// $Id: RandPoissonQ.cc,v 2007/10/18 21:01:20 fischler Exp $ // -*- C++ -*- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // HEP Random // --- RandPoissonQ --- // class implementation file // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ======================================================================= // M. Fischler - Implemented new, much faster table-driven algorithm // applicable for mu < 100 // - Implemented "quick()" methods, shich are the same as the // new methods for mu < 100 and are a skew-corrected gaussian // approximation for large mu. // M. Fischler - Removed mean=100 from the table-driven set, since it // uses a value just off the end of the table. (April 2004) // M Fischler - put and get to/from streams 12/15/04 // M Fischler - Utilize RandGaussQ rather than RandGauss, as clearly // intended by the inclusion of RandGaussQ.h. Using RandGauss // introduces a subtle trap in that the state of RandPoissonQ // can never be properly captured without also saveing the // state of RandGauss! RandGaussQ is, on the other hand, // stateless except for the engine used. // M Fisculer - Modified use of wrong engine when shoot (anEngine, mean) // is called. This flaw was preventing any hope of proper // saving and restoring in the instance cases. // M Fischler - fireArray using defaultMean 2/10/05 // M Fischler - put/get to/from streams uses pairs of ulongs when // + storing doubles avoid problems with precision // 4/14/05 // M Fisculer - Modified use of shoot (mean) instead of // shoot(getLocalEngine(), mean) when fire(mean) is called. // This flaw was causing bad "cross-talk" between modules // in CMS, where one used its own engine, and the other // used the static generator. 10/18/07 // // ======================================================================= #include "CLHEP/Random/defs.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandPoissonQ.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGaussQ.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/DoubConv.hh" #include "CLHEP/Random/Stat.h" #include // for pow() namespace CLHEP { std::string RandPoissonQ::name() const {return "RandPoissonQ";} HepRandomEngine & RandPoissonQ::engine() {return RandPoisson::engine();} // Initialization of static data: Note that this is all const static data, // so that saveEngineStatus properly saves all needed information. // The following MUST MATCH the corresponding values used (in // poissonTables.cc) when poissonTables.cdat was created. const double RandPoissonQ::FIRST_MU = 10;// lowest mu value in table const double RandPoissonQ::LAST_MU = 95;// highest mu value const double RandPoissonQ::S = 5; // Spacing between mu values const int RandPoissonQ::BELOW = 30; // Starting point for N is at mu - BELOW const int RandPoissonQ::ENTRIES = 51; // Number of entries in each mu row const double RandPoissonQ::MAXIMUM_POISSON_DEVIATE = 2.0E9; // Careful -- this is NOT the maximum number that can be held in // a long. It actually should be some large number of sigma below // that. // Here comes the big (9K bytes) table, kept in a file of // ENTRIES * (FIRST_MU - LAST_MU + 1)/S doubles static const double poissonTables [ 51 * ( (95-10)/5 + 1 ) ] = { #include "poissonTables.cdat" }; // // Constructors and destructors: // RandPoissonQ::RandPoissonQ(const RandPoissonQ& right) : RandPoisson(right) { a0 = right.a0; a1 = right.a1; a2 = right.a2; sigma = right.sigma; } RandPoissonQ::~RandPoissonQ() { } void RandPoissonQ::setupForDefaultMu() { // The following are useful for quick approximation, for large mu double sig2 = defaultMean * (.9998654 - .08346/defaultMean); sigma = sqrt(sig2); // sigma for the Guassian which approximates the Poisson -- naively // sqrt (defaultMean). // // The multiplier corrects for fact that discretization of the form // [gaussian+.5] increases the second moment by a small amount. double t = 1./(sig2); a2 = t/6 + t*t/324; a1 = sqrt (1-2*a2*a2*sig2); a0 = defaultMean + .5 - sig2 * a2; // The formula will be a0 + a1*x + a2*x*x where x has 2nd moment of sigma. // The coeffeicients are chosen to match the first THREE moments of the // true Poisson distribution. // // Actually, if the correction for discretization were not needed, then // a2 could be taken one order higher by adding t*t*t/5832. However, // the discretization correction is not perfect, leading to inaccuracy // on the order to 1/mu**2, so adding a third term is overkill. } // setupForDefaultMu() // // fire, quick, operator(), and shoot methods: // long RandPoissonQ::shoot(double xm) { return shoot(getTheEngine(), xm); } double RandPoissonQ::operator()() { return (double) fire(); } double RandPoissonQ::operator()( double mean ) { return (double) fire(mean); } long RandPoissonQ::fire(double mean) { return shoot(getLocalEngine(), mean); } long RandPoissonQ::fire() { if ( defaultMean < LAST_MU + S ) { return poissonDeviateSmall ( getLocalEngine(), defaultMean ); } else { return poissonDeviateQuick ( getLocalEngine(), a0, a1, a2, sigma ); } } // fire() long RandPoissonQ::shoot(HepRandomEngine* anEngine, double mean) { // The following variables, static to this method, apply to the // last time a large mean was supplied; they obviate certain calculations // if consecutive calls use the same mean. static double lastLargeMean = -1.; // Mean from previous shoot // requiring poissonDeviateQuick() static double lastA0; static double lastA1; static double lastA2; static double lastSigma; if ( mean < LAST_MU + S ) { return poissonDeviateSmall ( anEngine, mean ); } else { if ( mean != lastLargeMean ) { // Compute the coefficients defining the quadratic transformation from a // Gaussian to a Poisson for this mean. Also save these for next time. double sig2 = mean * (.9998654 - .08346/mean); lastSigma = sqrt(sig2); double t = 1./sig2; lastA2 = t*(1./6.) + t*t*(1./324.); lastA1 = sqrt (1-2*lastA2*lastA2*sig2); lastA0 = mean + .5 - sig2 * lastA2; } return poissonDeviateQuick ( anEngine, lastA0, lastA1, lastA2, lastSigma ); } } // shoot (anEngine, mean) void RandPoissonQ::shootArray(const int size, long* vect, double m) { int i; for (i=0; i 100, and if it is, precompute a0, a1, a2, // and sigma and call the appropriate form of poissonDeviateQuick. // But since those are cached anyway, not much time would be saved. } } void RandPoissonQ::fireArray(const int size, long* vect, double m) { int i; for (i=0; i MAXIMUM_POISSON_DEVIATE ) p = MAXIMUM_POISSON_DEVIATE; return long(p); } // poissonDeviateQuick () long RandPoissonQ::poissonDeviateSmall (HepRandomEngine * e, double mean) { long N1; long N2; // The following are for later use to form a secondary random s: double rRange; // This will hold the interval between cdf for the // computed N1 and cdf for N1+1. double rRemainder = 0; // This will hold the length into that interval. // Coming in, mean should not be more than LAST_MU + S. However, we will // be paranoid and test for this: if ( mean > LAST_MU + S ) { return RandPoisson::shoot(e, mean); } if (mean <= 0) { return 0; // Perhaps we ought to balk harder here! } // >>> 1 <<< // Generate the first random, which we always will need. double r = e->flat(); // >>> 2 <<< // For small mean, below the start of the tables, // do the series for cdf directly. // In this case, since we know the series will terminate relatively quickly, // almost alwaye use a precomputed 1/N array without fear of overrunning it. static const double oneOverN[50] = { 0, 1., 1/2., 1/3., 1/4., 1/5., 1/6., 1/7., 1/8., 1/9., 1/10., 1/11., 1/12., 1/13., 1/14., 1/15., 1/16., 1/17., 1/18., 1/19., 1/20., 1/21., 1/22., 1/23., 1/24., 1/25., 1/26., 1/27., 1/28., 1/29., 1/30., 1/31., 1/32., 1/33., 1/34., 1/35., 1/36., 1/37., 1/38., 1/39., 1/40., 1/41., 1/42., 1/43., 1/44., 1/45., 1/46., 1/47., 1/48., 