/* This file is part of MAUS: http:// micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . */ /* Author: Peter Lane */ #include #include #include #include #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "DataStructure/GlobalEvent.hh" #include "DataStructure/Primary.hh" #include "DataStructure/ThreeVector.hh" #include "DataStructure/Global/PrimaryChain.hh" #include "DataStructure/Global/Track.hh" #include "DataStructure/Global/TrackPoint.hh" #include "DataStructure/Global/ReconEnums.hh" #include "JsonCppProcessors/GlobalEventProcessor.hh" #include "Recon/Global/DataStructureHelper.hh" #include "Recon/Global/Detector.hh" #include "Recon/Global/Particle.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Simulation/MAUSPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh" #include "Utils/Globals.hh" #include "Config/MiceModule.hh" // legacy classes outside the MAUS namespace namespace MAUS { namespace recon { namespace global { using MAUS::PhaseSpaceVector; using MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint; using MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PID; using MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain; using MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track; using MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint; using MAUS::recon::global::Detector; using MAUS::recon::global::Particle; const DataStructureHelper& DataStructureHelper::GetInstance() { static DataStructureHelper instance; return instance; } // This differes from the function in MiceModule in that it searches based on // just the local name, not the full node path name. The former is just a lazy // way of doing a tree traversal without parsing the node path name. This // function has no knowledge of where the node is located and will return nodes // of the same local name under different mother nodes. std::vector DataStructureHelper::FindModulesByName( const MiceModule * module, std::string name) const { std::vector modules; if (module->name() == name) modules.push_back(module); for (int index = 0; index < module->daughters(); ++index) { std::vector tmp = FindModulesByName(module->daughter(index), name); std::vector::iterator daughter_module; for (daughter_module = tmp.begin(); daughter_module != tmp.end(); ++daughter_module) { modules.push_back(*daughter_module); } } return modules; } double DataStructureHelper::GetDetectorZPosition( const GlobalDS::DetectorPoint detector_id) const { MiceModule const * const geometry = Globals::GetInstance()->GetReconstructionMiceModules(); std::vector modules; std::stringstream detector_name; std::cout << "Root MiceModule " << geometry->fullName() << " has " << geometry->daughters() << " daughters." << std::endl; std::cout << "Selecting on detector " << detector_id << std::endl; switch (detector_id) { case GlobalDS::kTOF0: { detector_name << "TOF0.dat"; modules = FindModulesByName(geometry, detector_name.str()); break; } case GlobalDS::kTOF1: { detector_name << "TOF1Detector.dat"; modules = FindModulesByName(geometry, detector_name.str()); break; } case GlobalDS::kTOF2: { detector_name << "TOF2Detector.dat"; modules = FindModulesByName(geometry, detector_name.str()); break; } case GlobalDS::kTracker0_1: case GlobalDS::kTracker0_2: case GlobalDS::kTracker0_3: case GlobalDS::kTracker0_4: case GlobalDS::kTracker0_5: case GlobalDS::kTracker1_1: case GlobalDS::kTracker1_2: case GlobalDS::kTracker1_3: case GlobalDS::kTracker1_4: case GlobalDS::kTracker1_5: { GlobalDS::DetectorPoint station = GlobalDS::DetectorPoint( detector_id - GlobalDS::kTracker0); if (station > 5) { // 5 stations per tracker station = GlobalDS::DetectorPoint(detector_id - GlobalDS::kTracker1); detector_name << "Tracker1Station"; } else { detector_name << "TrackerStation"; } detector_name << station << ".dat"; std::vector mothers = FindModulesByName(geometry, detector_name.str()); if (mothers.size() == 1) { std::string view_name = "TrackerViewW.dat"; if (detector_id == GlobalDS::kTracker0_5) { view_name = "Tracker0Station5ViewW.dat"; } modules = FindModulesByName(mothers[0], view_name); detector_name << "/" << view_name; // for exception message if needed } else if (mothers.size() > 1) { std::stringstream message; message << "Found multiple detector geometry modules named \"" << detector_name.str() << "\"."; throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, message.str(), "DataStructureHelper::GetDetectorZPosition()")); } else { std::stringstream message; message << "Couldn't find detector geometry module \"" << detector_name.str() << "\"."; throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, message.str(), "DataStructureHelper::GetDetectorZPosition()")); } break; } default: detector_name << "unknown"; } std::cout << "Detector name: " << detector_name.str() << std::endl; if (modules.size() == 0) { std::stringstream message; message << "Couldn't find reconstruction mapping detector \"" << detector_name.str() << "\"."; throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, message.str(), "DataStructureHelper::GetDetectorZPosition()")); } else if (modules.size() > 1) { std::stringstream message; message << "Found multiple reconstruction mapping detectors named \"" << detector_name.str() << "\"."; throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, message.str(), "DataStructureHelper::GetDetectorZPosition()")); } std::cout << "Detector z position: " << modules[0]->globalPosition().z() << std::endl; return modules[0]->globalPosition().z(); } void DataStructureHelper::GetDetectorAttributes( const Json::Value& json_document, std::map& detectors) const { // FIXME(plane1@hawk.iit.edu) Once the detector groups provide this // information this will need to be changed Json::Value detector_attributes_json = JsonWrapper::GetProperty( json_document, "global_recon_detector_attributes", JsonWrapper::arrayValue); // *** Get detector info *** const Json::Value::UInt detector_count = detector_attributes_json.size(); for (Json::Value::UInt index = 0; index < detector_count; ++index) { const Json::Value detector_json = detector_attributes_json[index]; const Json::Value id_json = JsonWrapper::GetProperty( detector_json, "id", JsonWrapper::intValue); const DetectorPoint id = DetectorPoint(id_json.asInt()); const Json::Value uncertainties_json = JsonWrapper::GetProperty( detector_json, "uncertainties", JsonWrapper::arrayValue); const CovarianceMatrix uncertainties = GetJsonCovarianceMatrix(uncertainties_json); const Detector detector(id, uncertainties); detectors.insert(std::pair(id, detector)); } } PhaseSpaceVector DataStructureHelper::TrackPoint2PhaseSpaceVector( const TrackPoint& track_point) const { TLorentzVector position = track_point.get_position(); TLorentzVector momentum = track_point.get_momentum(); return MAUS::PhaseSpaceVector( position.T(), momentum.E(), position.X(), momentum.Px(), position.Y(), momentum.Py()); } TrackPoint DataStructureHelper::PhaseSpaceVector2TrackPoint( const PhaseSpaceVector& vector, const double z, const PID particle_id) const { TrackPoint track_point; const TLorentzVector position(vector.x(), vector.y(), z, vector.t()); track_point.set_position(position); const double energy = vector.E(); const double px = vector.Px(); const double py = vector.Py(); const double mass = Particle::GetInstance().GetMass(particle_id); double pz = ::sqrt(energy*energy - mass*mass - px*px - py*py); std::cout << "DEBUG DataStructureHelper::PhaseSpaceVector2TrackPoint: " << "mass: " << mass << "\t: " << vector.t() << "\tE: " << energy << "\tx: " << vector.x() << "\tPx: " << px << "\ty: " << vector.y() << "\tPy: " << py << "\tz: " << z << "\tPz: " << pz << std::endl; if (pz != pz) { pz = 0.; } const TLorentzVector momentum(px, py, pz, energy); track_point.set_momentum(momentum); track_point.set_detector(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::kUndefined); return track_point; } std::vector* DataStructureHelper::GetPrimaryChains( const Json::Value& recon_event) const { Json::Value global_event_json = JsonWrapper::GetProperty( recon_event, "global_event", JsonWrapper::objectValue); MAUS::GlobalEventProcessor deserializer; GlobalEvent * global_event = deserializer.JsonToCpp(global_event_json); return global_event->get_primary_chains(); } CovarianceMatrix DataStructureHelper::GetJsonCovarianceMatrix( const Json::Value& value) const { if (value.size() < static_cast(6)) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Not enough row elements to convert JSON to CovarianceMatrix", "DataStructureHelper::GetJsonCovarianceMatrix()")); } const size_t size = 6; double matrix_data[size*size]; for (size_t row = 0; row < 6; ++row) { const Json::Value row_json = value[row]; if (row_json.size() < static_cast(6)) { throw(Exception( Exception::recoverable, "Not enough column elements to convert JSON to CovarianceMatrix", "DataStructureHelper::GetJsonCovarianceMatrix()")); } for (size_t column = 0; column < 6; ++column) { const Json::Value element_json = row_json[column]; matrix_data[row*size+column] = element_json.asDouble(); } } CovarianceMatrix matrix(matrix_data); return matrix; } } // namespace global } // namespace recon } // namespace MAUS