[?1034hWelcome to MAUS: Process ID (PID): 1032 Program Arguments: ['/stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/bin/simulate_mice.py', '-configuration_file', '/stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/tests/integration/test_simulation/test_tof/config.py', '-output_root_file_name', '/stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/tmp/test_tof_mc.root', '-verbose_level', '1'] Version: MAUS release version 0.6.0 Configuration: { "get_ids_create_file": true, "DAQ_monitor_name": "MICE_Online_Monitor", "visualisation_phi": 90.0, "geometry_download_by": "id", "everything_special_virtual": false, "maximum_number_of_steps": 500000, "SciFi_sigma_tracker0_station5": 0.4298, "TOF_calib_date_from": "current", "Enable_t0_correction": true, "SciFiClustExcept": 100, "simulation_reference_particle": { "random_seed": 10, "energy": 226.0, "particle_id": -13, "time": 0.0, "position": { "y": -0.0, "x": 0.0, "z": -6400.0 }, "momentum": { "y": 0.0, "x": 0.0, "z": 1.0 } }, "muon_half_life": -1.0, "kinetic_cutoff": 1.0, "TOFtdcConversionFactor": 0.025, "input_root_file_name": "maus_input.root", "TOF_makeSpacePiontCut": 0.5, "errors_to_stderr": null, "SciFiFiberDecayConst": 2.7, "output_root_file_name": "/stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/tmp/test_tof_mc.root", "SciFiMUXTransmissionEff": 1.0, "Do_V1724_Zero_Suppression": true, "KL_cabling_file": "/files/cabling/KLChannelMap.txt", "delta_one_step": -1.0, "Enable_V1724_Unpacking": true, "get_beamline_run_number": "", "geometry_download_wsdl": "geometry?wsdl", "header_and_footer_mode": "append", "input_json_file_name": "maus_input.json", "geant4_visualisation": false, "output_json_file_name": "maus_output.json", "keep_only_muon_tracks": false, "Enable_EMR": true, "reference_physics_processes": "mean_energy_loss", "beam": { "definitions": [ { "n_particles_per_spill": 50, "random_seed_algorithm": "incrementing_random", "coupling": { "coupling_mode": "none" }, "reference": { "random_seed": 0, "energy": 226.0, "particle_id": -13, "time": 2000000.0, "position": { "y": 0.0, "x": 0.0, "z": -15000.0 }, "momentum": { "y": 0.0, "x": 0.0, "z": 1.0 } }, "transverse": { "transverse_mode": "pencil" }, "longitudinal": { "momentum_variable": "p", "longitudinal_mode": "pencil" } } ], "random_seed": 2, "particle_generator": "counter" }, "SciFiFiberTrappingEff": 0.056, "SciFiPRStraightOn": 1, "mu_plus_vis_colour": { "blue": 112.0, "green": 25.0, "red": 25.0 }, "daq_data_file": "02873.003", "SciFivlpcTimeRes": 0.2, "SciFi_sigma_z": 0.081, "neutron_vis_colour": { "blue": 19.0, "green": 69.0, "red": 139.0 }, "TOFattenuationLength": 1400, "delta_intersection": -1.0, "technical_drawing_name": "", "SciFiFiberMirrorEff": 0.6, "g4_step_max": 5.0, "geometry_upload_wsdl": "geometrySuperMouse?wsdl", "daq_data_path": "/stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/src/input/InputCppDAQData", "daq_online_spill_delay_time": 0.0, "get_ids_start_time": "2012-05-08 09:00:00", "output_file_directory": "/home/hep/martynia/maus/MAUS-v0.6.0/third_party/install/lib/maus-apps-0.2/media/raw", "Enable_CKOV": true, "verbose_level": 0, "end_of_run_image_directory": "", "e_minus_vis_colour": { "blue": 0.0, "green": 69.0, "red": 250.0 }, "SciFiPRHelicalOn": 1, "particle_decay": true, "Number_of_DAQ_Events": -1, "get_beamline_by": "all_entries", "configuration_file": "/stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/tests/integration/test_simulation/test_tof/config.py", "Enable_DBB_Unpacking": true, "Enable_V830_Unpacking": true, "SciFiNPECut": 2.0, "default_vis_colour": { "blue": 0.0, "green": 100.0, "red": 0.0 }, "keep_steps": false, "charged_pion_half_life": -1.0, "Enable_TOF": true, "field_tracker_absolute_error": 0.0001, "geometry_upload_note": "", "simulation_geometry_filename": "Stage6.dat", "Enable_VLSB_C_Unpacking": true, "geometry_upload_directory": "/stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/files/geometry/upload", "on_error": "none", "epsilon_max": -1.0, "epsilon_min": -1.0, "keep_or_kill_particles": { "anti_nu_tau": false, "nu_e": false, "anti_nu_e": false, "nu_mu": false, "nu_tau": false, "mu-": true, "anti_nu_mu": false, "mu+": true }, "field_tracker_relative_error": 0.0001, "get_beamline_start_time": "", "SciFinStations": 5, "SciFi_sigma_triplet": 0.3844, "pi_plus_vis_colour": { "blue": 240.0, "green": 250.0, "red": 255.0 }, "spill_generator_number_of_spills": 15, "pi_minus_vis_colour": { "blue": 105.0, "green": 105.0, "red": 105.0 }, "photon_vis_colour": { "blue": 0.0, "green": 255.0, "red": 255.0 }, "visualisation_viewer": "VRML2FILE", "geometry_download_cleanup": true, "type_of_dataflow": "pipeline_single_thread", "SciFi_sigma_duplet": 0.6197, "kinetic_energy_threshold": 0.1, "Enable_timeWalk_correction": true, "mu_minus_vis_colour": { "blue": 250.0, "green": 206.0, "red": 135.0 }, "check_volume_overlaps": false, "doc_store_class": "docstore.MongoDBDocumentStore.MongoDBDocumentStore", "cdb_download_url": "http://cdb.mice.rl.ac.uk/cdb/", "gamma_vis_colour": { "blue": 147.0, "green": 20.0, "red": 255.0 }, "input_json_file_type": "text", "mongodb_collection_name": "spills", "V1731_Zero_Suppression_Threshold": 100, "geometry_download_directory": "/stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/files/geometry/download", "SciFivlpcQE": 0.8, "SciFitdcFactor": 1.0, "TOFpmtQuantumEfficiency": 0.25, "SciFivlpcEnergyRes": 4.0, "SciFiadcFactor": 6.0, "DAQ_cabling_file": "/files/cabling/DAQChannelMap.txt", "will_do_stack_trace": false, "production_threshold": 0.5, "DAQ_hostname": "miceraid1a", "physics_processes": "standard", "errors_to_json": true, "Enable_V1731_Unpacking": true, "Enable_KL": true, "reduce_plot_refresh_rate": 5, "geometry_upload_cleanup": true, "SciFinTrackers": 2, "geometry_download_run_number": 0, "VLSB_C_Zero_Suppression_Threshold": 45, "daq_online_file": "", "SciFiMUXNum": 7, "visualisation_theta": 90.0, "stepping_algorithm": "ClassicalRK4", "Enable_VLSB_Unpacking": true, "V1724_Zero_Suppression_Threshold": 100, "miss_distance": -1.0, "Calib_Events_Only": false, "mongodb_host": "localhost", "image_directory": "/home/hep/martynia/maus/MAUS-v0.6.0/third_party/install/lib/maus-apps-0.2/media/raw", "VLSB_Zero_Suppression_Threshold": 60, "Enable_V1290_Unpacking": true, "e_plus_vis_colour": { "blue": 0.0, "green": 0.0, "red": 250.0 }, "cdb_upload_url": "http://cdb.mice.rl.ac.uk/cdb/", "Do_VLSB_Zero_Suppression": false, "Enable_triggerDelay_correction": true, "SciFinPlanes": 3, "TOF_findTriggerPixelCut": 0.5, "SciFiFiberConvFactor": 3047.1, "SciFiFiberTransmissionEff": 0.8, "get_ids_stop_time": "2012-05-22 15:47:34.856000", "physics_model": "QGSP_BERT", "keep_tracks": false, "TOFpmtTimeResolution": 0.1, "TOFconversionFactor": 0.005, "TOF_cabling_date_from": "current", "default_keep_or_kill": true, "TOFadcConversionFactor": 0.125, "mongodb_port": 27017, "mongodb_database_name": "mausdb", "output_json_file_type": "text", "geometry_upload_valid_from": "", "get_beamline_stop_time": "", "TOF_trigger_station": "tof1", "SciFitdcBits": 16, "Do_V1731_Zero_Suppression": false, "geometry_download_id": 3, "maus_version": "MAUS release version 0.6.0", "doc_store_event_cache_size": 100000000, "accumulate_tracks": 0, "visualisation_zoom": 1.0, "doc_collection_name": "spills", "Phys_Events_Only": false, "TOFscintLightSpeed": 170.0, "Do_VLSB_C_Zero_Suppression": true, "reconstruction_geometry_filename": "Stage6.dat" } Initialising Globals Warning - failed to open module /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/src/legacy/FILES/Models/Modules/QCField - I assume it is not required Warning - failed to open module /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/src/legacy/FILES/Models/Modules/QCField - I assume it is not required Warning - failed to open module /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/src/legacy/FILES/Models/Modules/QCField - I assume it is not required ************************************************************* Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-02-patch-04 (16-September-2010) Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303 WWW : http://cern.ch/geant4 ************************************************************* <<< Geant4 Physics List engine packaging library: PACK 5.4 <<< Geant4 Physics List simulation engine: QGSP_BERT 3.3 Placing BeamLine.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-10283) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 209.641 m^3 material: Galactic Placing TOF0.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-14182.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00800002 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0Horizontal.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab0.dat of type Box position: (0,-180,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab0Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-180,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab1.dat of type Box position: (0,-140,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab1Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-140,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab2.dat of type Box position: (0,-100,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab2Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-100,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab3.dat of type Box position: (0,-60,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab3Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-60,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab4.dat of type Box position: (0,-20,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab4Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-20,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab5.dat of type Box position: (0,20,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab5Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,20,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab6.dat of type Box position: (0,60,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab6Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,60,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab7.dat of type Box position: (0,100,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab7Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,100,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab8.dat of type Box position: (0,140,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab8Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,140,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab9.dat of type Box position: (0,180,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0HorizontalSlab9Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,180,-14195) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0Vertical.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab0.dat of type Box position: (-180,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab0Sci.dat of type Box position: (-180,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0VerticalSlab1.dat of type Box position: (-140,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab1Sci.dat of type Box position: (-140,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0VerticalSlab2.dat of type Box position: (-100,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab2Sci.dat of type Box position: (-100,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0VerticalSlab3.dat of type Box position: (-60,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab3Sci.dat of type Box position: (-60,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0VerticalSlab4.dat of type Box position: (-20,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab4Sci.dat of type Box position: (-20,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0VerticalSlab5.dat of type Box position: (20,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab5Sci.dat of type Box position: (20,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0VerticalSlab6.dat of type Box position: (60,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab6Sci.dat of type Box position: (60,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0VerticalSlab7.dat of type Box position: (100,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab7Sci.dat of type Box position: (100,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0VerticalSlab8.dat of type Box position: (140,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab8Sci.dat of type Box position: (140,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF0VerticalSlab9.dat of type Box position: (180,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 Placing TOF0VerticalSlab9Sci.dat of type Box position: (180,0,-14170) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0004 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing Cherenkov.