#This file is a part of xboa
#xboa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#xboa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with xboa in the doc folder. If not, see
Common contains some global physics and other parameters, plus some useful functions
- icool_pid_to_pdg = dict from icool particle identification indices to pdg indices
- pdg_pid_to_icool = inverse of above
- constants = string to number dict of physical constants
- units = string to number dict of some units
Functions documented below
import operator
import copy
import bisect
import sys
import string
import math
import os
import pydoc
import bisect
import atexit
import time
import signal
import ctypes
xboa_version = '0.15.1'
float_tolerance = 1.e-9
kill_subprocesses_at_exit = True
__has_maus = False
import libMausCpp
__has_maus = True
print 'Maus library not detected'
__has_root = True
import ROOT
except ImportError:
print 'PyRoot not detected - ROOT graphing functions will not be available'
__has_root = False
__has_numpy = True
import numpy
from numpy import linalg
from numpy import matrix
except ImportError:
print 'NumPy not detected - many analysis functions will not be available'
__has_numpy = False
__has_matplot = True
import matplotlib
import pylab
from matplotlib import pyplot
except ImportError:
print 'MatPlotLib not detected - matplotlib graphing functions will not be available'
__has_matplot = False
__has_multiprocessing = True
import multiprocessing
except ImportError:
print 'multiprocessing library not detected - subprocess library will not be available'
__has_multiprocessing = False
__has_json = True
import json
except ImportError:
print 'json library not detected - maus import will not be available'
__has_json = False
pdg_pid_to_muon1 = {-13:'mu+'}
muon1_pid_to_pdg = {}
for k,v in pdg_pid_to_muon1.iteritems():
muon1_pid_to_pdg[v] = k
icool_pid_to_pdg = {0:0, 1:-11, 2:-13, 3:211, 4:321, 5:2212, -1:11, -2:13, -3:-211, -4:-321, -5:-2212};
pdg_pid_to_icool = {};
for k,v in icool_pid_to_pdg.iteritems():
pdg_pid_to_icool[v] = k;
#* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
#* p n pi+ pi- K+ K- mu+ mu- g e- e+ pbar pi0 d t He3 He4 num nuam nue nuae
#* 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
#* K0L K0S K0 AK0 LAM ALAM SIG+ SIG0 SIG- nbar KSI0 KSI- OM- sib- si0b sib+ AKSI0 ksib+ omb+
mars_pid_to_pdg = {1:2212, 2:2112, 3:211, 4:-211, 5:321, 6:-321, 7:-13, 8:13, 9:22, 10:11, 11:-11, 12:-2212, 13:111, 14:1000010020, 15:1000010030, 16:1000020030, 17:1000020040, 18:14, 19:-14, 20:12, 21:-12, 22:130, 23:310, 24:311, 25:-311,26:3122,27:-3122,28:0,29:0,30:0,31:-2112,32:0,33:0,34:0,35:0,36:0,38:0,39:0,40:0};
pdg_pid_to_mars = {}
for k,v in mars_pid_to_pdg.iteritems():
pdg_pid_to_mars[v] = k;
pdg_pid_to_mass = {0:0, 11:0.510998910, 12:0., 13:105.6583668, 14:0., 22:0., 111:134.9766, 211:139.57018, 321:493.667, 2112:939.56536, 2212:938.271996, 1000010020:1876.1239, 1000010030:2809.432, 1000020030:2809.41346, 1000020040: 3728.4001, 130:497.614, 310:497.614, 311:497.614, 3122:1115.683}
pdg_pid_to_name = {0:'none', 11:'e-', 12:'electron neutrino', 13:'mu-', 14:'muon neutrino', 22:'photon', 111:'pi0', 211:'pi+', 321:'K+', 2112:'neutron', 2212:'proton', 1000010020:'deuterium', 1000010030:'tritium', 1000020030:'3He', 1000020040:'4He', 130:'K0L', 310:'K0S', 311:'K0', 3122:'lambda',
-11:'e+', -12:'electron antineutrino', -13:'mu+', -14:'muon antineutrino', -211:'pi-', -321:'K-', -2112:'antineutron', -2212:'antiproton', -3122:'antilambda'}
pdg_pid_to_charge = {0:0, 11:-1, 12:0, 13:-1, 14:0, 22:0, 111:0, 211:+1, 321:+1, 2112:0, 2212:+1, 1000010020:0, 1000010030:0, 1000020030:0, 1000020040:0, 130:0, 310:0, 311:0, 3122:0, -11:+1, -12:0, -13:+1, -14:0, -211:-1, -321:-1, -2112:0, -2212:-1, -3122:0}
constants = {'c_light':299.792458, 'pi':3.14159265,'echarge':1}
units = {'':1.,
'mum':1.e-3, 'mm':1., 'cm':10., 'm':1.e3, 'km':1.e6,
'ns':1., 'mus':1.e3, 'ms':1e6, 's':1.e9,
'eV':1e-6, 'keV':1e-3, 'MeV':1., 'GeV':1.e3, 'TeV':1e6,
'eV/c':1e-6, 'keV/c':1e-3, 'MeV/c':1., 'GeV/c':1.e3, 'TeV/c':1e6,
'eV/c2':1e-6, 'keV/c2':1e-3, 'MeV/c2':1., 'GeV/c2':1.e3, 'TeV/c2':1e6,
'Gauss':1.e-7, 'mT':1.e-6, 'T':1.e-3, 'kT':1.,
'V':1.e-6, 'kV':1.e-3, 'MV':1., 'GV':1.e3,
'kHz':1.e-6, 'MHz':1.e-3, 'GHz':1.,
'kW':6.24150974e6, 'MW':6.24150974e9, 'GW':6.24150974e12,
'degrees':2.*constants['pi']/360., 'radians':1., 'deg':2.*constants['pi']/360., 'rad':1., 'degree':2.*constants['pi']/360., 'radian':1.,
'echarge':1., 'Coulomb':6.24150974*10.**18.
