/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
// TODO: use Pattern Recognition to set up _particle_charge
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/Kalman/KalmanSeed.hh"
namespace MAUS {
// Ascending z.
bool SortByZ(const element *a, const element *b) {
return ( a->get_position().z() < b->get_position().z() );
KalmanSeed::KalmanSeed() : _Bz(0.),
_particle_charge(1) {}
KalmanSeed::KalmanSeed(SciFiGeometryMap map): _Bz(0.),
_particle_charge(1) {
Json::Value *json = Globals::GetConfigurationCards();
_seed_cov = (*json)["SciFiSeedCovariance"].asDouble();
_plane_width = (*json)["SciFiParams_Plane_Width"].asDouble();
KalmanSeed::~KalmanSeed() {}
KalmanSeed& KalmanSeed::operator=(const KalmanSeed &rhs) {
if ( this == &rhs ) {
return *this;
_clusters = rhs._clusters;
_a0 = rhs._a0;
_straight = rhs._straight;
_helical = rhs._helical;
_tracker = rhs._tracker;
_n_parameters = rhs._n_parameters;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rhs._clusters.size(); ++i) {
_clusters[i] = new SciFiCluster(*rhs._clusters[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rhs._kalman_sites.size(); ++i) {
_kalman_sites[i] = new KalmanState(*rhs._kalman_sites[i]);
return *this;
KalmanSeed::KalmanSeed(const KalmanSeed &seed) {
_clusters = seed._clusters;
_a0 = seed._a0;
_straight = seed._straight;
_helical = seed._helical;
_tracker = seed._tracker;
_n_parameters = seed._n_parameters;
for (size_t i = 0; i < seed._clusters.size(); ++i) {
_clusters[i] = new SciFiCluster(*seed._clusters[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < seed._kalman_sites.size(); ++i) {
_kalman_sites[i] = new KalmanState(*seed._kalman_sites[i]);
void KalmanSeed::BuildKalmanStates() {
size_t numb_sites = _clusters.size();
for ( size_t j = 0; j < numb_sites; ++j ) {
SciFiCluster& cluster = (*_clusters[j]);
KalmanState* a_site = new KalmanState();
int id = cluster.get_id();
std::map::iterator iterator;
iterator = _geometry_map.find(id);
SciFiPlaneGeometry this_plane = (*iterator).second;
ThreeVector plane_position = this_plane.Position;
TMatrixD shift(3, 1);
shift(0, 0) = plane_position.x();
shift(1, 0) = plane_position.y();
shift(2, 0) = 0.0;
// Set up first state and its covariance.
TMatrixD C(_n_parameters, _n_parameters);
for ( int i = 0; i < _n_parameters; ++i ) {
C(i, i) = _seed_cov;
C(0, 0) = _plane_width*_plane_width/12.;
C(2, 2) = _plane_width*_plane_width/12.;
_kalman_sites[0]->set_a(_a0, KalmanState::Projected);
_kalman_sites[0]->set_covariance_matrix(C, KalmanState::Projected);
for ( size_t j = 0; j < numb_sites; ++j ) {
ThreeVector true_position = _clusters[j]->get_true_position();
ThreeVector true_momentum = _clusters[j]->get_true_momentum();
TMatrixD KalmanSeed::ComputeInitialStateVector(const SciFiHelicalPRTrack* seed,
const SciFiSpacePointPArray &spacepoints) {
double x, y, z;
x = spacepoints.front()->get_position().x();
y = spacepoints.front()->get_position().y();
z = spacepoints.front()->get_position().z();
// Get seed values.
double r = seed->get_R();
// Get pt in MeV.
double c = CLHEP::c_light;
// Charge guess should come from PR.
// int _particle_charge = seed->get_charge();
double pt = -_particle_charge*c*_Bz*r;
double dsdz = seed->get_dsdz();
double tan_lambda = 1./dsdz;
double pz = pt*tan_lambda;
double kappa = _particle_charge*fabs(1./pz);
double phi_0 = seed->get_phi0();
if ( _tracker == 0 ) {
phi_0 = seed->get_phi().back();
double phi = phi_0 + TMath::PiOver2();
double px = pt*cos(phi);
double py = pt*sin(phi);
TMatrixD a(_n_parameters, 1);
a(0, 0) = x;
a(1, 0) = px*fabs(kappa);
a(2, 0) = y;
a(3, 0) = py*fabs(kappa);
a(4, 0) = kappa;
return a;
TMatrixD KalmanSeed::ComputeInitialStateVector(const SciFiStraightPRTrack* seed,
const SciFiSpacePointPArray &spacepoints) {
double x, y, z;
x = spacepoints.front()->get_position().x();
y = spacepoints.front()->get_position().y();
z = spacepoints.front()->get_position().z();
double mx = seed->get_mx();
double my = seed->get_my();
TMatrixD a(_n_parameters, 1);
a(0, 0) = x;
a(1, 0) = mx;
a(2, 0) = y;
a(3, 0) = my;
return a;
void KalmanSeed::RetrieveClusters(SciFiSpacePointPArray &spacepoints) {
size_t numb_spacepoints = spacepoints.size();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < numb_spacepoints; ++i ) {
SciFiSpacePoint *spacepoint = spacepoints[i];
size_t numb_clusters = spacepoint->get_channels().size();
for ( size_t j = 0; j < numb_clusters; ++j ) {
SciFiCluster *cluster = spacepoint->get_channels()[j];
std::sort(_clusters.begin(), _clusters.end(), SortByZ);
std::sort(spacepoints.begin(), spacepoints.end(), SortByZ);
} // ~namespace MAUS