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13437.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.44352 m^3 material: AIR Placing Vessel1.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13610.8) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.22176 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing Window.dat0 of type Box position: (0,0,-13781.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0010125 m^3 material: AIR Placing Mirror.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13777.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0006075 m^3 material: AIR Placing Acc1.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13763.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0046575 m^3 material: AEROGEL_1 Placing GlassWindow.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13750.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00108 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing Window.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13440) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0010125 m^3 material: AIR Placing PMT0.dat of type Sphere position: (403.08,0,-13581) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 90 volume: 0.000203047 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing PMT1.dat of type Sphere position: (0,403.08,-13581) rotationVector: (-1,0,0) angle: 90 volume: 0.000203047 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing PMT2.dat of type Sphere position: (-403.08,0,-13581) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 90 volume: 0.000203047 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing PMT3.dat of type Sphere position: (0,-403.08,-13581) rotationVector: (1,0,0) angle: 90 volume: 0.000203047 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing Vessel2.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13264.3) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.22176 m^3 material: AIR Placing Window.dat1 of type Box position: (0,0,-13435) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0010125 m^3 material: AIR Placing Mirror.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13431) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0006075 m^3 material: AIR Placing Acc2.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13417) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0046575 m^3 material: AEROGEL_2 Placing GlassWindow.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13404) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00108 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing Window.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-13093.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0010125 m^3 material: AIR Placing PMT0.dat of type Sphere position: (403.08,0,-13234.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 90 volume: 0.000203047 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing PMT1.dat of type Sphere position: (0,403.08,-13234.5) rotationVector: (-1,0,0) angle: 90 volume: 0.000203047 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing PMT2.dat of type Sphere position: (-403.08,0,-13234.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 90 volume: 0.000203047 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing PMT3.dat of type Sphere position: (0,-403.08,-13234.5) rotationVector: (1,0,0) angle: 90 volume: 0.000203047 m^3 material: OptAIR Placing DSAWestWall.dat of type Multipole position: (0,0,-12479.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 9.83836 m^3 material: CONCRETE Placing QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2 of type Box position: (0,0,-9959.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.3535 m^3 material: Galactic Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_InnerBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule3 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule4 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule5 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule6 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat/QC_DiagonalBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Body.dat Searching for BooleanModule7 Placing QC_Body.dat of type Boolean position: (0,0,-9959.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.768035 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Pole.dat3/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Pole.dat3 Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat3 of type Boolean position: (295.5,295.5,-9959.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0372369 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Pole.dat4/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Pole.dat4 Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat4 of type Boolean position: (-295.5,295.5,-9959.45) rotationVector: (0,0,-1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0372765 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Pole.dat5/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Pole.dat5 Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat5 of type Boolean position: (295.5,-295.5,-9959.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0373039 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat of type Boolean position: (-295.5,-295.5,-9959.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 0.0372225 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6/QC_MirrorInnerBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6 Searching for BooleanModule2 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6 Searching for BooleanModule3 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6 Searching for BooleanModule4 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6 Searching for BooleanModule5 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6 Searching for BooleanModule6 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6/QC_MirrorDiagonalBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat6 Searching for BooleanModule7 Placing QC_MirrorPlate.dat6 of type Boolean position: (0,0,-9466.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0824932 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorInnerBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule3 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule4 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule5 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule6 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorDiagonalBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat2/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule7 Placing QC_MirrorPlate.dat of type Boolean position: (0,0,-10452.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.082502 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat7 of type Box position: (702.5,0,-10357.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat8 of type Box position: (552.5,0,-10357.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat9 of type Box position: (-702.5,0,-10357.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat10 of type Box position: (-552.5,0,-10357.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat11 of type Box position: (0,-702.5,-10357.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat12 of type Box position: (0,-552.5,-10357.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat13 of type Box position: (0,702.5,-10357.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat14 of type Box position: (0,552.5,-10357.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat15 of type Box position: (702.5,0,-9561.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat16 of type Box position: (552.5,0,-9561.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat17 of type Box position: (-702.5,0,-9561.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat18 of type Box position: (-552.5,0,-9561.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat19 of type Box position: (0,-702.5,-9561.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat20 of type Box position: (0,-552.5,-9561.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat of type Box position: (0,702.5,-9561.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat of type Box position: (0,552.5,-9561.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21 of type Box position: (0,0,-8799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.3535 m^3 material: Galactic Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_InnerBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule3 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule4 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule5 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule6 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat/QC_DiagonalBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Body.dat Searching for BooleanModule7 Placing QC_Body.dat of type Boolean position: (0,0,-8799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.767238 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Pole.dat22/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Pole.dat22 Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat22 of type Boolean position: (295.5,295.5,-8799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0372823 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Pole.dat23/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Pole.dat23 Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat23 of type Boolean position: (-295.5,295.5,-8799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,-1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0373008 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Pole.dat24/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Pole.dat24 Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat24 of type Boolean position: (295.5,-295.5,-8799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0372839 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat of type Boolean position: (-295.5,-295.5,-8799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 0.0372942 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25/QC_MirrorInnerBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25 Searching for BooleanModule2 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25 Searching for BooleanModule3 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25 Searching for BooleanModule4 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25 Searching for BooleanModule5 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25 Searching for BooleanModule6 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25/QC_MirrorDiagonalBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat25 Searching for BooleanModule7 Placing QC_MirrorPlate.dat25 of type Boolean position: (0,0,-8306.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0825193 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorInnerBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule3 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule4 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule5 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule6 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorDiagonalBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat21/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule7 Placing QC_MirrorPlate.dat of type Boolean position: (0,0,-9292.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.082399 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat26 of type Box position: (702.5,0,-9197.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat27 of type Box position: (552.5,0,-9197.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat28 of type Box position: (-702.5,0,-9197.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat29 of type Box position: (-552.5,0,-9197.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat30 of type Box position: (0,-702.5,-9197.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat31 of type Box position: (0,-552.5,-9197.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat32 of type Box position: (0,702.5,-9197.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat33 of type Box position: (0,552.5,-9197.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat34 of type Box position: (702.5,0,-8401.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat35 of type Box position: (552.5,0,-8401.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat36 of type Box position: (-702.5,0,-8401.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat37 of type Box position: (-552.5,0,-8401.