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// $Id$
// Class description:
// Class for Gauss-Legendre integration method
// Roots of ortogonal polynoms and corresponding weights are calculated based on
// iteration method (by bisection Newton algorithm). Constant values for initial
// approximations were derived from the book: M. Abramowitz, I. Stegun, Handbook
// of mathematical functions, DOVER Publications INC, New York 1965 ; chapters 9,
// 10, and 22 .
// ------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS: -------------------------------
// Constructor for GaussLegendre quadrature method. The value nLegendre set the
// accuracy required, i.e the number of points where the function pFunction will
// be evaluated during integration. The constructor creates the arrays for 
// abscissas and weights that used in Gauss-Legendre quadrature method. 
// The values a and b are the limits of integration of the pFunction.
// G4GaussLegendreQ( function pFunction,
//		     G4int nLegendre           )
// -------------------------- METHODS:  ---------------------------------------
// Returns the integral of the function to be pointed by fFunction between a and b,
// by 2*fNumber point Gauss-Legendre integration: the function is evaluated exactly
// 2*fNumber Times at interior points in the range of integration. Since the weights
// and abscissas are, in this case, symmetric around the midpoint of the range of
// integration, there are actually only fNumber distinct values of each.
// G4double Integral(G4double a, G4double b) const 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the integral of the function to be pointed by fFunction between a and b,
// by ten point Gauss-Legendre integration: the function is evaluated exactly
// ten Times at interior points in the range of integration. Since the weights
// and abscissas are, in this case, symmetric around the midpoint of the range of
// integration, there are actually only five distinct values of each
// G4double 
// QuickIntegral(G4double a, G4double b) const 
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the integral of the function to be pointed by fFunction between a and b,
// by 96 point Gauss-Legendre integration: the function is evaluated exactly
// ten Times at interior points in the range of integration. Since the weights
// and abscissas are, in this case, symmetric around the midpoint of the range of
// integration, there are actually only five distinct values of each
// G4double 
// AccurateIntegral(G4double a, G4double b) const 

// ------------------------------- HISTORY --------------------------------
// 13.05.97 V.Grichine (Vladimir.Grichine@cern.chz0


#include "G4VGaussianQuadrature.hh"

class G4GaussLegendreQ : public G4VGaussianQuadrature
        explicit G4GaussLegendreQ( function pFunction ) ;

        G4GaussLegendreQ( function pFunction,
			  G4int nLegendre           ) ;
        // Methods
        G4double Integral(G4double a, G4double b) const ;

        G4double QuickIntegral(G4double a, G4double b) const ;
        G4double AccurateIntegral(G4double a, G4double b) const ;


	G4GaussLegendreQ(const G4GaussLegendreQ&);
	G4GaussLegendreQ& operator=(const G4GaussLegendreQ&);
