""" M. Littlefield """ # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see . import os from geometry.CADImport import CADImport CONFIGXSL = os.environ["MAUS_ROOT_DIR"] + \ "/src/common_py/geometry/xsltScripts/ParentFileTranlsation.xsl" # TRACKERXSL = os.environ["MAUS_ROOT_DIR"] + \ # "/src/common_py/geometry/xsltScripts/TrackerTranslation.xsl" MM_XSL = os.environ["MAUS_ROOT_DIR"] + \ "/src/common_py/geometry/xsltScripts/MMTranslation.xsl" DET_GDML = ['TOF0.gdml', 'TOF1.gdml', 'TOF2.gdml', \ 'Tracker0.gdml', 'Tracker1.gdml',\ 'KL.gdml', 'Ckov1.gdml', 'Ckov2.gdml', 'Disk_LiH.gdml',\ 'Wedge_LiH_90.gdml', 'Wedge_LiH_45.gdml', 'LH2.gdml','EMR.gdml',\ 'HeWindow.gdml', \ 'iris1_closed.gdml', 'iris2_open.gdml', 'iris3_open.gdml',\ 'iris3_closed.gdml', 'iris4_open.gdml',\ 'iris2_closed.gdml', 'iris1_open.gdml',\ 'iris4_closed.gdml'] class GDMLtomaus(): #pylint: disable = R0903 """ @class GDMLtomaus This class converts GDMLs to MAUS Modules This class converts GDMLs to MAUS Modules by applying a pre written XSLT over the GDML. This produces the necessary MAUS Modules and the original GDMLs are then deleted. """ def __init__(self, path): """ @method Class Constructor This is the class constructor which gets the file ready to be converted. This method searches through the path, given by the argument, and sorts out the files within the path into variables which are then used by the next method to convert them to MAUS Modules. @param Path This is the path to the folder which contains the GDMLS to be converted. """ self.maus_information_file = None self.config_file = None self.material_file = None self.material_file_path = None self.tracker_file = None file_list = [] self.step_files = file_list if os.path.exists(path) == False: raise IOError('Path does not exist '+str(path)) else: self.path = path gdmls = os.listdir(self.path) # print gdmls for fname in gdmls: if fname.find('materials') >= 0: found_file = os.path.join(self.path, fname) self.material_file = found_file self.material_file_path = os.path.abspath(self.material_file) if fname == 'fastradModel.gdml' or \ fname == 'FastradModel.gdml' or \ fname == 'Step_IV.gdml': found_file = os.path.join(self.path, fname) self.config_file = found_file if fname.find('Maus_Information') >= 0: found_file = os.path.join(self.path, fname) self.maus_information_file = found_file # if fname == 'Tracker.gdml': # found_file = os.path.join(self.path, fname) # self.tracker_file = found_file if fname.find('materials') < 0 \ and fname.find('fastrad') < 0 \ and fname.find('Fastrad') < 0 \ and fname.find('Maus_Information') < 0 \ and fname.find('Beamline') < 0 \ and fname[-5:] == '.gdml' \ and fname.find('Step_IV') < 0: stepfile = os.path.join(self.path, fname) self.step_files.append(stepfile) def convert_to_maus(self, output): """ @method convert_to_maus This method converts the GDMLs to MAUS Modules. This method applies the necessary XSLT scripts to the GDMLs. The configuration file uses the GDML2G4MICE.xsl and the individual component files use MMTranslation.xsl XSLTs to convert to the correct MAUS Modules. @param Output This is the path to the directory where you wish the MAUS Modules to be placed. """ if os.path.exists(output) == False: raise IOError('Output path doesnt exist '+str(output)) else: outputfile1 = os.path.join(output, "ParentGeometryFile.dat") # outputfile2 = os.path.join(output, "TrackerGeometryFile.dat") # outputfile3 = os.path.join(output, "RotatedGeometryFile.dat") config_file = CADImport(xmlin1 = str(self.config_file), \ xsl = str(CONFIGXSL), output = str(outputfile1)) config_file.parse_xslt() # tracker_file = CADImport(xmlin1 = str(self.config_file), \ # xsl = str(TRACKERXSL), output = str(outputfile2)) # tracker_file.parse_xslt() # rotated_file = CADImport(xmlin1 = str(self.config_file), \ # xsl = str(ROTATEDXSL), output = str(outputfile3)) # rotated_file.parse_xslt() print "Configuration File Converted" length = len(self.step_files) for num in range(0, length): found_file = str(self.step_files[num]) new_string = found_file.split('/') num_of_splits = len(new_string) file_name = num_of_splits - 1 file_name = new_string[file_name] outputfile = output + '/' + file_name[:-4] + 'dat' step_file = CADImport(xmlin1 = str(self.step_files[num]), \ xsl = str(MM_XSL), output = str(outputfile)) direct_translation = 0 for det_file in DET_GDML: if file_name == det_file: direct_translation = 1 if direct_translation: step_file.translate_gdml() else: step_file.parse_xslt() step_file = None os.remove(self.step_files[num]) print "Converting " + str(num+1) + \ " of " + str(length) os.remove(self.config_file) print "Files saved to " + str(output) def main(): """ Main Function. """ if __name__ == "__main__": main()