// MiceModule.cc
// Class that describes the shape, size, position, orientation and other properties of a module of the MICE experiment,
// or a subcomponent.
// 2006

#include <Python.h>

#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

#include "Config/MiceModule.hh"
#include "Config/ModuleTextFileIO.hh"
#include "Utils/Exception.hh"

#include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"

using CLHEP::HepRotationX;
using CLHEP::HepRotationY;
using CLHEP::HepRotationZ;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

MAUS::MAUSEvaluator* ModuleTextFileIO::_units(NULL);
MAUS::MAUSEvaluator* ModuleTextFileIO::_evaluator(NULL);

std::map<std::string, std::string> ModuleTextFileIO::_substitutions = std::map<std::string, std::string>();

// Constructor takes the name of a file from which information is read in to instantiate this module or sub component

ModuleTextFileIO::ModuleTextFileIO(MiceModule* parent, std::string name, std::istream& input)
          : _this(NULL), _hasFile("")
	_this = new MiceModule(parent, stripDirs(name));

        readModule(name, input);

	std::string a="", b="";//nonsense to remove compiler warning

ModuleTextFileIO::ModuleTextFileIO( std::string fname ) : _this(NULL), _hasFile("")
  if (fname == "")
                 "Attempting to open MiceModule with no filename",
	_this = new MiceModule(NULL, stripDirs(fname));
	if(getenv( "MICEFILES" ) == NULL) 
		throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "MICEFILES environment variable was not defined", "ModuleTextFileIO::ModuleTextFileIO"));
	std::string fnam = std::string(getenv( "MICEFILES" )) + "/Models/Configurations/" + fname;
	std::ifstream fin(fnam.c_str());
			throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to open root module file at "+fnam+" or "+fname, "MiceModule::MiceModule(std::string)"));
	std::stringstream inOut1, inOut2, inOut3;
	stripFile (inOut1, fin);
	findSubs  (inOut2, inOut1);
	substitute(inOut3, inOut2);
	readModule(fname,  inOut3);

void ModuleTextFileIO::readModule(std::string name, std::istream& in)
		std::string line = "";
		std::string key  = "";
		getline(in, line);
		std::stringstream lineStream(line);
		lineStream >> key;
			if     (key.find("Property")     != std::string::npos) readProperty(line);
			else if(key.find("Dimensions")   != std::string::npos) readDimensions(line);
			else if(key.find("Position")     != std::string::npos) readPosition(line);
			else if(key.find("Rotation")     != std::string::npos) readRotation(line);
			else if(key.find("ScaleFactor")  != std::string::npos) readScaleFactor(line);
			else if(key.find("Volume")       != std::string::npos) readVolume(line);
			else if(key.find("Module")       != std::string::npos) newModule(line, in);
			else if(key.find("Substitution") != std::string::npos); //do nothing, should be handled by preprocessor
			else if(key=="" || key =="//" || key=="!"); //ignore white space and comments  
			else throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to parse module line "+line+" in module "+name+_hasFile, "MiceModule::setModule(std::istream*)"));
		catch(MAUS::Exception exc) { throw exc;}
		catch(...) {throw MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to parse module line "+line+" in module "+name+_hasFile, "MiceModule::setModule(std::istream*)");}

void ModuleTextFileIO::readPosition(std::string lineIn)
    std::stringstream ist(lineIn);
    std::string dummy, pos;
    ist >> dummy;
    getline(ist, pos);
    _this->addPropertyHep3Vector( "Position", pos );

void ModuleTextFileIO::readRotation(std::string lineIn)
    std::stringstream ist(lineIn);
    std::string dummy, rot;
    ist >> dummy;
    getline(ist, rot);
    _this->addPropertyHep3Vector( "Rotation", rot );

void ModuleTextFileIO::readScaleFactor(std::string lineIn)
  std::string dummy, scale;
  std::stringstream ist(lineIn);
  ist >> dummy;
  getline(ist, scale);
  _this->addPropertyDouble("ScaleFactor", scale);

void ModuleTextFileIO::readVolume(std::string lineIn)
  std::string dummy, vol;
  std::stringstream ist(lineIn);
  ist >> dummy >> vol;
  _this->addPropertyString("Volume", vol);

