/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . */ #ifndef _SRC_COMMON_CPP_DATASTRUCTURE_MCEVENT_HH_ #define _SRC_COMMON_CPP_DATASTRUCTURE_MCEVENT_HH_ #include #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SciFiNoiseHit.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Hit.hh" // ROOT was tripping up on // forward declaration of this #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/VersionNumber.hh" namespace MAUS { class Track; class VirtualHit; class Primary; class SciFiChannelId; class TOFChannelId; class SpecialVirtualChannelId; class SciFiNoiseHit; class SciFiMCLookup; typedef std::vector TrackArray; typedef std::vector VirtualHitArray; typedef std::vector SciFiHitArray; typedef std::vector SciFiNoiseHitArray; typedef std::vector TOFHitArray; typedef std::vector SpecialVirtualHitArray; /** @class MCEvent describes data pertaining to a single Monte Carlo event * * Each Monte Carlo event represents a single particle entering the detector * system. Multiple tracks can be created by knock on electrons or particle * decays. * * MCEvent holds a list of tracks if the appropriate data card is set; a list * of virtual hits (crossings of virtual detector planes); a list of sensitive * detector hits (crossings of real detectors); and the initial primary for the * event */ class MCEvent { public: /** Constructor initialises everything to NULL */ MCEvent(); /** Deep copy constructor - copies memory referenced by md */ MCEvent(const MCEvent& md); /** Deep copy - copies memory referenced by md */ MCEvent& operator=(const MCEvent& md); /** Delete all pointers */ virtual ~MCEvent(); /** Get the tracks pertaining to this event. MCEvent still owns TrackArray* */ TrackArray* GetTracks() const; /** Set the tracks pertaining to this event. MCEvent takes ownership of memory * pointed to by tracks. */ void SetTracks(TrackArray* tracks); /** Get the virtual hits pertaining to this event. MCEvent still owns * VirtualHitArray*. */ VirtualHitArray* GetVirtualHits() const; /** Set the virtual hits pertaining to this event. MCEvent takes ownership of * memory pointed to by hits. */ void SetVirtualHits(VirtualHitArray* hits); /** Get a single MC event (needed for PyROOT) */ VirtualHit& GetAVirtualHit(size_t i) const; /** Get the MC event size (needed for PyROOT)*/ size_t GetVirtualHitsSize() const; /** Get the hits pertaining to this event MCEvent still owns HitArray*. */ SciFiHitArray* GetSciFiHits() const; /** Set the hits pertaining to this event. MCEvent takes ownership of * memory pointed to by hits. */ void SetSciFiHits(SciFiHitArray* hits); /** Get the hits pertaining to this event MCEvent still owns NoiseHitArray */ SciFiNoiseHitArray* GetSciFiNoiseHits() const; /** Set the hits pertaining to this event. MCEvent takes ownership of * memory pointed to by noise_hits. */ void SetSciFiNoiseHits(SciFiNoiseHitArray* noise_hits); /** Get the TOF hits pertaining to this event MCEvent still owns HitArray*. */ TOFHitArray* GetTOFHits() const; /** Set the TOF hits pertaining to this event. MCEvent takes ownership of * memory pointed to by hits. */ void SetTOFHits(TOFHitArray* hits); /** Get the Special Virtual hits pertaining to this event. MCEvent still owns * SpecialVirtualHitArray*. */ SpecialVirtualHitArray* GetSpecialVirtualHits() const; /** Set the Special Virtual hits pertaining to this event. MCEvent takes * ownership of memory pointed to by hits. */ void SetSpecialVirtualHits(SpecialVirtualHitArray* hits); /** Get the primary pertaining to this event. MCEvent still owns Primary*. */ Primary* GetPrimary() const; /** Set the primary pertaining to this event. MCEvent takes ownership of * memory pointed to by primary. */ void SetPrimary(Primary* primary); private: Primary* _primary; VirtualHitArray* _virtuals; SciFiHitArray* _sci_fi_hits; SciFiNoiseHitArray* _sci_fi_noise_hits; TOFHitArray* _tof_hits; SpecialVirtualHitArray* _special_virtual_hits; TrackArray* _tracks; MAUS_VERSIONED_CLASS_DEF(MCEvent) }; typedef std::vector MCEventPArray; } #endif