// -*- C++ -*- // $Id: testRandom.cc,v 2008/07/17 19:00:45 garren Exp $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h" #include #include // for exit() using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cin; using namespace CLHEP; HepJamesRandom theJamesEngine; RandEngine theRandEngine; DRand48Engine theDRand48Engine; RanluxEngine theRanluxEngine(19780503,4); Ranlux64Engine theRanlux64Engine; RanecuEngine theRanecuEngine; Hurd160Engine theHurd160Engine; Hurd288Engine theHurd288Engine; MTwistEngine theMTwistEngine; RanshiEngine theRanshiEngine; DualRand theDualRandEngine; TripleRand theTripleRandEngine; void init() { HepRandom r; cout << "r=" << r() << endl; cout << endl << endl; cout << "---------------------------- Random shooting test -----------------------------" << endl; cout << " -------------------- " << endl; cout << " >>> Random Engines available <<<" << endl << endl; cout << " > HepJamesRandom (default)" << endl; cout << " > Rand" << endl; cout << " > DRand48" << endl; cout << " > Ranlux" << endl; cout << " > Ranlux64" << endl; cout << " > Ranecu" << endl; cout << " > Hurd160" << endl; cout << " > Hurd288" << endl; cout << " > MTwist" << endl; cout << " > Ranshi" << endl; cout << " > DualRand" << endl; cout << " > TripleRand" << endl << endl; cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; } // end init() void layout() { float m=3.0; const int size=5; double vect[size]; cout << " Flat ]0,1[ : " << RandFlat::shoot() << endl; cout << " Flat ]0,5[ : " << RandFlat::shoot(5) << endl; cout << " Flat ]-5,3[ : " << RandFlat::shoot(-5,3) << endl; cout << " Exp (m=1) : " << RandExponential::shoot() << endl; cout << " Exp (m=3) : " << RandExponential::shoot(3) << endl; cout << " Gauss (m=1) : " << RandGauss::shoot() << endl; cout << " Gauss (m=3,v=1) : " << RandGauss::shoot(3,1) << endl; cout << " Wigner(1,0.2) : " << RandBreitWigner::shoot(1,0.2) << endl; cout << " Wigner(1,0.2,1) : " << RandBreitWigner::shoot(1,0.2,1) << endl; cout << " Wigner2(1,0.2) : " << RandBreitWigner::shootM2(1,0.2) << endl; cout << " Wigner2(1,0.2,1) : " << RandBreitWigner::shootM2(1,0.2,1) << endl; cout << " IntFlat [0,99[ : " << RandFlat::shootInt(99) << endl; cout << " IntFlat [-99,37[ : " << RandFlat::shootInt(-99,37) << endl; cout << " Poisson (m=3.0) : " << RandPoisson::shoot(m) << endl; cout << " Binomial(n=1,p=0.5) : " << RandBinomial::shoot() << endl; cout << " Binomial(n=-5,p=0.3): " << RandBinomial::shoot(-5,0.3) << endl; cout << " ChiSqr (a=1) : " << RandChiSquare::shoot() << endl; cout << " ChiSqr (a=-5) : " << RandChiSquare::shoot(-5) << endl; cout << " Gamma (k=1,l=1) : " << RandGamma::shoot() << endl; cout << " Gamma (k=3,l=0.5) : " << RandGamma::shoot(3,0.5) << endl; cout << " StudT (a=1) : " << RandStudentT::shoot() << endl; cout << " StudT (a=2.5) : " << RandStudentT::shoot(2.5) << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Shooting an array of 5 flat numbers ..." << endl << endl; RandFlat::shootArray(size,vect); for ( int i=0; i to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl << endl; cout << "-------------------- Shooting test on distribution objects --------------------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Flat ]0,1[ : " << aFlatObj.fire() << endl; cout << " Flat ]0,5[ : " << aFlatObj.fire(5) << endl; cout << " Flat ]-5,3[ : " << aFlatObj.fire(-5,3) << endl; cout << " Exp (m=1) : " << anExponentialObj.fire() << endl; cout << " Exp (m=3) : " << anExponentialObj.fire(3) << endl; cout << " Gauss (m=1) : " << aGaussObj.fire() << endl; cout << " Gauss (m=3,v=1) : " << aGaussObj.fire(3,1) << endl; cout << " Wigner(1,0.2) : " << aBreitObj.fire(1,0.2) << endl; cout << " Wigner(1,0.2,1) : " << aBreitObj.fire(1,0.2,1) << endl; cout << " Wigner2(1,0.2) : " << aBreitObj.fireM2(1,0.2) << endl; cout << " Wigner2(1,0.2,1) : " << aBreitObj.fireM2(1,0.2,1) << endl; cout << " IntFlat [0,99[ : " << aFlatObj.fireInt(99) << endl; cout << " IntFlat [-99,37[ : " << aFlatObj.fireInt(-99,37) << endl; cout << " Poisson (m=3.0) : " << aPoissonObj.fire(m) << endl; cout << " Binomial(n=1,p=0.5) : " << aBinomialObj.fire() << endl; cout << " Binomial(n=-5,p=0.3): " << aBinomialObj.fire(-5,0.3) << endl; cout << " ChiSqr (a=1) : " << aChiSquareObj.fire() << endl; cout << " ChiSqr (a=-5) : " << aChiSquareObj.fire(-5) << endl; cout << " Gamma (k=1,l=1) : " << aGammaObj.fire() << endl; cout << " Gamma (k=3,l=0.5) : " << aGammaObj.fire(3,0.5) << endl; cout << " StudT (a=1) : " << aStudentTObj.fire() << endl; cout << " StudT (a=2.5) : " << aStudentTObj.fire(2.5) << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Shooting an array of 5 flat numbers ..." << endl << endl; aFlatObj.fireArray(size,vect); for ( int i=0; i to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); } // end dist_layout() void user_layout() { float m=3.0; const int size=5; double vect[size]; char sel; HepRandomEngine* anEngine; cout << endl << endl; cout << "-------------------- Shooting test skeeping the generator ---------------------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " >>> Select a Random Engine <<<" << endl << endl; cout << " a. HepJamesRandom (default)" << endl; cout << " b. Rand" << endl; cout << " c. DRand48" << endl; cout << " d. Ranlux" << endl; cout << " e. Ranlux64" << endl; cout << " f. Ranecu" << endl; cout << " g. Hurd160" << endl; cout << " h. Hurd288" << endl; cout << " i. MTwist" << endl; cout << " j. Ranshi" << endl; cout << " k. DualRand" << endl; cout << " l. TripleRand" << endl << endl; cout << " > "; cin >> sel; while ((sel!