// -*- C++ -*- // $Id: testRandDists.cc,v 2009/07/05 00:02:31 garren Exp $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // testRandDists -- tests of the correctness of random distributions // // Usage: // testRandDists < testRandDists.dat > testRandDists.log // // Currently tested: // RandGauss // RandGeneral // // M. Fischler 5/17/99 Reconfigured to be suitable for use with // an automated validation script - will return // 0 if validation is OK, or a mask indicating // where problems were found. // M. Fischler 5/18/99 Added test for RandGeneral. // Evgenyi T. 5/20/99 Vetted for compilation on various CLHEP/CERN // platforms. // M. Fischler 5/26/99 Extended distribution test to intervals of .5 // sigma and to moments up to the sixth. // M. Fischler 10/29/99 Added validation for RandPoisson. // M. Fischler 11/09/99 Made gammln static to avoid (harmless) // confusion with the gammln in RandPoisson. // M. Fischler 2/04/99 Added validation for the Q and T versions of // Poisson and Gauss // M. Fischler 11/04/04 Add kludge to gaussianTest to deal with // different behaviour under optimization on // some compilers (gcc 2.95.2) // This behaviour was only seen with stepwise // RandGeneral and appears to be solely a // function of the test program. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGaussQ.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGaussT.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandPoissonQ.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandPoissonT.h" #include "CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/defs.h" #include #include #include // double abs() #include // int abs() #include // for exit() using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::abs; using std::setprecision; using namespace CLHEP; //#ifndef _WIN32 //using std::exp; //#endif // Tolerance of deviation from expected results static const double REJECT = 4.0; // Mask bits to form a word indicating which if any dists were "bad" static const int GaussBAD = 1 << 0; static const int GeneralBAD = 1 << 1; static const int PoissonBAD = 1 << 2; static const int GaussQBAD = 1 << 3; static const int GaussTBAD = 1 << 4; static const int PoissonQBAD = 1 << 5; static const int PoissonTBAD = 1 << 6; // ********************** // // SECTION I - General tools for the various tests // // ********************** static double gammln(double x) { // Note: This uses the gammln algorith in Numerical Recipes. // In the "old" RandPoisson there is a slightly different algorithm, // which mathematically is identical to this one. The advantage of // the modified method is one fewer division by x (in exchange for // doing one subtraction of 1 from x). The advantage of the method // here comes when .00001 < x < .65: In this range, the alternate // method produces results which have errors 10-100 times those // of this method (though still less than 1.0E-10). If we package // either method, we should use the reflection formula (6.1.4) so // that the user can never get inaccurate results, even for x very // small. The test for x < 1 is as costly as a divide, but so be it. double y, tmp, ser; static double c[6] = { 76.18009172947146, -86.50532032941677, 24.01409824083091, -1.231739572450155, 0.001208650973866179, -0.000005395239384953 }; y = x; tmp = x + 5.5; tmp -= (x+.5)*log(tmp); ser = 1.000000000190015; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ser += c[i]/(++y); } double ans = (-tmp + log (sqrt(CLHEP::twopi)*ser/x)); return ans; } static double gser(double a, double x) { const int ITMAX = 100; const double EPS = 1.0E-8; double ap = a; double sum = 1/a; double del = sum; for (int n=0; n < ITMAX; n++) { ap++; del *= x/ap; sum += del; if (fabs(del) < fabs(sum)*EPS) { return sum*exp(-x+a*log(x)-gammln(a)); } } cout << "Problem - inaccurate gser " << a << ", " << x << "\n"; return sum*exp(-x+a*log(x)-gammln(a)); } static double gcf(double a, double x) { const int ITMAX = 100; const double EPS = 1.0E-8; const double VERYSMALL = 1.0E-100; double b = x+1-a; double c = 1/VERYSMALL; double d = 1/b; double h = d; for (int i = 1; i <= ITMAX; i++) { double an = -i*(i-a); b += 2; d = an*d + b; if (fabs(d) < VERYSMALL) d = VERYSMALL; c = b + an/c; if (fabs(c) < VERYSMALL) c = VERYSMALL; d = 1/d; double del = d*c; h *= del; if (fabs(del-1.0) < EPS) { return exp(-x+a*log(x)-gammln(a))*h; } } cout << "Problem - inaccurate gcf " << a << ", " << x << "\n"; return exp(-x+a*log(x)-gammln(a))*h; } static double gammp (double a, double x) { if (x < a+1) { return gser(a,x); } else { return 1-gcf(a,x); } } // ********************** // // SECTION II - Validation of specific distributions // // ********************** // ------------ // gaussianTest // ------------ bool gaussianTest ( HepRandom & dist, double mu, double sigma, int nNumbers ) { bool good = true; double worstSigma = 0; // We will accumulate mean and moments up to the sixth, // The second moment should be sigma**2, the fourth 3 sigma**4, // the sixth 15 sigma**6. The expected variance in these is // (for the m-th moment with m even) (2m-1)!! (m-1)!!**2 / n // (for the m-th moment with m odd) (2m-1)!! m!!**2 / n // We also do a histogram with bins every half sigma. double sumx = 0; double sumx2 = 0; double sumx3 = 0; double sumx4 = 0; double sumx5 = 0; double sumx6 = 0; int counts[11]; int ncounts[11]; int ciu; for (ciu = 0; ciu < 11; ciu++) { counts[ciu] = 0; ncounts[ciu] = 0; } int oldprecision = cout.precision(); cout.precision(5); // hack so that gcc 4.3 puts x and u into memory instead of a register volatile double x; volatile double u; int ipr = nNumbers / 10 + 1; for (int ifire = 0; ifire < nNumbers; ifire++) { x = dist(); // We avoid fire() because that is not virtual // in HepRandom. if( x < mu - 12.0*sigma ) { cout << "x = " << x << "\n"; } if ( (ifire % ipr) == 0 ) { cout << ifire << endl; } sumx += x; sumx2 += x*x; sumx3 += x*x*x; sumx4 += x*x*x*x; sumx5 += x*x*x*x*x; sumx6 += x*x*x*x*x*x; u = (x - mu) / sigma; if ( u >= 0 ) { ciu = (int)(2*u); if (ciu>10) ciu = 10; counts[ciu]++; } else { ciu = (int)(2*(-u)); if (ciu>10) ciu = 10; ncounts[ciu]++; } } double mean = sumx / nNumbers; double u2 = sumx2/nNumbers - mean*mean; double u3 = sumx3/nNumbers - 3*sumx2*mean/nNumbers + 2*mean*mean*mean; double u4 = sumx4/nNumbers - 4*sumx3*mean/nNumbers + 6*sumx2*mean*mean/nNumbers - 3*mean*mean*mean*mean; double u5 = sumx5/nNumbers - 5*sumx4*mean/nNumbers + 10*sumx3*mean*mean/nNumbers - 10*sumx2*mean*mean*mean/nNumbers + 4*mean*mean*mean*mean*mean; double u6 = sumx6/nNumbers - 6*sumx5*mean/nNumbers + 15*sumx4*mean*mean/nNumbers - 20*sumx3*mean*mean*mean/nNumbers + 15*sumx2*mean*mean*mean*mean/nNumbers - 5*mean*mean*mean*mean*mean*mean; cout << "Mean (should be close to " << mu << "): " << mean << endl; cout << "Second moment (should be close to " << sigma*sigma << "): " << u2 << endl; cout << "Third moment (should be close to zero): " << u3 << endl; cout << "Fourth moment (should be close to " << 3*sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma << "): " << u4 << endl; cout << "Fifth moment (should be close to zero): " << u5 << endl; cout << "Sixth moment (should be close to " << 15*sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma << "): " << u6 << endl; // For large N, the variance squared in the scaled 2nd, 3rd 4th 5th and // 6th moments are roughly 2/N, 6/N, 96/N, 720/N and 10170/N respectively. // Based