""" An automatically generated wrapper for C++ maps using the C / Python API. This comes from a template file in src/map/Templates/MapCpp Template.py, with python file src/common_py/maus_build_tools/module_builder.py applying a search / replace for the map name. (space added so that the name isn't changed when python does it's search / replace). """ import _MapCppTemplate # pylint:disable = F0401 class MapCppTemplate(): """ Automatically generated wrapper for _MapCppTemplate""" def birth(self, *args): """ birth calls the birth of the C class """ return _MapCppTemplate.birth(self.this, *args) def death(self): """ death calls the death of the C class """ return _MapCppTemplate.death(self.this) def process(self, *args): """ process calls the process of the C class """ return _MapCppTemplate.process(self.this, *args) def __init__(self): this = _MapCppTemplate.module_new() try: self.this.append(this) except: # pylint:disable = W0702 self.this = this def __del__(self): _MapCppTemplate.module_delete(self.this) def set_input(self, *args): """ Sets the input type (MAUS::Data or Json::Value) that a MapBase inherited class will receive. This is provided by the templating fucntionality of MapBase. """ return _MapCppTemplate.set_input(self.this, *args) def get_output(self): """ Returns the output type (MAUS::Data or Json::Value) that a MapBase inherited class will return. This is provided by the templating fucntionality of MapBase. """ return _MapCppTemplate.get_output(self.this) def can_convert(self):# pylint:disable = R0201 """ Confirm that this class is cable of converting between the different inputs of MAUS::Data, Json::Value and std::string. It will be passed whichever output was provided by the previous mapper. """ return True