/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
TODO: take back changes in plane position.
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/SciFiGeometryHelper.hh"
namespace MAUS {
SciFiGeometryHelper::SciFiGeometryHelper() {}
SciFiGeometryHelper::SciFiGeometryHelper(const std::vector &modules)
: _modules(modules) {}
SciFiGeometryHelper::~SciFiGeometryHelper() {}
void SciFiGeometryHelper::Build() {
// Iterate over existing modules, adding planes to the map.
std::vector::iterator iter;
for ( iter = _modules.begin(); iter != _modules.end(); iter++ ) {
const MiceModule* module = (*iter);
if ( module->propertyExists("Tracker", "int") &&
module->propertyExists("Station", "int") &&
module->propertyExists("Plane", "int") ) {
int tracker_n = module->propertyInt("Tracker");
int station_n = module->propertyInt("Station");
int plane_n = module->propertyInt("Plane");
double pitch = module->propertyDouble("Pitch");
double centralfibre = module->propertyDouble("CentralFibre");
ThreeVector direction(0., 1., 0.);
// G4RotationMatrix global_fibre_rotation = G4RotationMatrix(module->globalRotation());
const MiceModule* plane = module->mother();
G4RotationMatrix internal_fibre_rotation(module->relativeRotation(module->mother() // plane
->mother())); // tracker/ station??
direction *= internal_fibre_rotation;
// The plane rotation wrt to the solenoid. Identity matrix for tracker 1,
// [ -1, 0, 0],[ 0, 1, 0],[ 0, 0, -1] for tracker 0 (180 degrees rot. around y).
// const MiceModule* plane = module->mother();
G4RotationMatrix plane_rotation(plane->relativeRotation(plane->mother() // tracker
->mother())); // solenoid
ThreeVector position = clhep_to_root(module->globalPosition());
ThreeVector reference = GetReferenceFramePosition(tracker_n);
ThreeVector tracker_ref_frame_pos = position-reference;
tracker_ref_frame_pos *= plane_rotation;
SciFiPlaneGeometry this_plane;
this_plane.Direction = direction;
this_plane.Position = tracker_ref_frame_pos;
this_plane.CentralFibre = centralfibre;
this_plane.Pitch = pitch;
int plane_id = 3*(station_n-1) + (plane_n+1);
plane_id = ( tracker_n == 0 ? -plane_id : plane_id );
_geometry_map.insert(std::make_pair(plane_id, this_plane));
_field_value[tracker_n] = FieldValue(reference, plane_rotation);
double SciFiGeometryHelper::FieldValue(ThreeVector global_position,
G4RotationMatrix plane_rotation) {
double EMfield[6] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
double position[4] = {global_position.x(), global_position.y(), global_position.z(), 0.};
BTFieldConstructor* field = Globals::GetMCFieldConstructor();
field->GetElectroMagneticField()->GetFieldValue(position, EMfield);
ThreeVector B_field(EMfield[0], EMfield[1], EMfield[2]);
B_field *= plane_rotation;
double Tracker_Bz = B_field.z();
return Tracker_Bz;
const MiceModule* SciFiGeometryHelper::FindPlane(int tracker, int station, int plane) {
const MiceModule* this_plane = NULL;
for ( unsigned int j = 0; !this_plane && j < _modules.size(); ++j ) {
// Find the right module
if ( _modules[j]->propertyExists("Tracker", "int") &&
_modules[j]->propertyExists("Station", "int") &&
_modules[j]->propertyExists("Plane", "int") &&
_modules[j]->propertyInt("Tracker") ==
tracker &&
_modules[j]->propertyInt("Station") ==
station &&
_modules[j]->propertyInt("Plane") ==
plane ) {
// Save the module
this_plane = _modules[j];
if ( this_plane == NULL ) {
"Failed to find tracker plane.",
return this_plane;
ThreeVector SciFiGeometryHelper::GetReferenceFramePosition(int tracker) {
// Reference plane is plane 0, station 1 of current tracker.
int station = 1;
int plane = 0;
const MiceModule* reference_plane = NULL;
reference_plane = FindPlane(tracker, station, plane);
assert(reference_plane != NULL);
ThreeVector reference_pos = clhep_to_root(reference_plane->globalPosition());
return reference_pos;
void SciFiGeometryHelper::DumpPlanesInfo() {
std::map::iterator plane;
for ( plane = _geometry_map.begin(); plane != _geometry_map.end(); ++plane ) {
Squeak::mout(Squeak::info) << "Plane ID: " << plane->first << "\n"
<< "Direction: "<< plane->second.Direction << "\n"
<< "Position: " << plane->second.Position << "\n"
<< "CentralFibre: "<< plane->second.CentralFibre << "\n"
<< "Pitch: " << plane->second.Pitch << "\n";
} // ~namespace MAUS