on this, we can judge how many sigma a result represents: double del1 = sqrt ( (double) nNumbers ) * abs(mean - mu) / sigma; double del2 = sqrt ( nNumbers/2.0 ) * abs(u2 - sigma*sigma) / (sigma*sigma); double del3 = sqrt ( nNumbers/6.0 ) * abs(u3) / (sigma*sigma*sigma); double sigma4 = sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma; double del4 = sqrt ( nNumbers/96.0 ) * abs(u4 - 3 * sigma4) / sigma4; double del5 = sqrt ( nNumbers/720.0 ) * abs(u5) / (sigma*sigma4); double del6 = sqrt ( nNumbers/10170.0 ) * abs(u6 - 15*sigma4*sigma*sigma) / (sigma4*sigma*sigma); cout << " These represent " << del1 << ", " << del2 << ", " << del3 << ", \n" <<" " << del4 << ", " << del5 << ", " << del6 <<"\n standard deviations from expectations\n"; if ( del1 > worstSigma ) worstSigma = del1; if ( del2 > worstSigma ) worstSigma = del2; if ( del3 > worstSigma ) worstSigma = del3; if ( del4 > worstSigma ) worstSigma = del4; if ( del5 > worstSigma ) worstSigma = del5; if ( del6 > worstSigma ) worstSigma = del6; if ( del1 > REJECT || del2 > REJECT || del3 > REJECT || del4 > REJECT || del5 > REJECT || del6 > REJECT ) { cout << "REJECT hypothesis that this distribution is correct!!\n"; good = false; } // The variance of the bin counts is given by a Poisson estimate (sqrt(npq)). double table[11] = { // Table of integrated density in each range: .191462, // 0.0 - 0.5 sigma .149882, // 0.5 - 1.0 sigma .091848, // 1.0 - 1.5 sigma .044057, // 1.5 - 2.0 sigma .016540, // 2.0 - 2.5 sigma .004860, // 2.5 - 3.0 sigma .001117, // 3.0 - 3.5 sigma .000201, // 3.5 - 4.0 sigma 2.83E-5, // 4.0 - 4.5 sigma 3.11E-6, // 4.5 - 5.0 sigma 3.87E-7 // 5.0 sigma and up }; for (int m = 0; m < 11; m++) { double expect = table[m]*nNumbers; double sig = sqrt ( table[m] * (1.0-table[m]) * nNumbers ); cout.precision(oldprecision); cout << "Between " << m/2.0 << " sigma and " << m/2.0+.5 << " sigma (should be about " << expect << "):\n " << " " << ncounts[m] << " negative and " << counts[m] << " positive " << "\n"; cout.precision(5); double negSigs = abs ( ncounts[m] - expect ) / sig; double posSigs = abs ( counts[m] - expect ) / sig; cout << " These represent " << negSigs << " and " << posSigs << " sigma from expectations\n"; if ( negSigs > REJECT || posSigs > REJECT ) { cout << "REJECT hypothesis that this distribution is correct!!\n"; good = false; } if ( negSigs > worstSigma ) worstSigma = negSigs; if ( posSigs > worstSigma ) worstSigma = posSigs; } cout << "\n The worst deviation encountered (out of about 25) was " << worstSigma << " sigma \n\n"; cout.precision(oldprecision); return good; } // gaussianTest() // ------------ // poissonTest // ------------ class poisson { double mu_; public: poisson(double mu) : mu_(mu) {} double operator()(int r) { double logAnswer = -mu_ + r*log(mu_) - gammln(r+1); return exp(logAnswer); } }; double* createRefDist ( poisson pdist, int N, int MINBIN, int MAXBINS, int clumping, int& firstBin, int& lastBin ) { // Create the reference distribution -- making sure there are more than // 20 points at each value. The entire tail will be rolled up into one // value (at each end). We shall end up with some range of bins starting // at 0 or more, and ending at MAXBINS-1 or less. double * refdist = new double [MAXBINS]; int c = 0; // c is the number of the clump, that is, the member number // of the refdist array. int ic = 0; // ic is the number within the clump; mod clumping int r = 0; // r is the value of the variate. // Determine the first bin: at least 20 entries must be at the level // of that bin (so that we won't immediately dip belpw 20) but the number // to enter is cumulative up to that bin. double start = 0; double binc; while ( c < MAXBINS ) { for ( ic=0, binc=0; ic < clumping; ic++, r++ ) { binc += pdist(r) * N; } start += binc; if (binc >= MINBIN) break; c++; if ( c > MAXBINS/3 ) { cout << "The number of samples supplied " << N << " is too small to set up a chi^2 to test this distribution.