// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLSAViewer.h 36895 2010-11-24 11:46:09Z matevz $
// Author:  Richard Maunder / Timur Pocheptsov

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TGLSAViewer
#define ROOT_TGLSAViewer

#include "TGLViewer.h"
#include "TString.h"

class TGLSAFrame;
class TGLFormat;
class TGWindow;
class TGFrame;
class TGCompositeFrame;
class TGPopupMenu;
class TGButton;

class TGedEditor;
class TGLEventHandler;
class TGMenuBar;

// TGLSAViewer
// The top-level standalone GL viewer.

class TGLSAViewer : public TGLViewer
   enum EGLSACommands {
      kGLHelpAbout, kGLHelpViewer,
      kGLPerspYOZ, kGLPerspXOZ, kGLPerspXOY,
      kGLXOY,  kGLXOZ,  kGLZOY,
      kGLXnOY, kGLXnOZ, kGLZnOY,
      kGLOrthoRotate, kGLOrthoDolly,
      kGLSaveEPS, kGLSavePDF, kGLSavePNG, kGLSaveGIF, kGLSaveAnimGIF,
      kGLSaveJPG, kGLSaveAS, kGLCloseViewer, kGLQuitROOT,
      kGLEditObject, kGLHideMenus };

   // GUI components
   TGLSAFrame        *fFrame;
   TGLFormat         *fFormat;
   TGPopupMenu       *fFileMenu;
   TGPopupMenu       *fFileSaveMenu;
   TGPopupMenu       *fCameraMenu;
   TGPopupMenu       *fHelpMenu;

   // Ged
   TGCompositeFrame  *fLeftVerticalFrame;

   TGCompositeFrame  *fRightVerticalFrame;

   TString            fDirName;
   Int_t              fTypeIdx;
   Bool_t             fOverwrite;
   TGMenuBar         *fMenuBar;
   TGButton          *fMenuBut;
   Bool_t             fHideMenuBar;
   TTimer            *fMenuHidingTimer;
   Bool_t             fMenuHidingShowMenu;

   Bool_t             fDeleteMenuBar;

   static Long_t      fgMenuHidingTimeout;

   void ResetMenuHidingTimer(Bool_t show_menu);

   // Initial window positioning
   static const Int_t fgInitX;
   static const Int_t fgInitY;
   static const Int_t fgInitW;
   static const Int_t fgInitH;

   static const char *fgHelpText1;
   static const char *fgHelpText2;

   void CreateMenus();
   void CreateFrames();

   // non-copyable class
   TGLSAViewer(const TGLSAViewer &);
   TGLSAViewer & operator = (const TGLSAViewer &);

   TGLSAViewer(TVirtualPad* pad, TGLFormat* format=0);
   TGLSAViewer(const TGWindow* parent, TVirtualPad *pad, TGedEditor *ged=0,
               TGLFormat* format=0);

   virtual void CreateGLWidget();
   virtual void DestroyGLWidget();

   virtual const char* GetName() const { return "GLViewer"; }

   virtual void SelectionChanged();

   void   Show();
   void   Close();
   void   DeleteMenuBar();
   void   DisableCloseMenuEntries();
   void   EnableMenuBarHiding();
   void   DisableMenuBarHiding();
   void   MenuHidingTimeout();

   void   HandleMenuBarHiding(Event_t* ev);

   // GUI events - editors, frame etc
   Bool_t ProcessFrameMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t);

   TGCompositeFrame* GetFrame() const;
   TGCompositeFrame* GetLeftVerticalFrame() const { return fLeftVerticalFrame; }

   TGLFormat*        GetFormat() const { return fFormat; }

   void ToggleEditObject();
   void ToggleOrthoRotate();
   void ToggleOrthoDolly();

   static void SetMenuHidingTimeout(Long_t timeout);

   ClassDef(TGLSAViewer, 0); // Standalone GL viewer.
