// $Id: RandGeneral.cc,v 2005/04/15 16:32:53 garren Exp $ // -*- C++ -*- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // HEP Random // --- RandGeneral --- // class implementation file // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ======================================================================= // S.Magni & G.Pieri - Created: 5th September 1995 // G.Cosmo - Added constructor using default engine from the // static generator. Simplified shoot() and // shootArray() (not needed in principle!): 20th Aug 1998 // M.G.Pia & G.Cosmo - Fixed bug in computation of theIntegralPdf in // two constructors: 5th Jan 1999 // S.Magni & G.Pieri - Added linear interpolation: 24th Mar 1999 // M. Fischler - General cleanup: 14th May 1999 // + Eliminated constructor code replication by factoring // common code into prepareTable. // + Eliminated fire/shoot code replication by factoring // out common code into mapRandom. // + A couple of methods are moved inline to avoid a // speed cost for factoring out mapRandom: fire() // and shoot(anEngine). // + Inserted checks for negative weight and zero total // weight in the bins. // + Modified the binary search loop to avoid incorrect // behavior when rand is example on a boundary. // + Moved the check of InterpolationType up into // the constructor. A type other than 0 or 1 // will give the interpolated distribution (instead of // a distribution that always returns 0). // + Modified the computation of the returned value // to use algeraic simplification to improve speed. // Eliminated two of the three divisionns, made // use of the fact that nabove-nbelow is always 1, etc. // + Inserted a check for rand hitting the boundary of a // zero-width bin, to avoid dividing 0/0. // M. Fischler - Minor correction in assert 31 July 2001 // + changed from assert (above = below+1) to == // M Fischler - put and get to/from streams 12/15/04 // + Modifications to use a vector as theIntegraPdf // M Fischler - put/get to/from streams uses pairs of ulongs when // + storing doubles avoid problems with precision // 4/14/05 // // ======================================================================= #include "CLHEP/Random/defs.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGeneral.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/DoubConv.hh" #include namespace CLHEP { std::string RandGeneral::name() const {return "RandGeneral";} HepRandomEngine & RandGeneral::engine() {return *localEngine;} ////////////////// // Constructors ////////////////// RandGeneral::RandGeneral( const double* aProbFunc, int theProbSize, int IntType ) : deleteEngine(false), nBins(theProbSize), InterpolationType(IntType) { localEngine = HepRandom::getTheEngine(); prepareTable(aProbFunc); } RandGeneral::RandGeneral(HepRandomEngine& anEngine, const double* aProbFunc, int theProbSize, int IntType ) : localEngine(&anEngine), deleteEngine(false), nBins(theProbSize), InterpolationType(IntType) { prepareTable(aProbFunc); } RandGeneral::RandGeneral(HepRandomEngine* anEngine, const double* aProbFunc, int theProbSize, int IntType ) : localEngine(anEngine), deleteEngine(true), nBins(theProbSize), InterpolationType(IntType) { prepareTable(aProbFunc); } void RandGeneral::prepareTable(const double* aProbFunc) { // // Private method called only by constructors. Prepares theIntegralPdf. // if (nBins < 1) { std::cerr << "RandGeneral constructed with no bins - will use flat distribution\n"; useFlatDistribution(); return; } theIntegralPdf.resize(nBins+1); theIntegralPdf[0] = 0; register int ptn; register double weight; for ( ptn = 0; ptn rand int middle; while (nabove > nbelow+1) { middle = (nabove + nbelow+1)>>1; if (rand >= theIntegralPdf[middle]) { nbelow = middle; } else { nabove = middle; } } // after this loop, nabove is always nbelow+1 and they straddle rad: assert ( nabove == nbelow+1 ); assert ( theIntegralPdf[nbelow] <= rand ); assert ( theIntegralPdf[nabove] >= rand ); // If a defective engine produces rand=1, that will // still give sensible results so we relax the > rand assertion if ( InterpolationType == 1 ) { return nbelow * oneOverNbins; } else { double binMeasure = theIntegralPdf[nabove] - theIntegralPdf[nbelow]; // binMeasure is always aProbFunc[nbelow], // but we don't have aProbFunc any more so we subtract. if ( binMeasure == 0 ) { // rand lies right in a bin of measure 0. Simply return the center // of the range of that bin. (Any value between k/N and (k+1)/N is // equally good, in this rare case.) return (nbelow + .5) * oneOverNbins; } double binFraction = (rand - theIntegralPdf[nbelow]) / binMeasure; return (nbelow + binFraction) * oneOverNbins; } } // mapRandom(rand) void RandGeneral::shootArray( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, const int size, double* vect ) { register int i; for (i=0; i t(2); os << " " << name() << "\n"; os << "Uvec" << "\n"; os << nBins << " " << oneOverNbins << " " << InterpolationType << "\n"; t = DoubConv::dto2longs(oneOverNbins); os << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; assert (static_cast(theIntegralPdf.size())==nBins+1); for (unsigned int i=0; i(theIntegralPdf.size())==nBins+1); for (unsigned int i=0; i> inName; if (inName != name()) { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "Mismatch when expecting to read state of a " << name() << " distribution\n" << "Name found was " << inName << "\nistream is left in the badbit state\n"; return is; } if (possibleKeywordInput(is, "Uvec", nBins)) { std::vector t(2); is >> nBins >> oneOverNbins >> InterpolationType; is >> t[0] >> t[1]; oneOverNbins = DoubConv::longs2double(t); theIntegralPdf.resize(nBins+1); for (unsigned int i=0; i> theIntegralPdf[i] >> t[0] >> t[1]; theIntegralPdf[i] = DoubConv::longs2double(t); } return is; } // is >> nBins encompassed by possibleKeywordInput is >> oneOverNbins >> InterpolationType; theIntegralPdf.resize(nBins+1); for (unsigned int i=0; i> theIntegralPdf[i]; return is; } } // namespace CLHEP