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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// ********************************************************************
// $Id$
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// GEANT 4 class header file
// G4SmartVoxelStat
// Class description:
// Stores information on the performance of the smart voxel algorithm
// for an individual logical volume.

// Author: D.C.Williams, UCSC (davidw@scipp.ucsc.edu)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef G4SmartVoxelStat_hh
#define G4SmartVoxelStat_hh

#include "G4Types.hh"
#include <functional>

class G4LogicalVolume;
class G4SmartVoxelHeader;

class G4SmartVoxelStat
  public:  // with description
    G4SmartVoxelStat( const G4LogicalVolume *theVolume,
                      const G4SmartVoxelHeader *theVoxel,
                            G4double theSysTime,
                            G4double theUserTime );
      // Construct information on one volume's voxels

    const G4LogicalVolume *GetVolume() const;
      // Return a pointer to the logical volume
    const G4SmartVoxelHeader *GetVoxel() const;
      // Return a pointer to the voxel header
    G4double GetSysTime() const;
      // Get amount of system CPU time needed to build voxels
    G4double GetUserTime() const;
      // Get amount of user CPU time needed to build voxels
    G4double GetTotalTime() const;
      // Get total amount of CPU time needed to build voxels
    G4long GetNumberHeads() const;
      // Get number of voxel headers used in the volume
    G4long GetNumberNodes() const;
      // Get number of voxel slices used in the volume
    G4long GetNumberPointers() const;
      // Get number of voxel proxy pointers used in the volume
    G4long GetMemoryUse() const;
      // Get number of bytes needed to store voxel information

    void CountHeadsAndNodes( const G4SmartVoxelHeader *head );
    const G4LogicalVolume *volume;
    const G4SmartVoxelHeader *voxel;
    G4double sysTime;
    G4double userTime;
    G4long heads;
    G4long nodes;
    G4long pointers;
    // Functor objects for sorting
    struct ByCpu
      : public std::binary_function< const G4SmartVoxelStat,
                                     const G4SmartVoxelStat, G4bool >
      G4bool operator()( const G4SmartVoxelStat &a, const G4SmartVoxelStat &b )
        return a.GetTotalTime() > b.GetTotalTime();
    struct ByMemory
      : public std::binary_function< const G4SmartVoxelStat,
                                     const G4SmartVoxelStat, G4bool >
      G4bool operator()( const G4SmartVoxelStat &a, const G4SmartVoxelStat &b )
        return a.GetMemoryUse() > b.GetMemoryUse();
