BeamlineSimulation simulates MICE beam from Target to GVA1
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus
# MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with MAUS. If not, see .
import os
import json
import Queue
from CallG4bl import CallG4bl
class MapPyBeamlineSimulation: #pylint: disable = R0902
Class takes beam as defined by user in Configuration file and
simulates MICE experiment from Target to Geneva 1 Counter using
G4beamline. The output is written to a json document. This is
read by BeamMaker allowing the entire MICE experiment to be
simulated end-to-end.
-q_1,q_2,q_3,d_1 & d_s correspond to the currents in each of the magnets.
Can be positive or negative to change magnet polarity
-rotation_angle is the angle with which the MAUS coordinates are rotated
clockwise with respect to the G4BL coordinates around the y-axis.
-translation_z is the the distance between the MAUS center and the G4BL center.
It assumes the G4BL center is in front of the MAUS center.
-run_number is the spill number, starting from 0
-get_magnet_currents_pa_cdb if set to 'True' magnet currents and
proton_absorber_thickness will be retrieved from CDB
-particles_per_spill takes particles out of buffer for each spill, if
set to zero then all particles are taken from buffer each spill
-proton_number is the number of protons generated in the g4bl input file
By default it generates 79k protons
-Particle Charge refers to the charge of the simulated particle.
Users have the following three options:
positive-simulate only positive charges.
negative-simulate only negative charges.
all-simulate both charges of particles.
-short particles is used to keep track of the number of particles needed
if the buffer runs out
-queue is used to define the buffer
Initialize and read in default configuration files and overide with data
card parameters
def __init__(self):
self.q_1 = 0
self.q_2 = 0
self.q_3 = 0
self.d_1 = 0
self.d_s = 0
self.proton_weight = 0
self.particles_per_spill = 0
self.proton_absorber_thickness = 0
self.proton_number = 0
self.particle_charge = ''
self.rotation_angle = 0
self.translation_z = 0
self.run_number = 0
self.get_magnet_currents_pa_cdb = 0
self.random_seed = 0
self.queue = 0
self.file_path = ''
self.path_g4bl = ''
self.output_path = ''
self.charge = 3
self.newline = ''
self.grid_job = 0
def birth(self, json_configuration): #pylint: disable=R0912, R0915
"birth doc string"
good_birth = True
config_doc = json.loads(json_configuration)
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: No configuration file!")
good_birth = False
self.q_1 = config_doc["g4bl"]["q_1"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: q_1 is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.run_number = config_doc["g4bl"]["run_number"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: run_number is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.get_magnet_currents_pa_cdb = config_doc["g4bl"]\
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703, C0301
print("Error: get_magnet_currents_pa_cdb is not \
found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.q_2 = config_doc["g4bl"]["q_2"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: q_2 is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.q_3 = config_doc["g4bl"]["q_3"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: q_3 is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.d_1 = config_doc["g4bl"]["d_1"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: d_1 is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.d_s = config_doc["g4bl"]["d_s"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: d_s current is not found in" +\
" the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.particles_per_spill = config_doc["g4bl"]["particles_per_spill"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: particles_per_spill is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.file_path = os.path.join(os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'], \
'src', 'map', 'MapPyBeamlineSimulation', 'G4bl')
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print('Error: Cannot find file path'+\
' /src/map/MapPyBeamlineSimulation/G4bl')
good_birth = False
# try:
# self.grid_job = config_doc["g4bl"]["grid_job"]
# except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
# print("Error: grid_job is not found in the config file!")
# good_birth = False
# if str(grid_job) in ['True']:
# try:
# self.file_path_param = ''
# except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
# print('Error: Cannot find file path'+\
# ' /src/map/MapPyBeamlineSimulation/G4bl')
# good_birth = False
self.path_g4bl = os.path.join(os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'], \
'third_party', 'build', 'G4beamline-2.12-source', 'bin')
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print('Error: Cannot find file path'+\
' /third_party/install/bin')
good_birth = False
self.output_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd())
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print('Error: Cannot find output path'+\
' /bin')
good_birth = False
self.rotation_angle = config_doc["g4bl"]["rotation_angle"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: rotation_angle is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.translation_z = config_doc["g4bl"]["translation_z"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: translation_z is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.proton_absorber_thickness = config_doc["g4bl"]\
if self.proton_absorber_thickness < 0:
print('Error: proton_absorber_thickness is negative!')
good_birth = False
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: proton_absorber_thickness is not found in"+\
" the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.proton_weight = config_doc["g4bl"]["proton_weight"]
if self.proton_weight <= 0:
print('Error: Number of protons must be greater than zero!')
good_birth = False
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: proton_weight is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.proton_number = config_doc["g4bl"]["proton_number"]
if self.proton_number <= 0:
print('Error: Number of protons must be greater than zero!')
good_birth = False
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: proton_numer is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.particle_charge = config_doc["g4bl"]["particle_charge"]
if self.particle_charge != 'positive' and \
self.particle_charge != 'negative' and \
self.particle_charge != 'all':
print('Error: particle_charge is not properly defined: '+\
'positive, negative, or all.')
good_birth = False
self.charge = 3
if self.particle_charge == 'positive':
self.charge = 1
elif self.particle_charge == 'negative':
self.charge = 2
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print("Error: particle_charge is not found in the config file!")
good_birth = False
self.newline = "param -unset q_1="+str(self.q_1)+ \
" q_2="+str(self.q_2)+ \
" q_3="+str(self.q_3)+" d_1="+ str(self.d_1) +\
" proton_absorber_thickness="+str(self.proton_absorber_thickness)+\
" proton_number="+str(self.proton_number)+\
" proton_weight="+str(self.proton_weight)+\
" WRKDIR="+str(self.file_path)+\
" g4bl_output_file_name="+str(self.file_path)[:-5]+ \
" d_s="+str(self.d_s)+\
" particle_charge="+str(self.charge)+\
" DecayMapFileDir="+self.file_path+'/Magnets/DecaySolenoid'+"\n"
except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
print('Error: Could not write G4bl parameters')
good_birth = False
return good_birth
def process(self, json_spill_doc): #pylint: disable=R0912
Execute G4beamline and create a simulation based on the read in parameters.
Fill buffer first time spill is called for
spill = {}
spill = json.loads(json_spill_doc)
self.random_seed = spill["spill_number"]
except Exception: #pylint: disable = W0703
print("Error: could not set random_seed")
if self.queue == 0:
self.queue = Queue.Queue()
particles = CallG4bl(self.newline, self.file_path, \
self.rotation_angle, \
self.translation_z, \
self.path_g4bl, \
self.output_path, \
self.run_number, \
self.get_magnet_currents_pa_cdb, \
print("Filling buffer. This may take a while...")
self.particles = particles.particles
for i in range(len(self.particles)):
#print len(self.particles)
if len(self.particles) != 0:
if self.particles_per_spill == 0:
spill = {}
spill = json.loads(json_spill_doc)
print spill
spill['mc_events'] = []
for i in range(self.queue.qsize()):
primary = (self.queue.get_nowait())
with open('G4BLoutput.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(spill, outfile)
#self.queue = 0
return json.dumps(spill)
spill = {}
spill = json.loads(json_spill_doc)
spill['mc_events'] = []
if self.queue.qsize() < self.particles_per_spill:
print("Warning: particles per spill( "\
" ) is beyond the total particles \
available in buffer("+\
" %d"%self.queue.qsize()+" ).")
print("Generating more particles in buffer. \
May take a while...")
while self.queue.qsize()