# This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see . """ Class for managing the lattice, tracking envelopes, etc """ import json import numpy from xboa.Hit import Hit import Configuration import maus_cpp.field import maus_cpp.globals import maus_cpp.simulation import maus_cpp.covariance_matrix import maus_cpp.optics_model class Lattice: """Class for managing the lattice, tracking envelopes, etc""" def __init__(self): """Lattice initialisation - mice modules""" self.lattice = None self.mice_modules = None self.optics_model = None self.config = None self.ref_list = [] self.ellipse_list = [] self._set_defaults() self.run_lattice() def run_lattice(self): """ Setup the lattice for optics work - initial_momentum: beam momentum at lattice start - z_start: start position for tracking/beam propagation """ self.config["simulation_reference_particle"] = \ self.ref_list[0].get_maus_dict('maus_primary')[0] self.config["simulation_reference_particle"]["random_seed"] = 0 self.config["physics_processes"] = "mean_energy_loss" config_str = json.dumps(self.config) if maus_cpp.globals.has_instance(): maus_cpp.globals.death() maus_cpp.globals.birth(config_str) maus_cpp.globals.set_monte_carlo_mice_modules(self.mice_modules) self._tracking() def get_field_list(self): """ Recursively interrogate the mice modules building up a list of fields Require each field module has field_name, field_type, scale_factor, aperture, outer, position, rotation """ return self._get_fields_recursive(self.mice_modules, []) def set_fields(self, field_list): """ Set field scalings from a list of dictionaries - field_list: list of fields with dict elements "field_name" and "scale_factor" mapping to string and float respectively """ field_dict = {} for field in field_list: field_dict[field["field_name"]] = field["scale_factor"] self.mice_modules = self._set_fields_recursive(self.mice_modules, field_dict) def set_beam(self, reference, ellipse): """ Set beam parameters following ellipse transport - reference: set the initial reference trajectory - ellipse: set the initial beam ellipse """ self.ref_list = [reference] self.ellipse_list = [ellipse] def get_beam(self): """ Get a tuple like (ref, ellipse) containing a reference particle and beam ellipse """ return self.ref_list[0], self.ellipse_list[0] def _set_defaults(self): """ Setup the lattice according to the configuration specified in the usual way """ config_str = Configuration.Configuration().getConfigJSON( command_line_args=True) self.config = json.loads(config_str) ref_json = self.config["simulation_reference_particle"] self.ref_list = [Hit.new_from_maus_object("maus_primary", ref_json, 0)] ell_data = [[float(i == j) for i in range(6)] for j in range(6)] np_diag = numpy.array(ell_data) self.ellipse_list = [ maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.create_from_matrix(np_diag)] self.lattice = self.config["simulation_geometry_filename"] self.mice_modules = maus_cpp.mice_module.MiceModule(self.lattice) children = self.mice_modules.get_children() #pylint: disable=E1103 children.append(self._virtual_plane(self.ref_list[0]['z'])) self.mice_modules.set_children(children) #pylint: disable=E1103 def _set_fields_recursive(self, mice_mod, field_dict): """ Recurse into the MiceModules tree setting ScaleFactor by FieldName """ try: my_name = mice_mod.get_property("FieldName", "string") if my_name in field_dict: scale = field_dict[my_name] mice_mod.set_property("ScaleFactor", "double", scale) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: pass child_list = [] for child in mice_mod.get_children(): child_list.append(self._set_fields_recursive(child, field_dict)) mice_mod.set_children(child_list) return mice_mod def _get_fields_recursive(self, mice_mod, field_list): """ Recurse into the MiceModules tree setting ScaleFactor by FieldName """ try: my_props = {} for key in self.property_dict: my_props[key] = mice_mod.get_property(*self.property_dict[key]) field_list.append(my_props) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: pass for child in mice_mod.get_children(): field_list = self._get_fields_recursive(child, field_list) return field_list @staticmethod def _virtual_plane(z_pos): """Build a virtual plane module with the given z position""" mod = maus_cpp.mice_module.MiceModule( Lattice.share_dir+"/VirtualPlane.dat").get_children()[0] mod.set_property("Position", "Hep3Vector", {"x":0., "y":0., "z":z_pos}) return mod def _tracking(self): """Do the tracking - push reference trajectory and beam ellipse""" mc_event = [{ "primary":self.ref_list[0].get_maus_dict('maus_primary')[0]}] mc_event[0]["primary"]["random_seed"] = 0 mc_event = maus_cpp.simulation.track_particles(json.dumps(mc_event)) mc_event = json.loads(mc_event) virtual_list = mc_event[0]["virtual_hits"] self.ref_list = [self.ref_list[0]]+[ Hit.new_from_maus_object('maus_virtual_hit', virtual, 0) \ for virtual in virtual_list] ellipse = self.ellipse_list[0] try: self.optics_model = maus_cpp.optics_model.OpticsModel() self.ellipse_list = [self.ellipse_list[0]] for ref in self.ref_list: ell = self.optics_model.transport_covariance_matrix(ellipse, ref['z']) self.ellipse_list.append(ell) except RuntimeError: pass # beam transport failed return self.ref_list, self.ellipse_list property_dict = { "field_name":("FieldName", "string"), "field_type":("FieldType", "string"), "scale_factor":("ScaleFactor", "double"), "aperture":("NominalAperture", "hep3vector"), "outer":("NominalOuter", "hep3vector"), "position":("Position", "hep3vector"), "rotation":("Rotation", "hep3vector") } share_dir = ""