\n"; exit(-1); } } firstBin = c; refdist[firstBin] = start; c++; // Fill all the other bins until one has less than 20 items. double next = 0; while ( c < MAXBINS ) { for ( ic=0, binc=0; ic < clumping; ic++, r++ ) { binc += pdist(r) * N; } next = binc; if (next < MINBIN) break; refdist[c] = next; c++; } // Shove all the remaining items into last bin. lastBin = c-1; next += refdist[lastBin]; while ( c < MAXBINS ) { for ( ic=0, binc=0; ic < clumping; ic++, r++ ) { binc += pdist(r) * N; } next += binc; c++; } refdist[lastBin] = next; return refdist; } // createRefDist() bool poissonTest ( RandPoisson & dist, double mu, int N ) { // Three tests will be done: // // A chi-squared test will be used to test the hypothesis that the // generated distribution of N numbers matches the proper Poisson distribution. // // The same test will be applied to the distribution of numbers "clumping" // together sqrt(mu) bins. This will detect small deviations over several // touching bins, when mu is not small. // // The mean and second moment are checked against their theoretical values. bool good = true; int clumping = int(sqrt(mu)); if (clumping <= 1) clumping = 2; const int MINBIN = 20; const int MAXBINS = 1000; int firstBin; int lastBin; int firstBin2; int lastBin2; poisson pdist(mu); double* refdist = createRefDist( pdist, N, MINBIN, MAXBINS, 1, firstBin, lastBin); double* refdist2 = createRefDist( pdist, N, MINBIN, MAXBINS, clumping, firstBin2, lastBin2); // Now roll the random dists, treating the tails in the same way as we go. double sum = 0; double moment = 0; double* samples = new double [MAXBINS]; double* samples2 = new double [MAXBINS]; int r; for (r = 0; r < MAXBINS; r++) { samples[r] = 0; samples2[r] = 0; } int r1; int r2; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { r = dist.fire(); sum += r; moment += (r - mu)*(r - mu); r1 = r; if (r1 < firstBin) r1 = firstBin; if (r1 > lastBin) r1 = lastBin; samples[r1] += 1; r2 = r/clumping; if (r2 < firstBin2) r2 = firstBin2; if (r2 > lastBin2) r2 = lastBin2; samples2[r2] += 1; } // #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC int k; for (k = firstBin; k <= lastBin; k++) { cout << k << " " << samples[k] << " " << refdist[k] << " " << (samples[k]-refdist[k])*(samples[k]-refdist[k])/refdist[k] << "\n"; } cout << "----\n"; for (k = firstBin2; k <= lastBin2; k++) { cout << k << " " << samples2[k] << " " << refdist2[k] << "\n"; } // #endif // DIAGNOSTIC // Now find chi^2 for samples[] to apply the first test double chi2 = 0; for ( r = firstBin; r <= lastBin; r++ ) { double delta = (samples[r] - refdist[r]); chi2 += delta*delta/refdist[r]; } int degFreedom = (lastBin - firstBin + 1) - 1; // and finally, p. Since we only care about it for small values, // and never care about it past the 10% level, we can use the approximations // CL(chi^2,n) = 1/sqrt(CLHEP::twopi) * ErrIntC ( y ) with // y = sqrt(2*chi2) - sqrt(2*n-1) // errIntC (y) = exp((-y^2)/2)/(y*sqrt(CLHEP::twopi)) double pval; pval = 1.0 - gammp ( .5*degFreedom , .5*chi2 ); cout << "Chi^2 is " << chi2 << " on " << degFreedom << " degrees of freedom." << " p = " << pval << "\n"; delete[] refdist; delete[] samples; // Repeat the chi^2 and p for the clumped sample, to apply the second test chi2 = 0; for ( r = firstBin2; r <= lastBin2; r++ ) { double delta = (samples2[r] - refdist2[r]); chi2 += delta*delta/refdist2[r]; } degFreedom = (lastBin2 - firstBin2 + 1) - 1; double pval2; pval2 = 1.0 - gammp ( .5*degFreedom , .5*chi2 ); cout << "Clumps: Chi^2 is " << chi2 << " on " << degFreedom << " degrees of freedom." << " p = " << pval2 << "\n"; delete[] refdist2; delete[] samples2; // Check out the mean and sigma to apply the third test double mean = sum / N; double sigma = sqrt( moment / (N-1) ); double deviationMean = fabs(mean - mu)/(sqrt(mu/N)); double expectedSigma2Variance = (2*N*mu*mu/(N-1) + mu) / N; double deviationSigma = fabs(sigma*sigma-mu)/sqrt(expectedSigma2Variance); cout << "Mean (should be " << mu << ") is " << mean << "\n"; cout << "Sigma (should be " << sqrt(mu) << ") is " << sigma << "\n"; cout << "These are " << deviationMean << " and " << deviationSigma << " standard deviations from expected values\n\n"; // If either p-value for the chi-squared tests is less that .0001, or // either the mean or sigma are more than 3.5 standard deviations off, // then reject the validation. This would happen by chance one time // in 2000. Since we will be validating for several values of mu, the // net chance of false rejection remains acceptable. if ( (pval < .0001) || (pval2 < .0001) || (deviationMean > 3.5) || (deviationSigma > 3.5) ) { good = false; cout << "REJECT this distributon!!!\n"; } return good; } // poissonTest() // ********************** // // SECTION III - Tests of each distribution class // // ********************** // --------- // RandGauss // --------- int testRandGauss() { cout << "\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout << "Test of RandGauss distribution \n\n"; long seed; cout << "Please enter an integer seed: "; cin >> seed; cout << seed << "\n"; if (seed == 0) { cout << "Moving on to next test...\n"; return 0; } int nNumbers; cout << "How many numbers should we generate: "; cin >> nNumbers; cout << nNumbers << "\n"; double mu; double sigma; cout << "Enter mu: "; cin >> mu; cout << mu << "\n"; cout << "Enter sigma: "; cin >> sigma; cout << sigma << "\n"; cout << "\nInstantiating distribution utilizing TripleRand engine...\n"; TripleRand eng (seed); RandGauss dist (eng, mu, sigma); cout << "\n Sample fire(): \n"; double x; x = dist.fire(); cout << x; cout << "\n Testing operator() ... \n"; bool good = gaussianTest ( dist, mu, sigma, nNumbers ); if (good) { return 0; } else { return GaussBAD; } } // testRandGauss() // --------- // RandGaussT // --------- int testRandGaussT() { cout << "\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout << "Test of RandGaussT distribution \n\n"; long seed; cout << "Please enter an integer seed: "; cin >> seed; cout << seed << "\n"; if (seed == 0) { cout << "Moving on to next test...\n"; return 0; } int nNumbers; cout << "How many numbers should we generate: "; cin >> nNumbers; cout << nNumbers << "\n"; double mu; double sigma; cout << "Enter mu: "; cin >> mu; cout << mu << "\n"; cout << "Enter sigma: "; cin >> sigma; cout << sigma << "\n"; cout << "\nInstantiating distribution utilizing TripleRand engine...\n"; TripleRand eng (seed); RandGaussT dist (eng, mu, sigma); cout << "\n Sample fire(): \n"; double x; x = dist.fire(); cout << x; cout << "\n Testing operator() ... \n"; bool good = gaussianTest ( dist, mu, sigma, nNumbers ); if (good) { return 0; } else { return GaussTBAD; } } // testRandGaussT() // --------- // RandGaussQ // --------- int testRandGaussQ() { cout << "\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout << "Test of RandGaussQ distribution \n\n"; long seed; cout << "Please enter an integer seed: "; cin >> seed; cout << seed << "\n"; if (seed == 0) { cout << "Moving on to next test...\n"; return 0; } int nNumbers; cout << "How many numbers should we generate: "; cin >> nNumbers; cout << nNumbers << "\n"; if (nNumbers >= 20000000) { cout << "With that many samples RandGaussQ need not pass validation...