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat38 of type Box position: (0,-702.5,-8401.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat39 of type Box position: (0,-552.5,-8401.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat of type Box position: (0,702.5,-8401.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat of type Box position: (0,552.5,-8401.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-7639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.3535 m^3 material: Galactic Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_InnerBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule3 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule4 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule5 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Searching for BooleanModule6 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat/QC_DiagonalBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Body.dat Searching for BooleanModule7 Placing QC_Body.dat of type Boolean position: (0,0,-7639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.766741 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Pole.dat40/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Pole.dat40 Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat40 of type Boolean position: (295.5,295.5,-7639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0372648 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Pole.dat41/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Pole.dat41 Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat41 of type Boolean position: (-295.5,295.5,-7639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,-1) angle: 90 volume: 0.037414 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Pole.dat42/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Pole.dat42 Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat42 of type Boolean position: (295.5,-295.5,-7639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0372765 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Pole.dat/QC_PoleBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_Pole.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Placing QC_Pole.dat of type Boolean position: (-295.5,-295.5,-7639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 0.0372488 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43/QC_MirrorInnerBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43 Searching for BooleanModule2 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43 Searching for BooleanModule3 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43 Searching for BooleanModule4 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43 Searching for BooleanModule5 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43 Searching for BooleanModule6 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43/QC_MirrorDiagonalBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat43 Searching for BooleanModule7 Placing QC_MirrorPlate.dat43 of type Boolean position: (0,0,-7146.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0825108 m^3 material: STEEL304 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorInnerBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule2 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule3 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule4 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule5 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorPole.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule6 Adding module Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat/QC_MirrorDiagonalBox.dat for boolean Stage6.dat/BeamLine.dat/QuadTypeQC_Boolean.dat/QC_MirrorPlate.dat Searching for BooleanModule7 Placing QC_MirrorPlate.dat of type Boolean position: (0,0,-8132.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0825194 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat44 of type Box position: (702.5,0,-8037.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat45 of type Box position: (552.5,0,-8037.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat46 of type Box position: (-702.5,0,-8037.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat47 of type Box position: (-552.5,0,-8037.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat48 of type Box position: (0,-702.5,-8037.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat49 of type Box position: (0,-552.5,-8037.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat50 of type Box position: (0,702.5,-8037.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat51 of type Box position: (0,552.5,-8037.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat52 of type Box position: (702.5,0,-7241.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat53 of type Box position: (552.5,0,-7241.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat54 of type Box position: (-702.5,0,-7241.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat55 of type Box position: (-552.5,0,-7241.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat56 of type Box position: (0,-702.5,-7241.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat57 of type Box position: (0,-552.5,-7241.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorSmallSpacer.dat of type Box position: (0,702.5,-7241.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.002275 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing QC_MirrorLargeSpacer.dat of type Box position: (0,552.5,-7241.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 90 volume: 0.0026 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing TOF1.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-6358.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.5625 m^3 material: AIR Placing UpstreamShield1.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-6283.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.16286 m^3 material: Fe Placing UpstreamShieldLink.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-6383.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0439823 m^3 material: Fe Placing UpstreamShield2.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-6458.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0814301 m^3 material: Fe Placing TOF1Detector.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-6383.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00882 m^3 Placing TOF1Horizontal.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00441 m^3 Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab0.dat of type Box position: (0,-180,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab0Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-180,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab1.dat of type Box position: (0,-120,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab1Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-120,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab2.dat of type Box position: (0,-60,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab2Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-60,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab3.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab3Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab4.dat of type Box position: (0,60,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab4Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,60,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab5.dat of type Box position: (0,120,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab5Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,120,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab6.dat of type Box position: (0,180,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1HorizontalSlab6Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,180,-6370.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1Vertical.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00441 m^3 Placing TOF1VerticalSlab0.dat of type Box position: (-180,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1VerticalSlab0Sci.dat of type Box position: (-180,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1VerticalSlab1.dat of type Box position: (-120,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1VerticalSlab1Sci.dat of type Box position: (-120,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1VerticalSlab2.dat of type Box position: (-60,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1VerticalSlab2Sci.dat of type Box position: (-60,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1VerticalSlab3.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1VerticalSlab3Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1VerticalSlab4.dat of type Box position: (60,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1VerticalSlab4Sci.dat of type Box position: (60,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1VerticalSlab5.dat of type Box position: (120,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1VerticalSlab5Sci.dat of type Box position: (120,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF1VerticalSlab6.dat of type Box position: (180,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 Placing TOF1VerticalSlab6Sci.dat of type Box position: (180,0,-6395.95) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00063 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerSolenoid0.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4783) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 4.2312 m^3 material: Galactic Placing Cryostat0.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-4783) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 3.88604 m^3 material: He Placing CryostatOuterVessel.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-4783) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.177677 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing CryostatInnerTube.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-4783) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.00518378 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing CryostatFrontEndPlate.dat of type Tube position: (-1.6624e-13,0,-6140.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.0243818 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing CryostatBackEndPlate.dat of type Tube position: (1.6624e-13,0,-3425.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.0243818 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing Diffuser.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-6094.01) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.000810386 m^3 material: AIR Placing Diffuser_Disc3.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-6094) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.000392094 m^3 material: Pb Placing Diffuser_UpstreamPlane.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-6101.76) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 5.22792e-09 m^3 material: Galactic Placing Tracker0.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5199.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.142 m^3 material: He Placing TrackerRef0.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4639.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.000125664 m^3 material: He Placing TrackerStation1.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4649.62) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat58 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4650.59) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat59 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4649.93) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4649.28) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerStation2.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4849.59) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat60 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4850.55) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat61 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4849.9) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-4849.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerStation3.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5099.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat62 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5100.41) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat63 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5099.76) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5099.11) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerStation4.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5399.