""" GDMLtoCDB contains the classes that handle uploading and downloading to the cdb GDMLtoCDB contains two classes: - Uploader handles uploading to the configuration database - Downloader handles downloading from the configuration database """ # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see . import os import cdb from geometry.ConfigReader import Configreader GEOMETRY_ZIPFILE = 'geometry.zip' FILELIST = 'FileList.txt' SERVER_OK = ['okay', 'OK'] def is_filetype(file_name, extensions): """ return true if the file extension in extensions is one of the items in the iterable extensions. File extensions are specified like ['zip', 'xml'] etc """ for suffix in extensions: slen = file_name.rfind('.') if slen != -1 and file_name[slen+1:] == suffix: return True return False #change notes no longer encode decode class Uploader: #pylint: disable = R0902 """ @Class Uploader handles the uploading of geometries to the CDB This class writes the geometries to the database. It requires an input of the directory path which contains the GDML files produce by fastRad. It will search this path and find all the files within it and will write these as a list into a test file. This list of files and the contents of each individual file is saved to a zip file by another class and then encoded and uploaded to the CDB. """ def __init__(self, filepath, notes, textfile = None): """ @Method Class constructor This method sets up the necessaries to upload to the database This method sets up some class variables and then calls other methods which set up the connection to the database and also organise the GDMLs into an order ready to upload. @Param filepath path of the directory which contains the GDML files @Param notes must be a string which briefly describes the geometry @Param textfile path to a text file containing list of geometries to be uploaded; default is None, in which case geometries are generated automatically """ self.config = Configreader() self.wsdlurl = self.config.cdb_upload_url+\ self.config.geometry_upload_wsdl print '"'+self.wsdlurl+'"' self.geometry_cdb = cdb.GeometrySuperMouse(self.wsdlurl) self.textfile = textfile self.text = "" if type(notes) != str: raise IOError('Geometry description missing or not a string') else: self.notes = notes filelist = [] self.geometryfiles = filelist if os.path.exists(filepath) != True: raise IOError("File path "+str(filepath)+" does not exist") else: self.filepath = filepath self.set_up_server() if self.textfile == None: self.create_file_list() self.check_file_list() def set_up_server(self): """ @method set_up_server This method sets up the connection to the CDB This method sets up a connection to either the supermouse server or the test server depending on whether this is specified by __init__. """ #self.wsdlurl = self.config.cdb_upload_url+\ # self.config.geometry_upload_wsdl #self.geometry_cdb.set_url(self.wsdlurl) server_status = self.geometry_cdb.get_status() if not server_status in SERVER_OK: print 'Warning, server status is '+server_status return self.wsdlurl def create_file_list(self): """ @method create_file_list Creates a text file containing a list of geometry files. Create a text file with name FILELIST containing a list of the files in filepath. Only files with extension *.gdml or *.xml are added. """ # if there is no text file create one and fill it with the geometries. files_on_disk = [] for fname in sorted(os.listdir(self.filepath)): if is_filetype(fname, ['xml', 'gdml']): files_on_disk.append(os.path.join(self.filepath, fname)) filelist_path = os.path.join(self.filepath, FILELIST) fout = open(filelist_path, 'w') for fname in files_on_disk: fout.write(fname+'\n') fout.close() def check_file_list(self): """ @method check_file_list Returns true if everything in FILELIST can be found in filepath. Else returns false """ files_on_disk = sorted(os.listdir(self.filepath)) filelist_path = os.path.join(self.filepath, FILELIST) fin = open(filelist_path) files_in_filelist = [str.rstrip(x) for x in sorted(fin.readlines())] fin.close() for fname in files_in_filelist: if fname not in files_on_disk: return False return True def upload_to_cdb(self, zipped_file): """ @Method upload_to_cdb, this method uploads the geometries to the CDB This method write the contents of all the gdmls and the file which lists the gdmls into one string. This string is then encoded and uploaded to the CDB with a date stamp of when the method is called. """ if zipped_file[-4:] != '.zip': raise IOError('Argument is not a zip file') else: _dt = self.config.geometry_upload_valid_from fin = open(zipped_file, 'r') _gdml = fin.read() #self.geometry_cdb = cdb.GeometrySuperMouse() self.geometry_cdb.set_gdml(_gdml, _dt, self.notes) class