#This file is a part of xboa # #xboa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #xboa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with xboa in the doc folder. If not, see #. # import Common import Hit from Hit import Hit from Hit import BadEventError import xboa.core.Hitcore as Hitcore from xboa.core import Bunchcore from Common import rg as rg import string import copy import gzip import StringIO import operator import math import sys import bisect try: import json except ImportError: pass try: import ROOT except ImportError: pass try: import numpy from numpy import matrix from numpy import linalg except ImportError: pass class Bunch: """ Represents a bunch of particles. Methods to: - Read/write from a file - Calculate arbitrary moments - Apply cuts - Calculate emittances, beta functions etc - Extract hit data as float or arrays of floats - Plots (with ROOT imported) """ def __init__(self): """Initialise to an empty bunch. Alternatively use static initialisers defined below - I prefer static initialisers""" self.__hits = [] self.__bunchcore = Bunchcore.Bunchcore() self.__covs = None self.__means = {} def __str__(self): """Return an abbreviated string like """ return '' def __repr__(self): """Return a long string that contains data in every hit""" covs = 'None' if self.__covs != None: covs = 'numpy.'+repr(self.__covs) out = 'Bunch.new_from_hits( [' for hit in self.__hits: out += str(hit)+',\n' out += '],'+covs+','+repr(self.__means)+')' return out def __copy__(self): """Make a copy but use references to self's data""" copy = self return copy def copy(self): return self.__copy__() def __deepcopy__(self, target): """Make a copy and copy self's data""" target = eval(self.__repr__()) target.__covs = eval(self.__covs.__repr__()) target.__means = eval(self.__means.__repr__()) return target def deepcopy(self): """Make a copy and copy self's data""" target = Bunch() return self.__deepcopy__(target) def __len__(self): """Number of hits""" return len(self.__hits) def __getitem__(self, key): """Called by subscript operator, returns the key^th hit in the bunch""" return self.__hits[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Called by subscript operator, sets the key^th hit in the bunch""" self.__hits[key] = value self.__bunchcore.set_item(value, value._Hit__hitcore,key) def __delitem__(self, key): """Called by remove method, deletes the key^th hit in the bunch""" self.__hits.__delitem__(key) def __del__(self): """Called by del""" for hit in self.__hits: del(hit) def __eq__(self, target, float_tolerance=Common.float_tolerance): """Return true if all hits in self are the same as all hits in target, and set_covariance_matrix data are the same""" if type(target) != type(self): return False if len(self.__hits) != len(target.__hits): return False for key,value in self.__means.iteritems(): if not key in target.__means: return False if abs(self.__means[key] - target.__means[key]) > float_tolerance: return False try: if not all(self.__covs == target.__covs): return False except: try: if self.__covs != target.__covs: return False except: return True for index in range(len(self.__hits)): if self.__hits[index].__ne__( target.__hits[index], float_tolerance): return False return True def __ne__(self, target, float_tolerance=Common.float_tolerance): """Return true if any hits in self are not the same as the corresponding hit in target""" return not self.__eq__(target, float_tolerance) def append(self, hit): """Append a hit to Bunch self""" self.__bunchcore.set_item(hit, hit._Hit__hitcore, len(self.__hits)) self.__hits.append(hit) def new_from_hits(hits_list, covs=None, means={},weights=[]): """ Initialise from a list of hits, making a deepcopy of the hits (so allocating new memory for each hit) - hits_list = list of Hit objects e.g. myBunch = new_from_hits([hit1, hit2, hit3]) will return a new bunch containing hit1, hit2, hit3 """ bunch = Bunch() for hit in hits_list: new_hit = hit.deepcopy() bunch.append( new_hit ) bunch.__covs = covs bunch.__means = means return bunch new_from_hits = staticmethod(new_from_hits) def new_dict_from_read_builtin(file_type_string, file_name, indexing_variable='station'): """ Create a dict of all bunches in a file using a built-in format - file_type_string = string from Hit.file_types() that defines the formatting of the file - file_name = name of the file that contains hit data - indexing_variable = variable that will be used to define a bunch e.g. bunch_dict = new_dict_from_read_builtin('icool_for003', 'for003.dat', 'pid') will return a new dict of bunches loaded from for003.dat in icool_for003 format, where each entry in the dict will be a reference from a pid value to a bunch e.g. bunch_dict = new_dict_from_read_builtin('icool_for009', 'for009.dat', 'station') will return a new dict of bunches loaded from for009.dat in icool_for009 format, where each entry in the dict will be a reference from a station value to a bunch """ # can we just use bunch.new_from_read_builtin to generate bunch? if not file_type_string in Hit.file_types(): raise IOError('Attempt to load file of unknown file type '+str(file_type_string)+' - try one of '+str(Hit.file_types())) if file_type_string.find('g4mice') > -1: bunch = Bunch.read_g4mice_file(file_name, list_of_classes=[Bunch.__g4mice_types[file_type_string]]) elif file_type_string.find('maus_root') > -1: bunch = Bunch.read_maus_root_file(file_name, list_of_maus_types=[file_type_string]) elif file_type_string.find('maus_') > -1: bunch = Bunch.read_maus_file(file_name, list_of_maus_types=[file_type_string]) else: filehandle = Bunch.setup_file(file_type_string, file_name) bunch = Bunch.new_from_read_builtin(file_type_string, file_name) filehandle.close() bunch_dict = {} for hit in bunch: if not hit.check(): pass if not int(hit.get(indexing_variable)) in bunch_dict: bunch_dict[ int(hit.get(indexing_variable)) ] = Bunch() bunch_dict[ int(hit.get(indexing_variable)) ].append(hit) return bunch_dict new_dict_from_read_builtin = staticmethod(new_dict_from_read_builtin) def new_list_from_read_builtin(file_type_string, file_name, sort_variable='station'): """ Create a sorted list of all bunches in a file using a built-in format - file_type_string = string from Hit.file_types() that defines the formatting of the file - file_name = name of the file that contains hit data - sort_variable = variable that will be used to define a bunch and used for sort order e.g. bunch_list = new_list_from_read_builtin('icool_for003', 'for003.dat', 'pid') will return a new list of bunches loaded from for003.dat in icool_for003 format, where each entry in the list will contain only one pid value with first entry having lowest pid e.g. bunch_list = new_list_from_read_builtin('icool_for009', 'for009.dat', 'station') will return a new list of bunches loaded from for009.dat in icool_for009 format, where each entry in the list will contain only one station value with first entry having lowest station """ bunch_dict = Bunch.new_dict_from_read_builtin(file_type_string, file_name, sort_variable) key_list = [] bunch_list = [] for key in bunch_dict: key_list.append(key) key_list.sort() for key in key_list: bunch_list.append(bunch_dict[key]) return bunch_list new_list_from_read_builtin = staticmethod(new_list_from_read_builtin) def new_from_read_builtin(file_type_string, file_name, test_function=None, number_of_hits=-1): """ Initialise a bunch from a file using a built in format - file_type_string = string from Hit.file_types() that defines the file format - file_name = string that defines the file_name to be used - test_function = Hits with test_function(hit) == False will be ignored, unless test_function==None - number_of_hits = only loads the first number_of_hits Hits e.g. myBunch = Bunch.new_from_read_builtin('icool_for009', for009.dat, lambda hit: hit['station'] == 1, 1000) will return a bunch containing first 1000 hits from for009.dat with stationNumber=1 """ if not file_type_string in Hit.file_types(): raise IOError('Attempt to load file of unknown file type '+str(file_type_string)+' - try one of '+str(Hit.file_types())) if file_type_string.find( 'g4mice' ) > -1: return Bunch.read_g4mice_file(file_name, number_of_hits, list_of_classes=[Bunch.__g4mice_types[file_type_string]]) elif file_type_string.find('maus_root') > -1: hit_list = Bunch.read_maus_root_file(file_name, number_of_hits, list_of_maus_types=[file_type_string]) return Bunch.new_from_hits(hit_list) elif file_type_string.find('maus_') > -1: return Bunch.read_maus_file(file_name, number_of_hits, list_of_maus_types=[file_type_string]) filehandle = Bunch.setup_file(file_type_string, file_name) bunch = Bunch() while(len(bunch) < number_of_hits or number_of_hits < 0): try: hit = Hit.new_from_read_builtin(file_type_string, filehandle) except(EOFError): break except(BadEventError): pass if not hit.check(): pass elif test_function == None: bunch.append(hit) elif test_function(hit): bunch.append(hit) filehandle.close() return bunch new_from_read_builtin = staticmethod(new_from_read_builtin) def new_from_read_user(format_list, format_units_dict, filehandle, number_of_skip_lines, test_function=None, number_of_hits=-1): """ Initialise a bunch from a file using a user defined format - format_list = ordered list of variables from get_variables() that contains the particle variables on each line of your input file - format_units_dict = dict of variables:units that are used to transform to internal system of units - filehandle = file handle, created using e.g. filehandle = open('for009.dat') - number_of_skip_lines = integer; skip this many lines at the start of the file - test_function = Hits with test_function(hit) == False will be ignored, unless test_function==None - number_of_hits = only loads the first number_of_hits Hits. Will read to end of file if this is negative e.g. myBunch = Bunch.new_from_read_user(['x','y','z','px','py','pz'], {'x':'mm', 'y':'mm', 'z':'mm', 'px':'MeV/c', 'py':'MeV/c', 'pz':'MeV/c'}, my_input_file, 3) will skip the first 3 lines of the file and then read in all events from my_input_file, assuming the formatting listed """ for dummy in range(number_of_skip_lines): filehandle.readline() bunch = Bunch() while(len(bunch.