/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
/** @class PatternRecognition
* Pattern Recognition algorithms encapsulated in a class
// C++ headers
// ROOT headers
#include "TMatrixD.h"
// MAUS headers
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/LeastSquaresFitter.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/SciFiTools.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/SimpleLine.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/SimpleCircle.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/SimpleHelix.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SciFiEvent.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SciFiSpacePoint.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SciFiStraightPRTrack.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SciFiHelicalPRTrack.hh"
namespace MAUS {
class PatternRecognition {
/** @brief Default constructor */
/** @brief Default destructor */
/** @brief Top level function to begin Pattern Recognition
* @param evt - The SciFi event
void process(const bool helical_pr_on, const bool straight_pr_on, SciFiEvent &evt);
/** @brief Small function to add trks to a SciFiEvent & to set the tracker number for them
* @param strks - The straight tracks vector
* @param htrks - The helical tracks vector
* @param trker_no - The tracker number
* @param evt - The SciFi event
void add_tracks(const int trker_no, std::vector &strks,
std::vector &htrks, SciFiEvent &evt);
void make_all_tracks(const bool track_type, const int trker_no,
SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station, SciFiEvent &evt);
/** @brief Make Pattern Recognition tracks with 5 spacepoints
* @param track_type - boolean, 0 for straight tracks, 1 for helical tracks
* @param spnts_by_station - A 2D vector of all the input spacepoints ordered by station
* @param strks - A vector of the output Pattern Recognition straight tracks
* @param htrks - A vector of the output Pattern Recognition helical tracks
void make_5tracks(const bool track_type, const int trker_no,
SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &strks,
std::vector &htrks);
/** @brief Make Pattern Recognition tracks with 4 spacepoints
* @param track_type - boolean, 0 for straight tracks, 1 for helical tracks
* @param spnts_by_station - A 2D vector of all the input spacepoints ordered by station
* @param strks - A vector of the output Pattern Recognition straight tracks
* @param htrks - A vector of the output Pattern Recognition helical tracks
void make_4tracks(const bool track_type, const int trker_no,
SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &strks,
std::vector &htrks);
/** @brief Make Pattern Recognition tracks with 3 spacepoints (straight only)
* @param trker_no - the tracker number (0 or 1)
* @param spnts - A vector of all the input spacepoints
* @param strks - A vector of the output Pattern Recognition straight tracks
void make_3tracks(const int trker_no, SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &strks);
/** @brief Fits a straight track for a given set of stations
* @param ignore_stations int vector specifying which stations are not to be used for
* the track fit. 0 - 4 represent stations 1 - 5 respectively,
* while -1 means use *all* the stations (ignore none of them).
* The size of the vector should be 0 for a 5pt track,
* 1 for a 4pt track, and 2 for a 3pt track.
* @param spnts_by_station - A 2D vector of all the input spacepoints ordered by station
* @param trks - A vector of the output Pattern Recognition tracks
void make_straight_tracks(const int num_points, const int trker_no,
const std::vector ignore_stations,
SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &strks);
/** @brief Make a helical track from spacepoints
* Recursive function holding the looping structure for making helical tracks from spacepoints.
* Once looping has identified candidate spacepoints, calls form_track which performs the
* circle fit in x-y projection and then the line fit in the s-z projection.
* @param num_points - the number of points in the track (4 or 5)
* @param stat_num - the current station number
* @param ignore_stations - int vector specifying which stations are not to be used for
* the track fit. 0 - 4 represent stations 1 - 5 respectively,
* while -1 means use *all* the stations (ignore none of them).
* The size of the vector should be 0 for a 5pt track or
* 1 for a 4pt track
* @param current_spnts - the spacepoints assembled so far for the trial track
* @param spnts_by_station - 2D vector of spacepoints, sorted by station
* @param htrks - vectors of tracks holding the initial helix parameters and spacepoints used
void make_helix(const int n_points, const int stat_num, const std::vector ignore_stations,
std::vector ¤t_spnts,
SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station, std::vector &htrks);
/** @brief Attempt to fit a helical track to given spacepoints
* Attempt to fit a helical track to given spacepoints. Two part process: (1) circle fit in the
* x-y projection, (2) a line fit in the s-z projection. Returns a pointer to the found
* track if successful, otherwise returns a NULL pointer.
* @param n_points - the number of points in the track (4 or 5)
* @param spnts - vector holding pointers to the spacepoints
* */
SciFiHelicalPRTrack* form_track(const int n_points, std::vector spnts );
/** @brief Find the ds/dz of a helical track
* Find the ds/dz of a helical track. Output is the turning angles of the spacepoints
* and a line of s vs z, the slope of which is dsdz = 1/tan(lambda).
* @param n_points - Number of points in the current track (used for the chi_sq cut)
* @param spnts - A vector of all the input spacepoints
* @param circle - The circle fit of spacepoints from x-y projection
* @param line_sz - The output fitted line in s-z projection.
bool find_dsdz(int n_points, std::vector &spnts, const SimpleCircle &circle,
std::vector &phi_i, SimpleLine &line_sz, int &charge);
/** @brief Find the number of 2pi rotations that occured between each station
* Find the number of 2pi rotations that occured between each stations. This is
* necessary in order to later evaluate s, the track path length in x-y, used to find ds/dz.