//MiceModule(MiceModule* parent, std::string name, std::istream& input);
void ModuleTextFileIO::newModule(std::string lineIn, std::istream & in)
	std::string       modName = "";
	std::string       modLine = "";
	std::stringstream nameStream;
	nameStream << lineIn;
	nameStream >> modName >> modName;
	std::stringstream modStream1, modStream2;
	while(in && modLine.find("{")==std::string::npos) getline(in, modLine);

	modLine = "";
	int nLeftCurlies  = 0;
	int nRightCurlies = 0;
	while(in && nLeftCurlies >= nRightCurlies)
		modStream1 << modLine << "\n";
		getline(in, modLine);
		if(modLine.find("{")!=std::string::npos) nLeftCurlies++;
		if(modLine.find("}")!=std::string::npos) nRightCurlies++;

	modLine       = "";
	if(getenv( "MICEFILES" ) == NULL) 
		throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Error - MICEFILES environment variable was not defined", "ModuleTextFileIO::ModuleTextFileIO"));
	std::string file = std::string(getenv( "MICEFILES" )) + "/Models/Modules/" + modName;
	std::ifstream fin(file.c_str());
			_hasFile = " Note: I could not find a file associated with this module."; 
			Squeak::mout(Squeak::debug) << "Warning - failed to open module "+file+" - I assume it is not required" << std::endl;
	stripFile(modStream1, fin);
	substitute(modStream2, modStream1);

	ModuleTextFileIO daughter(_this, modName, modStream2);

void ModuleTextFileIO::checkRepeats()
	if     (_this->propertyExistsThis("RepeatModule",  "bool") && _this->propertyExistsThis("RepeatModule2",  "bool"))
		throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Multiple repeat module types defined in MiceModule "+_this->fullName()+_hasFile, "ModuleTextFileIO::checkRepeats"));
	if     (_this->propertyExistsThis("RepeatModule",  "bool")) {if(!_this->propertyBool("RepeatModule"))  return;}
	else if(_this->propertyExistsThis("RepeatModule2", "bool")) {if(!_this->propertyBool("RepeatModule2")) return;}
	else return;
	int                nReps = _this->propertyInt("NumberOfRepeats");
	if     (_this->propertyExistsThis("RepeatModule2",  "bool")) 
		Squeak::mout(Squeak::debug) << "Repeating module "+_this->name() << " " << nReps << " times" << std::endl;
		repeatModule2(_this, nReps); 

	double             scale(1);
	CLHEP::Hep3Vector  trans(0,0,0);
	CLHEP::HepRotation rot;
	if(_this->propertyExistsThis("RepeatTranslation", "Hep3Vector")) trans = _this->propertyHep3Vector("RepeatTranslation");	
	if(_this->propertyExistsThis("RepeatRotation", "Hep3Vector"))
		CLHEP::Hep3Vector rTemp = _this->propertyHep3Vector("RepeatRotation");
		rot = HepRotationX( rTemp.x() ) * HepRotationY( rTemp.y() ) * HepRotationZ( rTemp.z() );
	if(_this->propertyExistsThis("RepeatScaleFactor", "double")) scale = _this->propertyDouble    ("RepeatScaleFactor");	
	Squeak::mout(Squeak::debug) << "Repeating module "+_this->name() << " " << nReps << " times with scale " << scale 
	                            << " rot " << _this->propertyHep3Vector("RepeatRotation") << " trans " << trans << std::endl;
	repeatModule(_this, trans, rot, scale, nReps);

void ModuleTextFileIO::stripFile(std::ostream& out, std::istream& in)
	std::string modLine = "";
	while(in && modLine.find("{")==std::string::npos) getline(in, modLine);