__hits) < number_of_hits or number_of_hits < 0): try: hit = Hit.new_from_read_user(format_list, format_units_dict, filehandle) except(EOFError): break if test_function == None: bunch.append(hit) elif test_function(hit): bunch.append(hit) filehandle.close() return bunch new_from_read_user = staticmethod(new_from_read_user) def new_hit_shell(n_per_dimension, ellipse, set_variable_list, mass_shell_variable, defaults={}): """ Create a set of particles that sit on the shell of an ellipse in some arbitrary dimensional space - n_per_dimension = number of particles in each dimension. Total number of particles is n_per_dimension^dimension - ellipse = numpy.matrix that defines the ellipse of particles - set_variable_list = list of set variables that defines what each dimension in the ellipse corresponds to - mass_shell_variable = variable that will be used to set the mass shell condition for each hit - defaults = dict of default set variables that each hit will get. e.g. new_bunch_as_hit_shell(2, numpy.matrix([[1,0],[0,1]]),['x','y'],'energy',{'pid':-13,'mass':Common.pdg_pid_to_mass[13],'pz':200.}) will make a set of muons on a circle in x-y space with 200. MeV/c momentum. Event number is automatically allocated incrementing from 0. """ grid = Common.make_shell(n_per_dimension, ellipse) bunch = Bunch() for ev,vector in enumerate(grid): bunch.append(Hit.new_from_dict(defaults)) for i,var in enumerate(set_variable_list): bunch[-1][var] = vector[0,i] bunch[-1]['event_number'] = ev bunch[-1].mass_shell_condition(mass_shell_variable) return bunch new_hit_shell = staticmethod(new_hit_shell) def get_list_of_maus_dicts(maus_type, spill): """ Get a list of maus_dicts from a maus_spill for a particular maus_type - maus_type = type to extract from the spill - spill = dict containing a single maus spill Returns dict formatted according to maus but for one hit """ maus_hits = [spill] for path in Hit.get_maus_paths()[maus_type]: new_hits = [] for item in maus_hits: try: if type(path) == type(""): new_hits.append( item[path] ) if type(path) == type([]): new_hits += item except Exception: # if the path does not exist just keep trying... pass maus_hits = new_hits return maus_hits get_list_of_maus_dicts = staticmethod(get_list_of_maus_dicts) def read_maus_root_file(file_name, number_of_hits=-1, list_of_maus_types=['maus_root_virtual_hit', 'maus_root_primary']): """ Read hits from a maus ROOT file - file_name = name of the file to read - number_of_hits = Not used - list_of_maus_types = only make hits from these types Returns a list of hits """ Common.has_maus() root_file = ROOT.TFile(file_name, "READ") data = ROOT.MAUS.Data() tree = root_file.Get("Spill") tree.SetBranchAddress("data", data) hits = [] for i in range(tree.GetEntries()): try: tree.GetEntry(i) spill_number = data.GetSpill().GetSpillNumber() hits += Hit.new_list_from_maus_root_spill(list_of_maus_types, data, spill_number) except ReferenceError: pass # probably a NULL pointer for a_hit in hits: a_hit['mass'] = Common.pdg_pid_to_mass[abs(a_hit['pid'])] root_file.Close() return hits read_maus_root_file = staticmethod(read_maus_root_file) def read_maus_file(file_name, number_of_hits=-1, list_of_maus_types=['maus_virtual_hit', 'maus_primary']): """ Initialise a bunch from a MAUS file. - file_name = string that defines the file_name to be used - number_of_hits = only loads the first number_of_hits Hits - list_of_converters = list of converter functions that will be executed on the maus file (one for each hit type) """ # tried to be fairly general here; this should work for any tree that has all hit data # stored either directly at the same level or in three vectors at the same level # if we need to get pid from here, momentum from there, etc... then we need to think again Common.has_json() filehandle = open(file_name, 'r') hits = [] spill_index = 0 line = filehandle.readline() while (len(hits) < number_of_hits or number_of_hits < 0) and line != "": try: spill = json.loads(line) except Exception: if spill_index == 0: raise IOError("Failed to parse json spill "+str(spill_index)+" in file "+file_name+"\n"+line) else: pass for maus_type in list_of_maus_types: list_of_maus_dicts = Bunch.get_list_of_maus_dicts(maus_type, spill) for maus_dict in list_of_maus_dicts: hits.append(Hit.new_from_maus_object(maus_type, maus_dict, spill_index)) spill_index += 1 line = filehandle.readline() filehandle.close() return Bunch.new_from_hits(hits) read_maus_file = staticmethod(read_maus_file) def read_g4mice_file(file_name, number_of_hits=-1, list_of_classes=['SpecialHits', 'VirtualHits']): """ Initialise a bunch from a g4mice file. - file_name = string that defines the file_name to be used - number_of_hits = only loads the first number_of_hits Hits - list_of_classes = ignores g4mice classes that are not in list_of_classes """ bunch = Bunch() filehandle = gzip.GzipFile(file_name, 'r') event = 0 while len(bunch) < number_of_hits or number_of_hits < 0: line = filehandle.readline() words = line.split() if len(words) == 0: break for class_name in list_of_classes: if string.find(line, class_name) > 0: for dummy in range(int(words[0])): try: if class_name == 'SpecialHits': bunch.append(Hit.new_from_read_builtin('g4mice_special_hit', filehandle)) if class_name == 'VirtualHits': bunch.append(Hit.new_from_read_builtin('g4mice_virtual_hit', filehandle)) except EOFError: break bunch.__hits[-1].set('eventNumber', event) if string.find(line, 'STOP') > 0: event += 1 filehandle.close() return bunch read_g4mice_file = staticmethod(read_g4mice_file) def setup_file(file_format_type_string, file_name): """Returns a file handle with special phrases and characters stripped. Returned file_handle contains only hit data""" filehandle = open(file_name, 'r') if not file_format_type_string in Hit.file_types(): raise KeyError('Could not find filetype '+file_format_type_string+' - Options are '+str(Hit.file_types())) for dummy in range(Bunch.__number_of_header_lines[file_format_type_string]): filehandle.readline() if file_format_type_string == 'g4beamline_bl_track_file': open_file = filehandle filehandle = StringIO.StringIO() try: line = open_file.readline() while( len(line) > 0 ): if(string.find(line, 'cm cm cm')>-1 and line[0] == '#') : Hit.set_g4bl_unit('cm') elif(string.find(line, 'mm mm mm')>-1 and line[0] == '#') : Hit.set_g4bl_unit('mm') elif(line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '\n'): pass else: filehandle.write(line) line = open_file.readline() except IOError: pass open_file.close() filehandle.seek(0) return filehandle setup_file = staticmethod(setup_file) def translate(self, dict_variables_values, mass_shell_variable=''): """ Translate all events in the bunch by dict_variables_values - dict_variables_values = dict of variable names from Hit.set_variables() to variable values - mass_shell_variable = set mass shell variable so that E^2=p^2+m^2 after translation. Does nothing if equal to '' e.g. bunch.translate({'pz':-10,'z':100}, 'energy') reduces particle pz by 10 MeV/c and increases E by 100 mm then sets E so that mass shell condition is still obeyed """ for hit in self.__hits: hit.translate(dict_variables_values, mass_shell_variable) ## def abelian_transformation(self, rotation_list, rotation_matrix, translation_dict={}, origin_dict={}, mass_shell_variable=''): """ Perform an Abelian Transformation on all variables in the bunch so that V_{out} - O = R*(V_{in}-O)+T - rotation_list = list of Hit.set_variables() strings that defines the vector V - rotation_matrix = matrix R - translation_dict = dict of Hit.set_variables() strings to values that defines the vector T - mass_shell_variable = set mass shell variable so that E^2=p^2+m^2 after transformation. Does nothing if equal to '' - origin_dict = dict of Hit.set_variables() strings to values that defines the vector O. Defaults to bunch mean. e.g. bunch.abelian_transformation(['x','px','z'], [[1,0.1,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], {'z':1000}, 'pz') has V_{in} = ('x','px','z') R = 1 0.1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 T = (0,0,1000) O = bunch mean (This is like a drift). Note that 'z' has to be explicitly included in the rotation to be present in T """ for hit in self.