug. * Random/RandPoisson.cc,RandPoisson.h,RandPoisson.icc: Provide for inheritors to have access to defaultMean and other necessities. RandPoisson.cc: gammln is removed from this file. gammln now is in the library on its own merits, via the HepStat class. However, to retain backward compatibility with codes that may incidentally use ::gammln (since it was already in the library due to RandPoisson.cc) we place that (ugly global) definition into RandPoisson.cc, pointing it to HepStat::gammln. * Random/RandBit.cc RandBit.h RandBit.icc (Added): RandBit is equivalent to (and derived from) RandFlat. The only difference is that RandBit is state-free. RandBit::shootBit() and fireBit() will always use ONE uniform random and return just one bit. That is slower than RandFlat::shootBit() but will behave correctly with respect to saving and restoring status. (Surprisingly, the static version RandBit::shootBit() (which uses a JamesRandom engine) appears to be only 2.5 times slower than RandFlat::shootBit() (which caches the word, using the engine more rarely. I would have expected a factor of 8-15.) * Random/RandGaussQ.cc,RandGaussQ.h,RandGaussQ.icc (Added): A quicker but less accurate distribution, inheriting from RandGauss so that it may be used as a drop-in replacement. Stateless. * Random/RandGaussT.cc,RandGaussT.h,RandGaussT.icc (Added): An accurate and stateless (won't exhibit save/restore bug) table-driven distribution, inheriting from RandGauss so that it may be used as a drop-in replacement. * Random/RandLandau.cc,RandLandau.h,RandLandau.icc (Added): Landau distribution, using the method in CERNLIB. * Random/RandPoissonQ.cc,RandPoissonQ.h,RandPoissonQ.icc (Added): A quicker but (for mu > 100) less accurate distribution, inheriting from RandPoisson so that it may be used as a drop-in replacement. Even at mu > 100, 6-digit accurate or better. * Random/RandPoissonT.cc,RandPoissonT.h,RandPoissonT.icc (Added): An accurate and stateless (won't exhibit save/restore bug) table-driven distribution, inheriting from RandPoisson so that it may be used as a drop-in replacement. Below mu = 100, this is 3-7 times faster than RandPoisson. Recommended as a replacement. * Random/erfQ.cc,flatToGaussian.cc,gammln.cc (Added): Various ancillary mathematical functions needed for the distributions. Users may if they wish avail themsleves of this; the list is in the header Stat.h. * Random/gaussQTables.cdat,poissonTables.cdat (Added): Tables for the table-driven forms of Gaussian and Piosson distributions. * test/testRandDists.cc,testRandDists.input,testRandDists.out.save: Include tests of the various new forms of Gaussian and Poisson dists. * test/validation.doc (Added): A file detailing the validation tests, validation levels, and approximate timings of each distribution. Thus far we have validated the gaussian, poisson, and RandGeneral distributions. Mon Oct 18 20:09:49 1999 Evgueni Tcherniaev * config/Makefile.common.in: Added installation of *.cdat files * Random/NonRandomEngine.cc,RandGauss.cc: std:: --> HepStd::, some trivial cleaning * Random/Makefile.in: Added NonRandomEngine.cc * test/Makefile.in,gaussTables.cc,testQuickGauss.cc: * test/testRandDists.out.save: * test/testQuickGauss.input testQuickGauss.out.save (Added): Modifications caused by introduction of testQuickGauss.cc and gaussTables.cc Tue Oct 12 11:13:49 1999 Mark Fischler * Random/RandGauss.cc,RandGauss.h,RandGauss.icc: RandGauss is made stateless, repairing the bug of saveEngineStatus not saving enough info to reproduce the sequence correctly. RandGauss now has a method quick() which is the same as fire() but gives deviates which are gaussian to only 6 digit precision -- it runs faster. * Random/NonRandomEngine.cc,NonRandomEngine.h (Added): * test/gaussTables.cc,testQuickGauss.cc,gaussTables.cdat (Added): gaussTables.cdat contains 30K of table data needed for RandGauss. It was generated by gaussTables.cc; that is included just to document how the table was produced. gaussTables.cdat is compiled into RandGauss.cc (by an #include) so that user codes don't have to depend on the table being present (and don't have to waste time reading in the table). A new engine, NonRandomEngine, is included primarily for the use of developers testing their code's behavior - it allows you to dictate the sequence of randoms supplied by the engine. Fri Aug 6 12:02:20 1999 Evgueni Tcherniaev * config/CLHEP.h: * Combination/Lockable.cc: * Geometry/Plane3D.cc,Plane3D.h,Transform3D.cc: * Hist/HBookFile.cc,TupleManager.cc: * Matrix/: * DiagMatrix.cc,DiagMatrix.h,GenMatrix.cc,Matrix.cc,Matrix.h: * Pile.h,SymMatrix.cc,SymMatrix.h,Vector.cc,Vector.h: * Random/: * DRand48Engine.cc,DRand48Engine.h,DualRand.cc,DualRand.h: * Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd160Engine.h,Hurd288Engine.cc: * Hurd288Engine.h,JamesRandom.cc,JamesRandom.h,MTwistEngine.cc: * MTwistEngine.h,RandEngine.cc,RandEngine.h,RandGeneral.cc: * RanecuEngine.cc,RanecuEngine.h,Ranlux64Engine.cc: * Ranlux64Engine.h,RanluxEngine.cc,RanluxEngine.h: * RanshiEngine.cc,RanshiEngine.h,TripleRand.cc,TripleRand.h: * String/: * CmdLine.cc,CmdLine.h,Strings.cc,Strings.h,Strings.icc: * Vector/: * LorentzRotation.cc,LorentzVector.cc,LorentzVector.h: * Rotation.cc,ThreeVector.cc,ThreeVector.h,ThreeVector.icc: * test/: * testAList.cc,testCmd.cc,testComb.cc,testInversion.cc: * testLorentzVector.cc,testMatrix.cc,testRandDists.cc: * testRandom.cc,testStrings.cc,testThreeVector.cc,testUnits.cc: Changed std:: to HepStd:: to avoid problems on OSF Thu May 27 17:04:02 1999 Mark Fischler * Random/: * DualRand.cc,RandFlat.icc,Ranlux64Engine.cc,SeedTable.h: * TripleRand.cc,TripleRand.h: fixed up things that were causing warnings on pedantic compilers: * order of initialization in RandFlat * added {} around each pair of elements in seedTable * eliminated the funky private accessors in TripleRand * test/testRandDists.cc: Minor modification to work with NT. Modifications to do better validation: Moments up to 6th and pdf at intervals of .5 sigma. Fri May 21 14:37:52 1999 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/: * DRand48Engine.cc,DualRand.cc,Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd288Engine.cc: * JamesRandom.cc,MTwistEngine.cc,RandEngine.cc,RanecuEngine.cc: * Ranlux64Engine.cc,RanluxEngine.cc,RanshiEngine.cc,TripleRand.cc: All char* beginMarker, char* endMarker have been changed to char beginMarker[], char endMarker[] to avoid warnings on HP-aCC * test/testRandDists.cc: Changed: #include --> #include "CLHEP/config/TemplateFunctions.h" std:exp(...) --> exp(...) bool --> HepBoolean * test/testRandDists.dat (Removed): * testRandDists.input (Added): Renamed: testRandDists.dat to testRandDists.input * test/Makefile.in: * testRandDists.out.save (Added): Modifications needed for automatic run of testRandDists Thu May 20 09:44:06 1999 Mark Fischler * Random/: * DRand48Engine.cc,DRand48Engine.h,DualRand.cc,DualRand.h: * Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd160Engine.h,Hurd288Engine.cc,Hurd288Engine.h: * JamesRandom.cc,JamesRandom.h,MTwistEngine.cc,MTwistEngine.h: * RandBinomial.cc,RandBinomial.h,RandBinomial.icc: * RandBreitWigner.cc,RandBreitWigner.h,RandBreitWigner.icc: * RandChiSquare.cc,RandChiSquare.h,RandChiSquare.icc: * RandEngine.cc,RandEngine.h,RandExponential.cc,RandExponential.h: * RandExponential.icc,RandFlat.cc,RandFlat.h,RandFlat.icc: * RandGamma.cc,RandGamma.h,RandGamma.icc,RandGauss.cc,RandGauss.h: * RandGauss.icc,RandGeneral.cc,RandGeneral.h,RandGeneral.icc: * RandPoisson.cc,RandPoisson.h,RandPoisson.icc: * RandStudentT.cc,RandStudentT.h,RandStudentT.icc: * Random.cc,Random.h,Random.icc,RandomEngine.cc,RandomEngine.h: * RandomEngine.icc,Randomize.h,RanecuEngine.cc,RanecuEngine.h: * Ranlux64Engine.cc,Ranlux64Engine.h,RanluxEngine.cc,RanluxEngine.h: * RanshiEngine.cc,RanshiEngine.h,TripleRand.cc,TripleRand.h: * SeedTable.h: The merge of G. Cosmos January improvements with the ZOOM enhancements. Details of the modifications: * Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd288Engine.cc: Made a mod to correct the following flaw -- given N consectutive calls to operator unsigned int() to get N random 32-bit integers, you can deduce the state of a Hurd engine and thus predict the next number. The simple expedient of discarding every Nth number plugs this flaw. Also, the earlier version was able to give identical sequences in two forms of the constructors (very unlikely, but possible). In the newer version, the only way to get the same sequence is to explicitly provide the same seeds in the same way. * Ranlux64Engine.cc: The early version was using an algorithm which differed from that intended by Luscher (though it passes our ergodicity tests). The modified one correctly implements the algorithm, so Luscher's randomness arguments hold rigorously. * RanshiEngine.cc,DualRand.cc,TripleRand.cc: In the early version, the constructor taking explicit seeds still used numEngine to affect the starting state. This was not the intention, and that has been corrected. So any program supplying explicit seeds to one of these engines will deliver a different stream than before. (The default constructor is unaffected - the dependence on numEngines is the proper behavior in that case.) Wed May 19 16:43:17 1999 Mark Fischler * test/testRandDists.cc,testRandDists.dat (Added): Added a validation program for Random distributions. ============================== 20.04.99 Release CLHEP- ============================== Tue Mar 30 20:52:58 1999 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/RandGeneral.cc,RandGeneral.h: Modifications provided by Stefano Magni Fri Jan 29 02:33:37 1999 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/: * RandBreitWigner.cc,RandExponential.cc,RandExponential.h: * RandExponential.icc,RandFlat.cc,RandFlat.h,RandFlat.icc: * RandGauss.cc,RandPoisson.cc,Random.cc,Random.h,Randomize.h: *** HEPRandom 2.1.1 *** - Fixes for porting on AIX 4.3.2. No functional changes. - Forced call to HepRandom::createInstance() in Randomize.h. - Minor cosmetic changes. * docs/Random.html: *** HEPRandom 2.1.1 *** - Updated doc. Wed Jan 20 23:57:01 1999 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/RandGauss.h: Methods setFlag(false) and setF(false) if invoked in the client code before shoot/fire will force generation of a new couple of values. Fri Jan 8 00:16:23 1999 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/: * RandBinomial.h,RandBinomial.icc,RandChiSquare.h: * RandChiSquare.icc,RandGamma.h,RandGamma.icc,RandGauss.cc: * RandGauss.h,RandGeneral.cc,RandPoisson.cc,RandPoisson.h: * RandStudentT.h,RandStudentT.icc,Random.cc,Random.h,Random.icc: *** HEPRandom 2.1.0 *** Random (.h.icc.cc) : relocated Gauss and Poisson data; simplified initialisation of static generator. RandGauss (.h.cc), RandPoisson (.h.cc) : relocated static data from HepRandom. RandBinomial (.h.icc), RandChiSquare (.h.icc), RandGamma (.h.icc), RandStudentT (.h.icc) : cleanup of useless data/methods. RandGeneral (.cc) : fixed bug in initialisation of theIntegralPdf[] in two constructors and added validity check (courtesy of M.G.Pia) * docs/Random.html: *** HEPRandom 2.1.0 *** - Updated version number. No