### root globals
#line_color_int=1, line_style_int=1, line_width_int=2, fill_color_int=None, stats_bool=False, hist_title_string=''
class rg:
Container to hold some details of root global style information
canvas_border_mode = 0
canvas_highlight_color = 2
canvas_fill_color = 10
hist_fill_color = canvas_fill_color
line_width = 2
line_color = 1
line_style = 1
fill_color = 0
graph_fill_color = 10
stats = False
histo_margin = 0.0 #margin around edge of a histogram inside axes
graph_margin = 0.1 #margin around edge of a graph inside axes
## privates
_canvas_persistent = []
_hist_persistent = []
_graph_persistent = []
_legend_persistent = []
## pyplot globals
_figure_index = 1
def substitute(file_name_in, file_name_out, switch_dict):
Read in file_name_in and write to file_name_out, replacing key with value in switch_dict. Must be a built in function somewhere to do same...
- file_name_in = string name of the input file
- file_name_out = string name of the output file
- switch_dict = dict of values to be swapped to the values they will be swapped for
e.g. Common.substitute('file.in', 'file.out', {'energy':'momentum'})
fin = open(file_name_in, 'r')
fout = open(file_name_out, 'w')
for line in fin:
for key, value in switch_dict.iteritems():
line = line.replace(str(key), str(value))
wrapped_y_function = None
def __y_function_wrapper(x_list_of_lists):
global wrapped_y_function
out = []
for value in x_list_of_lists: out.append(wrapped_y_function(value))
return out
def nd_newton_raphson1(y_function, y_tolerances_list, x_start_values_list, x_deltas_list, max_iteration=10, x_upper_limits=None, x_lower_limits = None, verbose=True):
Root finding in an arbitrary dimensional system. Returns x-value for y(x) = 0; caveat is dimension of y must equal dimension of x.
If you use this, you might find more and better root finding functions in SciPy module
- y_function is a reference to the function to be minimised i.e. y(x); it takes a list of x-values; and returns a list of y-values
- y_tolerances_list is a list of tolerances; the iteration will stop when abs(value) < value_tolerance
_ x_start_values_list is a list of the values I will try to start with
- x_deltas_list is a list of the initial estimates of the error on x
- max_iteration is the maximum number of iterations allowed
- x_upper_limits is for future development
- x_lower_limits is for future development
e.g. nd_newton_raphson(some_function, [0.1, 0.1], [0,0], [1,1]) will find root to y(x) < (0.1,0.1); starting at x=(0,0); initial error estimated to be [1,1].
some_function would be called like some_function([x_0, x_1]) and should return a list like [y_0,y_1]
global wrapped_y_function
wrapped_y_function = y_function
return nd_newton_raphson2( __y_function_wrapper, y_tolerances_list, x_start_values_list, x_deltas_list, max_iteration, x_upper_limits, x_lower_limits, verbose)
def nd_newton_raphson2(y_function, y_tolerances_list, x_start_values_list, x_deltas_list, max_iteration=10, x_upper_limits=None, x_lower_limits = None, verbose=True):
Alternative version of nd_newton_raphson1. Here y_function takes a list of lists of x_values, of length dimension+1 and returns a list of lists of y_values
Optimisation for when y_function can be made faster by running several jobs at once...
- y_function is a reference to the function to be minimised i.e. y(x); it takes a list of lists of x-values; and returns a list of lists y-values
- y_tolerances_list is a list of tolerances; the iteration will stop when abs(value) < value_tolerance
- x_start_values_list is a list of the values I will try to start with
- x_deltas_list is a list of the initial estimates of the error on x
- max_iteration is the maximum number of iterations allowed
- x_upper_limits is for future development
- x_lower_limits is for future development
e.g. nd_newton_raphson(some_function, [0.1, 0.1], [0,0], [1,1]) will find root to y(x) < (0.1,0.1); starting at x=(0,0); initial error estimated to be [1,1].