__hits: hit.abelian_transformation(rotation_list, rotation_matrix, translation_dict, origin_dict, mass_shell_variable) def transform_to(self, transform_list, target_covariances, translation_dict={}, origin_dict={}, mass_shell_variable=''): """ Perform a linear transformation on all particles in the bunch to get a bunch with covariance matrix similar to target_covariances. The transformation always has determinant 1, and so is emittance conserving. Then performs a translation using translation_dict - transform_list = list of Hit.set_variables() strings that defines the vector V - target_covariances = target covariance matrix. Must be n*n dimensions where n is the length of transform_list - translation_dict = dict of Hit.set_variables() strings to values that defines a translation - origin_dict = dict of Hit.set_variables() strings to values that defines the vector O. Defaults to bunch mean. - mass_shell_variable = set mass shell variable so that E^2=p^2+m^2 after transformation. Does nothing if equal to \'\' e.g. bunch.transform_to(['x','px'], [[1,0],[0,1]], {'pz':10}, 'energy') will apply a transformation to all hits in the bunch that diagonalises the bunch and makes Var(x,x) equal to Var(px,px), but conserving emittance; then will add 10 to pz for all tracks; then adjust energy to keep mass shell condition. """ ### transformation to turn covariance matrix into unity matrix Common.has_numpy() (self_evals, self_evecs) = linalg.eigh(self.covariance_matrix(transform_list, origin_dict)) unite = matrix(numpy.zeros((len(transform_list),len(transform_list)))) for i in range(len(transform_list)): unite[i,i] = self_evals[i]**0.5 unite = linalg.inv(self_evecs*unite) ### transformation to turn unity matrix into target_covariances (target_evals, target_evecs) = linalg.eigh(target_covariances) ununite = matrix(numpy.zeros((len(transform_list),len(transform_list)))) for i in range(len(transform_list)): ununite[i,i] = target_evals[i]**0.5 ununite = target_evecs*ununite ### force determinant to 1 =>emittance conservation transform = ununite*unite power = 1./float(len(transform_list)) transform = transform/(abs(linalg.det(transform))**power) self.abelian_transformation(transform_list, transform, translation_dict, origin_dict, mass_shell_variable) def period_transformation(self, offset, frequency, variable='t'): """ Transform all hit's variable from a linear space to a periodic space with some frequency and offset - offset = float that defines the offset - frequency = float that defines the frequency of the periodic space - variable = string from hit_set_variables. variable for which the periodicity is applied e.g. bunch.period_transformation( dt, rf_freq) would transform all times into a range between (-0.5/rf_freq, 0.5/rf_freq). Hits with 't' = n*dt would transform to t=0 (n arbitrary integer) Used to transform a set of many rf buckets into one rf bucket, for calculating longitudinal emittance etc """ for hit in self: hit[variable] -= offset #all points relative to offset number_pulses = hit[variable]*frequency+0.5 # if number_pulses < 0.: number_pulses -= 1. #this is weird! hit[variable] -= math.floor(number_pulses)/frequency def hits(self): """Returns the list of all hits in the bunch""" return self.__hits def get_hits(self, variable, value, comparator=operator.eq): """ Returns a list of all hits in the bunch with comparator(variable, value) == True By default comparator is equality operator, so returns a list of all hits in the bunch with variable == value - variable = string from Hit.get_variables() - value = value for comparison - comparator = function that operates on a hit and returns a boolean e.g. get_hits('eventNumber', 50) returns a list of all hits in the bunch with hitNumber 50 e.g. get_hits('eventNumber', 50, operator.lt) returns a list of all hits in the bunch with hitNumber less than 50 """ some_hits = [] for key in self.__hits: if comparator(self.get_hit_variable(key, variable), value): some_hits.append(key) return some_hits def hit_equality(self, target, float_tolerance=Common.float_tolerance): """ Return True if all hits in self are the same as all hits in target - target = bunch to test against """ if len(self) != len(target): return False for i in range( len(self) ): if self[i] != target[i]: return False return True def conditional_remove(self, variable_value_dict, comparator, value_is_nsigma_bool = False): """ For when a cut is not good enough, remove hits from the bunch altogether if comparator(value, get([variable])) is False - variable_value_dict = dict of Bunch.get_variables() to the cut value; cut if the hit variable has value > value - value_is_nsigma_bool = boolean; if True, value is the number of standard deviations - global_cut = boolean; if True, apply cut to global weights; else apply to local weights e.g. bunch.cut({'energy':300,}, operator.ge) removes particles if they have ge(hit.get('energy'),300) here operator.ge is a functional representation of the >= operator ge(hit.get('energy'),300) is the same as (hit.get('energy') >= 300) A whole load of useful comparators can be found in the operator module. e.g. ge is >=; le is <=; etc See also python built-in function "filter". """ delete_items = [] for variable, cut_value in variable_value_dict.iteritems(): if(value_is_nsigma_bool): cut_value *= self.standard_deviation(variable, self.mean([variable]))**0.5 #optimisation for amplitude cut; calculate covariance matrix first hit_value_list = self.list_get_hit_variable([variable])[0] for i in range ( len(hit_value_list) ): if comparator(hit_value_list[i], cut_value): delete_items.append(self.__hits[i]) for item in delete_items: self.__hits.remove(item) def standard_deviation(self, variable, variable_mean={}): """ Return a standard deviation, given by sum( (u-u_mean)**2 )**0.5 where u is the variable specified - variable = a variable from Hit.get_variables(). Can be a list, in which case only the first hit is taken - variable_mean = use this as u_mean rather than calculating a priori. Can be a dict, in which case if variable is in the keys will use that value. e.g. bunch.standard_deviation('x') returns the standard deviation of x e.g. bunch.standard_deviation('x', 1.) returns the standard deviation of x about a mean of 1. e.g. bunch.standard_deviation(['x'], {'x':1.}) returns the standard deviation of x about a mean of 1. """ a_variable = variable if type(variable) == type([]): a_variable = variable[0] a_variable_mean = variable_mean if type(variable_mean) != type({}): a_variable_mean = {a_variable:variable_mean} return self.moment(['x', 'x'], a_variable_mean)**0.5 def moment(self, variable_list, variable_mean_dict={}): """ Return a moment, sum( (u1 - u1_mean)*(u2-u2_mean)*(etc)) where u is a set of Hit get_variables indexed by variable_list - variable_list = list of strings that index the moment - variable_mean_dict = dict of variable to means for moment calculation. Assume bunch mean if no value is specified e.g. bunch.moment(['x','x'], {'x':0.1}) returns the variance of x about a mean of 0.1 e.g. bunch.moment(['x','px']) returns the covariance of x,px about the bunch mean """ bunch_weight = self.bunch_weight() if abs(bunch_weight) < 1e-9: raise ZeroDivisionError('Trying to find moment of bunch with 0 weight') mean_list = [] if variable_mean_dict == {}: if len(variable_list) == 2: try: i1 = index(variable_list[0]) i2 = index(variable_list[1]) return self.__covs[i1,i2] except: pass variable_mean_dict = self.mean(variable_list) for var in variable_list: mean_list.append(variable_mean_dict[var]) try: moment = self.__bunchcore.moment(variable_list, mean_list) return moment except: #variables not in bunchcore.get_variable list moment = 0 for hit in self.__hits: change = 1. for index in range(len(variable_list)): change *= self.get_hit_variable(hit, variable_list[index]) - mean_list[index] moment += change*hit.get('weight') return moment/self.bunch_weight() def mean(self, variable_list): """ Return dict of variables to means - variable_list = list of strings to calculate means e.g. bunch.mean(['x','px']) returns a dict like {'x':x_mean, 'px':px_mean} """ variable_mean_dict = {} for var in variable_list: if not var in variable_mean_dict: if not var in self.__means: variable_mean_dict[var] = self.moment([var], {var:0.0}) else: variable_mean_dict[var] = self.__means[var] return variable_mean_dict def covariance_matrix(self, get_variable_list, origin_dict={}): """ Return covariance matrix of variables - variable_list = list of strings to calculate covariance - origin_dict = dict of strings to values for origin about which covariances are calculated. Defaults to mean e.g. bunch.covariance_matrix(['x','px'], {'x':0, 'px':0}) returns a matrix like [[Var(x,x), Var(x,px)], [Var(x,px), Var(px,px)] """ Common.has_numpy() dim = len(get_variable_list) cov = matrix(numpy.zeros((dim,dim))) origin_dict1 = copy.deepcopy(origin_dict) origin_list = [] for var in get_variable_list: if not var in origin_dict1: origin_dict1[var] = self.mean([var])[var] origin_list.append(origin_dict1[var]) try: covariances = self.__bunchcore.covariance_matrix(get_variable_list, origin_list) for i1 in range(dim): for i2 in range(i1, dim): cov[i1,i2] = covariance_list[i1][i2] return cov except: pass for i1 in range(dim): for i2 in range(i1, dim): covariance_list = [get_variable_list[i1], get_variable_list[i2]] cov[i1,i2] = self.moment(covariance_list, origin_dict1) cov[i2,i1] = cov[i1,i2] return cov def set_covariance_matrix(self, use_internal_covariance_matrix=True, covariance_matrix=None, mean_dict={}): """ Choose whether to use an internal covariance matrix for calculations - use_internal_covariance_matrix = boolean. If set to True, x-boa will recalculate its internal covariance matrix and use this for some calculations. If set to False, x-boa will calculate the covariance matrix each time. - covariance_matrix = NumPy matrix. x-boa will use this matrix as the internal covariance matrix; should be a 10x10 matrix ordered like (x, px, y, py, z, pz, t, enegry, ct, energy). Ignored if equal to None - mean_dict = dict of variables to means. x-boa will use this dict to index means; should contain means of (x, px, y, py, z, pz, t, enegry, ct, energy). Ignored if equal to None As a speed optimisation, x-boa can calculate a covariance matrix and use this for all calculations involving covariances, i.e. Twiss parameters, emittances, amplitudes etc. Otherwise x-boa will re-calculate this each time, which can be slow. Be careful though - x-boa does not automatically detect for hits being added or removed from the bunch, etc. The user must call this function each time the bunch changes (events added, weightings changed, etc) to update the internal covariance matrix """ if use_internal_covariance_matrix: if covariance_matrix == None: self.__covs = self.covariance_matrix(Bunch.axis_list_to_covariance_list(Bunch.__axis_list)) else: self.__covs = covariance_matrix if mean_dict == {}: self.__means = self.mean(Bunch.axis_list_to_covariance_list(Bunch.__axis_list)) else: self.__means = mean_dict else: self.__covs = None self.__means = {} def covariances_set(self): """If internal covariances are set by set_covariance_matrix, return True; else return False""" return self.__covs != None def means_set(self): """If means are set by set_covariance_matrix, return True; else return False""" return self.