Downloader: #pylint: disable = R0902 """ @Class Downloader, this class downloads geometries from the CDB This class downloads the information from the CDB and decodes and unpacks the information. """ def __init__(self): """ @Method Class constructor This method sets up the connection to the CDB ready to download. @Param testserver, If an argument of 1 is entered this will set a connection to the test CDB if left blank write to the actual CDB """ self.times = [] self.id_nums = [] self.filestr = "" filelist = [] self.geometryfiles = filelist self.listofgeometries = filelist self.wsdlurl = "" self.geometry_cdb = None self.set_up_server() def set_up_server(self): """ @method set_up_server This method sets up the connection to the CDB This method sets up a connection to either the supermouse server or the test server depending on whether this is specified by __init__. """ config = Configreader() self.wsdlurl = config.cdb_download_url+config.geometry_download_wsdl self.geometry_cdb = cdb.Geometry() self.geometry_cdb.set_url(self.wsdlurl) server_status = self.geometry_cdb.get_status() if not server_status in SERVER_OK: print 'Warning, server status is '+server_status return self.wsdlurl def download_current(self, downloadpath): """ @Method download_current, this method downloads the current valid geometry and writes the files this method decodes the uploaded geometry and acquires from the string this list of files contained within the upload. It then opens files in the ~/maus/src/common_py/geometries/Download which correspond to the related gdml files and write the contents to these files. @param downloadedpath The path location where the files will be unpacked to. """ if os.path.exists(downloadpath) == False: raise OSError('Path '+str(downloadpath)+' does not exist') else: downloadedfile = self.geometry_cdb.get_current_gdml() self.__write_zip_file(downloadpath, downloadedfile) def download_geometry_by_id(self, id_num, download_path): """ @Method download geometry for ID This method gets the geometry, for the given ID, from the database then passes the string to the unpack method which unpacks it. @param id The integer ID number for the desired geometry. @param downloadedpath The path location where the files will be unpacked to. """ if not os.path.exists(download_path): raise OSError('Path '+download_path+' does not exist') else: downloaded_file = self.geometry_cdb.get_gdml_for_id(id_num) self.__write_zip_file(download_path, downloaded_file) def download_geometry_by_run(self, run_num, download_path): """ @Method download geometry for ID This method gets the geometry, for the given ID, from the database then passes the string to the unpack method which unpacks it. @param id The integer ID number for the desired geometry. @param downloadedpath The path location where the files will be unpacked to. """ if not os.path.exists(download_path): raise OSError('Path '+download_path+' does not exist') downloaded_file = self.geometry_cdb.get_gdml_for_run(long(run_num)) self.download_beamline_for_run(run_num, download_path) self.__write_zip_file(download_path, downloaded_file) def __write_zip_file(self, path_to_file, output_string): #pylint: disable = R0201, C0301 """ Write string to file path_to_file+GEOMETRY_ZIPFILE in zip format """ zip_file = os.path.join(path_to_file, GEOMETRY_ZIPFILE) fout = open(zip_file, 'w') fout.write(output_string) fout.close() def get_ids(self, start_time, stop_time = None): """ @method get IDs This method queries the database for the list of geometries and prints to the screen their ID numbers and their descriptions. @param start_time The datetime of which you wish the query to start must be in UTC. @param stop_time The datetime of which you wish the query to stop must be in UTC. Can be blank. """ id_dict = self.geometry_cdb.get_ids(start_time, stop_time) id_number = sorted(id_dict.keys())[-1] print "Using geometry ID " + str(id_number) + \ " valid from " + str(id_dict[id_number]['validFrom']) return str(id_number) def download_beamline_for_run(self, run_id, downloadpath): #pylint: disable = R0201, C0301 """ @Method download geometry for run This method gets the geometry, for the given run number, from the database then passes the string to the unpack method which unpacks it. @param id The long ID run number for the desired geometry. @param downloadedpath The path location where the files will be unpacked to. """ if os.path.exists(downloadpath) == False: raise OSError('Path '+downloadpath+' does not exist') else: beamline_cdb = cdb.Beamline() downloadedfile = beamline_cdb.get_beamline_for_run_xml(run_id) path = downloadpath + '/Beamline.gdml' fout = open(path, 'w') fout.write(downloadedfile) fout.close()