/*************************************************************************** * * * * * Originally created by J.S. Graulich May 2011 * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "MDfragmentVLSB_C.h" MDfragmentVLSB_C::MDfragmentVLSB_C(void *d):MDfragment(d){ // cout << " Creating a MDfragmentVLSB_C ..." << endl; Init(); } void MDfragmentVLSB_C::SetDataPtr( void *d, uint32_t aSize ) { MDfragment::SetDataPtr(d,aSize); // The dynamically correct Init() is called by MDfragment::SetDataPtr(d,aSize) } void MDfragmentVLSB_C::Init(){ uint32_t * ptr = Get32bWordPtr(0); MDdataWordVLSB dw(ptr); // cout << " Executing MDfragmentVLSB_C::Init() ..." << endl; UnValidate(); _madeOfParticles = false; if ( dw.IsValid() ) { _header = ptr; _headerSize = 4*WORD_SIZE; _bankLength[0]=dw.GetBankLength(0); _bankLength[1]=dw.GetBankLength(1); _bankLength[2]=dw.GetBankLength(2); _bankLength[3]=dw.GetBankLength(3); _payLoadSize = (_bankLength[0] + _bankLength[1] + _bankLength[2] + _bankLength[3]) * WORD_SIZE; if (_payLoadSize) _payLoad = Get32bWordPtr(4); if ( _size != _headerSize + _payLoadSize ) { throw MDexception("ERROR in MDframentVLSB_C::Init() : Size mismatch ") ; } Validate(); } else { // This is the normal case when the fragment is created the first time for the map. // However, when the data pointer is not null, the first word should be a header // Unfortunately, there is no particular structure for the header word so there is now // to check that the data is valid => Do nothing here. // cout << "WARNING in MDfragmentVLSB_C::Init: 1st word is not a header" << endl; // throw MDexception("ERROR in MDframentVLSB_C::Init() : 1st word is not a header ***", MDexception::WARNING) ; } } void MDfragmentVLSB_C::Dump(int atTheTime) { if (IsValid()) { cout << "**** VLSB Cosmic data ****" << endl; unsigned int wc(0); unsigned int * ptr = Get32bWordPtr( 0 ); MDdataWordVLSB dw(ptr) ; cout << " Bank Lengths : " ; cout << dw.GetBankLength(0) << " ; " ; cout << dw.GetBankLength(1) << " ; " ; cout << dw.GetBankLength(2) << " ; " ; cout << dw.GetBankLength(3) << endl; ptr = UserPayLoadPtr(); dw.SetDataPtr(ptr); while (wc < GetPayLoadWordCount() ) { cout << "Event: " << dw.GetEventNum() << " ; Channel: " << dw.GetChannel() << " ; Adc: " << dw.GetAdc() << endl; dw.SetDataPtr( ++ptr ); wc++; } } return; } unsigned int MDfragmentVLSB_C::GetBankLength(int iBank) { if ((unsigned int)iBank < 4) {return _bankLength[(unsigned int)iBank];} else { throw MDexception("ERROR in MDfragmentVLSB::GetBankLength(int) : Index exceeding range") ; } return 0; } uint32_t* MDfragmentVLSB_C::GetDataWordPtr(int aI) { uint32_t index((uint32_t)aI); if (index > _payLoadSize) { throw MDexception("ERROR in MDfragmentVLSB::GetDataWordPtr(int) : Index exceeding range") ; } return &_payLoad[index]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////