__means != {} def bunch_weight(self): """Return statistical weight of all hits in the bunch""" weight = 0 for key in self.__hits: weight += key.get('weight') return weight def clear_local_weights(self): """Set local_weight of all hits in the bunch to 1""" for key in self.__hits: key.set('local_weight', 1) def clear_global_weights(): """Set global_weight of all hits in the bunch to 1""" Hit.clear_global_weights() clear_global_weights = staticmethod(clear_global_weights) def clear_weights(self): """Set global_weight and local_weight of all hits in the bunch to 1""" self.clear_local_weights() self.clear_global_weights() def cut(self, variable_value_dict, comparator, value_is_nsigma_bool = False, global_cut = False): """ Set weight of hits in the bunch to 0 if comparator(value, get([variable])) is False - variable_value_dict = dict of Bunch.get_variables() to the cut value; cut if the hit variable has value > value - value_is_nsigma_bool = boolean; if True, value is the number of standard deviations - global_cut = boolean; if True, apply cut to global weights; else apply to local weights e.g. bunch.cut({'energy':300,}, operator.ge) sets weight of particles to zero if they have ge(hit.get('energy'),300) here operator.ge is a functional representation of the >= operator ge(hit.get('energy'),300) is the same as (hit.get('energy') >= 300) A whole load of useful comparators can be found in the operator module. e.g. ge is >=; le is <=; etc """ if global_cut: set_var = 'global_weight' else: set_var = 'local_weight' for variable, cut_value in variable_value_dict.iteritems(): if(value_is_nsigma_bool): cut_value *= self.moment([variable, variable], self.mean([variable]))**0.5 # check for non-int get variables if variable in Hit.get_variables() and type(Hit()[variable]) == type(0.): self.__bunchcore._cut_double(variable, comparator, cut_value, set_var) else: self._cut(variable, comparator, cut_value, set_var) def _cut(self, variable, comparator, cut_value, set_var): hit_value_list = self.list_get_hit_variable([variable])[0] for i in range ( len(hit_value_list) ): if comparator(hit_value_list[i], cut_value): self.__hits[i].set(set_var, 0) def transmission_cut(self, test_bunch, global_cut=False, test_variable=['spill', 'event_number', 'particle_number'], float_tolerance=Common.float_tolerance): """ Set weight of hits in the bunch to 0 if no events can be found in test_bunch with the same test_variable - test_bunch = bunch to test against - global_cut = if True, apply cut to global weights - test_variable = cut a hit in self if no hits are found in test_bunch with the same test_variable. If test_variable is a list, then cut from self if no hits are found in test_bunch with all test_variables the same. E.g. bunch.transmission_cut( some_other_bunch, True ) will apply a global cut if a hit with the same [spill, event_number, particle_number] is not in some_other_bunch (for all hits) """ if global_cut: wt = 'global_weight' else: wt = 'local_weight' hit_list = [[] for i in range(len(test_bunch))] if type(test_variable) == type(''): test_variable = [test_variable] for i in range( len(test_bunch) ): for var in test_variable: hit_list[i].append(test_bunch[i][var]) hit_list.sort() for hit in self: weight = 0 hit_value = [hit[var] for var in test_variable] next_value = bisect.bisect_left(hit_list, hit_value) if next_value > -1 and next_value < len(hit_list): diff = [abs(hit_list[next_value][i]-hit_value[i]) for i in range(len(hit_value))] diff = sum(diff) if diff < float_tolerance: weight = hit[wt] if next_value+1 < len(hit_list): diff = [abs(hit_list[next_value+1][i]-hit_value[i]) for i in range(len(hit_value))] diff = sum(diff) if diff < float_tolerance: weight = hit[wt] hit.set(wt, weight) def get_beta (self, axis_list, geometric=None): """ Return the bunch beta function, defined by - For normalised beta = Sum_{i} Var(x_i)*p/(emittance*mass*n) - For geometric beta = Sum_{i} Var(x_i)/(emittance*n) where x_i is a position variable from axis_list. - axis_list = list of axes strings and n is the length of axis_list. E.g. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py} get_beta(['x','y']) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will return ( Var(x,x)+Var(y,y) )/(2*pz*emittance(['x','y')*mass) """ if geometric == None: geometric = Bunch.__geometric_momentum beta = 0.0 emittance = self.get_emittance(axis_list, None, geometric) for axis in axis_list: beta += self.moment([axis,axis], self.mean([axis])) if not geometric: beta *= self.mean(['p'])['p']/(emittance*self.hits()[0].get('mass')*float(len(axis_list))) else: beta /= emittance*float(len(axis_list)) return beta def get_gamma(self, axis_list, geometric=None): """ Return the bunch beta function, defined by - For normalised gamma = Sum_{i} Var(p_i)/(pz*emittance*mass*n) - For geometric gamma = Sum_{i} Var(p_i)/(emittance*n) where p_i is a momentum variable from axis_list. - axis_list = list of axes strings and n is the length of axis_list. E.g. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py} get_gamma(['x','y']) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will return ( Var(p_x)+Var(p_y) )/(2*pz*emittance(['x','y')*mass) """ if geometric == None: geometric = Bunch.__geometric_momentum gamma = 0.0 emittance = self.get_emittance(axis_list) for axis in axis_list: mom = self.momentum_variable(axis, geometric) gamma += self.moment([mom,mom], self.mean([mom])) if not geometric: gamma /= self.mean(['p'])['p']*self.hits()[0].get('mass') gamma /= (emittance*len(axis_list)) return gamma def get_alpha(self, axis_list, geometric=None): """ Return the bunch alpha function, defined by - For normalised alpha = Sum_{i} Cov(x_i, p_i)/(emittance*mass*n) - For geometric alpha = Sum_{i} Cov(x_i, p_i)/(emittance*n) where p_i is a momentum variable from axis_list. - axis_list = list of axes strings and n is the length of axis_list. E.g. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py} get_alpha(['x','y']) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will return ( Var(p_x)+Var(p_y) )/(2*emittance(['x','y')*mass) """ if geometric == None: geometric = Bunch.__geometric_momentum alpha = 0.0 emittance = self.get_emittance(axis_list) for axis in axis_list: mom = self.momentum_variable(axis, geometric) alpha += self.moment([axis,mom], self.mean([axis, mom])) if not geometric: alpha /= (emittance*self.hits()[0].get('mass')*len(axis_list)) else: alpha /= emittance*len(axis_list) return -alpha def get_dispersion(self, axis): """ Return the bunch dispersion D in axis q, defined by - D = cov(q,E)*mean(E)/var(E) - axis = string from axis_list that defines the axis q E.g. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py} my_bunch.get_dispersion('y') ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ would return the dispersion in the y-direction """ return self.moment([axis,'energy'])*self.mean(['energy'])['energy']/self.moment(['energy','energy']) def get_dispersion_rsquared(self): """ Return a special bunch dispersion defined by - D = (-*)*mean(E)/var(E) where <> are raw moments (not central moments) """ mean_dict = {'r_squared':0., 'energy':0.} return (self.moment(['r_squared','energy'],mean_dict)-(self.moment(['x','x'])+self.moment(['y','y']))*self.mean(['energy'])['energy'])\ *self.mean(['energy'])['energy']/self.moment(['energy','energy']) def get_dispersion_prime(self, axis, geometric = None): """ Return the bunch dispersion prime D in axis q, defined by - D' = cov(p_q,E)*mean(E)/var(E) - axis = string from axis_list that defines the axis q E.g. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py} my_bunch.get_dispersion('y') ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ would return the dispersion in the y-direction """ mom = Bunch.momentum_variable(axis, geometric) return self.moment([mom,'energy'])*self.mean(['energy'])['energy']/self.moment(['energy','energy']) def get_decoupled_emittance(self, coupled_axis_list, emittance_axis_list, covariance_matrix=None, geometric=None): """Reserved for future development""" # the problem here is the sort order of the eigenvalues, which doesn't necessarily reflect what was in the # original array if geometric == None: geometric = Bunch.__geometric_momentum coupled_axis_list2 = [] emit_var = [] for ax in Bunch.__axis_list: if ax in emittance_axis_list: emit_var.append(len(coupled_axis_list2)) #mark position of emittance variables if ax in coupled_axis_list or ax in emittance_axis_list: coupled_axis_list2.append(ax) #build sorted list of coupled variables cov_var_list = Bunch.axis_list_to_covariance_list(coupled_axis_list2) my_cov = copy.deepcopy(covariance_matrix) if my_cov == None: my_cov = self.__cov_mat_picker(coupled_axis_list2) if my_cov == None: my_cov = self.covariance_matrix(cov_var_list) (evalues, ematrix) = numpy.linalg.eig(my_cov) ematrix = matrix(ematrix) my_cov = matrix(my_cov) array_out = [] for var in emit_var: array_out = array_out+[float(evalues[2*var]), float(evalues[2*var+1])] print array_out print 'Undiagonalisation:' print ematrix*numpy.diagflat(evalues)*ematrix.T print ematrix print numpy.diagflat(evalues) cov_out = numpy.diagflat(array_out) return self.get_emittance(emittance_axis_list, covariance_matrix=cov_out, geometric=geometric) """ Return the decoupled n dimensional normalised RMS emittance of the bunch - emittance = (|V|**(1/2n))/mass where n is the number of elements in axis list and V is a covariance matrix with elements V_{ij} = cov(u_i, u_j) where u is a vector of elements in the axis_list and their momentum conjugates, u = (q_i, p_i). The slight subtlety is that the emittance is calculated with any coupling between axis_list and the elements in coupled_axis_list removed by a transformation. In particular, I calculate the eigenvalues of the matrix generated from emittance_axis_list+coupled_axis_list (duplicated elements removed) and return the product of eigenvaues pertaining to emittance_axis_list - coupled_axis_list = list of axes from Bunch.get_axes(). - emittance_axis_list = list of axes from Bunch.get_axes(). - covariance_matrix = if specified, use this covariance matrix rather than calculating a new one each time. - geometric = if specified, use geometric variables (dx/dz, dy/dz, etc) rather than normalised variables (px, py, pz). E.g. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py} get_decoupled_emittance(['x','y'], ['x']) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will return |V|**(1/2) where V is the matrix with elements V = Var(x',x') Cov(x',px') Cov(x',px') Var(px',px') and |V| is the determinant. Here x' indicates x following a decoupling transformation (to remove, for example, rotation due to solenoid field). """ def get_emittance(self, axis_list, covariance_matrix=None, geometric = None): """ Return the n dimensional normalised emittance of the bunch - emittance = (|V|**(1/2n))/mass where n is the number of elements in axis list and V is a covariance matrix with elements V_{ij} = cov(u_i, u_j) where u is a vector of elements in the axis_list and their momentum conjugates, u = (q_i, p_i) - axis_list = list of axes from Bunch.get_axes(). - covariance_matrix = if specified, use this covariance matrix rather than calculating a new one each time. - geometric = if specified, use geometric variables (dx/dz, dy/dz, etc) rather than normalised variables (px, py, pz). E.g. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py} get_emittance(['x']) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will return |V|**(1/2) where V is the matrix with elements V = Var(x,x) Cov(x,px) Cov(x,px) Var(px,px) and |V| is the determinant. """ if geometric == None: geometric = Bunch.__geometric_momentum cov_list = Bunch.axis_list_to_covariance_list(axis_list) my_cov = copy.deepcopy(covariance_matrix) if my_cov == None: my_cov = self.__cov_mat_picker(axis_list) if my_cov == None: my_cov = self.covariance_matrix(cov_list) emittance = linalg.det(my_cov)**(1./len(cov_list)) if not Bunch.__geometric_momentum: emittance /= self.__hits[0].get('mass') return float(emittance) def get_kinetic_angular_momentum(self, rotation_axis_dict={'x':0,'y':0,'px':0,'py':0,'x\'':0,'y\'':0}): """ Return the bunch kinetic angular momentum about some arbitrary axis, defined by - L = - (momentum variables) - L =

*( - ) (geometric variables) - rotation_axis_dict = dict that defines the axis of rotation """ if not Bunch.__geometric_momentum: return self.moment(['x','py'], rotation_axis_dict) - self.moment(['y','px'], rotation_axis_dict) else: return (self.moment(['x','y\''], rotation_axis_dict) - self.moment(['y','x\''], rotation_axis_dict)) * self.mean(['pz'])['pz'] def get_canonical_angular_momentum(self, bz=None, field_axis_dict={'x':0, 'y':0}, rotation_axis_dict={'x':0,'y':0,'px':0,'py':0}): """ Return the bunch canonical angular momentum about some arbitrary axis, defined by - L = - + e Bz (+y^2) (momentum variables) - L =

*( - ) + e Bz (+y^2) (geometric variables) - bz = nominal on-axis magnetic field - where axis is as; defaults to the field of the 1st particle in the bunch - field_axis_dict = dict that defines the nominal solenoid axis - rotation_axis_dict = dict that defines the axis of rotation """ if bz==None: bz = (self[0]['bz']) return self.get_kinetic_angular_momentum(rotation_axis_dict) + \ Common.constants['c_light']*bz*(self.moment(['x','x'], field_axis_dict) + self.moment(['y','y'], field_axis_dict))/2. def momentum_variable(axis_variable, geometric_momentum): """ Return the momentum conjugate for axis_variable """ if not axis_variable in Bunch.__axis_list: raise IndexError(str(axis_variable)+' does not appear to be an axis variable. Options are '+str(Bunch.get_axes())) if type(axis_variable) == int: if geometric_momentum: return Hit.get_variables()[axis_variable]+'\'' else: return Hit.get_variables()[axis_variable+4] if geometric_momentum: return axis_variable+'\'' elif axis_variable == 't' or axis_variable == 'ct' or axis_variable==3: return 'energy' else: return 'p'+axis_variable momentum_variable = staticmethod(momentum_variable) def get_amplitude (bunch, hit, axis_list, covariance_matrix=None, mean_dict={}, geometric=None): """ Return the particle amplitude for a hit relative to a bunch, defined by - amplitude = emittance*x^T.V^-1.x where x is a vector of particle coordinates and V is a covariance matrix - bunch = bunch from which the covariance matrix is calculated - hit = hit from which the particle vector is taken - axis_list = list of axes that defines the covariance matrix and particle vector - covariance_matrix = if this is not set to None, will use this covariance_matrix for the calculation rather than taking one from bunch. Should be a numpy matrix like "x","px","y","py" E.g. ~~~~~~~{.py} Bunch.get_amplitude(my_bunch, my_hit, ['x','y']) ~~~~~~~ will return emittance*(x,px,y,py)^T*V^{-1}(x,px,y,py)*(x,px,y,py) """ if geometric == None: geometric = Bunch.__geometric_momentum cov_list = Bunch.axis_list_to_covariance_list(axis_list, geometric) if mean_dict == {}: mean_dict = bunch.__mean_picker(axis_list) if mean_dict == {}: mean_dict = bunch.mean(cov_list) my_vector = hit.get_vector(cov_list, mean_dict) my_cov = copy.deepcopy( covariance_matrix ) if my_cov == None: my_cov = bunch.__cov_mat_picker(axis_list) if my_cov == None: my_cov = bunch.covariance_matrix(cov_list) my_amp = my_vector*linalg.inv(my_cov)*my_vector.T return float(my_amp[0,0])*bunch.get_emittance(axis_list, my_cov) get_amplitude = staticmethod(get_amplitude) def axis_list_to_covariance_list(axis_list, geometric=None): """ Convert from a list of position variables to a list of position and conjugate momentum variables - axis_list = list of strings from get_axes() """ if geometric == None: geometric = Bunch.__geometric_momentum cov_list = [] for axis in axis_list: cov_list.append(axis) cov_list.append(Bunch.momentum_variable(axis, geometric)) return cov_list axis_list_to_covariance_list = staticmethod(axis_list_to_covariance_list) def convert_string_to_axis_list(axis_string): """ Return a list of axes from a string. - axis_string = string that contains a list of axis. Either format as axis_strings separated by white space or as a python list of axis_strings """ axis_list = [] try: axis_list = eval(axis_string) #try to evaluate it as a list except: axis_list = axis_string.split(' ') #assume it is a white space separated dataset instead for key in axis_list: if not key in Bunch.__axis_list: raise KeyError('Could not resolve '+str(axis_string)+' into a list of axes.') return axis_list convert_string_to_axis_list = staticmethod(convert_string_to_axis_list) def set_geometric_momentum(new_value_bool): """ Set the default for conjugate momenta; either geometric (x', y', etc) or kinetic (px, py, etc) - new_value_bool = if True, use geometric momenta. If False, use kinetic momenta (default) """ Bunch.__geometric_momentum = new_value_bool set_geometric_momentum = staticmethod(set_geometric_momentum) def get_geometric_momentum(): """ Set the default for conjugate momenta; either geometric (x', y', etc) or kinetic (px, py, etc) - new_value_bool = if True, use geometric momenta. If False, use kinetic momenta (default) """ return Bunch.__geometric_momentum get_geometric_momentum = staticmethod(get_geometric_momentum) def get_axes(): """Return list of axis variables (position-type variables)""" return Bunch.__axis_list get_axes = staticmethod(get_axes) def get_hit_variable(self, hit, variable_name, covariance_matrix=None, mean_dict={}): """ Return axis variable for hit. Special power is that it can calculate amplitude, unlike hit.get(blah) - hit = a Hit object - variable_name = either a variable from Hit.get_variables() or an amplitude variable. amplitude variables should be formatted like 'amplitude x y' or 'amplitude x y t' - covariance_matrix = use a pre-calculated covariance matrix, or calculate if set to None """ if type(variable_name) == str: if variable_name.find('amplitude') > -1: axis_list = Bunch.convert_string_to_axis_list(variable_name[10:len(variable_name)]) return Bunch.get_amplitude(self, hit, axis_list, covariance_matrix, mean_dict) return hit.get(variable_name) def list_get_hit_variable(self, list_of_variables, list_of_units=[], covariance_matrix = None, mean_dict = {}): """ Return a list of get_hit_variable results, one element for each hit in the bunch - variable_name = either a variable from Hit.get_variables() or an amplitude variable. amplitude variables should be formatted like 'amplitude x y' or 'amplitude x y t' i.e. amplitude followed by a list of axes separated by white space - covariance_matrix = use a pre-calculated covariance matrix, or calculate if set to None """ values = [] for dummy in list_of_variables: values.append([]) for i in range(len(list_of_variables)): var = list_of_variables[i] if type(var) is str: if(var.find('amplitude') > -1): axis_list = Bunch.convert_string_to_axis_list(var[10:len(var)]) if covariance_matrix == None: covariance_matrix = self.covariance_matrix( Bunch.axis_list_to_covariance_list(axis_list) ) if mean_dict == {}: mean_dict = self.mean(Bunch.axis_list_to_covariance_list(axis_list)) for hit in self.__hits: values[i].append( self.get_hit_variable(hit, var, covariance_matrix, mean_dict) ) if not list_of_units == []: values[i][-1] /= Common.units[list_of_units[i]] return values def get(self, variable_string, variable_list): """ Return a bunch variable taken from the list Bunch.get_variables() - variable_string = string variable from Bunch.get_variables() - variable_list = list of variables (see below, a bit complicated) For 'bunch_weight', axis_list is ignored For 'dispersion', 'dispersion_prime' the first value of variable_list is used. It should be taken from the list Bunch.get_axes() For 'mean', the first value in variable_list is used. It should be taken from the list Bunch.hit_get_variables() For others, variable_list should be a list taken from Bunch.get_axes() E.g. bunch.get('emittance', ['x','y']) would get emittance x y E.g. bunch.get('mean', ['x','px','z']) would return mean of x; px and z are ignored """ if not variable_string in Bunch.