Geant4 6.2 - patch-02 Release Notes

                                                           26 October 2004

List of fixes included in this public patch since release 6.2-patch-01:

  o Geometry:
    + divisions:
      o Removed unnecessary debug printout in method
    + management:
      o G4Region: added map for storage of materials/cuts and methods for
        handling registration of couples in the map, finding a couple
        according to a given material, clearing the map's storage.
        Extensions necessary to resolve correct update of material-cut
        couples in parameterised geometries by material.
      o G4LogicalVolume: added method UpdateMaterial() to refresh a
        material/cut couple in the corresponding region.
        Extension necessary to resolve correct update of material-cut
        couples in parameterised geometries by material.
      o Fixed G4RegionStore::Clean() to avoid deletion of world region.
    + navigation:
      o G4Navigator: corrected computation of fGrandMotherExitNormal in
        ComputeStep() in the case where a not valid exit-normal exists.
      o G4GeomTestSegment: fix to correctly determine whether starting
        trajectory is entering or exiting the solid when the starting point
        is on a surface. Added additional tests on solid consistencies
        (from roundoff sometimes) to avoid incorrect overlap warnings.
        Addresses problem reports #610 and #652.
      o Dump out contents from the solid when a fatal G4Exception is thrown
        from the navigators in ComputeStep().
      o Invoke G4LogicalVolume::UpdateMaterial() instead of SetMaterial()
        for parameterised navigation in G4Navigator and specialised
        Modification necessary to resolve correct update of material-cut
        couples in parameterised geometries by material.
    + solids/CSG:
      o Fix in G4Cons::DistanceToIn(p,v) on fRmax surface and move in,
        the condition became a bit more strict && determinant >=0, i.e.
        intersections in addition to go in.
        Fixes a rare problem of dIn=dOut=0 observed in 3 events over a
        statistics of 10^8..
      o Fix in G4Sphere::DistanceToOut(p,v,...) on fRmin moving outside.
        The bug showed 3 events of dIn=dOut=0 for 10^7 statistics in the
        unit testing.
      o Bug fix in G4Sphere::SurfaceNormal(p) for theta normals.
    + solids/specific:
      o G4VCSGfaceted: fix for rare anomalous situation in which
        DistanceToOut(p,v,..) will report kInfinity, make an additional
        check for the point p on the surface, in which case will report
        zero. Addresses problem observed in G4Polyhedra and reported in #650.

  o Materials:
    + Added protection in G4AtomicShells::GetNumberOfShells(Z).
      Fixes problem report #643.
    + Recalculate ionisation parameters after set of new mean ionisation
      potential; added factor 2 to shell correction term.

  o Processes/cuts:
    + Fixed bug in G4ProductionCutsTable for the update of materials/cuts
      couple for dynamic setups where material may vary, like in the case
      of parameterization of detectors through material.

  o Electromagnetic processes:
    + lowenergy:
      o Trivial fixes for removal of redundant semicolons in the code.
    + utils:
      o Fixed a problem of cut dependence of transmission energy of low
        energy e- via thin foil
    + xrays:
      o Changed "StronglyForced" back to "Forced" in GetMeanLifeTime() for
        the G4Scintillation process.

  o Hadronic Processes:
    + models/cascade:
      o Fixed bug in G4CascadeInterface for uncorrect deletion of dynamic
        particles. Fixes problem report #645.

  o Optical Processes:
    + Allow for unified model reflectivity parameters to also work in case
      of dielectric_metal surfaces; in G4OpBoundaryProcess, use GetMaterial()
      from G4StepPoint directly, sample reflectivity and apply unified model
      reflection parameters only once even for rough dielectric/metal
      surfaces. Fixes problem report #654.
    + Fixed bug in G4PlaneVectorRand for G4OpBoundaryProcess and resample
      'theFacetNormal' for LobeReflection in DielectricMetal.

  o Run:
    + Updated date to run-manager.

  o Visualization:
    + OpenGL: simplified implementation for
      GetMatrix() to allow for porting on future CLHEP series.

  o Examples:
    + Updated reference outputs.
    + electromagnetic/MuonProcesses
      o Modified HistoManager and Messenger in order to allow a multirun job.
    + electromagnetic/PhotonProcesses
      o Modified HistoManager and Messenger in order to allow a multirun job.
    + electromagnetic/TestEm2
      o Updated acceptance numbers in input macro.
      o Fixed problem in initialisation of RunAction.
    + electromagnetic/TestEm4
      o Modifications in RunAction for histograms management for JAIDA.
    + electromagnetic/TestEm6
      o Correctly defined all UI subdirectories.
      o Modifications in RunAction for histograms management for JAIDA.
    + electromagnetic/TestEm10
      o Removed obsolete processes from PhysicsList.
    + extended/field
      o Minor cleanup of PhysicsLists.
    + extended/optical
      o Fixed compilation error and warnings for LXe on Linux/gcc compiler.
    + novice/N05
      o Added protection for negative proposed step in ExN05MinEkineCuts.


                             Technical Notes

  o  This patch should be applied on top of release 6.2.
  o  Technical notes distributed for release 6.2 are also applicable and
     valid for this patch.

The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 6.2 are available through
our "Source Code" Web page:

Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
for further information about using Geant4.