// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/NonRandomEngine.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/defs.h" #include #include #include #define CLEAN_OUTPUT #ifdef CLEAN_OUTPUT std::ofstream output("testStaticStreamSave.cout"); #else std::ostream & output = std::cout; #endif // Normally on for routine validation: #ifdef TURNOFF #endif #define TEST_STATIC_SAVE #define TEST_SAVE_STATIC_STATES #define VERBOSER #define VERBOSER2 using namespace CLHEP; // Absolutely Safe Equals Without Registers Screwing Us Up bool equals01(const std::vector &ab) { return ab[1]==ab[0]; } bool equals(double a, double b) { std::vector ab(2); ab[0]=a; ab[1]=b; return (equals01(ab)); } // ----------- Tests for static methods ----------- template int staticSave(int n) { int stat = 0; int i; output << "staticSave for distribution " << D::distributionName() << "\n"; double r = 0; double v1, v2, k1, k2; for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); { std::ofstream file ("distribution.save1"); D::saveFullState(file); v1 = D::shoot(); D::saveFullState(file); v2 = D::shoot(); #ifdef VERBOSER2 int pr = output.precision(20); output << "v1 = " << v1 << " v2 = " << v2 << "\n"; output.precision(pr); #endif } for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); { std::ifstream file ("distribution.save1"); D::restoreFullState(file); k1 = D::shoot(); for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); D::restoreFullState(file); k2 = D::shoot(); #ifdef VERBOSER2 int pr = output.precision(20); output << "k1 = " << k1 << " k2 = " << k2 << "\n"; output.precision(pr); #endif } if ( (k1 != v1) || (k2 != v2) ) { std::cout << "???? restoreFullState failed for " << D::distributionName() << "\n"; #ifdef CLEAN_OUTPUT output << "???? restoreFullState failed for " << D::distributionName() << "\n"; #endif stat |= 8192; } for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); { std::ofstream file ("distribution.save2"); D::saveDistState(file) << *D::getTheEngine(); v1 = D::shoot(); D::saveDistState(file) << *D::getTheEngine(); v2 = D::shoot(); #ifdef VERBOSER2 int pr = output.precision(20); output << "v1 = " << v1 << " v2 = " << v2 << "\n"; output.precision(pr); #endif } for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); { std::ifstream file ("distribution.save2"); D::restoreDistState(file) >> *D::getTheEngine(); k1 = D::shoot(); for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); D::restoreDistState(file) >> *D::getTheEngine(); k2 = D::shoot(); #ifdef VERBOSER2 int pr = output.precision(20); output << "k1 = " << k1 << " k2 = " << k2 << "\n"; output.precision(pr); #endif } if ( (k1 != v1) || (k2 != v2) ) { std::cout << "???? restoreDistState failed for " << D::distributionName() << "\n"; #ifdef CLEAN_OUTPUT output << "???? restoreDistState failed for " << D::distributionName() << "\n"; #endif stat |= 16384; } return stat; } template int staticSaveShootBit(int n) { int stat = 0; int i; output << "staticSaveShootBit for " << D::distributionName() << "\n"; double r = 0; int bit = 0; int v1, v2, k1, k2; for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); for (i=0; i < n; i++) bit |= D::shootBit(); { std::ofstream file ("distribution.save1"); D::saveFullState(file); v1=0; for (i=0; i<25; i++) { v1 <<=1; v1 += D::shootBit(); } for (i=0; i < n; i++) bit |= D::shootBit(); D::saveFullState(file); v2=0; for (i=0; i<25; i++) { v2 <<=1; v2 += D::shootBit(); } #ifdef VERBOSER2 int pr = output.precision(20); output << std::hex << "v1 = " << v1 << " v2 = " << v2 << std::dec << "\n"; output.precision(pr); #endif } for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); { std::ifstream file ("distribution.save1"); D::restoreFullState(file); k1=0; for (i=0; i<25; i++) { k1 <<=1; k1 += D::shootBit(); } for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); D::restoreFullState(file); k2=0; for (i=0; i<25; i++) { k2 <<=1; k2 += D::shootBit(); } #ifdef VERBOSER2 int pr = output.precision(20); output << std::hex << "k1 = " << k1 << " k2 = " << k2 << std::dec << "\n"; output.precision(pr); #endif } if ( (k1 != v1) || (k2 != v2) ) { std::cout << "???? restoreFullState failed for D shootBit()\n"; #ifdef CLEAN_OUTPUT output << "???? restoreFullState failed for D shootBit()\n"; #endif stat |= 