some_function would be called like some_function([[x_00, x_01] ,[x_10, x_11], [x_20, x_21]) and should return a list like [[y_00,y_01],[y_10,y_11],[y_20,y_21]]
done = False
x_list = []
for key in range( len(x_start_values_list)+1 ):
x_list.append( copy.deepcopy(x_start_values_list) )
delta_x = numpy.matrix( str(x_deltas_list) )
count = copy.deepcopy(max_iteration)
limits = type(x_upper_limits) == type([]) and type(x_lower_limits) == type([])
if limits:
delta_limit = []
for i in range(len(x_start_values_list)): delta_limit.append(x_upper_limits[i]-x_lower_limits[i])
while not done and count > 0:
count -= 1
jacobian = numpy.matrix( numpy.zeros( (len(x_start_values_list), len(x_start_values_list)) ) )
for i in range( len(x_start_values_list) ):
if limits: #make the function periodic with the limits
x_list[0][i] -= delta_limit[i]*math.floor(x_list[0][i]/delta_limit[i]-x_lower_limits[i]);
for i in range( len(x_start_values_list) ):
x_list[i+1] = copy.deepcopy(x_list[0])
x_list[i+1][i] += delta_x[0,i]
y_x = y_function(x_list)
y_x0 = numpy.matrix( str(y_x[0]) )
raise RuntimeError('Newton-Raphson failed to evaluate function with input '+str(x_list)+' and output '+str(y_x))
# check that I move closer to the root... should stabilise the function I hope
y_magnitude_squared = numpy.vdot(y_x0, y_x0)
for i in range( len(x_start_values_list) ):
if abs(delta_x[0,i]) < float_tolerance:
print 'Warning - returned without convergence; delta_x',str(delta_x),'is below float tolerance'
return x_list[0]
for j in range( len(y_tolerances_list) ):
jacobian[j,i] = (y_x[i+1][j] - y_x[0][j])/delta_x[0,i]
x_list[i+1][i] -= delta_x[0,i]
delta_x = -(linalg.inv(jacobian)*y_x0.transpose()).transpose()
print 'Newton-Raphson failed with (singular?) jacobian\n',jacobian,'\nbailing out'
print 'x:',x_list[0],' y(x):',y_x[0],' dx:',delta_x
return x_list[0]
done = True
if verbose: print 'x:',x_list[0],' y(x):',y_x[0],' dx:',delta_x
for i in range( len(x_start_values_list) ):
if abs(y_x[0][i]) > y_tolerances_list[i]:
done = False
x_list[0][i] += delta_x[0,i]
y_x0 = y_function([x_list[0]])
return x_list[0]
def has_multiprocessing():
"""Raise an exception if multiprocessing libraries have not been imported properly"""
if not __has_multiprocessing:
raise ImportError("Attempt to use multiprocessing when library has not been imported - multiprocessing requires matplot >= 2.6")
return True
def has_maus():
"""Raise an exception if MAUS tracking library has not been imported properly"""
if(not __has_maus):
raise ImportError("Attempt to use maus when library has not been imported - check your maus installation")
return True
def has_root():
"""Raise an exception if ROOT graphics libraries have not been imported properly"""
if(not __has_root):
raise ImportError("Attempt to use root when library has not been imported - check your root installation")
return True
def has_numpy():
"""Raise an exception if NumPy numerical algebra libraries have not been imported properly"""
if(not __has_numpy):
raise ImportError("Attempt to use numpy when library has not been imported - check your numpy installation")
return True
def has_matplot():
"""Raise an exception if NumPy numerical algebra libraries have not been imported properly"""
if(not __has_matplot):
raise ImportError("Attempt to use matplotlib when library has not been imported - check your matplotlib installation")
return True
def has_json():
"""Raise an exception if json data libraries have not been imported properly"""
if(not __has_json):
raise ImportError("Attempt to use json when library has not been imported - check your json installation (python >= 2.6)")
return True
def min_max(x_float_list, weight_list=[], margin = 0.1, xmin=None, xmax=None):
Return minimum and maximum of a list (i) discarding values with ~0 weight and (ii) adding a margin. For making histograms.
- x_float_list = return minimum and maximum of this list of floats
- weight_list = ignore items in x_float_list if weight is 0. Ignored if weight_list is not same length as x_float_list
- margin = add a margin given by (x_max-x_min)*margin
- xmin = if set, will override the xmin value
- xmax = if set, will override the xmax value
e.g. Common.min_max([0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], [0,1,1,1], 0.2) will return [0.16,0.44]
new_floats = x_float_list
if len(weight_list) == len(x_float_list):
new_floats = []
for ind in range(len(weight_list)):
if weight_list[ind] > 1e-6:
if len(new_floats) == 0: x = [0.,0.]
else: x = [min(new_floats), max(new_floats)]
delta = (x[1]-x[0])*margin
x[0] -= delta
x[1] += delta
if(x[1] - x[0] < 1e-9):
x[0] -= 1.
x[1] += 1.
if xmin!=None: x[0] = xmin
if xmax!=None: x[1] = xmax
return x
def multisort(list_of_lists):
"""Sort a list of lists by the first list"""
#first convert from vertical lists to horizontal lists
horizontal_list = []
for i in range( len(list_of_lists[0]) ):
for j in range( len(list_of_lists) ):
#now sort by first element
getitem = operator.itemgetter(0)
horizontal_list = sorted(horizontal_list, key=getitem)
#now convert back to list_of_lists
for i in range( len(list_of_lists) ):
for j in range( len(list_of_lists[0]) ):
list_of_lists[i][j] = horizontal_list[j][i]
return list_of_lists
def n_bins(n_points, nx_bins=None, ny_bins=None, nz_bins=None, n_dimensions=1):
Dynamically decide a number of bins depending on the number of points in the histogram
- n_points = number of data points in the histogram
- nx_bins = set to an integer to override the automatic selection for number of x bins
- ny_bins = set to an integer to override the automatic selection for number of y bins
- n_dimensions = set to number of dimensions in the histogram
Return value is a tuple (nx_bins, ny_bins, nz_bins), setting 0 to values that are out of the dimension range
out = [nx_bins, ny_bins, nz_bins]
num_events = float(n_points)
if nx_bins==None and n_dimensions==1: out[0] = int(num_events/10.)+1
if nx_bins==None and n_dimensions==2: out[0] = int(num_events**0.7/10.)+1
if ny_bins==None and n_dimensions==2: out[1] = int(num_events**0.7/10.)+1
if nx_bins==None and n_dimensions==3: out[0] = int(num_events**0.5/10.)+1
if ny_bins==None and n_dimensions==3: out[1] = int(num_events**0.5/10.)+1
if nz_bins==None and n_dimensions==3: out[2] = int(num_events**0.5/10.)+1
for i in range(3):
if out[i] == None: out[i]= 0 #set out to 0 for values that are out of the dimension range
return tuple(out)
def histogram(x_values, x_bins, y_values=None, y_bins=None, weights=None):
Get a 1d or 2d list of bin weights from a set of data, weights and bin edges
- x_values = list of x values to be binned
- x_bins = list of x bin edges
- y_values = list of y values to be binned. Set to None to make a 1d binning
- y_bins = list of y bin edges of same length as x_values
- weights = list of statistical weights of same length as x_values. Set to None to make all weights default to 1.