functional changes. Sun Dec 20 12:05:12 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/Randomize.h: Changed RandFlat::shoot() to HepRandom::getTheEngine()->flat() in the definition of HepUniformRand(). ========================================================================= 16.12.98 Started: merging with BaBar version of CLHEP provided by G.Cosmo ========================================================================= ed Aug 26 11:52:52 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/ : * DualRand.cc,Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd288Engine.cc,MTwistEngine.cc: * RanshiEngine.cc,TripleRand.cc: Some changes to avoid warnings on HP-CC Tue Aug 25 12:13:08 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/fc.cc (Removed): * Random/Makefile.in,RandBinomial.cc,RandBinomial.h: fc() has been renamed to StrirlingCorrection() and moved to RandBinomial.cc Sun Aug 23 19:47:09 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/: * DRand48Engine.cc,DualRand.cc,Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd288Engine.cc: * JamesRandom.cc,MTwistEngine.cc,RandEngine.cc,RanecuEngine.cc: * Ranlux64Engine.cc,RanluxEngine.cc,RanshiEngine.cc: * TripleRand.cc: Removed #ifdef IRIX_6_2_CC_7_1. All is.setstate(ios::badbit); replaced by is.clear(ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); Sat Aug 22 16:25:47 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/: * DualRand.cc,Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd288Engine.cc,JamesRandom.cc: * MTwistEngine.cc,RandomEngine.h,Ranlux64Engine.cc: * RanluxEngine.cc,RanshiEngine.cc,TripleRand.cc: #include "CLHEP/config/iomanip.h" moved to RandomEngine.h Fri Aug 21 11:33:33 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/: * DualRand.cc,Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd288Engine.cc,RanshiEngine.cc: * TripleRand.cc: Changed order of the #include macros: config/iomanip.h should be the last. * Random/RandStudentT.cc,fc.cc: Removed #include * test/testMatrix.out.save: Output for testMatrix has been changed after modification of the Random module Fri 21 Aug 03:10:24 1998 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/: * DualRand.cc,DualRand.h,Hurd160Engine.cc,Hurd160Engine.h: * Hurd288Engine.cc,Hurd288Engine.h,MTwistEngine.cc,MTwistEngine.h: * RandBinomial.cc,RandBinomial.h,RandBinomial.icc,RandBreitWigner.icc: * RandChiSquare.cc,RandChiSquare.h,RandChiSquare.icc: * RandExponential.icc,RandGamma.cc,RandGamma.h,RandGamma.icc: * RandGauss.icc,RandGeneral.cc,RandGeneral.h,RandGeneral.icc: * RandPoisson.icc,RandStudentT.cc,RandStudentT.h,RandStudentT.icc: * Ranlux64Engine.cc,Ranlux64Engine.h,RanshiEngine.cc,RanshiEngine.h: * TripleRand.cc,TripleRand.h,fc.cc (Added): * Random/: * DRand48Engine.cc,DRand48Engine.h,JamesRandom.cc,JamesRandom.h: * Makefile.in,RandBreitWigner.cc,RandBreitWigner.h,RandEngine.cc: * RandEngine.h,RandExponential.cc,RandExponential.h,RandFlat.cc: * RandFlat.h,RandFlat.icc,RandGauss.cc,RandGauss.h,RandPoisson.cc: * RandPoisson.h,Random.cc,Random.h,Random.icc,RandomEngine.cc: * RandomEngine.h,RandomEngine.icc,Randomize.h,RanecuEngine.cc: * RanecuEngine.h,RanluxEngine.cc,RanluxEngine.h,SeedTable.h: * test/testRandom.cc,testRandom.input: * docs/Random.html: *** HEPRandom 2.0.0a *** Merged additions and new developments by FNAL-Zoom group. Added RandGeneral class, courtesy of S.Magni and G.Pieri (INFN-Milano). Needs validation on supported compilers. ========================== 28.07.98 Release CLHEP-1.3 ========================== Thu Jul 23 10:05:36 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * test/testFRandom.f,.cvsignore (Removed): * config/TemplateFunctions.h: CLHEP-default.h replaced by CLHEP.h Added