32768; } for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); for (i=0; i < n; i++) bit |= D::shootBit(); { std::ofstream file ("distribution.save2"); D::saveDistState(file) << *D::getTheEngine(); v1=0; for (i=0; i<25; i++) { v1 <<=1; v1 += D::shootBit(); } for (i=0; i < n; i++) bit |= D::shootBit(); D::saveDistState(file) << *D::getTheEngine(); v2=0; for (i=0; i<25; i++) { v2 <<=1; v2 += D::shootBit(); } #ifdef VERBOSER2 int pr = output.precision(20); output << std::hex << "v1 = " << v1 << " v2 = " << v2 << std::dec << "\n"; output.precision(pr); #endif } for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); { std::ifstream file ("distribution.save2"); D::restoreDistState(file) >> *D::getTheEngine(); k1=0; for (i=0; i<25; i++) { k1 <<=1; k1 += D::shootBit(); } for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shoot(); for (i=0; i < n; i++) r += D::shootBit(); D::restoreDistState(file) >> *D::getTheEngine(); k2=0; for (i=0; i<25; i++) { k2 <<=1; k2 += D::shootBit(); } #ifdef VERBOSER2 int pr = output.precision(20); output << std::hex << "k1 = " << k1 << " k2 = " << k2 << std::dec << "\n"; output.precision(pr); #endif } if ( (k1 != v1) || (k2 != v2) ) { std::cout << "???? restoreDistState failed for RnadFlat::shootBit()\n"; #ifdef CLEAN_OUTPUT output << "???? restoreDistState failed for RnadFlat::shootBit()\n"; #endif stat |= 65536; } return stat; } // ----------- Tests saving all statics together ----------- void randomizeStatics(int n) { for (int i=0; i captureStatics() { std::vector c; c.push_back( RandGauss::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandGaussQ::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandGaussT::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandFlat::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandBit::shoot() ); for (int i=0; i<20; i++) { c.push_back( RandFlat::shootBit() ); c.push_back( RandBit::shootBit() ); } c.push_back( RandPoisson::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandPoissonQ::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandPoissonT::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandBinomial::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandBreitWigner::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandChiSquare::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandExponential::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandGamma::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandLandau::shoot() ); c.push_back( RandStudentT::shoot() ); return c; } void saveStatics(std::string filename) { std::ofstream os(filename.c_str()); RandGeneral::saveStaticRandomStates(os); // It should be possible to call this from HepRandom, or any distribution. // RandGeneral, which is meaningless as a static distribution, should be the // toughest test, so we use that here. } void restoreStatics(std::string filename) { std::ifstream is(filename.c_str()); RandLandau::restoreStaticRandomStates(is); } // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- int main() { int stat = 0; #ifdef TEST_STATIC_SAVE output << "\n=========================================\n"; output << " Part V \n"; output << "Static Save/restore to/from streams \n"; output << "=========================================\n\n"; stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSaveShootBit (19); stat |= staticSaveShootBit (23); for (int ibinom=0; ibinom<15; ibinom++) { stat |= staticSave (7+3*ibinom); } stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); stat |= staticSave (7); #endif #ifdef TEST_SAVE_STATIC_STATES output << "\n==============================================\n"; output << " Part VI \n"; output << "Save/restore all static states to/from streams \n"; output << "==============================================\n\n"; randomizeStatics(15); saveStatics("distribution.save"); output << "Saved all static distributions\n"; std::vector c = captureStatics(); output << "Captured output of all static distributions\n"; randomizeStatics(11); output << "Randomized all static distributions\n"; restoreStatics("distribution.save"); output << "Restored all static distributions to saved state\n"; std::vector d = captureStatics(); output << "Captured output of all static distributions\n"; for (unsigned int iv=0; iv 0) return -(stat|1); return stat|1; }