='a')&&(sel!='b')&&(sel!='c')&&(sel!='d')&&(sel!='e')&& (sel!='f')&&(sel!='g')&&(sel!='h')&&(sel!='i')&&(sel!='j')&& (sel!='k')&&(sel!='l')) { cout << endl << " >>> Choice not legal !! [a..l]<<<" << endl; cin >> sel; } switch (sel) { case 'a': anEngine = &theJamesEngine; break; case 'b': anEngine = &theRandEngine; break; case 'c': anEngine = &theDRand48Engine; break; case 'd': anEngine = &theRanluxEngine; break; case 'e': anEngine = &theRanlux64Engine; break; case 'f': anEngine = &theRanecuEngine; break; case 'g': anEngine = &theHurd160Engine; break; case 'h': anEngine = &theHurd288Engine; break; case 'i': anEngine = &theMTwistEngine; break; case 'j': anEngine = &theRanshiEngine; break; case 'k': anEngine = &theDualRandEngine; break; case 'l': anEngine = &theTripleRandEngine; break; default: anEngine = &theJamesEngine; break; } cout << endl; cout << " Flat ]0,1[ : " << RandFlat::shoot(anEngine) << endl; cout << " Flat ]0,5[ : " << RandFlat::shoot(anEngine,5) << endl; cout << " Flat ]-5,3[ : " << RandFlat::shoot(anEngine,-5,3) << endl; cout << " Exp (m=1) : " << RandExponential::shoot(anEngine) << endl; cout << " Exp (m=3) : " << RandExponential::shoot(anEngine,3) << endl; cout << " Gauss (m=1) : " << RandGauss::shoot(anEngine) << endl; cout << " Gauss (m=3,v=1) : " << RandGauss::shoot(anEngine,3,1) << endl; cout << " Wigner(1,0.2) : " << RandBreitWigner::shoot(anEngine,1,0.2) << endl; cout << " Wigner(1,0.2,1) : " << RandBreitWigner::shoot(anEngine,1,0.2,1) << endl; cout << " Wigner2(1,0.2) : " << RandBreitWigner::shootM2(anEngine,1,0.2) << endl; cout << " Wigner2(1,0.2,1) : " << RandBreitWigner::shootM2(anEngine,1,0.2,1) << endl; cout << " IntFlat [0,99[ : " << RandFlat::shootInt(anEngine,99) << endl; cout << " IntFlat [-99,37[ : " << RandFlat::shootInt(anEngine,-99,37) << endl; cout << " Poisson (m=3.0) : " << RandPoisson::shoot(anEngine,m) << endl; cout << " Binomial(n=1,p=0.5) : " << RandBinomial::shoot(anEngine) << endl; cout << " Binomial(n=-5,p=0.3): " << RandBinomial::shoot(anEngine,-5,0.3) << endl; cout << " ChiSqr (a=1) : " << RandChiSquare::shoot(anEngine) << endl; cout << " ChiSqr (a=-5) : " << RandChiSquare::shoot(anEngine,-5) << endl; cout << " Gamma (k=1,l=1) : " << RandGamma::shoot(anEngine) << endl; cout << " Gamma (k=3,l=0.5) : " << RandGamma::shoot(anEngine,3,0.5) << endl; cout << " StudT (a=1) : " << RandStudentT::shoot(anEngine) << endl; cout << " StudT (a=2.5) : " << RandStudentT::shoot(anEngine,2.5) << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Shooting an array of 5 flat numbers ..." << endl << endl; RandFlat::shootArray(anEngine,size,vect); for ( int i=0; i to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "--------------------------- Test on RandEngine ------------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theRandEngine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "------------------------- Test on DRand48Engine -----------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theDRand48Engine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "--------------------- Test on RanluxEngine (luxury 4) ------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theRanluxEngine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "------------------------- Test on Ranlux64Engine -----------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theRanlux64Engine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "-------------------------- Test on RanecuEngine ------------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theRanecuEngine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "------------------------- Test on Hurd160Engine ------------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theHurd160Engine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "------------------------- Test on Hurd288Engine ------------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theHurd288Engine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "-------------------------- Test on MTwistEngine ------------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theMTwistEngine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "-------------------------- Test on RanshiEngine ------------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theRanshiEngine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "------------------------- Test on DualRandEngine -----------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theDualRandEngine); layout(); cout << " ----- Press to continue -----"; if ( cin.get() != '\n') exit(0); cout << endl; cout << "------------------------ Test on TripleRandEngine ----------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; HepRandom::setTheEngine(&theTripleRandEngine); layout(); dist_layout(); user_layout(); } // end start_test() int main() { init(); start_test(); return 0; }