import os type_of_dataflow = 'pipeline_single_thread' output_json_file_name = "maus_output.json" output_json_file_type = "text" # input_root_file = "maus_output_10kspills_muplus_digitisation_2013-11-18.root" # output_root_file_name = "maus_output_muminus_10kspills_2013-12-03.root" # Used, for now, to determine what level of c++ log messages are reported to the user # 0 = debug info (and std::cout) # 1 = run info # 2 = warnings # 3 = errors (and std::cerr) # 4 = fatal # >4 = silent # Doesnt effect python verbose_level = 0 errors_to_stderr = None # None = from verbose_level; else True or False errors_to_json = True on_error = 'none' # none, halt or raise # Used by MapPyRemoveTracks. keep_only_muon_tracks = False # Used by MapCppSimulation keep_tracks = True # set to true to keep start and end point of every track keep_steps = False # set to true to keep start and end point of every track and # every step point simulation_geometry_filename = "Stage4.dat" # geometry used by simulation # simulation_geometry_filename = "Stage4_NoField.dat" # geometry used by simulation maximum_number_of_steps = 1000 simulation_reference_particle = { "position":{"x":0.0, "y":-0.0, "z":11000.0}, "momentum":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0}, "particle_id":-13, "energy":226.0, "time":0.0, "random_seed":10 } # geant4 physics model physics_model = "QGSP_BERT" # Physics package loaded by MAUS to set default values; modifications can be made reference_physics_processes = "mean_energy_loss" # controls the physics processes of the reference particle. Set to "none" to disable all physics processes; or "mean_energy_loss" to make the reference particle see deterministic energy loss only physics_processes = "standard" # controls the physics processes of normal particles. Set to "none" to disable all physics processes; "mean_energy_loss" to enable deterministic energy loss only; or "standard" to enable all physics processes particle_decay = True # set to true to activate particle decay, or False to inactivate particle decay charged_pion_half_life = -1. # set the pi+, pi- half life [ns]. Negative value means use geant4 default muon_half_life = -1. # set the mu+, mu- half life [ns]. Negative value means use geant4 default production_threshold = 0.5 # set the threshold for delta ray production [mm] # geant4 visualisation (not event display) geant4_visualisation = False visualisation_viewer = "VRML2FILE" # only supported option visualisation_theta = 90. visualisation_phi = 90. visualisation_zoom = 1. accumulate_tracks = 1 # this accumulates the tracks into one vrml file 1 = yes, 0 = no #particle colour alterations default_vis_colour = {"red":0. , "green":100. ,"blue":0.} #green pi_plus_vis_colour = {"red":255. , "green":250. ,"blue":240.} # white pi_minus_vis_colour = {"red":105. , "green":105. ,"blue":105.} # grey mu_plus_vis_colour = {"red":25. , "green":25. ,"blue":112.} # dark blue mu_minus_vis_colour = {"red":135. , "green":206. ,"blue":250.} # light blue e_plus_vis_colour = {"red":250. , "green":0. ,"blue":0.} # red e_minus_vis_colour = {"red":250. , "green":69. ,"blue":0.} # orange red gamma_vis_colour = {"red":255. , "green":20. ,"blue":147.} # pink neutron_vis_colour = {"red":139. , "green":69. ,"blue":19.} # brown photon_vis_colour = {"red":255. , "green":255. ,"blue":0.} # yellow # used by InputPySpillGenerator to determine the number of empty spills that # will be generated by the simulation spill_generator_number_of_spills = 100 # used by MapPyBeamMaker to generate input particle data # This is a sample beam distribution based on guesses by Chris Rogers of what # an optimised beam might look like beam = { "particle_generator":"binomial", # routine for generating empty primaries "binomial_n":1, # number of coin tosses "binomial_p":1.0, # probability of making a particle on each toss "random_seed":5, # random seed for beam generation; controls also how the MC # seeds are generated "definitions":[ ##### MUONS ####### { "reference":simulation_reference_particle, # reference particle "random_seed_algorithm":"incrementing_random", # algorithm for seeding MC "weight":100., # probability of generating a particle "transverse":{ "transverse_mode":"constant_solenoid", # transverse distribution matched to constant solenoid field "emittance_4d":6., # 4d emittance "normalised_angular_momentum":0.1, # angular momentum from diffuser "bz":4.e-3 # magnetic field strength for angular momentum calculation }, "longitudinal":{"longitudinal_mode":"sawtooth_time", # longitudinal