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat64 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5400.41) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat65 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5399.76) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5399.11) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerStation5.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5749.38) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat66 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5750.34) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat67 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5749.69) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-5749.04) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerCoil.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-4783) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.383376 m^3 Placing MatchCoil1.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-3694) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0186814 m^3 material: Cu Placing MatchCoil2.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-4134.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00886216 m^3 material: Cu Placing EndCoil1.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-4534.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0122956 m^3 material: Cu Placing CenterCoil.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-5284) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.048116 m^3 material: Cu Placing EndCoil2.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-6034.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0137686 m^3 material: Cu Placing AbsorberFocusCoil.dat68 of type Tube position: (0,0,-2750) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 1.37239 m^3 material: Galactic Placing AFCCryostat.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-2750) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 1.37239 m^3 material: Al Placing FCoil.dat69 of type Tube position: (0,0,-2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0338048 m^3 material: Al Placing FCoil.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0338048 m^3 material: Al Placing RFCouplingCoilUp.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.56453 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CouplingCoil.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.142672 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityWithFieldMap.dat70 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.611667 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CavityOuterWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0276382 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat71 of type Tube position: (0,0,-1353.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-918.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat72 of type Polycone position: (0,0,-938.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 6.00441e-05 m^3 material: Be LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat of type Polycone position: (0,0,-1373.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 5.97839e-05 m^3 material: Be Placing CavityWithFieldMap.dat73 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.611667 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CavityOuterWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0276382 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat74 of type Tube position: (0,0,-1821.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-1386.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat75 of type Polycone position: (0,0,-1406.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 5.89108e-05 m^3 material: Be LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat of type Polycone position: (0,0,-1841.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 5.94639e-05 m^3 material: Be Placing CavityWithFieldMap.dat76 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.611667 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CavityOuterWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0276382 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat77 of type Tube position: (0,0,-884.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-449.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat78 of type Polycone position: (0,0,-469.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 5.94314e-05 m^3 material: Be LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat of type Polycone position: (0,0,-904.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 5.98815e-05 m^3 material: Be Placing CavityWithFieldMap.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,-2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.611667 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CavityOuterWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0276382 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat79 of type Tube position: (0,0,-2290.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,-1855.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat80 of type Polycone position: (0,0,-1875.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 5.96863e-05 m^3 material: Be LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat of type Polycone position: (0,0,-2310.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 5.86614e-05 m^3 material: Be Placing AbsorberFocusCoil.dat81 of type Tube position: (0,0,0) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 1.37239 m^3 material: Galactic Placing AFCCryostat.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,0) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 1.37239 m^3 material: Al Placing FCoil.dat82 of type Tube position: (0,0,-205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0338048 m^3 material: Al Placing FCoil.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0338048 m^3 material: Al Placing RFCouplingCoilDown.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.56453 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CouplingCoil.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.142672 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityWithFieldMap.dat83 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.611667 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CavityOuterWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0276382 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat84 of type Tube position: (0,0,1396.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,1831.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat85 of type Polycone position: (0,0,1811.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 5.86939e-05 m^3 material: Be LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat of type Polycone position: (0,0,1376.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 5.92145e-05 m^3 material: Be Placing CavityWithFieldMap.dat86 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.611667 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CavityOuterWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0276382 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat87 of type Tube position: (0,0,928.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,1363.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat88 of type Polycone position: (0,0,1343.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 5.9144e-05 m^3 material: Be LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat of type Polycone position: (0,0,908.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 5.9914e-05 m^3 material: Be Placing CavityWithFieldMap.dat89 of type Cylinder position: (0,0,2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.611667 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CavityOuterWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0276382 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat90 of type Tube position: (0,0,1865.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,2300.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat91 of type Polycone position: (0,0,2280.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 5.96049e-05 m^3 material: Be LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat of type Polycone position: (0,0,1845.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 5.90518e-05 m^3 material: Be Placing CavityWithFieldMap.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.611667 m^3 material: Galactic Placing CavityOuterWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0276382 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat92 of type Tube position: (0,0,459.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu Placing CavityEndWall.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,894.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0166253 m^3 material: Cu LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat93 of type Polycone position: (0,0,874.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 5.95995e-05 m^3 material: Be LOADING POLYCONE ${MICEFILES}/Models/Modules/RFCC/Cavity-Window.txt Placing BeWindowPolycone.dat of type Polycone position: (0,0,439.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 180 volume: 5.98544e-05 m^3 material: Be Placing AbsorberFocusCoil.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,2750) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 1.37239 m^3 material: Galactic Placing AFCCryostat.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,2750) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 1.37239 m^3 material: Al Placing FCoil.dat94 of type Tube position: (0,0,2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0338048 m^3 material: Al Placing FCoil.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0338048 m^3 material: Al Placing SpecVirt.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,4783) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 2.82743e-08 m^3 material: Galactic Placing TrackerSolenoid1.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,4783) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 4.2312 m^3 material: Galactic Placing Cryostat1.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,4783) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 3.88604 m^3 material: He Placing CryostatOuterVessel.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,4783) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.177677 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing CryostatInnerTube.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,4783) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.00518378 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing CryostatFrontEndPlate.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,6140.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0243818 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing CryostatBackEndPlate.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,3425.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0243818 m^3 material: STEEL304 Placing Tracker1.dat of type Cylinder position: (0,0,5199.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.142 m^3 material: He Placing TrackerRef1.dat of type Cylinder position: (-6.8578e-14,0,4639.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.000125664 m^3 material: He Placing Tracker1Station1.dat of type Cylinder position: (-6.73533e-14,0,4649.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat95 of type Cylinder position: (-6.72351e-14,0,4650.47) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat96 of type Cylinder position: (-6.73149e-14,0,4649.81) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (-6.73948e-14,0,4649.16) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing Tracker1Station2.dat of type Cylinder position: (-4.28612e-14,0,4849.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat97 of type Cylinder position: (-4.27429e-14,0,4850.47) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat98 of type Cylinder position: (-4.28228e-14,0,4849.81) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (-4.29027e-14,0,4849.16) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing Tracker1Station3.dat of type Cylinder position: (-1.22461e-14,0,5099.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat99 of type Cylinder position: (-1.21278e-14,0,5100.47) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat100 of type Cylinder position: (-1.22077e-14,0,5099.81) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (-1.22875e-14,0,5099.16) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing Tracker1Station4.dat of type Cylinder position: (2.44921e-14,0,5399.