/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/JsonWrapper.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/CppErrorHandler.hh" #include "Interface/Squeak.hh" #include "Utils/Exception.hh" #include "Interface/dataCards.hh" #include "src/map/MapCppTOFSlabHits/MapCppTOFSlabHits.hh" namespace MAUS { bool MapCppTOFSlabHits::birth(std::string argJsonConfigDocument) { // Check if the JSON document can be parsed, else return error only _classname = "MapCppTOFSlabHits"; _stationKeys.push_back("tof0"); _stationKeys.push_back("tof1"); _stationKeys.push_back("tof2"); // Check if the JSON document can be parsed, else return error only try { // JsonCpp setup Json::Value configJSON; configJSON = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(argJsonConfigDocument); // this will contain the configuration _tdcV1290_conversion_factor = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOFtdcConversionFactor", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); return true; } catch (Exception exc) { MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleExceptionNoJson(exc, _classname); } catch (std::exception exc) { MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleStdExcNoJson(exc, _classname); } return false; } bool MapCppTOFSlabHits::death() {return true;} std::string MapCppTOFSlabHits::process(std::string document) { // JsonCpp setup Json::FastWriter writer; Json::Value root; Json::Value xEventType; // Check if the JSON document can be parsed, else return error only try {root = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(document);} catch (...) { Json::Value errors; std::stringstream ss; ss << _classname << " says: Failed to parse input document"; errors["bad_json_document"] = ss.str(); root["errors"] = errors; return writer.write(root); } try { xEventType = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(root, "daq_event_type", JsonWrapper::stringValue); if (xEventType== "physics_event" || xEventType == "calibration_event") { Json::Value events = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(root, "recon_events", JsonWrapper::arrayValue); // Loop over each station. for (unsigned int n_event = 0; n_event < events.size(); n_event++) { Json::Value xDocTofEvent = JsonWrapper::GetItem(events, n_event, JsonWrapper::objectValue); xDocTofEvent = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocTofEvent, "tof_event", JsonWrapper::objectValue); if (root["recon_events"][n_event]["tof_event"].isMember("tof_digits")) { root["recon_events"][n_event]["tof_event"]["tof_slab_hits"] = Json::Value(Json::objectValue); for (unsigned int n_station = 0; n_station < _stationKeys.size(); n_station++) { Json::Value xDocPartEvent = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocTofEvent, "tof_digits", JsonWrapper::objectValue); // Ack! sometimes tofn is a nullValue xDocPartEvent = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocPartEvent, _stationKeys[n_station], JsonWrapper::anyValue); Json::Value xDocSlabHits = makeSlabHits(xDocPartEvent); root["recon_events"][n_event]["tof_event"]["tof_slab_hits"] [_stationKeys[n_station]] = xDocSlabHits; } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { root = MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance() ->HandleException(root, exc, _classname); } catch (std::exception exc) { root = MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance() ->HandleStdExc(root, exc, _classname); } // if (root.isMember("slab_hits")) std::cout< xDigitPos; std::map::iterator it; // Loop ovew the digits. for (int Digit = 0; Digit < n_digits; Digit++) { // Get the digit. Json::Value xThisDigit = JsonWrapper::GetItem(xDocPartEvent, Digit, JsonWrapper::objectValue); std::string xKeyStr = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xThisDigit, "tof_key", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); TOFChannelKey xKey(xKeyStr); // Check if we already have this key in the map. This will mean that there are two // digits in the same PMT. it = xDigitPos.find(xKeyStr); if (it != xDigitPos.end()) { // We have two digits coming from one PMT. // Get the other digit and check which comes first in time. Json::Value xOtherDigit = JsonWrapper::GetItem(xDocPartEvent, xDigitPos[xKeyStr], JsonWrapper::objectValue); int time_thisDigit = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xThisDigit, "leading_time", JsonWrapper::intValue).asInt(); int time_otherDigit = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xOtherDigit, "leading_time", JsonWrapper::intValue).asInt(); // Only the digit that comes first in time will be used to create a slab hit. // Most probably the second one is created due to afterpulsing of the PMT. if (time_thisDigit < time_otherDigit) // Else do nothing. xDigitPos[xKeyStr] = Digit; } else { // Add this PMT to the map. xDigitPos[xKeyStr] = Digit; } } // Now loop over the map of hited PMTs and create Slab hits. while ( xDigitPos.size() > 1 ) { // Get the first element of the map and check if we have a hit // at the opposite side of the slab. it = xDigitPos.begin(); TOFChannelKey xKey(it->first); // Get the digit. Json::Value xThisDigit = JsonWrapper::GetItem(xDocPartEvent, it->second, JsonWrapper::objectValue); // Get the opposite PMT coded as string. std::string xOppositPmtKey_str = xKey.GetOppositeSidePMTStr(); if (xDigitPos.find(xOppositPmtKey_str) != xDigitPos.end()) { Json::Value xDocTheSlabHit; Json::Value xOtherDigit = JsonWrapper::GetItem(xDocPartEvent, xDigitPos[xOppositPmtKey_str], JsonWrapper::objectValue); // Create Slab hit. if (xKey.pmt() == 0) { xDocTheSlabHit = fillSlabHit(xThisDigit, xOtherDigit); } if (xKey.pmt() == 1) { xDocTheSlabHit = fillSlabHit(xOtherDigit, xThisDigit); } xDocSlabHits.append(xDocTheSlabHit); // Erase both used hits from the map. xDigitPos.erase(it); xDigitPos.erase(xOppositPmtKey_str); } else { // Erese this hit from the map. xDigitPos.erase(it); } } } // std::cout << xDocSlabHits <(xTimeDigit0 - xTriggerReqDigit0)); double time_digit1 = _tdcV1290_conversion_factor*(static_cast(xTimeDigit1 - xTriggerReqDigit1)); xDocPMT0["raw_time"] = time_digit0; xDocPMT1["raw_time"] = time_digit1; xDocSlabHit["pmt0"] = xDocPMT0; xDocSlabHit["pmt1"] = xDocPMT1; double xRawTime = (time_digit0 + time_digit1)/2.; xDocSlabHit["raw_time"] = xRawTime; return xDocSlabHit; } }