/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
// C headers
// C++ headers
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TMatrixD.h"
#include "src/common_cpp/Utils/VersionNumber.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/Kalman/KalmanState.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ThreeVector.hh"
namespace MAUS {
class SciFiTrackPoint {
/** @brief Constructor.
/** @brief Destructor.
virtual ~SciFiTrackPoint();
/** @brief Constructs a SciFiTrackPoint from a KalmanState.
explicit SciFiTrackPoint(const KalmanState *kalman_site);
/** @brief Copy constructor.
SciFiTrackPoint(const SciFiTrackPoint &site);
/** @brief Assignment operator.
SciFiTrackPoint& operator=(const SciFiTrackPoint& site);
/** @brief Sets tracker number.
void set_tracker(int tracker) { _tracker = tracker; }
/** @brief Sets station number.
void set_station(int station) { _station = station; }
/** @brief Sets plane number.
void set_plane(int plane) { _plane = plane; }
/** @brief Sets channel number.
void set_channel(double channel) { _channel = channel; }
/** @brief Sets the filtered chi2 for this track point.
void set_f_chi2(double f_chi2) { _f_chi2 = f_chi2; }
/** @brief Sets the smoothed chi2 for this track point.
void set_s_chi2(double s_chi2) { _s_chi2 = s_chi2; }
/** @brief Sets the x coordinate.
void set_x(double x) { _x = x; }
/** @brief Sets the x momentum component.
void set_px(double px) { _px = px; }
/** @brief Sets the y coordinate.
void set_y(double y) { _y = y; }
/** @brief Sets the y momentum component.
void set_py(double py) { _py = py; }
/** @brief Sets the z momentum component.
void set_pz(double pz) { _pz = pz; }
/** @brief Sets the covariance matrix.
void set_covariance(std::vector covariance) { _covariance = covariance; }
/** @brief Sets pull (residual of the projected state).
void set_pull(double pull) { _pull = pull; }
/** @brief Sets residual for the filtered state.
void set_residual(double residual) { _residual = residual; }
/** @brief Sets residual for the smoothed state.
void set_smoothed_residual(double s_residual) { _smoothed_residual = s_residual; }
void set_mc_x(double mc_x) { _mc_x = mc_x; }
void set_mc_px(double mc_px) { _mc_px = mc_px; }
void set_mc_y(double mc_y) { _mc_y = mc_y; }
void set_mc_py(double mc_py) { _mc_py = mc_py; }
void set_mc_pz(double mc_pz) { _mc_pz = mc_pz; }
/** @brief Returns the tracker number.
int tracker() const { return _tracker; }
/** @brief Returns the station number.
int station() const { return _station; }
/** @brief Returns the plane number.
int plane() const { return _plane; }
/** @brief Returns the channel number.
double channel() const { return _channel; }
/** @brief Returns filtered chi2 value.
double f_chi2() const { return _f_chi2; }
/** @brief Returns the smoothed chi2 value.
double s_chi2() const { return _s_chi2; }
/** @brief Returns the x position.
double x() const { return _x; }
/** @brief Returns the x momentum component.
double px() const { return _px; }
/** @brief Returns the y position.
double y() const { return _y; }
/** @brief Returns the y momentum component.
double py() const { return _py; }
/** @brief Returns the z momentum component.
double pz() const { return _pz; }
/** @brief Returns the covariance matrix.
std::vector covariance() const { return _covariance; }
/** @brief Returns the residual of the projected state.
double pull() const { return _pull; }
/** @brief Returns the residual of the filtered state.
double residual() const { return _residual; }
/** @brief Returns the residual of the smoothed state.
double smoothed_residual() const { return _smoothed_residual; }
double mc_x() const { return _mc_x; }
double mc_px() const { return _mc_px; }
double mc_y() const { return _mc_y; }
double mc_py() const { return _mc_py; }
double mc_pz() const { return _mc_pz; }
/** @brief The tracker the trackpoint belongs to.
int _tracker;
/** @brief The station the trackpoint belongs to.
int _station;
/** @brief The plane the trackpoint belongs to.
int _plane;
/** @brief The channel measurement corresponding to the trackpoint.
double _channel;
/** @brief filtered chi2
double _f_chi2;
/** @brief smoothed chi2
double _s_chi2;
/** @brief x position
double _x;
/** @brief x momentum component
double _px;
/** @brief y position
double _y;
/** @brief y momentum component
double _py;
/** @brief z momentum component
double _pz;
/** @brief Covariance matrix for the state vector [x, px, y, py, pz]
std::vector _covariance;
/** @brief projected residual
double _pull;
/** @brief filtered residual
double _residual;
/** @brief smoothed residual
double _smoothed_residual;
/// The TRUTH state vector.
double _mc_x;
double _mc_px;
double _mc_y;
double _mc_py;
double _mc_pz;
typedef std::vector SciFiTrackPointPArray;
} // ~namespace MAUS