/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3 * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers * and at http://www.swig.org/legal.html. * * uffi.cxx * * Uffi language module for SWIG. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // TODO: remove remnants of lisptype char cvsroot_uffi_cxx[] = "$Id: uffi.cxx 12536 2011-03-14 07:22:08Z wsfulton $"; #include "swigmod.h" static const char *usage = (char *) "\ UFFI Options (available with -uffi)\n\ -identifier-converter <type or funcname> - \n\ Specifies the type of conversion to do on C identifiers\n\ to convert them to symbols. There are two built-in\n\ converters: 'null' and 'lispify'. The default is\n\ 'null'. If you supply a name other than one of the\n\ built-ins, then a function by that name will be\n\ called to convert identifiers to symbols.\n\ "; class UFFI:public Language { public: virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]); virtual int top(Node *n); virtual int functionWrapper(Node *n); virtual int constantWrapper(Node *n); virtual int classHandler(Node *n); virtual int membervariableHandler(Node *n); }; static File *f_cl = 0; static struct { int count; String **entries; } defined_foreign_types; static const char *identifier_converter = "identifier-convert-null"; static int any_varargs(ParmList *pl) { Parm *p; for (p = pl; p; p = nextSibling(p)) { if (SwigType_isvarargs(Getattr(p, "type"))) return 1; } return 0; } /* utilities */ /* returns new string w/ parens stripped */ static String *strip_parens(String *string) { char *s = Char(string), *p; int len = Len(string); String *res; if (len == 0 || s[0] != '(' || s[len - 1] != ')') { return NewString(string); } p = (char *) malloc(len - 2 + 1); if (!p) { Printf(stderr, "Malloc failed\n"); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strncpy(p, s + 1, len - 1); p[len - 2] = 0; /* null terminate */ res = NewString(p); free(p); return res; } static String *convert_literal(String *num_param, String *type) { String *num = strip_parens(num_param), *res; char *s = Char(num); /* Make sure doubles use 'd' instead of 'e' */ if (!Strcmp(type, "double")) { String *updated = Copy(num); if (Replace(updated, "e", "d", DOH_REPLACE_ANY) > 1) { Printf(stderr, "Weird!! number %s looks invalid.\n", num); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Delete(num); return updated; } if (SwigType_type(type) == T_CHAR) { /* Use CL syntax for character literals */ return NewStringf("#\\%s", num_param); } else if (SwigType_type(type) == T_STRING) { /* Use CL syntax for string literals */ return NewStringf("\"%s\"", num_param); } if (Len(num) < 2 || s[0] != '0') { return num; } /* octal or hex */ res = NewStringf("#%c%s", s[1] == 'x' ? 'x' : 'o', s + 2); Delete(num); return res; } static void add_defined_foreign_type(String *type) { if (!defined_foreign_types.count) { /* Make fresh */ defined_foreign_types.count = 1; defined_foreign_types.entries = (String **) malloc(sizeof(String *)); } else { /* make room */ defined_foreign_types.count++; defined_foreign_types.entries = (String **) realloc(defined_foreign_types.entries, defined_foreign_types.count * sizeof(String *)); } if (!defined_foreign_types.entries) { Printf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Fill in the new data */ defined_foreign_types.entries[defined_foreign_types.count - 1] = Copy(type); } static String *get_ffi_type(Node *n, SwigType *ty, const_String_or_char_ptr name) { Node *node = NewHash(); Setattr(node, "type", ty); Setattr(node, "name", name); Setfile(node, Getfile(n)); Setline(node, Getline(n)); const String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("ffitype", node, "", 0); Delete(node); if (tm) { return NewString(tm); } else { SwigType *tr = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(ty); char *type_reduced = Char(tr); int i; //Printf(stdout,"convert_type %s\n", ty); if (SwigType_isconst(tr)) { SwigType_pop(tr); type_reduced = Char(tr); } if (SwigType_ispointer(type_reduced) || SwigType_isarray(ty) || !strncmp(type_reduced, "p.f", 3)) { return NewString(":pointer-void"); } for (i = 0; i < defined_foreign_types.count; i++) { if (!Strcmp(ty, defined_foreign_types.entries[i])) { return NewStringf("#.