$Id: History,v 2009/08/11 15:48:46 gcosmo Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Super-Category History file --------------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code at this level and keep track of all relavant tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- envs-V09-01-04 15 May 2009 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - configuration script is updated. * some fixes * modify search paths for inc/lib envs-V09-01-03 5 Dec. 2008 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - clean up codes - g4py module name is introduced - rmove legacy GDML interface envs-V09-01-02 25 Jun. 2008 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - update compiler options for gcc 4.3 envs-V09-01-01 14 Jun. 2008 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - update configure scripts - fix some minor bugs envs-V09-01-00 13 Mar. 2008 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - fix compilation problems - direct usage of G4Version.hh instead of pyG4Version.hh envs-V09-00-04 26 Nov. 2007 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - add G4 GDML module support - update PL stuffs for 9.1 envs-V09-00-03 16 Nov. 2007 Koichi Murakami - sorry, forget commiting this history file. envs-V09-00-02 13 Nov. 2007 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - modified for 9.1 release - add GDML support / GDML file I/O examples envs-V09-00-01 07 Aug. 2007 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - add geometry stuffs(boolean solids) and testing stuffs envs-V09-00-00 14 July 2007 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - bug fix - update/add geometry stuffs - new example of TestEm0 envs-V08-03-01 7 June Koichi Murakami [g4py] - modified for 9.0 (checked for cand-05) envs-V08-03-00 27 May Koichi Murakami [g4py] - implement software abort by Ctrl-C. - modified for 8.3/9.0 envs-V08-01-02 01 December 2006 Koichi Murakami - pyG4Material.cc : fix namespace problem - pyG4VisManager.cc : replace SetVerboisity with SetVerboseLevel for G4.8.2 - add messenger for ExN03geom envs-V08-01-01 21 November 2006 Koichi Murakami - implement G4ExceptionHandler as translation to Python exceptions - remove obsolete method; G4VPhysicalVolume::GetObjectRotation() envs-V08-01-00 20 November 2006 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - add MacOSX support - more exposed stuffs - add physics list module - add GUI examples using wxPython envs-V08-00-09 29 June 2006 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - fix rpath of boost_python (config/sys/linux.gmk, linuxx8664gcc.gmk) - "site-modules/primaries/MedicalBeam/MedicalMeam.cc" fix a bug in calculation of cos from a sin value - remove duplicated DISCLAIMER (ExN03PhysicsList.cc/hh in site-modules) envs-V08-00-08 23 June 2006 Hajime Yoshida - MOMO.jar is now without Gain - MomoHome/vis.mac revbised for new vis (taken from N03) [g4py] - sh version of configure script - G4UserStackingAction: fixed for not being called envs-V08-00-07 14 June 2006 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - change install path of site-modules (lib/site-modules -> lib/) - remove COPYING - update examples/education/lesson2 envs-V08-00-06 13 June 2006 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - update expose of G4Track - change python calls pass-by-reference (XXXUserAction::XXXAction()) envs-V08-00-05 07 June 2006 Koichi Murakami - [g4py] fix segmentation fault at termination envs-V08-00-04 05 June 2006 Koichi Murakami - [g4py] additional moddifications of g4py for G4 8.1 (08-00-ref-05) envs-V08-00-03 05 June 2006 Koichi Murakami - History file is updated. - same as the previous envs-V08-00-02 05 June 2006 Koichi Murakami [g4py] - modifications for new version (8.1) (08-00-ref-04) - disclamer is added envs-V08-00-01 03 June 2006 Hajime Yoshida - addition of new Geant4Py educational examples -- g4py/examples/education/lesson1 => measurement of the mass attenuation coefficient -- g4py/examples/education/lesson2 => Pythonized novice/N03 envs-V08-00-00 28 February 2006 Hajime Yoshida -addition of new Python environments -- g4py/source : Python wrappers of geant4/sources -- g4py/site-modules : some application modules using the wrappers -- g4py/ associated files to configure envs-V06-02-00 27 November 2004 Hajime Yoshida -old depricated files -new tag number envs-V06-01-02 26 Nov 2004 Hajime Yoshida - MOMO.jar finally tuned - added new example in MomoHome - removed obsolete files envs-V06-01-01 25 Nov 2004 Hajime Yoshida - new version of MOMO integrating GAG and Gain envs-V05-02-03 09 December 2003 Gabriele Cosmo - New version of MOMO with XML import/export abilities. envs-V05-02-02 04 November 2003 Gabriele Cosmo - Added module MOMO with Java archives for UI tools from Naruto. envs-V05-02-01 17 October 2003 Guy Barrand - OPACS being deprecated, remove related OPACS things in Geant4. envs-V04-01-00 06 December 2002 Gabriele Cosmo - Synchronized HEAD (disclaimer of liability). - Updates for new G4ApplicationState. envs-V01-01-01 09 June 2000 John Allison - Only OPACS and History tagged. 09 June 2000 Guy Barrand - Some correction to be able to compile with 01-01-ref-04 envs-V01-01-00 7th June 2000 Guy Barrand envs-V00-01-00 10th November 1999 John Allison - Only OPACS and History tagged. envs-01-00-02 20th May 1999 John Allison - Only OPACS and History tagged. - Archived Momo (cvs remove) which puts it in the Attic. Can be retrieved with cvs update -D 990519 environmants/Momo. - OPACS development (Guy). - XVT not currently under development. envs-00-04-01 7th January 1999 hajime Yoshida - New Momo with make capabilities along with library selection - GGEmake updated for the latest g++ (egcs-1.1) envs-00-04-01 11th December 1998 Hajime Yoshida Masayasu Nagamatu - The latest version of GGE, the whole *.java, *.class and example files committed 10th December Hajime Yoshida - Tcl/Tk GAG warns to the binaries compiled with G4UIterminal session and stops it. envs-00-03-04 12th November 1998 John Allison - Tagged (what was envs-00-30-03?). 12th Nov. 1998 Hajime Yoshida -many new features added to Momo/java/Momo/GGE -minor modification to Momo/GGEmake -addition of Momo/java/Momo/Momo envs-00-03-02 14th Sep 1998 Hajime Yoshida - minor updates in GGE envs-00-03-01 13th Sep 1998 Hajime Yoshida -Momo/GGEmake added README and a macro file -Momo/java/Momo/GGE updated. BREPs, sample persistent files etc. envs-00-02-01 3rd Sep 1998 Hajime Yoshida Momo/GGEmake Momo/java/Momo/GGE GGE committed envs-00-01-03 17th Aug 1998 Hajime Yoshida - touched many files in Momo Tcl/Tk and Java envs-00-01-02 15th July 1998 John Allison - Removed some files in OPACS for beta01 - see OPACS/History. envs-00-01-01 8th July 1998 John Allison - Added XVT (moved from interfaces/xvt_standalone_test). - Forced revision 2.0 on Momo. 6th July 1998 Satoshi Tanaka - Added Momo (moved from interfaces/standalone_test). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ geant4beta ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ========================================================================= vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv geant4alpha vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv envs-00-05-01 23rd April 1998 Gabriele Cosmo - Added OPACS directory tagged as OPACS-00-05-01. envs-00-05-00 19th March 1998 John Allison - First creation of this super-category.