// -*- C++ -*- // $Id: Plane3D.h,v 1.5 2010/06/16 16:21:27 garren Exp $ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics. // // History: // 22.09.96 E.Chernyaev - initial version // 19.10.96 J.Allison - added == and <<. // 15.04.03 E.Chernyaev - CLHEP-1.9: template version #ifndef HEP_PLANE3D_H #define HEP_PLANE3D_H #include #include "CLHEP/Geometry/defs.h" #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h" #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Normal3D.h" #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Transform3D.h" namespace HepGeom { /** * Template class for geometrical plane in 3D. * * @author Evgeni Chernyaev * @ingroup geometry */ template class Plane3D { protected: T a_, b_, c_, d_; public: /** * Default constructor - creates plane z=0. */ Plane3D() : a_(0.), b_(0.), c_(1.), d_(0.) {} /** * Constructor from four numbers - creates plane a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0. */ Plane3D(T a, T b, T c, T d) : a_(a), b_(b), c_(c), d_(d) {} /** * Constructor from normal and point. */ Plane3D(const Normal3D & n, const Point3D & p) : a_(n.x()), b_(n.y()), c_(n.z()), d_(-n*p) {} /** * Constructor from three points. */ Plane3D(const Point3D & p1, const Point3D & p2, const Point3D & p3) { Normal3D n = (p2-p1).cross(p3-p1); a_ = n.x(); b_ = n.y(); c_ = n.z(); d_ = -n*p1; } /** Copy constructor. * Plane3D has two constructors: * from Plane3D (provided by compiler) and * from Plane3D (defined in this file). * Plane3D has only the last one. */ Plane3D(const Plane3D & p) : a_(p.a_), b_(p.b_), c_(p.c_), d_(p.d_) {} /** * Destructor. */ ~Plane3D() {}; /** * Assignment. */ Plane3D & operator=(const Plane3D & p) { a_ = p.a_; b_ = p.b_; c_ = p.c_; d_ = p.d_; return *this; } /** * Returns the a-coefficient in the plane equation: a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0. */ T a() const { return a_; } /** * Returns the b-coefficient in the plane equation: a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0. */ T b() const { return b_; } /** * Returns the c-coefficient in the plane equation: a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0. */ T c() const { return c_; } /** * Returns the free member of the plane equation: a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0. */ T d() const { return d_; } /** * Returns normal. */ Normal3D normal() const { return Normal3D(a_,b_,c_); } /** * Normalization. */ Plane3D & normalize() { double ll = sqrt(a_*a_ + b_*b_ + c_*c_); if (ll > 0.) { a_ /= ll; b_ /= ll; c_ /= ll, d_ /= ll; } return *this; } /** * Returns distance to the point. */ T distance(const Point3D & p) const { return a()*p.x() + b()*p.y() + c()*p.z() + d(); } /** * Returns projection of the point to the plane. */ Point3D point(const Point3D & p) const { T k = distance(p)/(a()*a()+b()*b()+c()*c()); return Point3D(p.x()-a()*k, p.y()-b()*k, p.z()-c()*k); } /** * Returns projection of the origin to the plane. */ Point3D point() const { T k = -d()/(a()*a()+b()*b()+c()*c()); return Point3D(a()*k, b()*k, c()*k); } /** * Test for equality. */ bool operator == (const Plane3D & p) const { return a() == p.a() && b() == p.b() && c() == p.c() && d() == p.d(); } /** * Test for inequality. */ bool operator != (const Plane3D & p) const { return a() != p.a() || b() != p.b() || c() != p.c() || d() != p.d(); } /** * Transformation by Transform3D. */ Plane3D & transform(const Transform3D & m) { Normal3D n = normal(); n.transform(m); d_ = -n*point().transform(m); a_ = n.x(); b_ = n.y(); c_ = n.z(); return *this; } }; /** * Output to the stream. * @relates Plane3D */ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Plane3D & p); /** * Output to the stream. * @relates Plane3D */ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Plane3D & p); } /* namespace HepGeom */ #ifdef ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY // backwards compatibility will be enabled ONLY in CLHEP 1.9 typedef HepGeom::Plane3D HepPlane3D; #endif #endif /* HEP_PLANE3D_H */