# This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see . """ BeamMaker generates beams for input into MAUS """ ### TO DO: # Humm, I think the file IO should be done in the sub-beam import json import ErrorHandler import numpy import bisect import beam import os from xboa.Hit import Hit #pylint: disable=F0401 class MapPyBeamMaker: #pylint: disable=R0902 """ MapPyBeamMaker generates primaries for simulation in Geant4 MapPyBeamMaker creates a set of primary particles depending on the particle_generator field of the beam branch of the json configuration document - binomial creates a set of particles according to the binomial distribution and samples from random parent distributions according to the 'weight' field in each beam - counter samples a fixed number of particles from each beam - overwrite_existing overwrites existing particles and samples from random parent distributions with probability of a given parent distribution assigned by 'weight' field - file reads beam particles from input beam file The number of beam particles in a spill is determined by nbm_particles_per_spill specified in the config. - use_beam_file must be set to True in config if file input If use_beam_file=True and particle_generator != "file", then particle_generator is reset to "file" in this class Each beam is defined in the "definitions" array of the beam branch. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor; initialises parameters to 0. Member data as follows: - beams list of Beam classes - particle_generator string that controls the way particles are generated - binomial_n, binomial_p control binomial distribution; define binomial distribution asthe discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of binomial_n independent yes/no experiments, each of which yields success with probability p. - seed random seed used for generating particles (and generating monte carlo seeds in some instances) - use_beam_file set to F, set it to True in config if beam input """ self.beams = [] self.particle_generator = None self.binomial_n = 0 self.binomial_p = 0.5 self.seed = 0 self.use_beam_file = False self.beam_file = None self.beam_file_format = None self.bm_fh = None self.file_particles_per_spill = 0 self.beam_seed = 0 self.g4bl_generator = False self.random_seed = 0 def birth(self, json_configuration): """ Read in datacards from supplied cards file and configuration defaults. @param json_configuration unicode string containing the json configuration Several options available: - binomial uses binomial_n, binomial_p to generate a random number of particles according to the binomial distribution. Uses the weight field in each beam to randomly select from multiple beam distributions. - counter adds a fixed number of particles defined by each of the beam's n_particles_per_spill field. - overwrite_existing overwrites the primary branch of any existing particles in mc branch, regardless of existing values. Uses the weight field in each beam to randomly select from multiple beam distributions. - file reads beam particles from input beam file The number of beam particles in a spill is determined by nbm_particles_per_spill specified in the config. """ try: config_doc = json.loads(json_configuration) self.__birth_empty_particles(config_doc["beam"]) self.beams = [] # if use_beam_file, then verify the file can be opened # get the file handle, and skip over headers and comments if self.use_beam_file: return self.__check_beam_file() for beam_def in config_doc["beam"]["definitions"]: a_beam = beam.Beam() a_beam.birth(beam_def, self.particle_generator, self.seed) self.beams.append(a_beam) return True except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703 ErrorHandler.HandleException({}, self) return False def __birth_empty_particles(self, beam_def): """ Get variables for generating empty particles to be filled with primaries later. """ self.seed = beam_def["random_seed"] self.beam_seed = self.seed numpy.random.seed(self.seed) if beam_def["particle_generator"] not in self.gen_keys: raise ValueError("Did not recognise particle_generator "+\ str(beam_def["particle_generator"])+\ " Should be one of "+str(self.gen_keys)) self.particle_generator = beam_def["particle_generator"] if beam_def["particle_generator"] == "binomial": self.binomial_n = beam_def["binomial_n"] self.binomial_p = float(beam_def["binomial_p"]) if self.binomial_p > 1. or self.binomial_p <= 0.: raise ValueError("Beam binomial_p "+str(self.binomial_p)+\ " should be > 0. and <= 1.") if self.binomial_n <= 0 : raise ValueError("Beam binomial_n "+str(self.binomial_n)+\ " should be > 0") self.use_beam_file = beam_def["particle_generator"] == "file" if self.use_beam_file: self.beam_file = os.path.expandvars(beam_def["beam_file"]) self.beam_file_format = beam_def["beam_file_format"] self.file_particles_per_spill = beam_def["file_particles_per_spill"] def __check_beam_file(self): """ Check the input beam file Skip over header lines (if any) so that xboa.Hit.read is happy If no predefined header lines, check for comment lines and skip """ if self.particle_generator != 'file' : print "Requested file-input but generator is not 'file'" print "Resetting it.." self.particle_generator = 'file' # try opening the beam file # construct path try: self.bm_fh = open(self.beam_file,'r') except IOError as err: raise IOError(err) # skip over header lines in beam file _nhead = {'icool_for009':3, 'icool_for003':2, 'g4beamline_bl_track_file':0, 'g4mice_special_hit':0, 'g4mice_virtual_hit':0, 'zgoubi':0, 'turtle':0, 'madx':0, 'mars_1':0, 'maus_virtual_hit':0, 'maus_primary':0 } _nskip = 0 while _nskip < _nhead[self.beam_file_format] : self.bm_fh.readline() _nskip = _nskip + 1 # for formats with no predefined header lines, # make sure we are not sitting on a comment line skipped_comments = False while not skipped_comments: # mark the position in the file and read # if it is not a comment line, then rewind fpos = self.bm_fh.tell() bline = self.bm_fh.readline() if '#' not in bline: # just read a non-comment line; rewind to start of line self.bm_fh.seek(fpos) skipped_comments = True return True def process(self, json_spill_doc): """ Generate primary particles for a spill. @param json_spill_doc unicode string containing the json spill - In counter mode, iterates over each beam and samples required number of particles from the parent distribution. - In overwrite_existing or binomial mode, randomly samples from each of the available beam distributions according to the relative weight of each beam. @returns a string with the json spill """ spill = {} try: spill = json.loads(json_spill_doc) spill = self.__process_check_spill(spill) new_particles = self.__process_gen_empty(spill) for index, particle in enumerate(new_particles): # if beam IO, then read hits from file and fill spill if (self.use_beam_file): spill_hit = Hit.new_from_read_builtin(self.beam_file_format, self.bm_fh) primary = spill_hit.get_maus_dict('maus_primary')[0] self.beam_seed = self.beam_seed + 1 primary["random_seed"] = self.beam_seed particle["primary"] = primary else: a_beam = self.__process_choose_beam(index) particle["primary"] = a_beam.make_one_primary() if "spin" not in particle["primary"]: particle["primary"]["spin"] = {"x":0., "y":0., "z":1.} except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703 ErrorHandler.HandleException(spill, self) return json.dumps(spill) def __process_check_spill(self, spill): #pylint: disable=R0201 """ Check that the spill has a mc branch and that it is an array type. If no branch, make one. If branch is of wrong type, raise a KeyError. Returns a copy of the spill """ if "mc_events" not in spill: spill["mc_events"] = [] if type(spill["mc_events"]) != type([]): raise KeyError("mc_events branch should be an array type") return spill def __process_gen_empty(self, spill): """ Generate empty primaries """ spill_length = len(spill["mc_events"]) if self.particle_generator == "overwrite_existing": for particle in spill["mc_events"]: particle["primary"] = {} return spill["mc_events"] elif self.particle_generator == "binomial": n_p = numpy.random.binomial(self.binomial_n, self.binomial_p) for i in range(n_p): #pylint: disable=W0612 spill["mc_events"].append({"primary":{}}) elif self.particle_generator == "counter": for a_beam in self.beams: for i in range(a_beam.n_particles_per_spill): spill["mc_events"].append({"primary":{}}) elif self.particle_generator == "file": for i in range(self.file_particles_per_spill): spill["mc_events"].append({"primary":{}}) else: raise RuntimeError("Didn't recognise particle_generator command "+\ str(self.particle_generator)) return spill["mc_events"][spill_length:] def __process_choose_beam(self, index): """ Choose the beam from which to sample """ if self.particle_generator == "counter": for a_beam in self.beams: index -= a_beam.n_particles_per_spill if index < 0: return a_beam else: weights = [0.] for i, a_beam in enumerate(self.beams): weights.append(weights[i]+a_beam.weight) dice = numpy.random.uniform(0., weights[-1]) return self.beams[bisect.bisect_left(weights, dice)-1] def death(self): #pylint: disable=R0201 """Closes beam file; returns true""" if (self.bm_fh): self.bm_fh.close() return True gen_keys = ["binomial", "counter", "overwrite_existing", "file"]