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat101 of type Cylinder position: (2.46104e-14,0,5400.47) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat102 of type Cylinder position: (2.45305e-14,0,5399.81) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (2.44507e-14,0,5399.16) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing Tracker1Station5.dat of type Cylinder position: (6.73533e-14,0,5749.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.000226823 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TrackerMylar.dat103 of type Cylinder position: (6.74716e-14,0,5750.47) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat104 of type Cylinder position: (6.73918e-14,0,5749.81) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerMylar.dat of type Cylinder position: (6.73119e-14,0,5749.16) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 2.80552e-06 m^3 material: MYLAR Placing TrackerCoil.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,4758.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.383376 m^3 Placing MatchCoil1.dat of type Tube position: (-1.3336e-13,0,3669.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.0186814 m^3 material: Cu Placing MatchCoil2.dat of type Tube position: (-7.94157e-14,0,4110) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.00886216 m^3 material: Cu Placing EndCoil1.dat of type Tube position: (-3.04315e-14,0,4510) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.0122956 m^3 material: Cu Placing CenterCoil.dat of type Tube position: (6.13528e-14,0,5259.5) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.048116 m^3 material: Cu Placing EndCoil2.dat of type Tube position: (1.53259e-13,0,6010) rotationVector: (0,1,0) angle: 180 volume: 0.0137686 m^3 material: Cu Placing TOF2.dat of type Box position: (0,0,6524.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.5625 m^3 material: AIR Placing DownstreamShield1.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,6449.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.14844 m^3 material: Fe Placing DownstreamShieldLink.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,6549.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0439823 m^3 material: Fe Placing DownstreamShield2.dat of type Tube position: (0,0,6624.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.069115 m^3 material: Fe Placing TOF2Detector.dat of type Box position: (0,0,6549.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.018 m^3 Placing TOF2Horizontal.dat of type Box position: (0,0,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab0.dat of type Box position: (0,-270,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab0Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-270,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab1.dat of type Box position: (0,-210,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab1Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-210,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab2.dat of type Box position: (0,-150,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab2Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-150,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab3.dat of type Box position: (0,-90,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab3Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-90,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab4.dat of type Box position: (0,-30,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab4Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,-30,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab5.dat of type Box position: (0,30,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab5Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,30,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab6.dat of type Box position: (0,90,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab6Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,90,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab7.dat of type Box position: (0,150,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab7Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,150,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab8.dat of type Box position: (0,210,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab8Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,210,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab9.dat of type Box position: (0,270,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2HorizontalSlab9Sci.dat of type Box position: (0,270,6537) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2Vertical.dat of type Box position: (0,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab0.dat of type Box position: (-270,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab0Sci.dat of type Box position: (-270,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2VerticalSlab1.dat of type Box position: (-210,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab1Sci.dat of type Box position: (-210,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2VerticalSlab2.dat of type Box position: (-150,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab2Sci.dat of type Box position: (-150,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2VerticalSlab3.dat of type Box position: (-90,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab3Sci.dat of type Box position: (-90,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2VerticalSlab4.dat of type Box position: (-30,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab4Sci.dat of type Box position: (-30,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2VerticalSlab5.dat of type Box position: (30,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab5Sci.dat of type Box position: (30,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2VerticalSlab6.dat of type Box position: (90,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab6Sci.dat of type Box position: (90,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2VerticalSlab7.dat of type Box position: (150,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab7Sci.dat of type Box position: (150,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2VerticalSlab8.dat of type Box position: (210,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab8Sci.dat of type Box position: (210,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE Placing TOF2VerticalSlab9.dat of type Box position: (270,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 Placing TOF2VerticalSlab9Sci.dat of type Box position: (270,0,6562) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 volume: 0.0009 m^3 material: POLYSTYRENE ### Adding tracking cuts for neutron TimeCut(ns)= 10000 KinEnergyCut(MeV)= 0 MAUSPhysicsList::BeginOfReferenceParticleAction() with de model 1 Apply G4UI command: /run/setCut 1e+12 Apply G4UI command: /process/eLoss/fluct false Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muBrems Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hBrems Apply G4UI command: /process/activate eBrem Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muPairProd Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hPairProd Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muIoni Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hIoni Apply G4UI command: /process/activate eIoni Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate muBrems Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hBrems Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate eBrem Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate muPairProd Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hPairProd Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate ElectroNuclear Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate msc Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate muMsc illegal process (or type) name Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate CoulombScat illegal process (or type) name Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate PhotonInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate ElectroNuclear Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate PositronNuclear Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate NeutronInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate nCapture Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate nFission Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate ProtonInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate PionPlusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate PionMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate KaonPlusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate KaonMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate KaonZeroLInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate KaonZeroSInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate AntiProtonInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate AntiNeutronInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate LambdaInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate AntiLambdaInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate SigmaMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate AntiSigmaMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate SigmaPlusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate AntiSigmaPlusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate XiMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate AntiXiMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate XiZeroInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate AntiXiZeroInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate OmegaMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate AntiOmegaMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate muMinusCaptureAtRest Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate DeuteronInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate TritonInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate AlphaInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/inactivate Decay Setting the phase .Firing particle with {"energy":226.0,"momentum":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":1.0},"particle_id":-13,"position":{"x":0.0,"y":-0.0,"z":-6400.0},"random_seed":10,"time":0.0} Beam On Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (0,0,-3694) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field1 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (0,0,-4134.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field2 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (0,0,-4534.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field3 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (0,0,-5284) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field4 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (0,0,-6034.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field5 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,-2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field6 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field7 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -96.21 position: (0,0,-1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field8 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field9 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field10 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 96.21 position: (0,0,1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field11 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field12 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field13 Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (-1.3336e-13,0,3669.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field14 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (-7.94157e-14,0,4110) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field15 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (-3.04315e-14,0,4510) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field16 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (6.13528e-14,0,5259.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field17 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (1.53259e-13,0,6010) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field18 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-10959.