\n"; } double mu; double sigma; cout << "Enter mu: "; cin >> mu; cout << mu << "\n"; cout << "Enter sigma: "; cin >> sigma; cout << sigma << "\n"; cout << "\nInstantiating distribution utilizing DualRand engine...\n"; DualRand eng (seed); RandGaussQ dist (eng, mu, sigma); cout << "\n Sample fire(): \n"; double x; x = dist.fire(); cout << x; cout << "\n Testing operator() ... \n"; bool good = gaussianTest ( dist, mu, sigma, nNumbers ); if (good) { return 0; } else { return GaussQBAD; } } // testRandGaussQ() // --------- // RandPoisson // --------- int testRandPoisson() { cout << "\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout << "Test of RandPoisson distribution \n\n"; long seed; cout << "Please enter an integer seed: "; cin >> seed; cout << seed << "\n"; if (seed == 0) { cout << "Moving on to next test...\n"; return 0; } cout << "\nInstantiating distribution utilizing TripleRand engine...\n"; TripleRand eng (seed); int nNumbers; cout << "How many numbers should we generate for each mu: "; cin >> nNumbers; cout << nNumbers << "\n"; bool good = true; while (true) { double mu; cout << "Enter a value for mu: "; cin >> mu; cout << mu << "\n"; if (mu == 0) break; RandPoisson dist (eng, mu); cout << "\n Sample fire(): \n"; double x; x = dist.fire(); cout << x; cout << "\n Testing operator() ... \n"; bool this_good = poissonTest ( dist, mu, nNumbers ); if (!this_good) { cout << "\n Poisson distribution for mu = " << mu << " is incorrect!!!\n"; } good &= this_good; } // end of the while(true) if (good) { return 0; } else { return PoissonBAD; } } // testRandPoisson() // --------- // RandPoissonQ // --------- int testRandPoissonQ() { cout << "\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout << "Test of RandPoissonQ distribution \n\n"; long seed; cout << "Please enter an integer seed: "; cin >> seed; cout << seed << "\n"; if (seed == 0) { cout << "Moving on to next test...\n"; return 0; } cout << "\nInstantiating distribution utilizing TripleRand engine...\n"; TripleRand eng (seed); int nNumbers; cout << "How many numbers should we generate for each mu: "; cin >> nNumbers; cout << nNumbers << "\n"; bool good = true; while (true) { double mu; cout << "Enter a value for mu: "; cin >> mu; cout << mu << "\n"; if (mu == 0) break; RandPoissonQ dist (eng, mu); cout << "\n Sample fire(): \n"; double x; x = dist.fire(); cout << x; cout << "\n Testing operator() ... \n"; bool this_good = poissonTest ( dist, mu, nNumbers ); if (!this_good) { cout << "\n Poisson distribution for mu = " << mu << " is incorrect!!!\n"; } good &= this_good; } // end of the while(true) if (good) { return 0; } else { return PoissonQBAD; } } // testRandPoissonQ() // --------- // RandPoissonT // --------- int testRandPoissonT() { cout << "\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout << "Test of RandPoissonT distribution \n\n"; long seed; cout << "Please enter an integer seed: "; cin >> seed; cout << seed << "\n"; if (seed == 0) { cout << "Moving on to next test...\n"; return 0; } cout << "\nInstantiating distribution utilizing TripleRand engine...\n"; TripleRand eng (seed); int nNumbers; cout << "How many numbers should we generate for each mu: "; cin >> nNumbers; cout << nNumbers << "\n"; bool good = true; while (true) { double mu; cout << "Enter a value for mu: "; cin >> mu; cout << mu << "\n"; if (mu == 0) break; RandPoissonT dist (eng, mu); cout << "\n Sample fire(): \n"; double x; x = dist.fire(); cout << x; cout << "\n Testing operator() ... \n"; bool this_good = poissonTest ( dist, mu, nNumbers ); if (!this_good) { cout << "\n Poisson distribution for mu = " << mu << " is incorrect!!!