/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3 * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers * and at http://www.swig.org/legal.html. * * include.c * * The functions in this file are used to manage files in the SWIG library. * General purpose functions for opening, including, and retrieving pathnames * are provided. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char cvsroot_include_c[] = "$Id: include.c 12211 2010-09-10 06:08:45Z wsfulton $"; #include "swig.h" static List *directories = 0; /* List of include directories */ static String *lastpath = 0; /* Last file that was included */ static List *pdirectories = 0; /* List of pushed directories */ static int dopush = 1; /* Whether to push directories */ /* This functions determine whether to push/pop dirs in the preprocessor */ void Swig_set_push_dir(int push) { dopush = push; } int Swig_get_push_dir(void) { return dopush; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_add_directory() * * Adds a directory to the SWIG search path. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ List *Swig_add_directory(const_String_or_char_ptr dirname) { String *adirname; if (!directories) directories = NewList(); assert(directories); if (dirname) { adirname = NewString(dirname); Append(directories,adirname); Delete(adirname); } return directories; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_push_directory() * * Inserts a directory at the front of the SWIG search path. This is used by * the preprocessor to grab files in the same directory as other included files. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_push_directory(const_String_or_char_ptr dirname) { String *pdirname; if (!Swig_get_push_dir()) return; if (!pdirectories) pdirectories = NewList(); assert(pdirectories); pdirname = NewString(dirname); assert(pdirname); Insert(pdirectories,0,pdirname); Delete(pdirname); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_pop_directory() * * Pops a directory off the front of the SWIG search path. This is used by * the preprocessor. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_pop_directory(void) { if (!Swig_get_push_dir()) return; if (!pdirectories) return; Delitem(pdirectories, 0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_last_file() * * Returns the full pathname of the last file opened. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *Swig_last_file(void) { assert(lastpath); return lastpath; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_search_path_any() * * Returns a list of the current search paths. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static List *Swig_search_path_any(int syspath) { String *filename; List *slist; int i, ilen; slist = NewList(); assert(slist); filename = NewStringEmpty(); assert(filename); #ifdef MACSWIG Printf(filename, "%s", SWIG_FILE_DELIMITER); #else Printf(filename, ".%s", SWIG_FILE_DELIMITER); #endif Append(slist, filename); Delete(filename); /* If there are any pushed directories. Add them first */ if (pdirectories) { ilen = Len(pdirectories); for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) { filename = NewString(Getitem(pdirectories,i)); Append(filename,SWIG_FILE_DELIMITER); Append(slist,filename); Delete(filename); } } /* Add system directories next */ ilen = Len(directories); for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) { filename = NewString(Getitem(directories,i)); Append(filename,SWIG_FILE_DELIMITER); if (syspath) { /* If doing a system include, put the system directories first */ Insert(slist,i,filename); } else { /* Otherwise, just put the system directories after the pushed directories (if any) */ Append(slist,filename); } Delete(filename); } return slist; } List *Swig_search_path() { return Swig_search_path_any(0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_open() * * open a file, optionally looking for it in the include path. Returns an open * FILE * on success. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static FILE *Swig_open_file(const_String_or_char_ptr name, int sysfile, int use_include_path) { FILE *f; String *filename; List *spath = 0; char *cname; int i, ilen; if (!directories) directories = NewList(); assert(directories); cname = Char(name); filename = NewString(cname); assert(filename); f = fopen(Char(filename), "r"); if (!f && use_include_path) { spath = Swig_search_path_any(sysfile); ilen = Len(spath); for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) { Clear(filename); Printf(filename, "%s%s", Getitem(spath, i), cname); f = fopen(Char(filename), "r"); if (f) break; } Delete(spath); } if (f) { Delete(lastpath); lastpath = filename; } return f; } /* Open a file - searching the include paths to find it */ FILE *Swig_include_open(const_String_or_char_ptr name) { return Swig_open_file(name, 0, 1); } /* Open a file - does not use include paths to find it */ FILE *Swig_open(const_String_or_char_ptr name) { return Swig_open_file(name, 0, 0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_read_file() * * Reads data from an open FILE * and returns it as a string. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *Swig_read_file(FILE *f) { int len; char buffer[4096]; String *str = NewStringEmpty(); assert(str); while (fgets(buffer, 4095, f)) { Append(str, buffer); } len = Len(str); /* Add a newline if not present on last line -- the preprocessor seems to * rely on \n and not EOF terminating lines */ if (len) { char *cstr = Char(str); if (cstr[len - 1] != '\n') { Append(str, "\n"); } } return str; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_include() * * Opens a file and returns it as a string. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static String *Swig_include_any(const_String_or_char_ptr name, int sysfile) { FILE *f; String *str; String *file; f = Swig_open_file(name, sysfile, 1); if (!f) return 0; str = Swig_read_file(f); fclose(f); Seek(str, 0, SEEK_SET); file = Copy(Swig_last_file()); Setfile(str, file); Delete(file); Setline(str, 1); return str; } String *Swig_include(const_String_or_char_ptr name) { return Swig_include_any(name, 0); } String *Swig_include_sys(const_String_or_char_ptr name) { return Swig_include_any(name, 1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_insert_file() * * Copies the contents of a file into another file * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Swig_insert_file(const_String_or_char_ptr filename, File *outfile) { char buffer[4096]; int nbytes; FILE *f = Swig_include_open(filename); if (!f) return -1; while ((nbytes = Read(f, buffer, 4096)) > 0) { Write(outfile, buffer, nbytes); } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_register_filebyname() * * Register a "named" file with the core. Named files can become targets * for %insert directives and other SWIG operations. This function takes * the place of the f_header, f_wrapper, f_init, and other global variables * in SWIG1.1 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Hash *named_files = 0; void Swig_register_filebyname(const_String_or_char_ptr filename, File *outfile) { if (!named_files) named_files = NewHash(); Setattr(named_files, filename, outfile); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_filebyname() * * Get a named file * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ File *Swig_filebyname(const_String_or_char_ptr filename) { if (!named_files) return 0; return Getattr(named_files, filename); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_file_suffix() * * Returns the suffix of a file * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char *Swig_file_suffix(const_String_or_char_ptr filename) { char *d; char *c = Char(filename); int len = Len(filename); if (strlen(c)) { d = c + len - 1; while (d != c) { if (*d == '.') return d; d--; } return c + len; } return c; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_file_basename() * * Returns the filename with no suffix attached. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char *Swig_file_basename(const_String_or_char_ptr filename) { static char tmp[1024]; char *c; strcpy(tmp, Char(filename)); c = Swig_file_suffix(tmp); *c = 0; return tmp; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_file_filename() * * Return the file with any leading path stripped off * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char *Swig_file_filename(const_String_or_char_ptr filename) { static char tmp[1024]; const char *delim = SWIG_FILE_DELIMITER; char *c; strcpy(tmp, Char(filename)); c = strrchr(tmp, *delim); if (c) return c + 1; else return tmp; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_file_dirname() * * Return the name of the directory associated with a file * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char *Swig_file_dirname(const_String_or_char_ptr filename) { static char tmp[1024]; const char *delim = SWIG_FILE_DELIMITER; char *c; strcpy(tmp, Char(filename)); if (!strstr(tmp, delim)) { return ""; } c = tmp + strlen(tmp) - 1; while (*c != *delim) c--; *(++c) = 0; return tmp; }