	modLine = "";
	int nLeftCurlies  = 0;
	int nRightCurlies = 0;
	while(in && nLeftCurlies >= nRightCurlies)
		getline(in, modLine);
		if(modLine.find("//")!=std::string::npos) modLine = modLine.substr(0, modLine.find("//"));
		if(modLine.find("!") !=std::string::npos) modLine = modLine.substr(0, modLine.find("!"));
		if(modLine.find("{") !=std::string::npos) nLeftCurlies++;
		if(modLine.find("}") !=std::string::npos) nRightCurlies++;
		if(modLine.find("}") !=std::string::npos && nLeftCurlies < nRightCurlies) 
			modLine = modLine.substr(0, modLine.find("}"));
		out << modLine << "\n";

void ModuleTextFileIO::readDimensions(std::string lineIn) {
  readDimensions(_this->volType(), lineIn);

void ModuleTextFileIO::readDimensions(std::string volumeType, std::string lineIn)
      if (_units == NULL) _units = new MAUS::MAUSEvaluator();
      Hep3Vector        _dimensions;
      std::stringstream ist(lineIn);
      std::string       dimensions;  
      ist >> dimensions;
      if(dimensions != "Dimensions") 
        throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Did not recognise dimensions input in module "+_this->fullName()+_hasFile, "MiceModule::setDimensions(string, string)"));
      if( volumeType == "Cylinder" || volumeType == "Sphere" || volumeType == "Polycone")
        std::stringstream dimStream;
        std::string radius, length, units;
        ist >> radius >> length >> units;
        //Note that here the third element actually ends up being -1.*units
        dimStream << radius << " " << length << " " << -1 << " " << units; 
        _this->addPropertyHep3Vector("Dimensions", dimStream.str());
      else if( volumeType == "Box" || volumeType == "Wedge" || volumeType == "Tube"  || volumeType == "EllipticalCone")
        std::stringstream dimStream;
        std::string x1, x2, x3, units;
        ist >> x1 >> x2 >> x3 >> units;
        dimStream << x1 << " " << x2 << " " << x3 << " " << units;
        _this->addPropertyHep3Vector("Dimensions", dimStream.str());
      else if( ( volumeType == "Trapezoid" ) || ( volumeType == "Trd" ) ){
    	  std::stringstream dimStream;
    	  double x1, x2, y1, y2, z;
    	  std::string units;
    	  ist >> x1 >> x2 >> y1 >> y2 >> z >> units;
    	  //Fake dimensions
    	  //dimStream << x1 << " " << y1 << " " << z << " " << units;
    	  _this->addPropertyHep3Vector( "Dimensions", dimStream.str() );
    	  //TODO: check dimensions
    	  _this->addPropertyDouble( "TrapezoidWidthX1", x1 * _units->evaluate( units ) );
    	  _this->addPropertyDouble( "TrapezoidWidthX2", x2 * _units->evaluate( units ) );
    	  _this->addPropertyDouble( "TrapezoidHeightY1", y1 * _units->evaluate( units ) );
    	  _this->addPropertyDouble( "TrapezoidHeightY2", y2 * _units->evaluate( units ) );
    	  _this->addPropertyDouble( "TrapezoidLengthZ", z * _units->evaluate( units ) );
      else if( volumeType == "Multipole" || volumeType == "Quadrupole" 
               || volumeType == "None" || volumeType == "Boolean")
        _this->addPropertyHep3Vector("Dimensions", CLHEP::Hep3Vector(0,0,0));
      else throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Did not recognise volume type "+volumeType+" in module "+_this->fullName()+_hasFile, "MiceModule::setDimensions(std::string)"));

template <class Temp> Temp        ModuleTextFileIO::fromString(const std::string& source)
  Temp target;
  parseString(source, target);
  return target;

