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// $Id$
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class G4BREPSolidTorus
// Class description:
//  Definition of a generic BREP torus:
//  G4BREPSolidTorus(const G4String& name,
//                   const G4ThreeVector& origin,
//                   const G4ThreeVector& axis,
//                   const G4ThreeVector& direction,
//                         G4double MinRadius,
//                         G4double MaxRadius)

// Authors: J.Sulkimo, P.Urban.
// Revisions by: L.Broglia, G.Cosmo.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __G4BREPSolidTorus
#define __G4BREPSolidTorus

#include "G4BREPSolid.hh"

class G4BREPSolidTorus : public G4BREPSolid

 public:  // with description

  G4BREPSolidTorus(const G4String& name,
		   const G4ThreeVector& origin,
		   const G4ThreeVector& axis,
		   const G4ThreeVector& direction,
		   G4double MinRadius,
		   G4double MaxRadius);
    // Constructor defining the torus through its surfaces.

    // Empty destructor.

  G4VSolid* Clone() const;
    // Returns a pointer of a dynamically allocated copy of the solid.

  std::ostream& StreamInfo(std::ostream& os) const;
    // Streams solid contents to output stream.

 public:  // without description

    // Fake default constructor for usage restricted to direct object
    // persistency for clients requiring preallocation of memory for
    // persistifiable objects.

  G4BREPSolidTorus(const G4BREPSolidTorus& rhs);
  G4BREPSolidTorus& operator=(const G4BREPSolidTorus& rhs);
    // Copy constructor and assignment operator.


  void InitializeTorus();


  struct G4BREPTorusParams
    G4ThreeVector origin;
    G4ThreeVector axis;
    G4ThreeVector direction;
    G4double      MinRadius;
    G4double      MaxRadius;
  } constructorParams;