Return value is a tuple of (bin_weights, x_bins, y_bins)
is_1d = False
if weights == None:
weights = [1.]*len(x_values)
if y_values == None:
is_1d = True
y_values = [0.]*len(x_values)
y_bins = [-1.,1.]
contents = numpy.zeros((len(x_bins)-1, len(y_bins)-1), )
for i,x in enumerate(x_values):
p = bisect.bisect_right(x_bins,x_values[i])-1
q = bisect.bisect_right(y_bins,y_values[i])-1
if p>=0 and p=0 and q where is a unique integer starting from 0
- name_string = Name of the canvas. Due to a ROOT bug, xboa adds a unique identifier to the name_string to ensure the canvas is drawn.
- title_string = Title of the canvas (as displayed in canvas window title bar); if set to None will use the name_string.
- bg_color = Fill color of the canvas.
- highlight_color = When a canvas is selected, ROOT draws a border with a particular color to indicate that the canvas is selected.
- border_mode = When a canvas is selected, ROOT draws a border if border mode is not set to 0.
- frame_fill_color = Fill color of frames drawn on the canvas (e.g. histograms).
canvas_name_string = name_string+"-"+str(len(_canvas_persistent))
if title_string == None: title_string = name_string
canvas = ROOT.TCanvas(canvas_name_string, title_string)
return canvas
def make_root_histogram(name_string, x_float_list, x_axis_string, n_x_bins, y_float_list=[], y_axis_string='', n_y_bins=0, weight_list=[], xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None,
line_color=rg.line_color, line_style=rg.line_style, line_width=rg.line_width, fill_color=rg.fill_color, stats=rg.stats, hist_title_string=''):
Make a root histogram with data taken from float lists and axes named after the axis strings.
- name_string = name given to the histogram
- x_float_list = list of x-data
- x_axis_string = string used to label the x-axis
- n_x_bins = number of bins in x direction
- y_float_list = list of y-data. If number of items in y list not equal to number in x list, will build 1d histogram
- y_axis_string = string used to label the y-axis
- n_y_bins = number of y bins
- weight_list = if present, each item will be filled with weight taken from this list
- xmin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum x-axis value
- xmax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum x-axis value
- ymin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum y-axis value
- ymax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum y-axis value
- line_color = int that sets the line colour of the histogram
- line_style = int that sets the line style of the histogram
- line_width = int that sets the line width of the histogram
- fill_color = int that sets the fill color of the histogram
- stats = set to True to plot a stats box on the histogram
- hist_title_string = specify the string that will appear as a title on the canvas
Return value is the histogram
name_string += " "+str(len(_hist_persistent))
if len(y_float_list) == len(x_float_list):
x_min_max = min_max(x_float_list, weight_list, margin=rg.histo_margin, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
y_min_max = min_max(y_float_list, weight_list, margin=rg.histo_margin, xmin=ymin, xmax=ymax)
hist = ROOT.TH2D(name_string, hist_title_string+';'+x_axis_string+';'+y_axis_string, n_x_bins, x_min_max[0], x_min_max[1], n_y_bins, y_min_max[0], y_min_max[1])
if(len(weight_list) == len(x_float_list)):
for i in range( len(x_float_list) ):
hist.Fill(x_float_list[i], y_float_list[i], weight_list[i])
for i in range( len(x_float_list) ):
hist.Fill(x_float_list[i], y_float_list[i])
x_min_max = min_max(x_float_list, weight_list, margin=rg.histo_margin, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
hist = ROOT.TH1D(name_string, hist_title_string+';'+x_axis_string, n_x_bins, x_min_max[0], x_min_max[1])
if(len(weight_list) == len(x_float_list)):
for i in range( len(x_float_list) ):
hist.Fill(x_float_list[i], weight_list[i])
for i in range( len(x_float_list) ):
if fill_color!=None: hist.SetFillColor(fill_color)
return hist
def make_root_legend(canvas, root_item_list):
Build a legend for the canvas
leg = ROOT.TLegend()
for index, leg in enumerate(root_item_list):
leg_min = 0.89-0.08*len(root_item_list)
if leg_min < 0.1:
leg_min = 0.1
leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.0, leg_min, 0.4, 0.90) # pylint: disable=E1101
for i, hist in enumerate(root_item_list):
leg.AddEntry(hist, root_item_list[i].GetName())
return leg
#def make_root_graph_2d(name_string, x_float_list, x_axis_string, y_float_list, y_axis_string, z_float_list, z_axis_string, sort=True, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, zmin=None, zmax=None,
# line_color=rg.line_color, line_style=rg.line_style, line_width=rg.line_width, fill_color=rg.graph_fill_color, hist_title_string=''):
# """
# Make a root graph with data taken from float lists and axes named after the axis strings. Return value is a tuple of (hist, graph)