HEP_SQR_NEEDS_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_CONST * config/iostream.h: Removed declarations for basic_ios and basic_streambuf * config/CLHEP-target.h.in: Added HEP_SQR_NEEDS_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_CONST * configure.in: Changed options for cl and f77 on NT Added HEP_SQR_NEEDS_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_CONST Tue Jul 14 09:05:20 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * config/TemplateFunctions.h (Added): min(), max(), abs(), sqr() moved from CLHEP.h to TemplateFunctions.h * config/CLHEP.h: * Geometry/Transform3D.cc: * Random/RandBreitWigner.cc,RanecuEngine.cc: * String/Strings.cc: * Vector/Rotation.cc: * test/: * testLorentzVector.cc,testMinMaxSqrAbs.cc,testStrings.cc: * testThreeVector.cc: min(), max(), abs(), sqr() moved from CLHEP.h to TemplateFunctions.h Wed 25 Mar 23:28:54 1998 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/Random.cc,Random.h: Some unwanted changes went in ... apologize. Tue 24 Mar 20:48:39 1998 Gabriele Cosmo * docs/Random.html: -HepRandom 1.9.2- * Random/: * DRand48Engine.cc,DRand48Engine.h,JamesRandom.h: * RandBreitWigner.cc,RandBreitWigner.h,RandEngine.cc: * RandEngine.h,RandExponential.cc,RandExponential.h,RandFlat.cc: * RandFlat.h,RandFlat.icc,RandGauss.cc,RandGauss.h,Random.cc: * Random.h,Random.icc,RandomEngine.cc,RandomEngine.h: * RandomEngine.icc,RanecuEngine.cc,RanecuEngine.h,RanluxEngine.h: * SeedTable.h: HepRandom: better encapsulation as singleton class; added static table of seeds (moved from HepRandomEngine). RanecuEngine: moved L'Ecuyer coefficients from private to protected to allow seed-skipping mechanism. RandEngine, DRand48Engine: private copy constructor and operator=. Updated documentation and comments. ========================== 05.02.98 Release CLHEP-1.2 ========================== Thu Feb 5 01:30:02 1998 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/RandPoisson.h,RandPoisson.cc: Fixed small bug occouring when "crazy" values for mean were given to the Poisson algorithm. Mon Feb 2 10:41:39 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/RanluxEngine.cc: Changed pow(2,24) -> 0x1000000 * Random/DRand48Engine.h: Added declaration of drand48(), srand48() and seed48() for KCC * configure.in: Added KCC * Makefile.in,configure.in: * Alist/Makefile.in: * Combination/Makefile.in: * Hist/Makefile.in: * Matrix/Makefile.in: * String/Makefile.in: * Vector/Makefile.in: * test/Makefile.in: * config/CLHEP-target.h.in: Removed PersistentIO stuff Fri Jan 23 16:24:24 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Random/: * DRand48Engine.cc,JamesRandom.cc,RandEngine.cc,RanecuEngine.cc: * RanluxEngine.cc: Removed ios::nocreate; KCC has no such mode * Random/RandEngine.cc: Removed 'dummy' to avoid warnings with KCC * Combination/Combiner.icc: Some corrections to avoid warnings with HP/aCC: done -> HepCombiner::done nlists -> HepCombiner::nlists * Combination/Lock.h: Some corrections to avoid warnings with HP/aCC: added void to HepLockAddList() and HepLockRemoveList() * Geometry/Plane3D.h: * Matrix/DiagMatrix.h,Matrix.h,SymMatrix.h,Vector.h: * String/CmdLine.h: * Vector/LorentzVector.h,ThreeVector.h: Declaration class ostream; changed to #include to avoid problems with KCC Thu Jan 22 10:53:42 1998 Evgueni Tcherniaev * Makefile.in: Added "rm configure Makefile.common CLHEP-*.h" for distclean: target * test/Makefile.in: Added rm *.ii for clean: target * test/testRandom.cc: Removed 'pause' to avoid warnings with KCC * config/Makefile.common.in: Added rm *.a *.ii for clean: target Fri Dec 19 02:35:57 1997 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/Randomize.h: Added missing ifdef protection to body ======================================================== 