__get_dict: raise KeyError(variable_string+' not available. Options are '+str(Bunch.get_variables())) else: return self.__get_dict[variable_string](self, variable_list) def list_get(dict_of_bunches, list_of_variables, list_of_axis_lists): """ Get a list of lists of variables from each bunch in the dict_of_bunches - dict_of_bunches = dict of bunches from which the lists will be taken - list_of_variables = list of variables that will be used in the calculation - list_of_axis_lists = axis_list that will be used in the calculation of the corresponding variable E.g. list_get(my_dict_of_bunches, ['mean', 'emittance'], [['z'],['x','y']]) would calculate a list of two arrays: (i) mean z; (ii) emittance x y Output is sorted by the first variable in the list. This might be useful to interface with E.g. a plotting package """ values = [] for dummy in list_of_variables: values.append([]) for key, bunch in dict_of_bunches.iteritems(): for i in range(len(list_of_variables)): values[i].append(bunch.get(list_of_variables[i], list_of_axis_lists[i])) Common.multisort(values) return values list_get = staticmethod(list_get) def get_variables(): """Return a list of variables suitable for calls to Bunch.get""" return Bunch.__get_list get_variables = staticmethod(get_variables) def hit_get_variables(): """Return a list of variables suitable for calls to Bunch.get""" return Hit.get_variables()+['amplitude x', 'amplitude y', 'amplitude x y', 'amplitude ct', 'amplitude x y ct'] hit_get_variables = staticmethod(hit_get_variables) def hit_write_builtin(self, file_type_string, file_name, user_comment=None): """ Write the hits in the bunch using some built-in format to the file file_name - file_type_string = string that controls which predefined file type will be used - file_name = string that defines the file name - user_comment = comment to be included in file header (e.g. problem title) e.g. my_bunches.hit_write_builtin('g4mice_special_hit', 'Sim.out.gz') would write all hits from my_bunches formatted in the old G4MICE Special Virtual style in file Sim.out.gz """ if not file_type_string in Hit.file_types(): raise IOError('Attempt to write file of unknown file type '+str(file_type_string)+' - try one of '+str(Hit.file_types())) Hit.write_list_builtin_formatted(self.__hits, file_type_string, file_name, user_comment) return def hit_write_builtin_from_dict(dict_of_bunches, file_type_string, file_name, user_comment=None): """ Write the hits in the dict of bunches using some built-in format to the file file_name - dict_of_bunches = list of hits - file_type_string = string that controls which predefined file type will be used - file_name = string that defines the file name - user_comment = comment to be included in file header (e.g. problem title) e.g. Bunch.hit_write_builtin_from_dict(my_bunches, 'g4mice_special_hit', 'Sim.out.gz') would write all hits from my_bunches formatted in the G4MICE Special Virtual style in file Sim.out.gz """ if not file_type_string in Hit.file_types(): raise IOError('Attempt to write file of unknown file type '+str(file_type_string)+' - try one of '+str(Hit.file_types())) all_hits = [] for key,value in dict_of_bunches.iteritems(): all_hits += value.hits() Hit.write_list_builtin_formatted(all_hits, file_type_string, file_name) hit_write_builtin_from_dict = staticmethod(hit_write_builtin_from_dict) def hit_write_user(self, format_list, format_units_dict, file_handle, separator=' ', comparator=None): """ Write the hits in the bunch in some user defined format to file_handle, in an order defined by comparator - format_list = ordered list of strings from get_variables() - format_units_dict = dict of formats from format_list to units - file_handle = file handle made using e.g. open() command to which hits are written - separator = separator that is used to separate hits - comparator = comparator that is used for sorting prior to writing the file; if left as None, no sorting is performed e.g. aBunch.hit_write_user(['x','px','y','py'], ['x':'m','y':'m','px':'MeV/c','py':'MeV/c'], some_file, '@') would make output like 0.001@0.002@0.001@0.002 0.003@0.004@0.003@0.004 in some_file """ if not comparator==None: self.__hits.sort(comparator) for hit in self.__hits: hit.write_user_formatted(format_list, format_units_dict, file_handle, separator) def build_ellipse_2d(beta, alpha, emittance, p, mass, geometric): """ Build a 2x2 ellipse matrix, given by For geometric = true - var(x, x) = beta*emittance - var(x, x') = alpha*emittance - var(x',x') = gamma*emittance For geometric = false - var(x, x ) = beta*emittance*mass/p - var(x, px) = alpha*emittance*mass - var(px,px) = gamma*emittance*mass*p """ Common.has_numpy() cov = matrix(numpy.zeros((2,2))) gamma = (1.+alpha**2)/beta if beta <= 0.: raise ValueError("Beta "+str(beta)+" must be positive") if emittance <= 0.: raise ValueError("Emittance "+str(emittance)+" must be positive") if geometric: cov[0,0] = beta *emittance cov[1,0] = -alpha*emittance cov[0,1] = cov[1,0] cov[1,1] = gamma*emittance if not geometric: cov[0,0] = beta *emittance*mass/p cov[1,0] = -alpha*emittance*mass cov[0,1] = cov[1,0] cov[1,1] = gamma*emittance*mass*p return cov build_ellipse_2d = staticmethod(build_ellipse_2d) def build_MR_ellipse(): """ Not implemented """ # Build a 6x6 ellipse using the Mais-Ripken parameterisation - not implemented raise NotImplementedError('Mais-Ripken methods will be released later') build_MR_ellipse = staticmethod(build_MR_ellipse) def build_ET_ellipse(): """ Not implemented """ # Build a 6x6 ellipse using the Edwards-Teng parameterisation raise NotImplementedError('Edwards-Teng methods will be released later') build_ET_ellipse = staticmethod(build_ET_ellipse) def build_ellipse_from_transfer_matrix( M ): """ Not implemented """ # Build an ellipse using the transfer matrix M such that M.T() * ellipse * M = ellipse raise NotImplementedError('This function not ready yet') build_ellipse_from_transfer_matrix = staticmethod(build_ellipse_from_transfer_matrix) def build_penn_ellipse(emittance_t, mass, beta_t, alpha_t, p, Ltwiddle_t, bz, q): """ Build an ellipse using Penn formalism for solenoids. - emittance_t = nominal beam emittance - mass = particle mass - beta_t = transverse beta function - alpha_t = transverse alpha function - p = reference momentum - Ltwiddle_t = normalised canonical angular momentum - bz = magnetic field strength - q = particle charge Output ellipse is a 4*4 matrix with elements v_ij where i,j indexes the vector (x,px,y,py) """ if beta_t <= 0.: raise ValueError("Beta "+str(beta_t)+" must be positive") if emittance_t <= 0.: raise ValueError("Emittance "+str(emittance_t)+" must be positive") if mass <= 0.: raise ValueError("Mass "+str(mass)+" must be positive") k = Common.constants['c_light']*bz/2./p gamma_t = (1+alpha_t*alpha_t+(beta_t*k - Ltwiddle_t)*(beta_t*k-Ltwiddle_t))/beta_t s_xx = emittance_t*mass*beta_t/p s_xpx = -emittance_t*mass*alpha_t s_pxpx = emittance_t*mass*p*gamma_t s_xpy = -emittance_t*mass*(beta_t*k-Ltwiddle_t)*q covariance_matrix = numpy.matrix([ [s_xx, s_xpx, 0., s_xpy], [s_xpx, s_pxpx,-s_xpy, 0], [ 0., -s_xpy, s_xx, s_xpx], [s_xpy, 0., s_xpx, s_pxpx], ]) return covariance_matrix build_penn_ellipse = staticmethod(build_penn_ellipse) def histogram(self, x_axis_string, x_axis_units='', y_axis_string='', y_axis_units='', nx_bins=None, ny_bins=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None): """ Returns a binned 1D or 2D histogram of hits in the bunch (but doesnt draw anything or call any plotting package). - x_axis_string = string for call to get_hit_variables() - x_axis_units = units for x axis - y_axis_string = string for call to get_hit_variables(). If string is empty, makes a 1D histogram - y_axis_units = units for y axis - nx_bins = force histogram to use this number of bins for the x-axis rather than choosing number of bins itself - ny_bins = force histogram to use this number of bins for the y-axis rather than choosing number of bins itself - xmin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum x-axis value - xmax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum x-axis value - ymin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum y-axis value - ymax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum y-axis value Return value is a list of bin weights for a 1D histogram or a list of lists of bin weights for a 2D histogram """ Common.has_numpy() weights = self.list_get_hit_variable(['weight'], [''])[0] x_points = self.list_get_hit_variable([x_axis_string], [x_axis_units])[0] y_bins = None if xmin!=None: xmin*=Common.units[x_axis_units] if xmax!=None: xmax*=Common.units[x_axis_units] if ymin!=None: ymin*=Common.units[y_axis_units] if ymax!