# name_string = name given to the histogram
# x_float_list = list of x-data
# x_axis_string = string used to label the x-axis
# y_float_list = list of y-data
# y_axis_string = string used to label the y-axis
# z_float_list = list of z-data
# z_axis_string = string used to label the z-axis
# sort = boolean - set to true to automatically sort input data
# xmin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum x-axis value
# xmax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum x-axis value
# ymin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum y-axis value
# ymax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum y-axis value
# zmin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum z-axis value
# zmax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum z-axis value
# line_color = int that sets the line colour of the graph
# line_style = int that sets the line style of the graph
# line_width = int that sets the line width of the graph
# fill_color = graphs dont usually get a fill, but sometimes the fill colour turns up in e.g. legend drawing
# hist_title_string = specify the string that will appear as a title
# Return value is a tuple of (histogram, graph, graph_2) where graph is the TGraph2D and graph_2 is a graph of x vs y
# """
# has_root()
# if(len(x_float_list) == 0 or len(x_float_list) != len(y_float_list) or len(x_float_list) != len(z_float_list)):
# raise IndexError('Attempt to draw graph with no x-points, or different number of x to y to z points.')
# multilist = [x_float_list, y_float_list, z_float_list]
# if sort: multisort(multilist)
# x_min_max = min_max(multilist[0], margin=rg.graph_margin, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
# y_min_max = min_max(multilist[1], margin=rg.graph_margin, xmin=ymin, xmax=ymax)
# z_min_max = min_max(multilist[1], margin=rg.graph_margin, xmin=zmin, xmax=zmax)
# hist = make_root_histogram(name_string, [], x_axis_string, 1000, [], y_axis_string, 1000, [], x_min_max[0], x_min_max[1], y_min_max[0], y_min_max[1],
# line_color=rg.line_color, line_style=rg.line_style, line_width=0, fill_color=None, stats=False, hist_title_string=hist_title_string)
# hist.SetMinimum(z_min_max[0])
# hist.SetMaximum(z_min_max[1])
# graph = ROOT.TGraph2D(len(x_float_list))
# graph.SetTitle(name_string)
# graph.SetName(name_string)
# graph.SetHistogram(hist)
# graph_2 = ROOT.TGraph(len(x_float_list))
# for i in range(len(x_float_list)):
# graph.SetPoint(i, x_float_list[i], y_float_list[i], z_float_list[i])
# graph_2.SetPoint(i, x_float_list[i], y_float_list[i])
# _graph_persistent.append(graph)
# _graph_persistent.append(graph_2)
# return (hist, graph, graph_2)
def make_matplot_histogram(x_float_list, x_axis_string, n_x_bins, y_float_list=[], y_axis_string='', n_y_bins=0, weight_list=[]):
Make a matplot graph with data taken from float lists and axes naemd after the axis strings. Return value is a tuple of (hist, graph)
matplot can format using tex expressions - use '$some math expression$' to include math text in your labels
- x_float_list = list of x-data
- x_axis_string = string used to label the x-axis
- y_float_list = list of y-data
- y_axis_string = string used to label the y-axis
After building the graph, use matplotlib.pyplot.show() to show something on the screen
global _figure_index
_figure_index += 1
if(len(x_float_list) == 0):
raise IndexError('Attempt to draw histogram with no x-points')
if not len(y_float_list) == len(x_float_list):
# x_min_max = min_max(x_float_list, weight_list, margin=histo_margin)
# my_bins = range(int(n_x_bins))
# for i in range(len(my_bins)): my_bins[i] = x_min_max[0]+float(i)*(x_min_max[1]-x_min_max[0])/float(len(my_bins))
if(weight_list == []):
(n, my_bins) = numpy.histogram(a=x_float_list, bins=n_x_bins)
(n, my_bins) = numpy.histogram(a=x_float_list, bins=n_x_bins, weights=weight_list)
new_bins = []
new_n = []
index = 0
while(abs(n[index])<1.e-9 and index < len(n)): index += 1
for i in range(index, len(n)-1):
new_bins.append((my_bins[i] + my_bins[i+1])/2.)
