// $Id: Hurd288Engine.cc,v 2010/06/30 17:11:00 garren Exp $ // -*- C++ -*- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // HEP Random // --- Hurd288Engine --- // class implementation file // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // An interconnected shift register based on the paper presented by Hurd in // IEEE Transactions on Computers c23, 2 Feb 1974. // ======================================================================= // Ken Smith - Initial draft started: 23rd Jul 1998 // - Added conversion operators: 6th Aug 1998 // J. Marraffino - Added some explicit casts to deal with // machines where sizeof(int) != sizeof(long) 22 Aug 1998 // M. Fischler - Modified use of the various exponents of 2 // to avoid per-instance space overhead and // correct the rounding procedure 15 Sep 1998 // - Modified various methods to avoid any // possibility of predicting the next number // based on the last several: We skip one // 32-bit word per cycle. 15 Sep 1998 // - modify word[0] in two of the constructors // so that no sequence can ever accidentally // be produced by differnt seeds. 15 Sep 1998 // J. Marraffino - Remove dependence on hepString class 13 May 1999 // M. Fischler - Put endl at end of a save 10 Apr 2001 // M. Fischler - In restore, checkFile for file not found 03 Dec 2004 // M. Fischler - methods for distrib. instacne save/restore 12/8/04 // M. Fischler - split get() into tag validation and // getState() for anonymous restores 12/27/04 // M. Fischler - put/get for vectors of ulongs 3/14/05 // M. Fischler - State-saving using only ints, for portability 4/12/05 // // ======================================================================= #include "CLHEP/Random/defs.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/Random.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/Hurd288Engine.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/engineIDulong.h" #include #include // for ldexp() #include // for abs(int) using namespace std; namespace CLHEP { static const int MarkerLen = 64; // Enough room to hold a begin or end marker. double Hurd288Engine::twoToMinus_32; double Hurd288Engine::twoToMinus_53; double Hurd288Engine::nearlyTwoToMinus_54; std::string Hurd288Engine::name() const {return "Hurd288Engine";} void Hurd288Engine::powersOfTwo() { twoToMinus_32 = ldexp (1.0, -32); twoToMinus_53 = ldexp (1.0, -53); nearlyTwoToMinus_54 = ldexp (1.0, -54) - ldexp (1.0, -100); } // Number of instances with automatic seed selection int Hurd288Engine::numEngines = 0; // Maximum index into the seed table int Hurd288Engine::maxIndex = 215; static inline unsigned int f288(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int c) { return ( ((b<<2) & 0x7ffc) | ((a<<2) & ~0x7ffc) | (a>>30) ) ^ ( (c<<1)|(c>>31) ); } Hurd288Engine::Hurd288Engine() { powersOfTwo(); int cycle = abs(int(numEngines/maxIndex)); int curIndex = abs(int(numEngines%maxIndex)); long mask = ((cycle & 0x007fffff) << 8); long seedlist[2]; HepRandom::getTheTableSeeds( seedlist, curIndex ); seedlist[0] ^= mask; seedlist[1] = 0; setSeeds(seedlist, 0); words[0] ^= 0x1324abcd; // To make unique vs long or two unsigned if (words[0]==0) words[0] = 1; // ints in the constructor ++numEngines; for( int i=0; i < 100; ++i ) flat(); // warm up just a bit } Hurd288Engine::Hurd288Engine( std::istream& is ) { is >> *this; } Hurd288Engine::Hurd288Engine( long seed ) { powersOfTwo(); long seedlist[2]={seed,0}; setSeeds(seedlist, 0); words[0] ^= 0xa5482134; // To make unique vs default two unsigned if (words[0]==0) words[0] = 1; // ints in the constructor for( int i=0; i < 100; ++i ) flat(); // warm up just a bit } Hurd288Engine::Hurd288Engine( int rowIndex, int colIndex ) { powersOfTwo(); int cycle = abs(int(rowIndex/maxIndex)); int row = abs(int(rowIndex%maxIndex)); int col = colIndex & 0x1; long mask = (( cycle & 0x000007ff ) << 20 ); long seedlist[2]; HepRandom::getTheTableSeeds( seedlist, row ); seedlist[0] = (seedlist[col])^mask; seedlist[1]= 0; setSeeds(seedlist, 0); for( int i=0; i < 100; ++i ) flat(); // warm up just a bit } Hurd288Engine::~Hurd288Engine() { } Hurd288Engine::Hurd288Engine( const Hurd288Engine & p ) { *this = p; } Hurd288Engine & Hurd288Engine::operator=( const Hurd288Engine & p ) { if( this != &p ) { wordIndex = p.wordIndex; for( int i=0; i < 9; ++i ) { words[i] = p.words[i]; } } return *this; } void Hurd288Engine::advance() { register unsigned int W0, W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8; W0 = words[0]; W1 = words[1]; W2 = words[2]; W3 = words[3]; W4 = words[4]; W5 = words[5]; W6 = words[6]; W7 = words[7]; W8 = words[8]; W1 ^= W0; W0 = f288(W2, W3, W0); W2 ^= W1; W1 = f288(W3, W4, W1); W3 ^= W2; W2 = f288(W4, W5, W2); W4 ^= W3; W3 = f288(W5, W6, W3); W5 ^= W4; W4 = f288(W6, W7, W4); W6 ^= W5; W5 = f288(W7, W8, W5); W7 ^= W6; W6 = f288(W8, W0, W6); W8 ^= W7; W7 = f288(W0, W1, W7); W0 ^= W8; W8 = f288(W1, W2, W8); words[0] = W0 & 0xffffffff; words[1] = W1 & 0xffffffff; words[2] = W2 & 0xffffffff; words[3] = W3 & 0xffffffff; words[4] = W4 & 0xffffffff; words[5] = W5 & 0xffffffff; words[6] = W6 & 0xffffffff; words[7] = W7 & 0xffffffff; words[8] = W8 & 0xffffffff; wordIndex = 9; } // advance() double Hurd288Engine::flat() { if( wordIndex <= 2 ) { // MF 9/15/98: // skip word 0 and use two words per flat advance(); } // LG 6/30/2010 // define the order of execution for --wordIndex double x = words[--wordIndex] * twoToMinus_32 ; // most significant part double y = (words[--wordIndex]>>11) * twoToMinus_53 + // fill in rest of bits nearlyTwoToMinus_54; // make sure non-zero return x + y; } void Hurd288Engine::flatArray( const int size, double* vect ) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { vect[i] = flat(); } } void Hurd288Engine::setSeed( long seed, int ) { words[0] = (unsigned int)seed; for (wordIndex = 1; wordIndex < 9; ++wordIndex) { words[wordIndex] = 69607 * words[wordIndex-1] + 54329; } } void Hurd288Engine::setSeeds( const long* seeds, int ) { setSeed( *seeds ? *seeds : 32767, 0 ); theSeeds = seeds; } void Hurd288Engine::saveStatus( const char filename[] ) const { std::ofstream outFile(filename, std::ios::out); if( !outFile.bad() ) { outFile << "Uvec\n"; std::vector v = put(); #ifdef TRACE_IO std::cout << "Result of v = put() is:\n"; #endif for (unsigned int i=0; i v; unsigned long xin; for (unsigned int ivec=0; ivec < VECTOR_STATE_SIZE; ++ivec) { inFile >> xin; #ifdef TRACE_IO std::cout << "ivec = " << ivec << " xin = " << xin << " "; if (ivec%3 == 0) std::cout << "\n"; #endif if (!inFile) { inFile.clear(std::ios::badbit | inFile.rdstate()); std::cerr << "\nHurd288Engine state (vector) description improper." << "\nrestoreStatus has failed." << "\nInput stream is probably mispositioned now." << std::endl; return; } v.push_back(xin); } getState(v); return; } if( !inFile.bad() ) { // inFile >> theSeed; removed -- encompased by possibleKeywordInput inFile >> wordIndex; for( int i = 0; i < 9; ++i ) { inFile >> words[i]; } } } void Hurd288Engine::showStatus() const { std::cout << std::setprecision(20) << std::endl; std::cout << "----------- Hurd2 engine status ----------" << std::endl; std::cout << "Initial seed = " << theSeed << std::endl; std::cout << "Current index = " << wordIndex << std::endl; std::cout << "Current words = " << std::endl; for( int i = 0; i < 9 ; ++i ) { std::cout << " " << words[i] << std::endl; } std::cout << "-------------------------------------------" << std::endl; } Hurd288Engine::operator float() { if( wordIndex <= 1 ) { // MF 9/15/98: skip word 0 advance(); } return words[--wordIndex ] * twoToMinus_32; } Hurd288Engine::operator unsigned int() { if( wordIndex <= 1 ) { // MF 9/15/98: skip word 0 advance(); } return words[--wordIndex]; } std::ostream& Hurd288Engine::put(std::ostream& os) const { char beginMarker[] = "Hurd288Engine-begin"; os << beginMarker << "\nUvec\n"; std::vector v = put(); for (unsigned int i=0; i Hurd288Engine::put () const { std::vector v; v.push_back (engineIDulong()); v.push_back(static_cast(wordIndex)); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { v.push_back(static_cast(words[i])); } return v; } std::istream& Hurd288Engine::get(std::istream& is) { char beginMarker [MarkerLen]; is >> std::ws; is.width(MarkerLen); // causes the next read to the char* to be <= // that many bytes, INCLUDING A TERMINATION \0 // (Stroustrup, section 21.3.2) is >> beginMarker; if (strcmp(beginMarker,"Hurd288Engine-begin")) { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "\nInput mispositioned or" << "\nHurd288Engine state description missing or" << "\nwrong engine type found." << std::endl; return is; } return getState(is); } std::string Hurd288Engine::beginTag ( ) { return "Hurd288Engine-begin"; } std::istream& Hurd288Engine::getState(std::istream& is) { if ( possibleKeywordInput ( is, "Uvec", theSeed ) ) { std::vector v; unsigned long uu; for (unsigned int ivec=0; ivec < VECTOR_STATE_SIZE; ++ivec) { is >> uu; if (!is) { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "\nHurd288Engine state (vector) description improper." << "\ngetState() has failed." << "\nInput stream is probably mispositioned now." << std::endl; return is; } v.push_back(uu); } getState(v); return (is); } // is >> theSeed; Removed, encompassed by possibleKeywordInput() char endMarker [MarkerLen]; is >> wordIndex; for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { is >> words[i]; } is >> std::ws; is.width(MarkerLen); is >> endMarker; if (strcmp(endMarker,"Hurd288Engine-end")) { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "\nHurd288Engine state description incomplete." << "\nInput stream is probably mispositioned now." << std::endl; return is; } return is; } bool Hurd288Engine::get (const std::vector & v) { if ((v[0] & 0xffffffffUL) != engineIDulong()) { std::cerr << "\nHurd288Engine get:state vector has wrong ID word - state unchanged\n"; std::cerr << "The correct ID would be " << engineIDulong() << "; the actual ID is " << v[0] << "\n"; return false; } return getState(v); } bool Hurd288Engine::getState (const std::vector & v) { if (v.size() != VECTOR_STATE_SIZE ) { std::cerr << "\nHurd288Engine get:state vector has wrong length - state unchanged\n"; return false; } wordIndex = v[1]; for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { words[i] = v[i+2]; } return true; } } // namespace CLHEP