=None: ymax*=Common.units[y_axis_units] if y_axis_string=='': (nx_bins, ny_bins, dummy) = Common.n_bins(len(x_points), nx_bins, 1) else: y_points = self.list_get_hit_variable([y_axis_string], [y_axis_units])[0] (nx_bins, ny_bins, dummy) = Common.n_bins(len(y_points), nx_bins, ny_bins, 2) y_bins = Common.get_bin_edges(y_points, ny_bins, ymin, ymax) x_bins = Common.get_bin_edges(x_points, nx_bins, xmin, xmax) return self.histogram_var_bins(x_axis_string, x_bins, x_axis_units, y_axis_string, y_bins, y_axis_units) def histogram_var_bins(self, x_axis_string, x_bins, x_axis_units='', y_axis_string='', y_bins=None, y_axis_units=''): """ Returns a binned histogram of hits in the bunch. Requires numpy - x_axis_string = string for call to get_hit_variables() - x_bins = list of bin edges used to generate the histogram - x_axis_units = units for x axis - y_axis_string = string for call to get_hit_variables() - y_bins = list of bin edges used to generate the histogram - y_axis_units = units for y axis Return value is a tuple containing ((bin weights array),x_bins,y_bins). The bin weights array is always nx*ny, with ny defaulting to 1 in the case of a 1d histogram. """ Common.has_numpy() weights = self.list_get_hit_variable(['weight'], [''])[0] x_points = self.list_get_hit_variable([x_axis_string], [x_axis_units])[0] if y_axis_string == '': return Common.histogram(x_points, x_bins, weights=weights) else: y_points = self.list_get_hit_variable([y_axis_string], [y_axis_units])[0] return Common.histogram(x_points, x_bins, y_points, y_bins, weights=weights) def root_histogram(self, x_axis_string, x_axis_units='', y_axis_string='', y_axis_units='', nx_bins=None, ny_bins=None, canvas=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, line_color=rg.line_color, line_style=rg.line_style, line_width=rg.line_width, fill_color=rg.fill_color, stats=rg.stats, hist_title_string='', draw_option=''): """ Prints a 1D or 2D histogram of hits in the bunch. Axes are automatically detected to encapsulate all data. Needs correct root installation. - x_axis_string = string for call to get_hit_variables() - x_axis_units = units for x axis - y_axis_string = string for call to get_hit_variables(). If string is empty, makes a 1D histogram - y_axis_units = units for y axis - nx_bins = force root_histogram to use this number of bins for the x-axis rather than choosing number of bins itself - ny_bins = force root_histogram to use this number of bins for the y-axis rather than choosing number of bins itself - canvas = if canvas=None, root_histogram will create a new tcanvas and plot histograms on that else will plot on the existing canvas, attempting to plot on existing axes - xmin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum x-axis value - xmax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum x-axis value - ymin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum y-axis value - ymax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum y-axis value - line_color = int that sets the line colour of the histogram - line_style = int that sets the line style of the histogram - line_width = int that sets the line width of the histogram - fill_color = int that sets the fill color of the histogram - stats = set to True to plot a stats box on the histogram - hist_title_string = specify the string that will appear as a title on the canvas e.g. bunch.root_histogram('x', 'cm', 'py', 'GeV/c') will histogram x vs py. Returns a tuple of the (canvas, histogram) """ weights = [] num_events = float(len(self)) x_points = self.list_get_hit_variable([x_axis_string], [x_axis_units])[0] if nx_bins==None: nx_bins = int(num_events/10.) if not y_axis_string == '' and draw_option=='': draw_option = 'COL' y_points = self.list_get_hit_variable([y_axis_string], [y_axis_units])[0] if nx_bins == None: nx_bins = int(num_events**0.7/10.) if ny_bins == None: ny_bins = int(num_events**0.7/10.) else: y_points = [] for key in self.__hits: weights.append(key.get('weight')) if not x_axis_units == '': x_axis_units = " ["+x_axis_units+"]" if not y_axis_units == '': y_axis_units = " ["+y_axis_units+"]" x_name = x_axis_string+x_axis_units y_name = y_axis_string+y_axis_units num_evts = 0. for hit in self.__hits: if abs(hit.get('weight')) > 0.: num_evts += 1. name = x_axis_string if not y_axis_string == '': name += ":"+y_axis_string if canvas == '' or canvas == None: canvas = Common.make_root_canvas(name) else: draw_option += 'same' canvas.cd() hist = Common.make_root_histogram(name, x_points, x_name, nx_bins, y_points, y_name, ny_bins, weights, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, line_color, line_style, line_width, fill_color, stats, hist_title_string) hist.SetStats(False) hist.Draw(draw_option) canvas.Update() return (canvas, hist) def root_scatter_graph(self, x_axis_string, y_axis_string, x_axis_units='', y_axis_units='', include_weightless=True, canvas=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, line_color=rg.line_color, line_style=rg.line_style, line_width=rg.line_width, fill_color=rg.graph_fill_color, hist_title_string=''): """ Prints a 2d scatter plot of Hit.get(...) data over a dict of bunches. Needs correct root installation. - x_axis_string = string for call to Bunch.get_hit_variable() used to calculate x-values - x_axis_units = units for x axis - y_axis_string = string for call to Bunch.get_hit_variable() used to calculate y-values - y_axis_units = units for y axis - include_weightless = set to True to plot hits with <= 0. weight - canvas = if canvas=None, root_graph will create a new tcanvas and plot graphs on that else will plot on the existing canvas, attempting to plot on existing axes - xmin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum x-axis value - xmax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum x-axis value - ymin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum y-axis value - ymax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum y-axis value - line_color = int that sets the line colour of the histogram - line_style = int that sets the line style of the histogram - line_width = int that sets the line width of the histogram - fill_color = int that sets the fill color of the histogram - hist_title_string = specify the string that will appear as a title on the canvas e.g. bunch.root_scatter_graph('x', 'p', 'cm', 'MeV/c') will graph x vs p. Returns a tuple of (canvas, histogram, graph) where the histogram contains the axes """ x_points = [] y_points = [] for hit in self: if abs(hit['weight'])>Common.float_tolerance or include_weightless: x_points.append(self.get_hit_variable(hit, x_axis_string)/Common.units[x_axis_units]) y_points.append(self.get_hit_variable(hit, y_axis_string)/Common.units[y_axis_units]) name = x_axis_string+":"+y_axis_string if not x_axis_units == '': x_axis_string += " ["+x_axis_units+"]" if not y_axis_units == '': y_axis_string += " ["+y_axis_units+"]" graph = Common.make_root_graph(name, x_points, x_axis_string, y_points, y_axis_string, True,xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, line_color, line_style, line_width, fill_color, hist_title_string) if canvas == '' or canvas==None: canvas = Common.make_root_canvas(name) graph[0].SetStats(False) graph[0].Draw() else: canvas.cd() graph[1].Draw('p') canvas.Update() return (canvas, graph[0], graph[1]) def root_graph(bunches, x_axis_string, x_axis_list, y_axis_string, y_axis_list, x_axis_units='', y_axis_units='', canvas='', comparator=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, line_color=rg.line_color, line_style=rg.line_style, line_width=rg.line_width, fill_color=rg.graph_fill_color, hist_title_string=''): """ Prints a graph of Bunch.get(...) data over a set of bunches and returns the root canvas. Needs correct root installation. - bunches = either a dict or a list of bunches - x_axis_string = string for call to Bunch.get() used to calculate x axis variables - x_axis_list = list of variables for call to Bunch.get() used to calculate x axis variables - x_axis_units = units for x axis - y_axis_string = string for call to Bunch.get() used to calculate y axis variables - y_axis_list = list of variables for call to Bunch.get() used to calculate y axis variables - y_axis_units = units for y axis - canvas = if canvas=None, root_graph will create a new tcanvas and plot graphs on that else will plot on the existing canvas, attempting to plot on existing axes - comparator = comparator of bunch1, bunch2 - if none given, will sort by x-axis value - xmin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum x-axis value - xmax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum x-axis value - ymin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum y-axis value - ymax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum y-axis value - line_color = int that sets the line colour of the histogram - line_style = int that sets the line style of the histogram - line_width = int that sets the line width of the histogram - fill_color = int that sets the fill color of the histogram - hist_title_string = specify the string that will appear as a title on the canvas e.g. root_graph(bunch_dict, 'mean', ['x'], 'emittance', ['x','y'], 'cm', 'mm') will graph mean x vs emittance x y. Returns a tuple of (canvas, histogram, graph) where the histogram contains the axes """ x_points = [] y_points = [] list_of_bunches = [] try: list_of_bunches = bunches.values() except: list_of_bunches = bunches if comparator != None: list_of_bunches.sort(comparator) for bunch in list_of_bunches: x_points.append(bunch.get(x_axis_string, x_axis_list)/Common.units[x_axis_units]) y_points.append(bunch.get(y_axis_string, y_axis_list)/Common.units[y_axis_units]) x_axis_string += "( " y_axis_string += "( " for value in x_axis_list: x_axis_string += value+" " for value in y_axis_list: y_axis_string += value+" " x_axis_string += ")" y_axis_string += ")" name = x_axis_string+":"+y_axis_string if not x_axis_units == '': x_axis_string += " ["+x_axis_units+"]" if not y_axis_units == '': y_axis_string += " ["+y_axis_units+"]" graph = Common.make_root_graph(name, x_points, x_axis_string, y_points, y_axis_string, comparator==None, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, line_color, line_style, line_width, fill_color, hist_title_string) if canvas == '': canvas = Common.make_root_canvas(name) graph[0].SetStats(False) graph[0].Draw() else: canvas.cd() graph[1].Draw('l') canvas.Update() return (canvas, graph[0], graph[1]) root_graph = staticmethod(root_graph) def matplot_histogram(self, x_axis_string, x_axis_units='', y_axis_string='', y_axis_units='', canvas=None, comparator=None): """ Prints a 1D or 2D histogram of hits in the bunch. Axes are automatically detected to encapsulate all data. Use Bunch.cut(...) to shrink the axes. Needs correct matplot installation. - x_axis_string = string for call to get_hit_variables() - x_axis_units = units for x axis - y_axis_string = string for call to get_hit_variables(). If string is empty, makes a 1D histogram - y_axis_units = units for y axis - comparator = comparator of bunch1, bunch2 - if none given, will sort by x-axis value e.g. bunch.matplot_histogram('x', 'cm', 'py', 'GeV/c') will histogram x vs py. To display plots, call Common.wait_for_matplot() - script waits until all matplot windows are closed """ weights = [] num_evts = 0. for hit in self.