// $Id: RandGauss.cc,v 2005/04/15 16:32:53 garren Exp $ // -*- C++ -*- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // HEP Random // --- RandGauss --- // class implementation file // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is part of Geant4 (simulation toolkit for HEP). // ======================================================================= // Gabriele Cosmo - Created: 5th September 1995 // - Added methods to shoot arrays: 28th July 1997 // J.Marraffino - Added default arguments as attributes and // operator() with arguments. Introduced method normal() // for computation in fire(): 16th Feb 1998 // Gabriele Cosmo - Relocated static data from HepRandom: 5th Jan 1999 // M Fischler - Copy constructor should supply right engine to HepRandom: // 1/26/00. // M Fischler - Workaround for problem of non-reproducing saveEngineStatus // by saving cached gaussian. March 2000. // M Fischler - Avoiding hang when file not found in restoreEngineStatus // 12/3/04 // M Fischler - put and get to/from streams 12/8/04 // M Fischler - save and restore dist to streams 12/20/04 // M Fischler - put/get to/from streams uses pairs of ulongs when // storing doubles avoid problems with precision. // Similarly for saveEngineStatus and RestoreEngineStatus // and for save/restore distState // Care was taken that old-form output can still be read back. // 4/14/05 // // ======================================================================= #include "CLHEP/Random/defs.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/DoubConv.hh" #include #include // for log() namespace CLHEP { std::string RandGauss::name() const {return "RandGauss";} HepRandomEngine & RandGauss::engine() {return *localEngine;} // Initialisation of static data bool RandGauss::set_st = false; double RandGauss::nextGauss_st = 0.0; RandGauss::~RandGauss() { if ( deleteEngine ) delete localEngine; } RandGauss::RandGauss(const RandGauss& right) : HepRandom(right.getTheEngine()), defaultMean(right.defaultMean), defaultStdDev(right.defaultStdDev) {;} double RandGauss::operator()() { return fire( defaultMean, defaultStdDev ); } double RandGauss::operator()( double mean, double stdDev ) { return fire( mean, stdDev ); } double RandGauss::shoot() { // Gaussian random numbers are generated two at the time, so every other // time this is called we just return a number generated the time before. if ( getFlag() ) { setFlag(false); double x = getVal(); return x; // return getVal(); } double r; double v1,v2,fac,val; HepRandomEngine* anEngine = HepRandom::getTheEngine(); do { v1 = 2.0 * anEngine->flat() - 1.0; v2 = 2.0 * anEngine->flat() - 1.0; r = v1*v1 + v2*v2; } while ( r > 1.0 ); fac = sqrt(-2.0*log(r)/r); val = v1*fac; setVal(val); setFlag(true); return v2*fac; } void RandGauss::shootArray( const int size, double* vect, double mean, double stdDev ) { int i; for (i=0; iflat() - 1.0; v2 = 2.0 * anEngine->flat() - 1.0; r = v1*v1 + v2*v2; } while ( r > 1.0 ); fac = sqrt( -2.0*log(r)/r); val = v1*fac; setVal(val); setFlag(true); return v2*fac; } void RandGauss::shootArray( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, const int size, double* vect, double mean, double stdDev ) { int i; for (i=0; iflat() - 1.0; v2 = 2.0 * localEngine->flat() - 1.0; r = v1*v1 + v2*v2; } while ( r > 1.0 ); fac = sqrt(-2.0*log(r)/r); val = v1*fac; nextGauss = val; set = true; return v2*fac; } void RandGauss::fireArray( const int size, double* vect) { int i; for (i=0; isaveStatus( filename ); // Now append the cached variate, if any: std::ofstream outfile ( filename, std::ios::app ); if ( getFlag() ) { std::vector t(2); t = DoubConv::dto2longs(getVal()); outfile << "RANDGAUSS CACHED_GAUSSIAN: Uvec " << getVal() << " " << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; } else { outfile << "RANDGAUSS NO_CACHED_GAUSSIAN: 0 \n" ; } } // saveEngineStatus void RandGauss::restoreEngineStatus( const char filename[] ) { // First restore the engine status just like the base class would do: getTheEngine()->restoreStatus( filename ); // Now find the line describing the cached variate: std::ifstream infile ( filename, std::ios::in ); if (!infile) return; char inputword[] = "NO_KEYWORD "; // leaves room for 14 characters plus \0 while (true) { infile.width(13); infile >> inputword; if (strcmp(inputword,"RANDGAUSS")==0) break; if (infile.eof()) break; // If the file ends without the RANDGAUSS line, that means this // was a file produced by an earlier version of RandGauss. We will // replicated the old behavior in that case: set_st is cleared. } // Then read and use the caching info: if (strcmp(inputword,"RANDGAUSS")==0) { char setword[40]; // the longest, staticFirstUnusedBit: has length 21 infile.width(39); infile >> setword; // setword should be CACHED_GAUSSIAN: if (strcmp(setword,"CACHED_GAUSSIAN:") ==0) { if (possibleKeywordInput(infile, "Uvec", nextGauss_st)) { std::vector t(2); infile >> nextGauss_st >> t[0] >> t[1]; nextGauss_st = DoubConv::longs2double(t); } // is >> nextGauss_st encompassed by possibleKeywordInput setFlag(true); } else { setFlag(false); infile >> nextGauss_st; // because a 0 will have been output } } else { setFlag(false); } } // restoreEngineStatus // Save and restore to/from streams std::ostream & RandGauss::put ( std::ostream & os ) const { os << name() << "\n"; int prec = os.precision(20); std::vector t(2); os << "Uvec\n"; t = DoubConv::dto2longs(defaultMean); os << defaultMean << " " << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; t = DoubConv::dto2longs(defaultStdDev); os << defaultStdDev << " " << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; if ( set ) { t = DoubConv::dto2longs(nextGauss); os << "nextGauss " << nextGauss << " " << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; #ifdef TRACE_IO std::cout << "put(): nextGauss = " << nextGauss << "\n"; #endif } else { #ifdef TRACE_IO std::cout << "put(): No nextGauss \n"; #endif os << "no_cached_nextGauss \n"; } os.precision(prec); return os; } // put std::istream & RandGauss::get ( std::istream & is ) { std::string inName; is >> inName; if (inName != name()) { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "Mismatch when expecting to read state of a " << name() << " distribution\n" << "Name found was " << inName << "\nistream is left in the badbit state\n"; return is; } std::string c1; std::string c2; if (possibleKeywordInput(is, "Uvec", c1)) { std::vector t(2); is >> defaultMean >> t[0] >> t[1]; defaultMean = DoubConv::longs2double(t); is >> defaultStdDev>>t[0]>>t[1]; defaultStdDev = DoubConv::longs2double(t); std::string ng; is >> ng; set = false; #ifdef TRACE_IO if (ng != "nextGauss") std::cout << "get(): ng = " << ng << "\n"; #endif if (ng == "nextGauss") { is >> nextGauss >> t[0] >> t[1]; nextGauss = DoubConv::longs2double(t); #ifdef TRACE_IO std::cout << "get(): nextGauss read back as " << nextGauss << "\n"; #endif set = true; } return is; } // is >> c1 encompassed by possibleKeywordInput is >> defaultMean >> c2 >> defaultStdDev; if ( (!is) || (c1 != "Mean:") || (c2 != "Sigma:") ) { std::cerr << "i/o problem while expecting to read state of a " << name() << " distribution\n" << "default mean and/or sigma could not be read\n"; return is; } is >> c1 >> c2 >> nextGauss; if ( (!is) || (c1 != "RANDGAUSS") ) { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "Failure when reading caching state of RandGauss\n"; return is; } if (c2 == "CACHED_GAUSSIAN:") { set = true; } else if (c2 == "NO_CACHED_GAUSSIAN:") { set = false; } else { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "Unexpected caching state keyword of RandGauss:" << c2 << "\nistream is left in the badbit state\n"; } return is; } // get // Static save and restore to/from streams std::ostream & RandGauss::saveDistState ( std::ostream & os ) { int prec = os.precision(20); std::vector t(2); os << distributionName() << "\n"; os << "Uvec\n"; if ( getFlag() ) { t = DoubConv::dto2longs(getVal()); os << "nextGauss_st " << getVal() << " " << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; } else { os << "no_cached_nextGauss_st \n"; } os.precision(prec); return os; } std::istream & RandGauss::restoreDistState ( std::istream & is ) { std::string inName; is >> inName; if (inName != distributionName()) { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "Mismatch when expecting to read static state of a " << distributionName() << " distribution\n" << "Name found was " << inName << "\nistream is left in the badbit state\n"; return is; } std::string c1; std::string c2; if (possibleKeywordInput(is, "Uvec", c1)) { std::vector t(2); std::string ng; is >> ng; setFlag (false); if (ng == "nextGauss_st") { is >> nextGauss_st >> t[0] >> t[1]; nextGauss_st = DoubConv::longs2double(t); setFlag (true); } return is; } // is >> c1 encompassed by possibleKeywordInput is >> c2 >> nextGauss_st; if ( (!is) || (c1 != "RANDGAUSS") ) { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "Failure when reading caching state of static RandGauss\n"; return is; } if (c2 == "CACHED_GAUSSIAN:") { setFlag(true); } else if (c2 == "NO_CACHED_GAUSSIAN:") { setFlag(false); } else { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "Unexpected caching state keyword of static RandGauss:" << c2 << "\nistream is left in the badbit state\n"; } return is; } std::ostream & RandGauss::saveFullState ( std::ostream & os ) { HepRandom::saveFullState(os); saveDistState(os); return os; } std::istream & RandGauss::restoreFullState ( std::istream & is ) { HepRandom::restoreFullState(is); restoreDistState(is); return is; } } // namespace CLHEP