08.12.97 Release CLHEP-1.1: Geant4 has migrated to CLHEP ======================================================== Thu Oct 16 03:28:47 1997 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/Random.h,RandomEngine.h,RanecuEngine.cc,RanecuEngine.h: Fixed default argument for setSeed() and setSeeds(). * docs/Random.html: Added few notes ... Wed Oct 15 00:30:42 1997 Gabriele Cosmo * docs/Random.html: * Random/: * DRand48Engine.cc,JamesRandom.cc,RandEngine.cc, * RandFlat.icc,RanluxEngine.cc: *** HepRandom 1.9.1 *** - Fixed old bug inherited from CLHEP0.15 in the algorithm of RandFlat::shootInt(m,n) (... fireInt(m,n)). Now the method shoots values in the interval [m,n[ as correctly stated in the docs. In the old version the interval was wrongly [m,m+n[ ... Thanks to Massimo Lamanna. - Fixed minor bug still inherited from CLHEP0.15 in setSeeds() methods of concrete engines. Thanks to Peter Stamfest. Wed Oct 1 15:46:34 1997 Evgueni Tcherniaev * test/testRandom.cc: Inserted: -*- C++ -*- Tue Aug 12 02:39:05 1997 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/: * RandBreitWigner.cc,RandBreitWigner.h,RandExponential.cc: * RandExponential.h,RandFlat.cc,RandFlat.h,RandFlat.icc: * RandGauss.cc,RandGauss.h,RandPoisson.cc,RandPoisson.h: * Random.cc,Random.h,Random.icc: * docs/Random.html: Updated to release 1.9 of HepRandom. - introduced default values for shoot()/fire(); - added shootArray()/fireArray() for every distribution; - defined operator()() using default values for each distribution; - updated doc file Random.html. Tue Jul 22 03:17:08 1997 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/RandomEngine.h,RanluxEngine.h: Added missing default second argument value for setSeed() and setSeeds() in RandomEngine and RanluxEngine. If not specified, RanluxEngine luxury is set to 3 by default. Sat Jul 12 23:06:01 1997 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/: * DRand48Engine.cc,DRand48Engine.h,JamesRandom.h,RandEngine.h: * RanecuEngine.cc,RanecuEngine.h: Added abs for setting seed index in RanecuEngine. setSeed() and setSeeds() now have default dummy argument set to zero. Thu Jul 10 22:04:38 1997 Gabriele Cosmo * Random/RanecuEngine.cc: fixed bug in setSeed() and setSeeds() Tue Jul 8 16:10:30 1997 Evgueni Tcherniaev * OldRandom/: * Makefile.in,JamesRandom.cc,JamesRandom.h,Random.cc: * Random.h,Random.icc,RandomEngine.cc,RandomEngine.h (Removed): * test/testOldRandom.cc (Removed): * configure.in: Removed references to OldRandom/ Fri Mar 14 18:19:29 1997 Nobu Katayama - Vector added more functionality from Geant4 and Babar - New Random from Geant4 Wed Mar 12 13:03:47 1997 Nobu Katayama - Use HEP_USE_RANDOM instead of USE_RANDOM. Moved Matrix consturctors using HepRandom from .icc into .cc. They are not inline anymore. Wed Feb 19 16:30:14 1997 Leif Lonnblad * test/Makefile.in (SOMETESTFILES): Removed target TestRTTI in case persistent streams are disabled. * Random/RandomEngine.h: Removed dependencies on persistent IO in case of HEP_NO_PERSISTENT_STREAMS * Random/RandomEngine.cc: Removed dependencies on persistent IO in case of HEP_NO_PERSISTENT_STREAMS * Random/Random.h: Removed dependencies on persistent IO in case of HEP_NO_PERSISTENT_STREAMS * Random/Random.cc: Removed dependencies on persistent IO in case of HEP_NO_PERSISTENT_STREAMS * Random/JamesRandom.h: Removed dependencies on persistent IO in case of HEP_NO_PERSISTENT_STREAMS * Random/JamesRandom.cc: Removed dependencies on persistent IO in case of HEP_NO_PERSISTENT_STREAMS Fri Feb 14 09:38:37 1997 Leif Lonnblad * Random/Random.cc (HepRandom::breitWignerM2): Fixed serious bug. Used to be 'if ( gamma = 0.0 )' which is always false and causes floating exception in next line.