1/49. }; if ( mean < FIRST_MU ) { long N = 0; double term = exp(-mean); double cdf = term; if ( r < (1 - 1.0E-9) ) { // // **** This is a normal path: **** // // Except when r is very close to 1, it is certain that we will exceed r // before the 30-th term in the series, so a simple while loop is OK. const double* oneOverNptr = oneOverN; while( cdf <= r ) { N++ ; oneOverNptr++; term *= ( mean * (*oneOverNptr) ); cdf += term; } return N; // // **** **** // } else { // r is almost 1... // For r very near to 1 we would have to check that we don't fall // off the end of the table of 1/N. Since this is very rare, we just // ignore the table and do the identical while loop, using explicit // division. double cdf0; while ( cdf <= r ) { N++ ; term *= ( mean / N ); cdf0 = cdf; cdf += term; if (cdf == cdf0) break; // Can't happen, but just in case... } return N; } // end of if ( r compared to (1 - 1.0E-9) ) } // End of the code for mean < FIRST_MU // >>> 3 <<< // Find the row of the tables corresponding to the highest tabulated mu // which is no greater than our actual mean. int rowNumber = int((mean - FIRST_MU)/S); const double * cdfs = &poissonTables [rowNumber*ENTRIES]; double mu = FIRST_MU + rowNumber*S; double deltaMu = mean - mu; int Nmin = int(mu - BELOW); if (Nmin < 1) Nmin = 1; int Nmax = Nmin + (ENTRIES - 1); // >>> 4 <<< // If r is less that the smallest entry in the row, then // generate the deviate directly from the series. if ( r < cdfs[0] ) { // In this case, we are tempted to use the actual mean, and not // generate a second deviate to account for the leftover part mean - mu. // That would be an error, generating a distribution with enough excess // at Nmin + (mean-mu)/2 to be detectable in 4,000,000 trials. // Since this case is very rare (never more than .2% of the r values) // and can happen where N will be large (up to 65 for the mu=95 row) // we use explicit division so as to avoid having to worry about running // out of oneOverN table. long N = 0; double term = exp(-mu); double cdf = term; double cdf0; while(cdf <= r) { N++ ; term *= ( mu / N ); cdf0 = cdf; cdf += term; if (cdf == cdf0) break; // Can't happen, but just in case... } N1 = N; // std::cout << r << " " << N << " "; // DBG_small = true; rRange = 0; // In this case there is always a second r needed } // end of small-r case // >>> 5 <<< // Assuming r lies within the scope of the row for this mu, find the // largest entry not greater than r. N1 is the N corresponding to the // index a. else if ( r < cdfs[ENTRIES-1] ) { // r is also >= cdfs[0] // // **** This is the normal code path **** // int a = 0; // Highest value of index such that cdfs[a] // is known NOT to be greater than r. int b = ENTRIES - 1; // Lowest value of index such that cdfs[b] is // known to exeed r. while (b != (a+1) ) { int c = (a+b+1)>>1; if (r > cdfs[c]) { a = c; } else { b = c; } } N1 = Nmin + a; rRange = cdfs[a+1] - cdfs[a]; rRemainder = r - cdfs[a]; // // **** **** // } // end of medium-r (normal) case // >>> 6 <<< // If r exceeds the greatest entry in the table for this mu, then start // from that cdf, and use the series to compute from there until r is // exceeded. else { // if ( r >= cdfs[ENTRIES-1] ) { // Here, division must be done explicitly, and we must also protect against // roundoff preventing termination. // //+++ cdfs[ENTRIES-1] is exp(-mu) sum (mu**m/m! , m=0 to Nmax) //+++ (where Nmax = mu - BELOW + ENTRIES - 1) //+++ cdfs[ENTRIES-1]-cdfs[ENTRIES-2] is exp(-mu) mu**(Nmax)/(Nmax)! //+++ If the sum up to k-1 <= r < sum up to k, then N = k-1 //+++ Consider k = Nmax in the above statement: //+++ If cdfs[ENTRIES-2] <= r < cdfs[ENTRIES-1], N would be Nmax-1 //+++ But here r >= cdfs[ENTRIES-1] so N >= Nmax // // Erroneous: //+++ cdfs[ENTRIES-1] is exp(-mu) sum (mu**m/m! , m=0 to Nmax-1) //+++ cdfs[ENTRIES-1]-cdfs[ENTRIES-2] is exp(-mu) mu**(Nmax-1)/(Nmax-1)! //+++ If a sum