(%s \"%s\" :type :type)", identifier_converter, ty); } } if (!Strncmp(type_reduced, "enum ", 5)) { return NewString(":int"); } Printf(stderr, "Unsupported data type: %s (was: %s)\n", type_reduced, ty); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; } static String *get_lisp_type(Node *n, SwigType *ty, const_String_or_char_ptr name) { Node *node = NewHash(); Setattr(node, "type", ty); Setattr(node, "name", name); Setfile(node, Getfile(n)); Setline(node, Getline(n)); const String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("lisptype", node, "", 0); Delete(node); return tm ? NewString(tm) : NewString(""); } void UFFI::main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; Preprocessor_define("SWIGUFFI 1", 0); SWIG_library_directory("uffi"); SWIG_config_file("uffi.swg"); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-identifier-converter")) { char *conv = argv[i + 1]; if (!conv) Swig_arg_error(); Swig_mark_arg(i); Swig_mark_arg(i + 1); i++; /* check for built-ins */ if (!strcmp(conv, "lispify")) { identifier_converter = "identifier-convert-lispify"; } else if (!strcmp(conv, "null")) { identifier_converter = "identifier-convert-null"; } else { /* Must be user defined */ char *idconv = new char[strlen(conv) + 1]; strcpy(idconv, conv); identifier_converter = idconv; } } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-help")) { Printf(stdout, "%s\n", usage); } } } int UFFI::top(Node *n) { String *module = Getattr(n, "name"); String *output_filename = NewString(""); File *f_null = NewString(""); Printf(output_filename, "%s%s.cl", SWIG_output_directory(), module); f_cl = NewFile(output_filename, "w", SWIG_output_files()); if (!f_cl) { FileErrorDisplay(output_filename); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Swig_register_filebyname("header", f_null); Swig_register_filebyname("begin", f_null); Swig_register_filebyname("runtime", f_null); Swig_register_filebyname("wrapper", f_cl); Swig_banner_target_lang(f_cl, ";;"); Printf(f_cl, "\n" ";; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; package: %s -*-\n\n(defpackage :%s\n (:use :common-lisp :uffi))\n\n(in-package :%s)\n", module, module, module); Printf(f_cl, "(eval-when (compile load eval)\n (defparameter *swig-identifier-converter* '%s))\n", identifier_converter); Language::top(n); Close(f_cl); Delete(f_cl); // Delete the handle, not the file Close(f_null); Delete(f_null); return SWIG_OK; } int UFFI::functionWrapper(Node *n) { String *funcname = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); ParmList *pl = Getattr(n, "parms"); Parm *p; int argnum = 0, first = 1; // int varargs = 0; //Language::functionWrapper(n); Printf(f_cl, "(swig-defun \"%s\"\n", funcname); Printf(f_cl, " ("); /* Special cases */ if (ParmList_len(pl) == 0) { Printf(f_cl, ":void"); } else if (any_varargs(pl)) { Printf(f_cl, "#| varargs |#"); // varargs = 1; } else { for (p = pl; p; p = nextSibling(p), argnum++) { String *argname = Getattr(p, "name"); SwigType *argtype = Getattr(p, "type"); String *ffitype = get_ffi_type(n, argtype, argname); String *lisptype = get_lisp_type(n, argtype, argname); int tempargname = 0; if (!argname) { argname = NewStringf("arg%d", argnum); tempargname = 1; } if (!first) { Printf(f_cl, "\n "); } Printf(f_cl, "(%s %s %s)", argname, ffitype, lisptype); first = 0; Delete(ffitype); Delete(lisptype); if (tempargname) Delete(argname); } } Printf(f_cl, ")\n"); /* finish arg list */ Printf(f_cl, " :returning %s\n" //" :strings-convert t\n" //" :call-direct %s\n" //" :optimize-for-space t" ")\n", get_ffi_type(n, Getattr(n, "type"), "result") //,varargs ? "nil" : "t" ); return SWIG_OK; } int UFFI::constantWrapper(Node *n) { String *type = Getattr(n, "type"); String *converted_value = convert_literal(Getattr(n, "value"), type); String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); #if 0 Printf(stdout, "constant %s is of type %s. value: %s\n", name, type, converted_value); #endif Printf(f_cl, "(swig-defconstant \"%s\" %s)\n", name, converted_value); Delete(converted_value); return SWIG_OK; } // Includes structs int UFFI::classHandler(Node *n) { String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); String *kind = Getattr(n, "kind"); Node *c; if (Strcmp(kind, "struct")) { Printf(stderr, "Don't know how to deal with %s kind of class yet.\n", kind); Printf(stderr, " (name: %s)\n", name); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Printf(f_cl, "(swig-def-struct \"%s\"\n \n", name); for (c = firstChild(n); c; c = nextSibling(c)) { SwigType *type = Getattr(c, "type"); SwigType *decl = Getattr(c, "decl"); type = Copy(type); SwigType_push(type, decl); String *lisp_type; if (Strcmp(nodeType(c), "cdecl")) { Printf(stderr, "Structure %s has a slot that we can't deal with.\n", name); Printf(stderr, "nodeType: %s, name: %s, type: %s\n", nodeType(c), Getattr(c, "name"), Getattr(c, "type")); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Printf(stdout, "Converting %s in %s\n", type, name); */ lisp_type = get_ffi_type(n, type, Getattr(c, "sym:name")); Printf(f_cl, " (#.(%s \"%s\" :type :slot) %s)\n", identifier_converter, Getattr(c, "sym:name"), lisp_type); Delete(lisp_type); } // Language::classHandler(n); Printf(f_cl, " )\n"); /* Add this structure to the known lisp types */ //Printf(stdout, "Adding %s foreign type\n", name); add_defined_foreign_type(name); return SWIG_OK; } int UFFI::membervariableHandler(Node *n) { Language::membervariableHandler(n); return SWIG_OK; } extern "C" Language *swig_uffi(void) { return new UFFI(); }