void ModuleTextFileIO::parseString(const std::string& source, int& out)
  if (_evaluator == NULL) _evaluator = new MAUS::MAUSEvaluator();
  std::string value="";
  std::stringstream ss(source);
  ss >> value;
  try {
      out = static_cast<int>(_evaluator->evaluate(value));
  catch (MAUS::Exception exc) {
      throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Could not convert "+source+" to an int", "ModuleTextFileIO::parseString(const std::string&, int&)"));

void ModuleTextFileIO::parseString(const std::string& source, double& out)
  if (_evaluator == NULL) _evaluator = new MAUS::MAUSEvaluator();
  std::string value="", units="";
  std::stringstream ss(source);
  ss >> value >> units;

  try {
      out = _evaluator->evaluate(value);
  catch (MAUS::Exception exc) {
      throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Could not convert "+source+" to a double", "ModuleTextFileIO::parseString(const std::string&, double&)"));
  if (_units == NULL) _units = new MAUS::MAUSEvaluator();
  out *= _units->evaluate(units);

void ModuleTextFileIO::parseString(const std::string& source, bool& out)
  std::string source_lower = source;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<source.size(); i++) source_lower[i] = std::tolower(source[i]);
  if(source_lower == "1" || source_lower == "true" || source_lower == ".true.")
    out = true;
  else if(source_lower == "0" || source_lower == "false" || source_lower == ".false.")
    out = false;
  else throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Could not convert "+source+" to a boolean", "ModuleTextFileIO::parseString"));

void ModuleTextFileIO::parseString(const std::string& source, std::string&        out) 
{ out = source;}

std::string VectorConvert(std::string in, char wspace, char o_brace, char c_brace, size_t nsep, char sep)
  std::string out = in;
  if   (out[0] != o_brace || out[out.length()-1]!=c_brace) return out;
  out = out.substr(1, in.length()-2); 
  for(size_t i=0; i<nsep; i++) {
    size_t found = out.find(sep);
    if(found == std::string::npos) return in;
    out[found] = ' ';
  if(out.find(sep) != std::string::npos) return in;
  return out;

void ModuleTextFileIO::parseString(const std::string& source, CLHEP::Hep3Vector&  out)
  std::string h3v_parsed = VectorConvert(source, ' ', '(', ')', 2, ',');
  std::stringstream ss(h3v_parsed);
  std::string eval="", units="";
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
    ss >> eval;
    parseString(eval, out[i]); //will call evaluator on each in turn
      throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to parse "+source+" as Hep3Vector", "ModuleTextFileIO::parseString(string, Hep3Vector)"));
  ss >> units;
  if (_units == NULL) _units = new MAUS::MAUSEvaluator();
  out *= _units->evaluate(units);

void ModuleTextFileIO::readProperty(std::string lineIn)
    std::stringstream ist(lineIn);
    std::string key, propName, prop, prop2="";
    ist >> key >> propName >> prop >> prop2;
    while(ist){ prop += " "+prop2; ist >> prop2; }

    if( key == "PropertyHep3Vector" )
      _this->addPropertyHep3Vector(propName, prop);
    else if( key == "PropertyBool" )
      _this->addPropertyBool( propName, fromString<bool>(prop) );
    else if( key == "PropertyInt" )
      _this->addPropertyInt( propName, prop);//, fromString<int>(prop) );
    else if( key == "PropertyString")
      _this->addPropertyString( propName, prop );
    else if( key == "PropertyDouble" )
      _this->addPropertyDouble(propName, prop);
    else throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Did not recognise property type "+key+" in module "+_this->fullName()+_hasFile, "ModuleTextFileIO::readProperty(std::string)"));

std::string ModuleTextFileIO::stripDirs(std::string name)
		name = name.substr(name.find("/")+1, std::string::npos);
	return name;