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field27 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: -1.293 position: (0,0,-9799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field28 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-8639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field29 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 0 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field19 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 0 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field20 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 0 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field21 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 0 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field22 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 0 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field23 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 0 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field24 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 0 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field25 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 0 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field26 phot: for gamma SubType= 12 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== PhotoElectric : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV compt: for gamma SubType= 13 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Klein-Nishina : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV conv: for gamma SubType= 14 Lambda tables from 1.022 MeV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bethe-Heitler : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for e- SubType= 10 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 RangeFactor= 0.04, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni2 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV eIoni: for e- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV eBrem: for e- SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV eBremRel : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV eIoni: for e+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV eBrem: for e+ SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV eBremRel : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV annihil: for e+ SubType= 5 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eplus2gg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for proton SubType= 10 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni90 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for proton SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV hBrems: for proton SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hPairProd: for proton SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for GenericIon SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 0, skin= 3 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni90 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ionIoni: for GenericIon SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.1, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.15 Stopping Power data for 16 ion/material pairs, nuclearStopping: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== BraggIon : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for anti_proton SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for kaon+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1.05231 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 1.05231 MeV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for kaon- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1.05231 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 1.05231 MeV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for mu+ SubType= 10 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni90 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV muIoni: for mu+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV BetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 1 GeV MuBetheBloch : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV muBrems: for mu+ SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV muPairProd: for mu+ SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV muIoni: for mu- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV BetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 1 GeV MuBetheBloch : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV muBrems: for mu- SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV muPairProd: for mu- SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for pi+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 297.504 keV BetheBloch : Emin= 297.504 keV Emax= 100 TeV hBrems: for pi+ SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hPairProd: for pi+ SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for pi- SubType= 10 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni90 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for pi- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 0, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 297.504 keV BetheBloch : Emin= 297.504 keV Emax= 100 TeV hBrems: for pi- SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hPairProd: for pi- SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ============================================================================================ HADRONIC PROCESSES SUMMARY (verbose level 1) Hadronic Processes for hElastic Models: G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 AntiNeutronInelastic Models: G4LEAntiNeutronInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 25 G4HEAntiNeutronInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 20 Emax(GeV)= 100000 Hadronic Processes for hElastic Models: G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 AntiProtonInelastic Models: G4LEAntiProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 25 G4HEAntiProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 20 Emax(GeV)= 100000 CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest Hadronic Processes for ElectroNuclear Models: CHIPS: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 30000 Hadronic Processes for PhotonInelastic Models: CHIPS: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 3.5 TheoFSGenerator: Emin(GeV)= 3 Emax(GeV)= 100000 Hadronic Processes for hElastic Models: G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 KaonPlusInelastic Models: QGSP: Emin(GeV)= 12 Emax(GeV)= 100000 G4LEKaonPlusInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 9.5 Emax(GeV)= 25 Bertini Cascade: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 9.9 Hadronic Processes for hElastic Models: G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 KaonMinusInelastic Models: QGSP: Emin(GeV)= 12 Emax(GeV)= 100000 G4LEKaonMinusInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 9.5 Emax(GeV)= 25 Bertini Cascade: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 9.9 CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest Hadronic Processes for hElastic Models: G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 LambdaInelastic Models: G4LELambdaInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 25 G4HELambdaInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 20 Emax(GeV)= 100000 Hadronic Processes for muMinusCaptureAtRest Hadronic Processes for hElastic Models: G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 NeutronInelastic Models: QGSP: Emin(GeV)= 12 Emax(GeV)= 100000 G4LENeutronInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 9.5 Emax(GeV)= 25 Bertini Cascade: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 9.9 nCapture Models: G4LCapture: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 20000 nFission Models: G4LFission: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 20000 Hadronic Processes for hElastic Models: G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 PionPlusInelastic Models: QGSP: Emin(GeV)= 12 Emax(GeV)= 100000 G4LEPionPlusInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 9.5 Emax(GeV)= 25 Bertini Cascade: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 9.9 Hadronic Processes for hElastic Models: G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 PionMinusInelastic Models: QGSP: Emin(GeV)= 12 Emax(GeV)= 100000 G4LEPionMinusInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 9.5 Emax(GeV)= 25 Bertini Cascade: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 9.9 CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest Hadronic Processes for hElastic Models: G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 ProtonInelastic Models: QGSP: Emin(GeV)= 12 Emax(GeV)= 100000 G4LEProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 9.5 Emax(GeV)= 25 Bertini Cascade: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 9.9 ============================================================================================ Beam Off Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-2077.75) [mm] with time 16.8209 dt 16.8209 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-1609.25) [mm] with time 18.6576 dt 18.6576 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-1140.75) [mm] with time 20.4952 dt 20.4952 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-672.25) [mm] with time 22.3276 dt 22.3276 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,672.25) [mm] with time 27.618 dt 27.618 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (5.52624e-18,2.1051e-17,1140.75) [mm] with time 29.4723 dt 29.4723 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (1.38866e-16,1.48612e-16,1609.25) [mm] with time 31.3193 dt 31.3193 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (5.61241e-16,5.00089e-16,2077.75) [mm] with time 33.1702 dt 33.1702 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed .Firing particle with {"energy":226.0,"momentum":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":1.0},"particle_id":-13,"position":{"x":0.0,"y":-0.0,"z":-6400.0},"random_seed":10,"time":0.0} Beam On Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (0,0,-3694) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field1 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (0,0,-4134.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field2 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (0,0,-4534.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field3 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (0,0,-5284) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field4 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (0,0,-6034.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field5 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,-2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field6 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field7 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -96.21 position: (0,0,-1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field8 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field9 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field10 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 96.21 position: (0,0,1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field11 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field12 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field13 Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (-1.3336e-13,0,3669.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field14 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (-7.94157e-14,0,4110) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field15 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (-3.04315e-14,0,4510) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field16 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (6.13528e-14,0,5259.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field17 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (1.53259e-13,0,6010) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field18 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-10959.