up to k-1 <= r < sum up to k, then N = k-1 //+++ So if cdfs[ENTRIES-1] were > r, N would be Nmax-1 (or less) //+++ But here r >= cdfs[ENTRIES-1] so N >= Nmax // // std::cout << "r = " << r << " mu = " << mu << "\n"; long N = Nmax -1; double cdf = cdfs[ENTRIES-1]; double term = cdf - cdfs[ENTRIES-2]; double cdf0; while(cdf <= r) { N++ ; // std::cout << " N " << N << " term " << // term << " cdf " << cdf << "\n"; term *= ( mu / N ); cdf0 = cdf; cdf += term; if (cdf == cdf0) break; // If term gets so small cdf stops increasing, // terminate using that value of N since we // would never reach r. } N1 = N; rRange = 0; // We can't validly omit the second true random // N = Nmax -1; // cdf = cdfs[ENTRIES-1]; // term = cdf - cdfs[ENTRIES-2]; // for (int isxz=0; isxz < 100; isxz++) { // N++ ; // term *= ( mu / N ); // cdf0 = cdf; // cdf += term; // } // std::cout.precision(20); // std::cout << "Final sum is " << cdf << "\n"; } // end of large-r case // >>> 7 <<< // Form a second random, s, based on the position of r within the range // of this table entry to the next entry. // However, if this range is very small, then we lose too many bits of // randomness. In that situation, we generate a second random for s. double s; static const double MINRANGE = .01; // Sacrifice up to two digits of // randomness when using r to produce // a second random s. Leads to up to // .09 extra randoms each time. if ( rRange > MINRANGE ) { // // **** This path taken 90% of the time **** // s = rRemainder / rRange; } else { s = e->flat(); // extra true random needed about one time in 10. } // >>> 8 <<< // Use the direct summation method to form a second poisson deviate N2 // from deltaMu and s. N2 = 0; double term = exp(-deltaMu); double cdf = term; if ( s < (1 - 1.0E-10) ) { // // This is the normal path: // const double* oneOverNptr = oneOverN; while( cdf <= s ) { N2++ ; oneOverNptr++; term *= ( deltaMu * (*oneOverNptr) ); cdf += term; } } else { // s is almost 1... while( cdf <= s ) { N2++ ; term *= ( deltaMu / N2 ); cdf += term; } } // end of if ( s compared to (1 - 1.0E-10) ) // >>> 9 <<< // The result is the sum of those two deviates // if (DBG_small) { // std::cout << N2 << " " << N1+N2 << "\n"; // DBG_small = false; // } return N1 + N2; } // poissonDeviate() std::ostream & RandPoissonQ::put ( std::ostream & os ) const { int pr=os.precision(20); std::vector t(2); os << " " << name() << "\n"; os << "Uvec" << "\n"; t = DoubConv::dto2longs(a0); os << a0 << " " << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; t = DoubConv::dto2longs(a1); os << a1 << " " << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; t = DoubConv::dto2longs(a2); os << a2 << " " << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; t = DoubConv::dto2longs(sigma); os << sigma << " " << t[0] << " " << t[1] << "\n"; RandPoisson::put(os); os.precision(pr); return os; #ifdef REMOVED int pr=os.precision(20); os << " " << name() << "\n"; os << a0 << " " << a1 << " " << a2 << "\n"; os << sigma << "\n"; RandPoisson::put(os); os.precision(pr); return os; #endif } std::istream & RandPoissonQ::get ( std::istream & is ) { std::string inName; is >> inName; if (inName != name()) { is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate()); std::cerr << "Mismatch when expecting to read state of a " << name() << " distribution\n" << "Name found was " << inName << "\nistream is left in the badbit state\n"; return is; } if (possibleKeywordInput(is, "Uvec", a0)) { std::vector t(2); is >> a0 >> t[0] >> t[1]; a0 = DoubConv::longs2double(t); is >> a1 >> t[0] >> t[1]; a1 = DoubConv::longs2double(t); is >> a2 >> t[0] >> t[1]; a2 = DoubConv::longs2double(t); is >> sigma >> t[0] >> t[1]; sigma = DoubConv::longs2double(t); RandPoisson::get(is); return is; } // is >> a0 encompassed by possibleKeywordInput is >> a1 >> a2 >> sigma; RandPoisson::get(is); return is; } } // namespace CLHEP