hist = pylab.plot(new_bins, new_n)
if len(weight_list) == len(x_float_list): hist = pyplot.hexbin(x_float_list, y_float_list, weight_list, gridsize=(n_x_bins,n_y_bins))
else: hist = pyplot.hexbin(x_float_list, y_float_list, gridsize=(n_x_bins,n_y_bins))
return hist
def make_root_graph(name_string, x_float_list, x_axis_string, y_float_list, y_axis_string, sort=True, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None,
line_color=rg.line_color, line_style=rg.line_style, line_width=rg.line_width, fill_color=rg.graph_fill_color, hist_title_string=''):
Make a root graph with data taken from float lists and axes named after the axis strings. Return value is a tuple of (hist, graph)
- name_string = name given to the histogram
- x_float_list = list of x-data
- x_axis_string = string used to label the x-axis
- y_float_list = list of y-data
- y_axis_string = string used to label the y-axis
- sort = boolean - set to true to automatically sort input data
- xmin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum x-axis value
- xmax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum x-axis value
- ymin = float that overrides auto-detection of minimum y-axis value
- ymax = float that overrides auto-detection of maximum y-axis value
- line_color = int that sets the line colour of the graph
- line_style = int that sets the line style of the graph
- line_width = int that sets the line width of the graph
- fill_color = graphs dont usually get a fill, but sometimes the fill colour turns up in e.g. legend drawing
- hist_title_string = specify the string that will appear as a title
Return value is a tuple of (histogram, graph)
x_float_list = copy.deepcopy(x_float_list)
y_float_list = copy.deepcopy(y_float_list)
if(len(x_float_list) == 0 or len(x_float_list) != len(y_float_list)):
raise IndexError('Attempt to draw graph with no x-points, or different number of x to y points')
# name_string += " "+str(len(_hist_persistent))
multilist = [x_float_list, y_float_list]
if sort: multisort(multilist)
x_min_max = min_max(multilist[0], margin=rg.graph_margin, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
y_min_max = min_max(multilist[1], margin=rg.graph_margin, xmin=ymin, xmax=ymax)
hist = make_root_histogram(name_string, [], x_axis_string, 1000, [], y_axis_string, 1000, [], x_min_max[0], x_min_max[1], y_min_max[0], y_min_max[1],
line_color=rg.line_color, line_style=rg.line_style, line_width=0, fill_color=None, stats=False, hist_title_string=hist_title_string)
graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(x_float_list))
for i in range(len(x_float_list)):
graph.SetPoint(i, x_float_list[i], y_float_list[i])
return (hist, graph)
def make_matplot_graph(x_float_list, x_axis_string, y_float_list, y_axis_string, sort=True):
Make a matplot graph with data taken from float lists and axes naemd after the axis strings. Return value is a tuple of (hist, graph)
matplot can format using tex expressions - use '$some math expression$' to include math text in your labels
- x_float_list = list of x-data
- x_axis_string = string used to label the x-axis
- y_float_list = list of y-data
- y_axis_string = string used to label the y-axis
- sort = boolean - set to true to automatically sort input data
After building the graph, use matplotlib.pyplot.show() to show something on the screen
global _figure_index
_figure_index += 1
if(len(x_float_list) == 0 or len(x_float_list) != len(y_float_list)):
raise IndexError('Attempt to draw graph with no x-points, or different number of x to y points')
multilist = [x_float_list, y_float_list]
x_min_max = min_max(multilist[0], margin=rg.graph_margin)
y_min_max = min_max(multilist[1], margin=rg.graph_margin)
myplot = pylab.plot(x_float_list, y_float_list)
pylab.xlim (x_min_max[0], x_min_max[1])
pylab.ylim (y_min_max[0], y_min_max[1])
def make_root_multigraph(name_string, x_float_list_of_lists, x_axis_string, y_float_list_of_lists, y_axis_string):
Print several different graphs on the same canvas. Some default colour scheme is applied, but it may not be the best...
- name_string = name that will be given to the axes (histogram)
- x_float_list_of_lists = list of lists. Each list will be used as the x-axis for a graph
- x_axis_string = string that will be used to label the x_axis
- y_float_list_of_lists = list of lists. Each list will be used as the y-axis for a graph
- y_axis_string = string that will be used to label the y_axis
E.g. Common.make_root_multigraph('example', [[1.,2.,3.,4.], [1.,4.,9.,16.]], 'x', [[1.,2.,3.,4.],[1.,2.,3.,4.]], 'f(x)') will make a graph of f = x and f = x^0.5
name_string += " "+str(len(_hist_persistent))
total_x_list = []
total_y_list = []
for a_list in x_float_list_of_lists: total_x_list += a_list
for a_list in y_float_list_of_lists: total_y_list += a_list
x_min_max = min_max(total_x_list, margin=rg.graph_margin)
y_min_max = min_max(total_y_list, margin=rg.graph_margin)
hist = ROOT.TH2D(name_string, ';'+x_axis_string+';'+y_axis_string, 1000, x_min_max[0], x_min_max[1], 1000, y_min_max[0], y_min_max[1])
graphs = []
for index in range( len(x_float_list_of_lists) ):
graphs.append(ROOT.TGraph( len(x_float_list_of_lists[index]) ))
graphs[-1].SetLineColor(ROOT.gStyle.GetColorPalette(index + int(len(x_float_list_of_lists)*0.25) )) #funny algebra to darken the colors slightly
for i in range(len(x_float_list_of_lists[index])):
graphs[-1].SetPoint(i, x_float_list_of_lists[index][i], y_float_list_of_lists[index][i])
return (hist, graphs)
def make_matplot_multigraph(x_float_list_of_lists, x_axis_string, y_float_list_of_lists, y_axis_string):
Print several different graphs on the same axes. Some default colour scheme is applied, but it may not be the best...
- x_float_list_of_lists = list of lists. Each list will be used as the x-axis for a graph
- x_axis_string = string that will be used to label the x_axis
- y_float_list_of_lists = list of lists. Each list will be used as the y-axis for a graph
- y_axis_string = string that will be used to label the y_axis
E.g. Common.make_matplot_multigraph('example', [[1.,2.,3.,4.], [1.,4.,9.,16.]], 'x', [[1.,2.,3.,4.],[1.,2.,3.,4.]], 'f(x)') will make a graph of f = x and f = x^0.5
global _figure_index
_figure_index += 1
total_x_list = []
total_y_list = []
for a_list in x_float_list_of_lists: total_x_list += a_list
for a_list in y_float_list_of_lists: total_y_list += a_list
x_min_max = min_max(total_x_list, margin=rg.graph_margin)
y_min_max = min_max(total_y_list, margin=rg.graph_margin)
for index in range( len(x_float_list_of_lists) ):
multilist = [x_float_list_of_lists[index], y_float_list_of_lists[index]]
myplot = pylab.plot(multilist[0], multilist[1])
pylab.xlim (x_min_max[0], x_min_max[1])
pylab.ylim (y_min_max[0], y_min_max[1])
def make_matplot_scatter(x_float_list, x_axis_string, y_float_list, y_axis_string):
Make a matplot scatter graph with data taken from float lists and axes naemd after the axis strings.