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field27 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: -1.293 position: (0,0,-9799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field28 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-8639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field29 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 20.4952 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field19 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 18.6576 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field20 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 22.3276 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field21 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 16.8209 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field22 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 31.3193 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field23 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 29.4723 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field24 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 33.1702 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field25 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 27.618 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field26 Beam Off Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-2077.75) [mm] with time 16.8196 dt -0.00128972 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-1609.25) [mm] with time 18.6388 dt -0.0187975 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-1140.75) [mm] with time 20.4494 dt -0.0457648 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-672.25) [mm] with time 22.2517 dt -0.0758452 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,672.25) [mm] with time 27.4023 dt -0.215663 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (4.25288e-18,1.85041e-17,1140.75) [mm] with time 29.1905 dt -0.281791 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (1.13885e-16,1.46719e-16,1609.25) [mm] with time 30.9721 dt -0.347229 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (4.78355e-16,5.11456e-16,2077.75) [mm] with time 32.7476 dt -0.422585 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed .Firing particle with {"energy":226.0,"momentum":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":1.0},"particle_id":-13,"position":{"x":0.0,"y":-0.0,"z":-6400.0},"random_seed":10,"time":0.0} Beam On Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (0,0,-3694) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field1 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (0,0,-4134.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field2 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (0,0,-4534.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field3 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (0,0,-5284) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field4 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (0,0,-6034.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field5 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,-2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field6 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field7 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -96.21 position: (0,0,-1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field8 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field9 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field10 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 96.21 position: (0,0,1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field11 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field12 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field13 Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (-1.3336e-13,0,3669.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field14 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (-7.94157e-14,0,4110) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field15 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (-3.04315e-14,0,4510) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field16 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (6.13528e-14,0,5259.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field17 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (1.53259e-13,0,6010) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field18 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-10959.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field27 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: -1.293 position: (0,0,-9799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field28 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-8639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field29 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 20.4494 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field19 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 18.6388 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field20 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 22.2517 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field21 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 16.8196 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field22 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 30.9721 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field23 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 29.1905 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field24 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 32.7476 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field25 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 27.4023 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field26 Beam Off Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-2077.75) [mm] with time 16.8196 dt -1.18154e-06 dt tolerance 1e-05 succeeded Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-1609.25) [mm] with time 18.6388 dt -2.1828e-05 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-1140.75) [mm] with time 20.4494 dt -6.59746e-05 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-672.25) [mm] with time 22.2516 dt -0.000139826 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,672.25) [mm] with time 27.4019 dt -0.000413373 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (4.13014e-18,1.81279e-17,1140.75) [mm] with time 29.1894 dt -0.00111615 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (1.12772e-16,1.46107e-16,1609.25) [mm] with time 30.9696 dt -0.00242294 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (4.75372e-16,5.09729e-16,2077.75) [mm] with time 32.7431 dt -0.00452134 dt tolerance 1e-05 failed .Firing particle with {"energy":204.9975550393602,"momentum":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":175.6709995461843},"particle_id":-13,"position":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":-2077.750},"random_seed":0,"time":16.81956435983127} Beam On Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (0,0,-3694) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field1 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (0,0,-4134.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field2 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (0,0,-4534.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field3 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (0,0,-5284) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field4 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (0,0,-6034.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field5 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,-2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field6 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field7 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -96.21 position: (0,0,-1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field8 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field9 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field10 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 96.21 position: (0,0,1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field11 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field12 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field13 Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (-1.3336e-13,0,3669.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field14 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (-7.94157e-14,0,4110) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field15 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (-3.04315e-14,0,4510) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field16 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (6.13528e-14,0,5259.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field17 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (1.53259e-13,0,6010) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field18 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-10959.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field27 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: -1.293 position: (0,0,-9799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field28 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-8639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field29 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 20.4494 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field19 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 18.6388 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field20 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 22.2516 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field21 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 16.8196 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field22 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 30.9696 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field23 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 29.1894 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field24 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 32.7431 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field25 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 27.4019 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field26 Beam Off Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-1609.25) [mm] with time 18.6388 dt -1.59325e-08 dt tolerance 1e-05 succeeded Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-1140.75) [mm] with time 20.4494 dt -1.17222e-07 dt tolerance 1e-05 succeeded Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,-672.25) [mm] with time 22.2516 dt -3.5924e-07 dt tolerance 1e-05 succeeded Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (0,0,672.25) [mm] with time 27.4019 dt -1.00189e-06 dt tolerance 1e-05 succeeded Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (4.13011e-18,1.81278e-17,1140.75) [mm] with time 29.1894 dt -1.57294e-06 dt tolerance 1e-05 succeeded Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (1.12773e-16,1.46105e-16,1609.25) [mm] with time 30.9696 dt -1.38697e-06 dt tolerance 1e-05 succeeded Attempt to phase cavity at (x,y,z) (4.75377e-16,5.09713e-16,2077.75) [mm] with time 32.7431 dt 8.13113e-07 dt tolerance 1e-05 succeeded Made 4 attempts to phase 8 cavities with 0 remaining MAUSPhysicsList::BeginOfRunAction() with de model 0 msc model 0 hadronic model 0 particle decay 1 pi 1/2 life -1 mu 1/2 life -1 Apply G4UI command: /run/setCut 0.5 Apply G4UI command: /process/eLoss/fluct true Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muBrems Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hBrems Apply G4UI command: /process/activate eBrem Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muPairProd Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hPairProd Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muIoni Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hIoni Apply G4UI command: /process/activate eIoni Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muBrems Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hBrems Apply G4UI command: /process/activate eBrem Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muPairProd Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hPairProd Apply G4UI command: /process/activate ElectroNuclear Apply G4UI command: /process/activate msc Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muMsc illegal process (or type) name Apply G4UI command: /process/activate CoulombScat illegal process (or type) name Apply G4UI command: /process/activate PhotonInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate ElectroNuclear Apply G4UI command: /process/activate PositronNuclear Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate hElastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate NeutronInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate nCapture Apply G4UI command: /process/activate nFission Apply G4UI command: /process/activate ProtonInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate PionPlusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate PionMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate KaonPlusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate KaonMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate KaonZeroLInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate KaonZeroSInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate AntiProtonInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate AntiNeutronInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate LambdaInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate AntiLambdaInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate SigmaMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate AntiSigmaMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate SigmaPlusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate AntiSigmaPlusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate XiMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate AntiXiMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate XiZeroInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate AntiXiZeroInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate OmegaMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate AntiOmegaMinusInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest Apply G4UI command: /process/activate muMinusCaptureAtRest Apply G4UI command: /process/activate DeuteronInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate TritonInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate AlphaInelastic Apply G4UI command: /process/activate Decay Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (0,0,-3694) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field1 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (0,0,-4134.