* @param z - the z coord of each spacepoint in the order seen by the beam
* @param phi - the turning angle between successive spacepoints in the order seen by the beam
* @param true_phi - the corrected turing angles
bool find_n_turns(const std::vector &z, const std::vector &phi,
std::vector &true_phi, int &charge);
/** @brief Checks that the spacepoints in trial track fall within longest acceptable time range
* Tracker timing resolution cable of ~2ns. Longest acceptable time of flight through tracker
* was calculated offline for straight and helical tracks
bool check_time_consistency(const std::vector);
/** @brief Determine which two stations the initial line should be drawn between
* The initial line is to be drawn between the two outermost stations being used.
* This in turn depends on which stations are presently being ignored
* e.g. for a 5 pt track, station 5 and station 1 are always the outer and inner
* stations respectively. This function returns the correct outer and inner
* station numbers, given which stations are presently being ignored.
* NB Stations are number 0 - 4 in the code, not 1 - 5 as in the outside world
* Returns true if successful, false if fails (due to a bad argument being passed)
* @param ignore_stations - Vector of ints, holding which stations should be ignored
* @param o_stat_num - The outermost station number used for a given track fit
* @param i_stat_num - The innermost station number used for a given track fit
bool set_end_stations(const std::vector ignore_stations, int &o_stat_num, int &i_stat_num);
/** @brief Determine which three stations the initial circle should be fit to
* The initial circle is to be fit between the two outermost stations being used, and a middle
* station needs to be picked as well (need three points for a circle fit).
* This in turn depends on which stations are presently being ignored
* e.g. for a 5 pt track, station 5 and station 1 are always the outer and inner
* stations respectively, and station 3 is the middle station.
* This function returns the correct outer, inner, and middle
* station numbers, given which stations are presently being ignored.
* NB Stations are number 0 - 4 in the code, not 1 - 5 as in the outside world
* @param ignore_stations - Vector of ints, holding which stations should be ignored
* @param o_stat_num - The outermost station number used for a given track fit
* @param i_stat_num - The innermost station number used for a given track fit
* @param mid_stat_num - the middle station number used for a given track fit
bool set_seed_stations(const std::vector ignore_stations, int &o_stat_num,
int &i_stat_num, int &mid_stat_num);
bool set_ignore_stations(const std::vector &ignore_stations,
int &ignore_station_1, int &ignore_station_2);
/** @brief Return helical PatRec on flag */
bool get_helical_pr_on() { return _helical_pr_on; }
/** @brief Set helical PatRec on flag */
void set_helical_pr_on(const bool helical_pr_on) { _helical_pr_on = helical_pr_on; }
/** @brief Return straight PatRec on flag */
bool get_straight_pr_on() { return _straight_pr_on; }
/** @brief Set straight PatRec on flag */
void set_straight_pr_on(const bool straight_pr_on) { _straight_pr_on = straight_pr_on; }
/** @brief Return the verbosity level */
bool get_verbosity() { return _verb; }
/** @brief Set the verbosity level */
void set_verbosity(const bool verb) { _verb = verb; }
int _verb; /** Verbosity: 0=little, 1=more couts */
static const int _n_trackers = 2; /** Number of trackers */
static const int _n_stations = 5; /** Number of stations per tracker */
static const int _n_bins = 100; /** Number of bins in each residuals histogram */
static const int _m_limit = 3; /** Max number of turns between stations allowed */
static const int _n_limit = 3; /** Max number of turns between stations allowed */
static const double _sd_1to4 = 0.3844; /** Position error associated with stations 1 t0 4 */
static const double _sd_5 = 0.4298; /** Position error associated with station 5 */
static const double _sd_phi_1to4 = 1.0; /** Rotation error associated with stations 1 t0 4 */
static const double _sd_phi_5 = 1.0; /** Rotation error associated with station 5 */
static const double _res_cut = 2; /** Road cut for linear fit in mm */
static const double _circ_res_cut = 5; /** Road cut for circle fit in mm */
static const double _R_res_cut = 150.0; /** Road cut for circle radius in mm */
static const double _chisq_cut = 15; /** Cut on the chi^2 of the least sqs fit in mm */
static const double _sz_chisq_cut = 4.0; /** Cut on the sz chi^2 from least sqs fit in mm */
static const double _helix_chisq_cut = 100; /** Cut on the helix chi^2 in mm (not used) */
static const double _chisq_diff = 3.;
static const double _n_turns_cut = 0.75; /** Cut to decide if a given n turns value is good */
// static const double _AB_cut = .15;
static const double _active_diameter = 300.0; /** Active volume diameter a tracker in mm */
bool _helical_pr_on; /** Flag to turn on helical pr (0 off, 1 on) */
bool _straight_pr_on; /** Flag to turn on straight pr (0 off, 1 on) */
static const double _Pt_max = 180.; /** MeV/c max Pt for h tracks (given by R_max = 150mm) */
static const double _Pz_min = 50.; /** MeV/c min Pz for helical tracks (this is a guess) */
LeastSquaresFitter _lsq; /** The linear least squares fitting class instance */
} // ~namespace MAUS