matplot can format using tex expressions - use '$some math expression$' to include math text in your labels
- x_float_list = list of x-data
- x_axis_string = string used to label the x-axis
- y_float_list = list of y-data
- y_axis_string = string used to label the y-axis
After building the graph, use matplotlib.pyplot.show() to show something on the screen
global _figure_index
_figure_index += 1
if(len(x_float_list) == 0):
raise IndexError('Attempt to draw histogram with no x-points')
hist = pyplot.scatter(x_float_list, y_float_list, s=1)
return hist
def wait_for_root():
Force python to halt processing until ROOT windows are closed
print 'Close ROOT windows to continue'
root_done = False
while not root_done:
root_done = True
for canvas in _canvas_persistent:
if not canvas == None:
root_done = False
def clear_root():
Close root plots (and free memory)
for canv in _canvas_persistent: del(canv)
for hist in _hist_persistent: del(hist)
for graph in _graph_persistent: del(graph)
def wait_for_matplot():
"""Show any plots made using matplotlib on the screen"""
def matplot_show_and_continue():
"""Show matplotlib plots and return to the script"""
subprocess( matplotlib.pyplot.show, () )
raise ImportError('matplot_show_and_continue is only available is (i) ROOT is not installed or (ii) you have python > 2.6')
def make_doc(source_folder=os.getcwd(), target_folder=os.getcwd(), test=True):
import xboa.Hit
import xboa.Bunch
import xboa.Common
import pydoc
import shutil
file_list = ['Hit.html','Common.html','Bunch.html']
for docfile in file_list:
try: os.remove(source_folder+'/xboa.'+docfile)
except: pass
for docfile in file_list:
try: os.remove(target_folder+'/doc/'+docfile)
except: pass
shutil.move(source_folder+'/xboa.'+docfile, target_folder+'/doc/'+docfile)
def make_dist_preliminaries(source_folder=os.getcwd(), target_folder=os.getcwd(), test=True):
Preliminaries to making a distribution:
- run test scripts
- generate documentation
import Boa_Test
if test==True:
(passes, fails, warns) = Boa_Test.test_all()
print 'TEST RESULTS:\nPasses:',passes,'\nFails:',fails,'\nWarns:',warns,'\n'
if fails > 0: raise Exception('Some tests failed - aborting release')
__mp_subprocesses = []
__fk_subprocesses = []
def subprocess(function, args):
Make a function call in a subprocess; return the subprocess pid
- This uses the multiprocessing libary in the first instance - if multiprocessing is not available
the function tries to use os.fork(); however, os.fork is not compatible with ROOT. If
- multiprocessing is not available and ROOT is installed, this routine will throw an ImportError
__mp_subprocesses.append( multiprocessing.Process(target=function, args=args) )
return __mp_subprocesses[-1]
raise ImportError('Error - attempt to make a subprocess using fork when ROOT library is active')
except ImportError:
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
try: function(*args)
except: os._exit(1)
return pid
def kill_all_subprocesses():
Kill all subprocesses generated by Common.subprocess call; automatically called at exit unless kill_subprocesses_at_exit is set to False
Note that this makes a call to the os, which may take a bit of time to respond.
for ps in __mp_subprocesses:
time.sleep(0.01) #dont ask me why this is necessary...
for pid in __fk_subprocesses:
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
def kolmogorov_smirnov_test(list_1, list_2):
Convenience wrapper for ROOT kolmogorov-smirnov test.
- list_1 = list of floats that are sampled from some parent probability distribution
- list_2 = list of floats that are sampled from other some parent distribution
Returns double between 0. and 1. giving probability that list_1 and list_2 have the same parent distribution.
list_1 = sorted(list_1)
list_2 = sorted(list_2)
c_array_1 = ctypes.c_double*len(list_1)
c_array_2 = ctypes.c_double*len(list_2)
ca1 = c_array_1()
ca2 = c_array_2()
for i in range(len(list_1)): ca1[i]=ctypes.c_double(list_1[i])
for i in range(len(list_2)): ca2[i]=ctypes.c_double(list_2[i])
ks = ROOT.TMath.KolmogorovTest(len(list_1), ca1, len(list_2), ca2, '')
return ks
def __atexit():
"""Calls some functions automatically at exit"""
def make_grid(n_dimensions, n_per_dimension):
Make a rectangular n_dimensional grid of points evenly spaced between [-1,1] in each
- n_dimensions = number of dimensions
- n_per_dimension = number of points in each dimension; total number of points will be
Return value is a list of numpy.matrices with shape (n_dimensions, 1)
pos_vector = [numpy.matrix( [-1.]*n_dimensions )]
for i in range(n_dimensions):
pos_vector_copy = copy.deepcopy(pos_vector)
for j in range(1, n_per_dimension):
pos = (2.*j)/float(n_per_dimension-1)-1.
