"""ErrorHandler.py""" # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see . ## @class ErrorHandler # Error handler handles errors in a globally managed way import sys import json class ErrorHandler: """ @class ErrorHandler Error handler controls how errors are managed by the map Handle error according to error handling tags. * if __error_to_stderr is true, send errors to std::err * if __error_to_json is true, send errors to the json tree * if __on_error is 'halt', call sys.exit() on error; if on_error is 'raise', raise the error; if on_error is 'none', ignore errors. Either instantiate a special error handler or (more usually) use the default error handler. """ def __init__(self): """ Iniitialise with default settings * no errors are passed to stderr * errors are passed to json * does not halt on error """ self.error_to_stderr = True self.error_to_json = True self.on_error = 'none' def HandleException(self, doc=None, caller=None):# pylint:disable = C0103 """ Handle a raised exception - put the error message in the right IO streams etc. @param doc the json data stream @param caller the object that called the ExceptionHandler (determines which branch to use in the data stream). If a string is used, then errors go into the branch with name like that string. @returns the datastream """ if self.error_to_stderr: self.ErrorsToUser() if self.error_to_json: self.ErrorsToJson(doc, caller) if self.on_error == 'none': pass elif self.on_error == 'halt': sys.exit(1) elif self.on_error == 'raise': raise else: raise KeyError('Did not recognise on_error directive ' +str(self.on_error)) return doc def ErrorsToUser(self):# pylint:disable = C0103,R0201 """Prints the excetption to stderr (using sys.excepthook)""" sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) def ErrorsToJson(self, doc=None, caller=None):# pylint:disable = C0103,R0201 """ Puts the exception into the json stream @param doc the json document @param caller the object that called the error handler ErrorsToJson sends error messages into the json document. ErrorsToJson puts errors into the doc["error"][""] property of the root object, where is found dynamically at runtime. The error branch is appended with : . """ if doc == None: doc = {} class_name = "" if caller == None: pass elif type(caller) == type(''): class_name = caller else: class_name = caller.__class__.__name__ if not 'errors' in doc: doc['errors'] = {} if not class_name in doc['errors']: doc['errors'][class_name] = [] doc['errors'][class_name].append(str(sys.exc_info()[0])+": " +str(sys.exc_info()[1])) return doc def ConfigurationToErrorHandler(self, config):# pylint:disable = C0103 """ Hand configuration information to the default handler @param config json configuration information default handler. ErrorHandler will take: on_error, errors_to_stderr, errors_to_json """ if config['errors_to_stderr'] == None: self.error_to_stderr = config['verbose_level'] < 4 else: self.error_to_stderr = bool(config['errors_to_stderr']) self.error_to_json = bool(config['errors_to_json']) self.on_error = str(config['on_error']).lower() class CppError(Exception): """ Error that is raised by MAUS C++ code. Takes simply an error message as argument, which is printed when the error is raised. """ def __init__(self, message): super(CppError, self).__init__() self.args = (str(message), ) def __repr__(self): return self.args[0] __default_handler = ErrorHandler()# pylint:disable = C0103 def DefaultHandler():# pylint:disable = C0103 """ Returns the default handler object """ return __default_handler def HandleException(doc, caller):# pylint:disable = C0103 """ Handle an exception with the default exception handler @param doc the json data stream @param caller the object that called the ExceptionHandler (determines which branch to use in the data stream) @returns the datastream """ out = __default_handler.HandleException(doc, caller) return out def HandleCppException(doc, caller, error_message):# pylint:disable = C0103 """ Handle an exception with the default exception handler @param doc string representation of the json data stream @param string representation of the object that called the ExceptionHandler (determines which branch to use in the data stream) @returns the datastream """ json_doc = json.loads(doc) try: raise CppError(error_message) except CppError: out = json.dumps(__default_handler.HandleException(json_doc, caller)) return out