distribution sawtooth in time "momentum_variable":"p", # Gaussian in total momentum (options energy, pz) "sigma_p":25., # RMS total momentum "t_start":-1.e6, # start time of sawtooth "t_end":+1.e6}, # end time of sawtooth "coupling":{"coupling_mode":"none"} # no dispersion } ] } # this is used by reconstruction reconstruction_geometry_filename = simulation_geometry_filename # scifi tracker digitization #SciFiDeadChanFName = "" SciFiMUXNum = 7 SciFiFiberDecayConst = 2.7 SciFiFiberConvFactor = 3047.1 SciFiFiberRefractiveIndex = 1.6 SciFiFiberCriticalAngle = 0.4782 # rad SciFiFiberTrappingEff = 0.056 SciFiFiberMirrorEff = 0.6 SciFiFiberTransmissionEff = 0.8 SciFiMUXTransmissionEff = 1.0 SciFiFiberRunLength = 5000.0 # mm SciFivlpcQE = 0.8 SciFivlpcEnergyRes = 4.0 # MeV SciFivlpcTimeRes = 0.2 # ns SciFiadcBits = 8 SciFiadcFactor = 6.0 SciFitdcBits = 16 SciFitdcFactor = 1.0 SciFinElecChanPerPlane = 1429 SciFinPlanes = 3 SciFinStations = 5 SciFinTrackers = 2 SciFiNPECut = 2 SciFiClustExcept = 100 SciFiPRHelicalOn = True SciFiPRStraightOn = False SciFiKalmanOn = True # configuration database cdb_upload_url = "" # target URL for configuration database uploads cdb_download_url = "" # target URL for configuration database downloads # geometry download geometry_download_wsdl = "geometry?wsdl" # name of the web service used for downloads geometry_download_directory = "%s/files/geometry/download" % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") # name of the local directory where downloads will be placed geometry_download_by = 'run_number' # choose 'run_number' to download by run number, 'current' to use # the currently valid geometry or 'id' to use the cdb internal id # (e.g. if it is desired to access an old version of a particular # geometry) geometry_download_run_number = 0 geometry_download_id = 0 geometry_download_cleanup = True # set to True to clean up after download # geometry upload geometry_upload_wsdl = "geometrySuperMouse?wsdl" # name of the web service used for uploads geometry_upload_directory = "%s/files/geometry/upload" % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") # name of the local directory where uploads are drawn from geometry_upload_note = "" # note, pushed to the server to describe the geometry. A note must be specified here (default will throw an exception). geometry_upload_valid_from = "" # date-time in format like: that the specified installation was made in the experiment. A date-time must be specified here (default will throw an exception). geometry_upload_cleanup = True # set to True to clean up after upload # this is used by InputCppRealData Number_of_DAQ_Events = -1 Phys_Events_Only = False Calib_Events_Only = False Enable_V1290_Unpacking = True Enable_V1731_Unpacking = True Enable_V1724_Unpacking = True Enable_V830_Unpacking = True Enable_VLSB_Unpacking = True Enable_VLSB_C_Unpacking = True Enable_DBB_Unpacking = True Do_V1731_Zero_Suppression = False V1731_Zero_Suppression_Threshold = 100 Do_V1724_Zero_Suppression = True V1724_Zero_Suppression_Threshold = 100 Do_VLSB_Zero_Suppression = False VLSB_Zero_Suppression_Threshold = 0 Do_VLSB_C_Zero_Suppression = False VLSB_C_Zero_Suppression_Threshold = 0 Enable_TOF = True Enable_EMR = True Enable_KL = True Enable_CKOV = True DAQ_cabling_file = "/files/cabling/DAQChannelMap.txt" daq_data_path = '%s/src/input/InputCppDAQData' % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") # path to daq data. Multiple locations can be specified with a space #daq_data_file = '02873.003' # file name for daq data; if this is just a integer string, MAUS assumes this is a run number. Multiple entries can be specified separated by a space daq_data_file = 'gdc1901.001' maus_version = "" # set at runtime - do not edit this (changes are ignored) configuration_file = "" # should be set on the command line only (else ignored) doc_store_class = "InMemoryDocumentStore.InMemoryDocumentStore" couchdb_url = "http://localhost:5984" # Default CouchDB URL. Only needed if using CouchDBDocumentStore. couchdb_database_name = "mausdb" # Default CouchDB database name. Only needed if using CouchDBDocumentStore. mongodb_host = "localhost" # Default MongoDB host name. Only needed if using MongoDBDocumentStore. mongodb_port = 27017 # Default MongoDB port. Only needed if using MongoDBDocumentStore. mongodb_database_name = "mausdb" # Default MongoDB database name. Only needed if using MongoDBDocumentStore. mongodb_collection_name = "spills" # Default MongoDB collection name. Only needed if using MongoDBDocumentStore.