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// $Id$
// class G4ReflectedSolid
// Class description:
// A Reflected solid is a solid that has been shifted from its original
// frame of reference to a new one.

// History:
// 23.07.01 V.Grichine: created
// 15.02.02 V.Grichine: get/set methods for fPtr(Direct)Transform3D
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef G4ReflectedSolid_HH
#define G4ReflectedSolid_HH

#include "G4VSolid.hh"
#include "G4RotationMatrix.hh"
#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
#include "G4Transform3D.hh"
#include "G4AffineTransform.hh"

class G4ReflectedSolid : public G4VSolid
  public:  // with description

    G4ReflectedSolid( const G4String& pName,
                            G4VSolid* pSolid ,
                      const G4Transform3D& transform  ) ;
      // For use in instantiating a transient instance.

    virtual ~G4ReflectedSolid() ;
      // Virtual destructor.

  public:  // without description 

    // Includes all the methods that a solid requires.

    EInside Inside( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const; 

    G4bool CalculateExtent( const EAxis pAxis,
                            const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit,
                            const G4AffineTransform& pTransform,
                                  G4double& pMin, G4double& pMax) const;

    G4ThreeVector SurfaceNormal( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const;

    G4double DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector& p,
                           const G4ThreeVector& v  ) const;

    G4double DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector& p) const;

    G4double DistanceToOut( const G4ThreeVector& p,
                            const G4ThreeVector& v,
                            const G4bool calcNorm=false,
                                  G4bool *validNorm=0,
                                  G4ThreeVector *n=0      ) const;

    G4double DistanceToOut( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const ;

    void ComputeDimensions(       G4VPVParameterisation* p,
                            const G4int n,
                            const G4VPhysicalVolume* pRep );

    G4ThreeVector GetPointOnSurface() const;

    G4VSolid* Clone() const;

  public:  // with description 

    virtual G4GeometryType  GetEntityType() const;

    virtual const G4ReflectedSolid* GetReflectedSolidPtr() const;
    virtual       G4ReflectedSolid* GetReflectedSolidPtr();
      // If the Solid is a "G4ReflectedSolid",
      // return a self pointer else return 0.

    G4VSolid*                GetConstituentMovedSolid() const;

    G4Transform3D        GetTransform3D() const; 
    void       SetTransform3D(G4Transform3D&);
    G4Transform3D        GetDirectTransform3D() const; 
    void       SetDirectTransform3D(G4Transform3D&);
      // Accessors methods.

    std::ostream& StreamInfo(std::ostream& os) const;

  public:  // without description

    G4ReflectedSolid(const G4ReflectedSolid& rhs);
    G4ReflectedSolid& operator=(const G4ReflectedSolid& rhs);
      // Copy constructor and assignment operator.

    void DescribeYourselfTo ( G4VGraphicsScene& scene ) const ;
    G4Polyhedron* CreatePolyhedron () const ;
    G4NURBS*      CreateNURBS      () const ;
    G4Polyhedron* GetPolyhedron    () const;
      // For creating graphical representations (ie for visualisation).


    G4AffineTransform        GetTransform() const; 
    void       SetTransform(G4AffineTransform&);
    G4AffineTransform        GetDirectTransform() const; 
    void       SetDirectTransform(G4AffineTransform&);
    G4RotationMatrix         GetFrameRotation() const;
    void  SetFrameRotation(const G4RotationMatrix&);
    G4ThreeVector            GetFrameTranslation() const; 
    void  SetFrameTranslation(const G4ThreeVector&); 
      // Get/Set the rotation/translation, as applied to the
      // frame of reference.

    G4RotationMatrix         GetObjectRotation() const;
    void  SetObjectRotation(const G4RotationMatrix&);
    G4ThreeVector            GetObjectTranslation() const; 
    void  SetObjectTranslation(const G4ThreeVector&); 
      // Get/Set the rotation/translation, as applied to the object.

    G4VSolid*          fPtrSolid        ;
    G4AffineTransform* fPtrTransform    ;
    G4AffineTransform* fDirectTransform ;

    G4Transform3D*     fPtrTransform3D    ;
    G4Transform3D*     fDirectTransform3D ;

    mutable G4Polyhedron* fpPolyhedron;  // Caches reflected G4Polyhedron.

} ;