for vec in pos_vector_copy:
vec = copy.deepcopy(vec)
vec[0,i] = pos
return pos_vector
def make_shell(n_per_dimension, ellipse):
Make a shell of points that sit on a hyper-ellipsoid defined by ellipse matrix
- n_per_dimension = number of points in each dimension; total number of points will be
n_per_dimension^n_dimensions if n_per_dimension is even or
n_per_dimension^n_dimensions-1 if n_per_dimension is odd
- ellipse = matrix that defines the ellipse on which vector sits; should be a
numpy.matrix with shape (vec_length, vec_length)
Points are defined on a (hyper-)cuboidal grid and then compressed so that lengths are
all 1. Doesn't necessarily mean points are evenly spaced. Return value is a list of
numpy.matrices with shape (n_dimensions, 1)
n_dimensions = numpy.shape(ellipse)[0]
grid = make_grid(n_dimensions, n_per_dimension)
shell = []
ellipse_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(ellipse)
for vector in grid:
if numpy.vdot(vector,vector) > float_tolerance:
shell.append(normalise_vector(vector, ellipse_inv))
return shell
def normalise_vector(vector, matrix_inverse):
Normalise vector so that vector.T() * matrix.inverse * vector = 1
- vector = the vector to normalise; should be a numpy.matrix with shape (vec_length,1)
- matrix_inverse = inverse of matrix that defines the ellipse on which vector sits; should be a
numpy.matrix with shape (vec_length, vec_length)
Return value is a list of numpy.matrices with shape (vec_length,1)
scale = 1./(vector * matrix_inverse * vector.transpose())[0,0]**0.5
if scale != scale: raise(ValueError("Bad input - vector or matrix magnitude 0")) #isnan and isinf not available in 2.5
vector = vector*scale
return vector
def __function_with_queue(args):
Wrapper function to put multiprocessing output into a queue
- args tuple of (function_call, queue, function_arg) where
- function_call is a reference to the function that we want to wrap\n
- queue is the queue that will hold return values from the function\n
- function_arg is the argument to function_call\n
- index is an index indicating function_arg's position in the inputs
tuple of (index, Output) is placed into queue; if function_call throws an
exception, the exception is placed on the queue instead
(function_call, queue, function_arg, index) = args
queue.put((index, function_call(*function_arg)))
queue.put((index, sys.exc_info()[1]))
def process_list(function_call, list_of_args, max_n_processes):
Run multiprocessing on a list of arguments
- function_call multiprocess this function call
- list_of_args list of tuples of arguments for function_call
- max_n_processes maximum number of concurrent processes to use
Returns list of return values, one for each function call. List is always
sorted into same order as input.
e.g. process_list(time.sleep, [(3, ), (6, ), (2, )], 2) will multiprocess
the time.sleep function with inputs 3, 6 and 2 across 2 cores and return
list like [None, None, None].
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
queue = manager.Queue() # queue stores return values
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(max_n_processes) # pool runs multiprocess
# each process needs:
# reference to queue to put returns values in
# index (to sort return values)
# plus function call and argument
new_list_of_args = [(function_call, queue, x, i) for i,x in enumerate(list_of_args)]
# run the processes
pool.map(__function_with_queue, new_list_of_args)
# sort output into a list
out_list = []
while not queue.empty():
for i,item in enumerate(out_list):
out_list[i] = item[1]
# cleanup
return out_list
def common_overview_doc(verbose = False):
"""Creates some summary documentation for the Common module. If verbose is True then will also print any functions or data not included in summary"""
common_doc = '\nCommon module contains a number of useful interfaces, defaults, data and ancillary functions that support the rest of the XBOA package.\n'
name_list = ['math', 'root', 'matplot', 'data', 'defaults', 'other_stuff']
function_list = {
'math' : ['min_max', 'multisort', 'nd_newton_raphson1', 'nd_newton_raphson2'],
'root' : ['has_root','make_root_graph', 'make_root_histogram', 'make_root_multigraph', 'clear_root', 'wait_for_root', 'make_root_canvas'],
'matplot' : ['has_matplot', 'make_matplot_graph', 'make_matplot_histogram', 'make_matplot_multigraph', 'make_matplot_scatter', 'wait_for_matplot', 'matplot_show_and_continue'],
'other_stuff' : ['get_bin_edges', 'histogram', 'substitute', 'has_numpy', 'build_installation', 'make_grid', 'make_shell', 'normalise_vector', 'kolmogorov_smirnov_test', 'kill_all_subprocesses', 'has_multiprocessing', 'has_json'],
'data' : ['constants', 'pdg_pid_to_icool', 'pdg_pid_to_mars', 'pdg_pid_to_mass', 'pdg_pid_to_name', 'pdg_pid_to_charge', 'icool_pid_to_pdg', 'mars_pid_to_pdg', 'units'],
'defaults' : ['canvas_fill_color', 'canvas_highlight_color', 'default_margin', 'float_tolerance', 'graph_margin', 'histo_margin', 'python_version', 'xboa_version', 'kill_subprocesses_at_exit']
function_doc = {
'math' : 'Maths functions:',
'root' : 'Interfaces to ROOT plotting library:',
'matplot' : 'Interfaces to matplotlib plotting library:',
'other_stuff' : 'Some other useful functions:',
'data' : 'Physics data:',
'defaults' : 'Defaults for e.g. root canvases, etc:',
import Common
dir_common = dir(Common)
if verbose:
print 'The following functions and data are in Common but not in common_overview_doc:'
for func in dir_common:
found = False
for func_sublist in function_list.values():
if func in func_sublist: found = True
if not found: print func,
print '\n'
print 'The following functions and data are in common_overview_doc but not in Common:'
for func_sublist in function_list.values():
for func in func_sublist:
if func not in dir_common:
print func,
doc = common_doc
for key in name_list:
doc = doc + function_doc[key]+'\n'
for item in function_list[key]:
doc = doc+' '+item+'\n'
return doc
__doc__ = common_overview_doc()