void ModuleTextFileIO::findSubs(std::ostream& out, std::istream& in)
  std::string       line;
    getline(in, line);
    std::stringstream linestream(line);
    std::string       word;
    linestream >> word;
    if(word == "Substitution")
      std::string  name,value;
      linestream >> name >> value;
        throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to parse substitution "+line, "ModuleTextFileIO::findSubs"));
      if(value.find("$$") != std::string::npos)
        throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Value "+value+" for Substitution "+name+" contains reserved character $", "ModuleTextFileIO::findSubs"));
      if(name[0] != '$')
        throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Substitution name "+name+" must start with $", "ModuleTextFileIO::findSubs"));
      if(name[1] == '$')
        throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Substitution name "+name+" must not start with $$ - this is reserved for internal parameters", "ModuleTextFileIO::findSubs"));
      _substitutions[name] = value;
      Squeak::mout(Squeak::debug) << "Substitution "+name+" "+value << std::endl;
    out << line << "\n";

void ModuleTextFileIO::substitute(std::ostream& out, std::istream& in)
  std::string       line;
  typedef std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator map_it;

    getline(in, line);
    std::stringstream linestream(line);
    std::string       word;
    linestream >> word;
    if(word != "Substitution")
      for(map_it it=_substitutions.begin(); it != _substitutions.end(); it++)
        substitute(line, it->first, it->second);
      out << line << "\n";

void ModuleTextFileIO::substitute(std::string& target, std::string s1, std::string s2)
  size_t      name_pos = target.find(s1);
  while(name_pos != std::string::npos)
    target.replace(name_pos, s1.length(), s2);
    name_pos = target.find(s1);

void ModuleTextFileIO::repeatModule (MiceModule* first, Hep3Vector translation, HepRotation rotation, double scaleFactor, unsigned int numberOfRepeats)
  MiceModule * mod = NULL;
  if(numberOfRepeats > 0) 
    mod = first->copyDisplaced(translation, rotation, scaleFactor);

  // This for loop can't happen (due to unsigned int) unless numberOfRepeats is greater than 1
  for(double i=1; i<numberOfRepeats; i++)
    mod = mod->copyDisplaced(translation, rotation, scaleFactor);

void ModuleTextFileIO::repeatModule2 (MiceModule* first, unsigned int numberOfRepeats)
  MiceModule * mod = NULL;
  MiceModule* mother = first->mother();
  while (mother != NULL) {
      if (mother->propertyExistsThis("RepeatModule2", "bool") &&
          mother->propertyBoolThis("RepeatModule2")) {
                       "Nested RepeatModule2 is not allowed - found in module "+
                       first->name()+" and ancestor "+mother->name(),
      mother = mother->mother();
  first->addParameter("@RepeatNumber", 0);
  if(numberOfRepeats > 0) 
    mod = MiceModule::deepCopy(*first, true);
    mod->addParameter("@RepeatNumber", 1);

  // This for loop can't happen (due to unsigned int) unless numberOfRepeats is greater than 1   
  for(double i=1; i<numberOfRepeats; i++)
    std::stringstream istr;
    istr << i+1;
    mod = MiceModule::deepCopy(*mod, true);
    mod->addParameter("@RepeatNumber", i+1);

void ModuleTextFileIO::setEvaluator(std::map<std::string, double> parameters)
  if (_evaluator == NULL) _evaluator = new MAUS::MAUSEvaluator();

  for(std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it=parameters.begin(); it!=parameters.end(); it++)
    std::string name  = it->first;
    double      value = it->second;
    _evaluator->set_variable(name, value);

void ModuleTextFileIO::MI_alias(std::string& value) {
    static bool warned = false;
    if(value.find("$$") != std::string::npos && !warned) {
      Squeak::mout(Squeak::warning) << "Warning - please use @ for internal variables. $$ is now deprecated." << std::endl;
      warned = true;
    substitute(value, "$$", "MI_"); //evaluator can't do $$ so I alias it to MI_ (for internal variables)
    substitute(value, "@", "MI_"); //evaluator can't do $$ so I alias it to MI_ (for internal variables)