__hits: if abs(hit.get('weight')) > 0.: num_evts += 1. n_bins = num_evts/10.+1.; x_points = self.list_get_hit_variable([x_axis_string], [x_axis_units])[0] if not y_axis_string == '': y_points = self.list_get_hit_variable([y_axis_string], [y_axis_units])[0] n_bins = num_evts**0.5/10.+1.; else: y_points = [] for key in self.__hits: weights.append(key.get('weight')) if not x_axis_units == '': x_axis_units = " ["+x_axis_units+"]" if not y_axis_units == '': y_axis_units = " ["+y_axis_units+"]" x_name = x_axis_string+x_axis_units y_name = y_axis_string+y_axis_units sort = True if comparator != None: sort = False Common.make_matplot_histogram( x_points, x_name, int(n_bins), y_points, y_name, int(n_bins), weight_list=weights) def matplot_scatter_graph(self, x_axis_string, y_axis_string, x_axis_units='', y_axis_units='', include_weightless=True): """ Prints a 2d scatter plot of Hit.get(...) data over a dict of bunches. Needs correct matplot installation. - x_axis_string = string for call to Bunch.get_hit_variable() used to calculate x-values - x_axis_units = units for x axis - y_axis_string = string for call to Bunch.get_hit_variable() used to calculate y-values - y_axis_units = units for y axis - include_weightless = set to True to plot hits with <= 0. weight e.g. bunch.matplot_scatter_graph('x', 'cm', 'p', 'MeV/c') will graph x vs p. To display plots, call Common.wait_for_matplot() - script waits until all matplot windows are closed """ x_points = [] y_points = [] for hit in self: if abs(hit['weight'])>Common.float_tolerance or include_weightless: x_points.append(self.get_hit_variable(hit, x_axis_string)/Common.units[x_axis_units]) y_points.append(self.get_hit_variable(hit, y_axis_string)/Common.units[y_axis_units]) if not x_axis_units == '': x_axis_string += " ["+x_axis_units+"] " if not y_axis_units == '': y_axis_string += " ["+y_axis_units+"] " graph = Common.make_matplot_scatter(x_points, x_axis_string, y_points, y_axis_string) def matplot_graph(bunches, x_axis_string, x_axis_list, y_axis_string, y_axis_list, x_axis_units='', y_axis_units='', comparator=None): """ Prints a graph of Bunch.get(...) data over a dict of bunches. Needs correct matplot installation. - x_axis_string = string for call to Bunch.get() used to calculate x axis variables - x_axis_list = list of variables for call to Bunch.get() used to calculate x axis variables - y_axis_string = string for call to Bunch.get() used to calculate y axis variables - y_axis_list = list of variables for call to Bunch.get() used to calculate y axis variables - x_axis_units = units for x axis - y_axis_units = units for y axis - comparator = comparator of bunch1, bunch2 - if none given, will sort by x-axis value e.g. bunch.matplot_graph('mean', ['x'], 'cm', 'emittance', ['x','y'], 'mm') will graph mean x vs emittance x y. To display plots, call Common.wait_for_matplot() - script waits until all matplot windows are closed """ x_points = [] y_points = [] try: list_of_bunches = bunches.values() except: list_of_bunches = bunches if comparator != None: list_of_bunches.sort(comparator) for bunch in list_of_bunches: x_points.append(bunch.get(x_axis_string, x_axis_list)/Common.units[x_axis_units]) y_points.append(bunch.get(y_axis_string, y_axis_list)/Common.units[y_axis_units]) x_axis_string += "( " y_axis_string += "( " for value in x_axis_list: x_axis_string += value+" " for value in y_axis_list: y_axis_string += value+" " x_axis_string += ") " y_axis_string += ") " if not x_axis_units == '': x_axis_string += " ["+x_axis_units+"] " if not y_axis_units == '': y_axis_string += " ["+y_axis_units+"] " graph = Common.make_matplot_graph(x_points, x_axis_string, y_points, y_axis_string) matplot_graph = staticmethod(matplot_graph) #privates def __mean_for_get(self, variable_list): return self.mean(variable_list)[variable_list[0]] def __weight_for_get(self, variable_list): return self.bunch_weight() def __ang_mom_for_get(self, variable_list): return self.get_kinetic_angular_momentum() def __dispersion_for_get(self, variable_list): return self.get_dispersion(variable_list[0]) def __dispersion_prime_for_get(self, variable_list): return self.get_dispersion_prime(variable_list[0]) def __cov_mat_picker(self, axis_list): Common.has_numpy() if self.__covs == None: return None covs = numpy.zeros( (2*len(axis_list),2*len(axis_list) )) ind = [] for axis in axis_list: ind.append( Bunch.__axis_list.index( axis ) ) for i in range( len(ind) ): for j in range( len(ind) ): covs[2*i, 2*j] = self.__covs[2*ind[i], 2*ind[j]] covs[2*i+1,2*j] = self.__covs[2*ind[i]+1, 2*ind[j]] covs[2*i+1,2*j+1] = self.__covs[2*ind[i]+1, 2*ind[j]+1] covs[2*i, 2*j+1] = self.__covs[2*ind[i], 2*ind[j]+1] return covs def __mean_picker(self, var_list): if self.__means == None or self.__means == {}: return {} means = {} all_list = Bunch.axis_list_to_covariance_list(var_list) try: for var in all_list: means[var] = self.__means[var] except: return {} return means __g4mice_types = {'g4mice_special_hit':'SpecialHits', 'g4mice_virtual_hit':'VirtualHits'} __number_of_header_lines = {'icool_for009':3, 'icool_for003':2, 'g4beamline_bl_track_file':0,'g4mice_special_hit':0,'g4mice_virtual_hit':0,'zgoubi':0, 'turtle':0, 'madx':0,'mars_1':0, 'maus_virtual_hit':0, 'maus_primary':0, 'opal_loss':1, 'muon1_csv':0} __axis_list = ['x','y','z','t', 'ct'] __get_dict = {'angular_momentum':__ang_mom_for_get, 'emittance':get_emittance, 'dispersion':__dispersion_for_get, 'dispersion_prime':__dispersion_prime_for_get, 'beta':get_beta, 'alpha':get_alpha, 'gamma':get_gamma, 'moment':moment, 'mean':__mean_for_get, 'bunch_weight':__weight_for_get, 'standard_deviation':standard_deviation} __geometric_momentum = False __get_list = [] for key,value in __get_dict.iteritems(): __get_list.append(key) def bunch_overview_doc(verbose = False): """Creates some summary documentation for the Bunch class. If verbose is True then will also print any functions or data not included in summary""" name_list = ['initialise', 'transforms', 'hit', 'moments', 'weights', 'twiss', 'twiss_help', 'io', 'ellipse', 'root', 'matplotlib', 'generic graphics'] function_list = { 'initialise' : ['new_dict_from_read_builtin', 'new_from_hits', 'new_from_read_builtin', 'new_from_read_user', 'new_list_from_read_builtin', 'new_hit_shell', 'copy', 'deepcopy'], 'transforms' : ['abelian_transformation', 'period_transformation', 'transform_to', 'translate'], 'hit' : ['get', 'get_hit_variable', 'get_hits', 'hit_equality', 'list_get', 'list_get_hit_variable', 'append', 'hits', 'hit_get_variables', 'get_variables', 'get_amplitude'], 'moments' : ['mean', 'moment', 'covariance_matrix'], 'weights' : ['bunch_weight', 'clear_global_weights', 'clear_local_weights', 'clear_weights', 'cut', 'transmission_cut', 'conditional_remove'], 'twiss' : ['get_emittance', 'get_beta', 'get_alpha', 'get_gamma', 'get_emittance', 'get_canonical_angular_momentum', 'get_dispersion', 'get_dispersion_prime','get_dispersion_rsquared', 'get_kinetic_angular_momentum'], 'twiss_help' : ['convert_string_to_axis_list', 'covariances_set', 'means_set', 'momentum_variable', 'set_geometric_momentum', 'set_covariance_matrix', 'get_axes', 'get_geometric_momentum', 'axis_list_to_covariance_list'], 'io' : ['hit_write_builtin', 'hit_write_builtin_from_dict', 'hit_write_user', 'read_g4mice_file', 'setup_file', 'get_list_of_maus_dicts', 'read_maus_file'], 'ellipse' : ['build_ellipse_2d', 'build_ellipse_from_transfer_matrix', 'build_penn_ellipse'], #, 'build_ET_ellipse', 'build_MR_ellipse' 'root' : ['root_graph', 'root_histogram', 'root_scatter_graph'], 'matplotlib' : ['matplot_graph', 'matplot_histogram', 'matplot_scatter_graph'], 'generic graphics': ['histogram', 'histogram_var_bins'], } function_doc = { 'initialise':'Functions that can be used to initialise a Bunch in various different ways:', 'transforms':'Functions that transform all data in the bunch in some way:', 'hit':'Functions to examine individual hits within the bunch:', 'moments':'Functions to calculate beam moments:', 'weights':'Functions to access and modify statistical weights:', 'twiss':'Functions to calculate Twiss parameters, etc, in the bunch:', 'twiss_help':'Helper functions to aid Twiss parameter calculation:', 'io':'Output and some input helper functions:', 'ellipse':'Functions to calculate beam ellipses based on Twiss parameters etc:', 'root':'Interfaces to root plotting library:', 'matplotlib':'Interfaces to matplotlib plotting library:', 'generic graphics':'General algorithms to support graphics functions:', } bunch_doc = """ Bunch class is a container class for a set of hits. The main purpose is to store a set of hits that are recorded at an output station in some tracking code. Functions are provided to calculate Twiss parameters, RMS emittances etc for this bunch. List of functions: """ dir_bunch = dir(Bunch) if verbose: print 'The following functions and data are in Bunch but not in overview_doc:' for func in dir_bunch: found = False for func_sublist in function_list.values(): if func in func_sublist: found = True if not found: print func, print '\n' print 'The following functions and data are in bunch_overview_doc but not in Bunch:' for func_sublist in function_list.values(): for func in func_sublist: if func not in dir_bunch: print func, print doc = bunch_doc for key in name_list: doc = doc + function_doc[key]+'\n' for item in function_list[key]: doc = doc+' '+item+'\n' __doc__ = doc return doc bunch_overview_doc = staticmethod(bunch_overview_doc) #summary documentation __doc__ = Bunch.bunch_overview_doc()