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field2 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (0,0,-4534.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field3 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (0,0,-5284) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field4 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (0,0,-6034.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field5 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,-2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field6 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field7 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -96.21 position: (0,0,-1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field8 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,-205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field9 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,205) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field10 Solenoid Length: 250 Inner Radius: 725 Thickness: 116 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 96.21 position: (0,0,1375) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field11 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 113.95 position: (0,0,2545) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field12 Solenoid Length: 210 Inner Radius: 263 Thickness: 84 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: -113.95 position: (0,0,2955) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field13 Solenoid Length: 198 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 52.8 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 104.612 position: (-1.3336e-13,0,3669.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field14 Solenoid Length: 197 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 26.4 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 161.3 position: (-7.94157e-14,0,4110) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field15 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 61.6 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 136.8 position: (-3.04315e-14,0,4510) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field16 Solenoid Length: 1294 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 22 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 146.9 position: (6.13528e-14,0,5259.5) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field17 Solenoid Length: 110 Inner Radius: 258 Thickness: 68.2 Current Density: 1 scaleFactor: 142.492 position: (1.53259e-13,0,6010) rotationVector: (0,-1,0) angle: 180 name: Field18 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-10959.5) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field27 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: -1.293 position: (0,0,-9799.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field28 Multipole Order: 4 Length: 2000 Magnitude: 1e-06 BendingRadius: 0 Height: 500 Width: 500 EndField: Tanh scaleFactor: 1.293 position: (0,0,-8639.45) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field29 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 20.4494 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field19 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 18.6388 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field20 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 22.2516 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field21 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 16.8196 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,-2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field22 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 30.9696 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1609.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field23 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 29.1894 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,1140.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field24 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 32.7431 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,2077.75) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field25 RFFieldMap Length: 430 PeakField: 0.009 Delay: 27.4019 Frequency: 0.20125 scaleFactor: 1 position: (0,0,672.25) rotationVector: (0,0,1) angle: 0 name: Field26 Written 0 event(s) to file. Initiating Execution OUTPUT: Setting up outputer Writing JobHeader... Opening TFile /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/tmp/test_tof_mc.root Opening TFile using new tree JobHeader INPUT: Setting up input PIPELINE: Get event, TRANSFORM, MERGE, OUTPUT, repeat HINT: MAUS will process 1 event only at first... MERGE: Setting up merger TRANSFORM: Setting up transformer Warning - failed to open module /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/src/legacy/FILES/Models/Modules/QCField - I assume it is not required Warning - failed to open module /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/src/legacy/FILES/Models/Modules/QCField - I assume it is not required Warning - failed to open module /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/src/legacy/FILES/Models/Modules/QCField - I assume it is not required map_init = 1 Written 1 event(s) to file. Opening TFile /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/tmp/test_tof_mc.root Opening TFile using new tree RunHeader phot: for gamma SubType= 12 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== PhotoElectric : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV compt: for gamma SubType= 13 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Klein-Nishina : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV conv: for gamma SubType= 14 Lambda tables from 1.0219978 MeV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bethe-Heitler : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for e- SubType= 10 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 RangeFactor= 0.04, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni2 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV eIoni: for e- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV eBrem: for e- SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV eBremRel : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV eIoni: for e+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV eBrem: for e+ SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV eBremRel : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV annihil: for e+ SubType= 5 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eplus2gg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for proton SubType= 10 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni90 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for proton SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV hBrems: for proton SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hPairProd: for proton SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for GenericIon SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 0, skin= 3 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni90 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ionIoni: for GenericIon SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.1, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.15 Stopping Power data for 16 ion/material pairs, nuclearStopping: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== BraggIon : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2.0000006 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 2.0000006 MeV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for anti_proton SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for kaon+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1.052311 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 1.052311 MeV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for kaon- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1.052311 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 1.052311 MeV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for mu+ SubType= 10 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni90 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV muIoni: for mu+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV BetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 1 GeV MuBetheBloch : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV muBrems: for mu+ SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV muPairProd: for mu+ SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV muIoni: for mu- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV BetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 1 GeV MuBetheBloch : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV muBrems: for mu- SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV muPairProd: for mu- SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for pi+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 297.50434 keV BetheBloch : Emin= 297.50434 keV Emax= 100 TeV hBrems: for pi+ SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hPairProd: for pi+ SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for pi- SubType= 10 Lambda tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMscUni90 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hIoni: for pi- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 NuclearStopping= 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 297.50434 keV BetheBloch : Emin= 297.50434 keV Emax= 100 TeV hBrems: for pi- SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV hPairProd: for pi- SubType= 4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV in 84 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Written 1 event(s) to file. Opening TFile /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/tmp/test_tof_mc.root Opening TFile using existing tree Spill Written 16 event(s) to file. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 1 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 2 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 3 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 4 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 5 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 6 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 7 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 8 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 9 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 10 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 11 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 12 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 13 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 14 events so far, 1 events in buffer. TRANSFORM/MERGE/OUTPUT: Processed 15 events so far, 0 events in buffer. Missing an end_of_run spill... ...creating one to flush the mergers! TRANSFORM: Shutting down transformer MERGE: Shutting down merger Opening TFile /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/tmp/test_tof_mc.root Opening TFile using new tree RunFooter Written 1 event(s) to file. INPUT: Shutting down inputer Opening TFile /stage/sl3-lcg-exp/sl5/micesgm/sl6/MAUS-v0.6.0/tmp/test_tof_mc.root Opening TFile using new tree JobFooter Written 1 event(s) to file. OUTPUT: Shutting down outputer Clearing Globals DONE WARNING - Attempt to delete the physical volume store while geometry closed ! WARNING - Attempt to delete the logical volume store while geometry closed ! WARNING - Attempt to delete the solid store while geometry closed ! WARNING - Attempt to delete the region store while geometry closed !