\n"; } good &= this_good; } // end of the while(true) if (good) { return 0; } else { return PoissonTBAD; } } // testRandPoissonT() // ----------- // RandGeneral // ----------- int testRandGeneral() { cout << "\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout << "Test of RandGeneral distribution (using a Gaussian shape)\n\n"; bool good; long seed; cout << "Please enter an integer seed: "; cin >> seed; cout << seed << "\n"; if (seed == 0) { cout << "Moving on to next test...\n"; return 0; } int nNumbers; cout << "How many numbers should we generate: "; cin >> nNumbers; cout << nNumbers << "\n"; double mu; double sigma; mu = .5; // Since randGeneral always ranges from 0 to 1 sigma = .06; cout << "Enter sigma: "; cin >> sigma; cout << sigma << "\n"; // We suggest sigma be .06. This leaves room for 8 sigma // in the distribution. If it is much smaller, the number // of bins necessary to expect a good match will increase. // If sigma is much larger, the cutoff before 5 sigma can // cause the Gaussian hypothesis to be rejected. At .14, for // example, the 4th moment is 7 sigma away from expectation. int nBins; cout << "Enter nBins for stepwise pdf test: "; cin >> nBins; cout << nBins << "\n"; // We suggest at least 10000 bins; fewer would risk // false rejection because the step-function curve // does not match an actual Gaussian. At 10000 bins, // a million-hit test does not have the resolving power // to tell the boxy pdf from the true Gaussian. At 5000 // bins, it does. double xBins = nBins; double* aProbFunc = new double [nBins]; double x; for ( int iBin = 0; iBin < nBins; iBin++ ) { x = iBin / (xBins-1); aProbFunc [iBin] = exp ( - (x-mu)*(x-mu) / (2*sigma*sigma) ); } // Note that this pdf is not normalized; RandGeneral does that cout << "\nInstantiating distribution utilizing Ranlux64 engine...\n"; Ranlux64Engine eng (seed, 3); { // Open block for testing type 1 - step function pdf RandGeneral dist (eng, aProbFunc, nBins, 1); delete aProbFunc; double* garbage = new double[nBins]; // We wish to verify that deleting the pdf // after instantiating the engine is fine. for ( int gBin = 0; gBin < nBins; gBin++ ) { garbage [gBin] = 1; } cout << "\n Sample fire(): \n"; x = dist.fire(); cout << x; cout << "\n Testing operator() ... \n"; good = gaussianTest ( dist, mu, sigma, nNumbers ); delete garbage; } // Close block for testing type 1 - step function pdf // dist goes out of scope but eng is supposed to stick around; // by closing this block we shall verify that! cout << "Enter nBins for linearized pdf test: "; cin >> nBins; cout << nBins << "\n"; // We suggest at least 1000 bins; fewer would risk // false rejection because the non-smooth curve // does not match an actual Gaussian. At 1000 bins, // a million-hit test does not resolve the non-smoothness; // at 300 bins it does. xBins = nBins; aProbFunc = new double [nBins]; for ( int jBin = 0; jBin < nBins; jBin++ ) { x = jBin / (xBins-1); aProbFunc [jBin] = exp ( - (x-mu)*(x-mu) / (2*sigma*sigma) ); } // Note that this pdf is not normalized; RandGeneral does that RandGeneral dist (eng, aProbFunc, nBins, 0); cout << "\n Sample operator(): \n"; x = dist(); cout << x; cout << "\n Testing operator() ... \n"; bool good2 = gaussianTest ( dist, mu, sigma, nNumbers ); good = good && good2; if (good) { return 0; } else { return GeneralBAD; } } // testRandGeneral() // ********************** // // SECTION IV - Main // // ********************** int main() { int mask = 0; mask |= testRandGauss(); mask |= testRandGaussQ(); mask |= testRandGaussT(); mask |= testRandGeneral(); mask |= testRandPoisson(); mask |= testRandPoissonQ(); mask |= testRandPoissonT(); return mask > 0 ? -mask : mask; }