#!/usr/bin/env bash directory=G4beamline-2.12-source filename=${directory}.tgz url=http://www.muonsinternal.com/muons3/g4beamline/${filename} if [ -n "${MAUS_ROOT_DIR+x}" ]; then if [ -e "${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/source/${filename}" ] then echo "INFO: Found source archive in 'source' directory" else echo "INFO: Source archive doesn't exist. Downloading..." wget --directory-prefix=${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/source ${url} fi if [ -e "${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/source/${filename}" ] then echo "INFO: Source archive exists." echo echo "INFO: Checking MD5 checksum (otherwise the file didn't" echo "INFO: download properly):" echo cd ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/source ls ${filename}.md5 md5sum -c ${filename}.md5 || { echo "FATAL: Failed to download:" >&2; echo "FATAL: ${filename}." >&2; echo "FATAL: MD5 checksum failed.">&2; echo "FATAL: Try rerunning this command to redownload, or check" >&2; echo "FATAL: internet connection" >&2; rm -f ${filename}; exit 1; } sleep 1 echo echo "INFO: Unpacking:" echo rm -Rf ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/build/${directory} sleep 1 tar xvfz ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/source/${filename} -C ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/build > /dev/null ls ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/build/${directory}/source cd ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/build/${directory}/source/bin var1="LIBS=\"\$LIBS -lSoXt -lCoin -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGLU -lGL -lXm -lXpm -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lXi -lSM -lICE\"" var2="LIBS=\"\$LIBS -L/usr/include/root/ -lSoXt -lCoin -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGLU -lGL -lXm -lXpm -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lXi -lSM -lICE\"" var3="LIBS=\"\$LIBS -lexpat -ldl\"" var4="LIBS=\"\$LIBS -L/\$G4BL_DIR/../../install/lib -lexpat -ldl\"" var5='cd \.\./\.\.; rm -f lib/libCLHEP-\[A-Z]\*\.a bin/\[A-Z]\*-config; \\' var6='cd \.\./\.\.; rm -f lib/libCLHEP-\[A-Z]\*\.a; \\' sed -e "s@$var1@$var2@g" g4bl-config >& g4bl-config2 sed -e "s@$var3@$var4@g" g4bl-config2 >& g4bl-config3 mv g4bl-config3 g4bl-config chmod a+x g4bl-config cd ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/build/${directory} sed -e "s@$var5@$var6@g" configure >& configure2 mv configure2 configure chmod a+x configure echo echo "INFO: Building:" echo sleep 1 echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./configure --disable-visual cd ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/build/${directory}/source/bin mv g4bl-config ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/build/${directory}/bin/g4bl-config cd ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/third_party/build/${directory} echo echo "INFO: Make:" echo sleep 1 make cat ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/src//map/MapPyBeamlineSimulation/G4bl/maps/x* > ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR}/src//map/MapPyBeamlineSimulation/G4bl/maps/TypeIBend_6InchGap_tapered.map ################################################## echo echo "INFO: The package should be locally build now in your" echo "INFO: third_party directory, which the rest of MAUS will" echo "INFO: find." # ./bin/g4bldata --install else echo "FATAL: Source archive still doesn't exist. Please file a bug report with your operating system,">&2 echo "FATAL: distribution, and any other useful information at:" >&2 echo "FATAL: " >&2 echo "FATAL: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus/issues/" >&2 echo "FATAL:" >&2 echo "FATAL: Giving up, sorry..." >&2 exit 1 fi else ################################################## echo echo "FATAL: MAUS_ROOT_DIR is not set, which is required to" >&2 echo "FATAL: know where to install this package. You have two" >&2 echo "FATAL: options:" >&2 echo "FATAL:" >&2 echo "FATAL: 1. Set the MAUS_ROOT_DIR from the command line by" >&2 echo "FATAL: (if XXX is the directory where MAUS is installed):" >&2 echo "FATAL:" >&2 echo "FATAL: MAUS_ROOT_DIR=XXX ${0}" >&2 echo "FATAL:" >&2 echo "FATAL: 2. Run the './configure' script in the MAUS ROOT" >&2 echo "FATAL: directory, run 'source env.sh' then rerun this" >&2 echo "FATAL: command ">&2 exit 1 fi # This is the maximum length of text (ignoring whitespace), 50 chars ################################################## # this is the maximum amount of characters (including whitespace) per line) ######################################################################