/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ /** @file GlobalReconEnums.hh * @author Ian Taylor, University of Warwick * @date 2013/03/01 * * This file provides enumerators for: a) keeping track of the * locations of space- and track_points within the global * reconstruction and b) the particle ID hypotheses of reconstructed * objects. */ #ifndef _SRC_COMMON_CPP_DATASTRUCTURE_GLOBALRECONENUMS_HH_ #define _SRC_COMMON_CPP_DATASTRUCTURE_GLOBALRECONENUMS_HH_ namespace MAUS { namespace DataStructure { namespace Global { /** @defgroup globalrecon Global Reconstruction * The global reconstruction software, including both the associated * data structures used for storage and the mappers containing * reconstruction algorithms. * @{ */ /*! \public * \brief Defines detector element, or kVirtual for non-detector * point. * An enum to define the detector or geometry element for the * SpacePoint. The kVirtual entry allows for the definition of * arbitrary space- or track_points, by filling a separate member * variable with a geometry path string. For the code to work, we * need to keep the values consecutive and constant. I hope no new * values will be needed, but if so they should be added at the end, * with an incremental step and the `kDetectorPointSize' constant * updated. */ enum DetectorPoint { kUndefined = 0, /**< enum Undefined, used for initialization only */ kVirtual = 1, /**< enum For a Virtual point with a geometry path */ kTOF0 = 2, kTOF0_1 = 3, kTOF0_2 = 4, kCherenkov1 = 5, kTOF1 = 6, kTOF1_1 = 7, kTOF1_2 = 8, kTracker0 = 9, kTracker0_1 = 10, kTracker0_2 = 11, kTracker0_3 = 12, kTracker0_4 = 13, kTracker0_5 = 14, kTracker1 = 15, kTracker1_1 = 16, kTracker1_2 = 17, kTracker1_3 = 18, kTracker1_4 = 19, kTracker1_5 = 20, kTOF2 = 21, kTOF2_1 = 22, kTOF2_2 = 23, kCherenkov2 = 24, kCalorimeter = 25, kEMR = 26 // If you add an entry, remember to update kDetectorPointSize below. }; /// A constant defining the upper limit of the DetectorPoint enum /// (i.e. one more than the highest value above). const int kDetectorPointSize = 27; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Defines the PID hypothesis for reconstruction objects, /// matches the PDG codes. /// /// An enum to define the particle hypotheses used for track fitting or /// particle ID. The values match the PDG codes, allowing for /// consistent expansion as necessary. The full possible list is /// available at: /// http://pdg.lbl.gov/2012/reviews/rpp2012-rev-monte-carlo-numbering.pdf /// Particles and antiparticles are considered identically here. enum PID { kNoPID = 0, kEMinus = 11, kEPlus = -11, kElectronNeutrino = 12, kElectronAntineutrino = -12, kMuMinus = 13, kMuPlus = -13, kMuonNeutrino = 14, kMuonAntineutrino = -14, kPhoton = 22, kPiMinus = -211, kPi0 = 111, kPiPlus = 211, kKMinus = -321, kK0 = 311, kKLong = 130, kKShort = 310, kKPlus = 321, kNeutron = 2112, kAntineutron = -2112, kProton = 2212, kAntiproton = -2212, kLambda = 3122, kAntilambda = -3122, kDeuterium = 1000010020, kTritium = 1000010030, kHelium3 = 1000020030, kHelium4 = 1000020040 }; /** @} */ // end of globalrecon } // ~namespace Global } // ~namespace DataStructure } // ~namespace MAUS #endif