#include #include "MDargumentHandler.h" using namespace std; MDargumentHandler::MDargumentHandler(string aDescription):_name(""),_description(aDescription){ } void MDargumentHandler::AddArgument( string aName, string aDescription, string aSwitch, string aFormat, string aDefault ){ MDargument * arg = new MDargument( aName, aDescription, aSwitch, aFormat, aDefault ); _argList.push_back( arg ); } void MDargumentHandler::Usage() { ArgListIter it; MDargument * val; cout << _name << " : " << _description << endl << "Usage: " << endl; for( it = _argList.begin(); it != _argList.end(); it++ ){ val = *it; cout << " -" << val->GetSwitch() << " / --" << setw(12) << left << val->GetName() << " " << setw(8) << left << val->GetFormat() << "\t:\t" << val->GetDescription(); if ( val->GetDefault().size() ) cout << " [ " << val->GetDefault() << " ]"; cout << endl; } } int MDargumentHandler::ProcessArguments( int argc, char **argv ){ _name = argv[ 0 ]; MDargument * arg; char buf[64]=""; char *substr; int i(1); string search; for(; i < argc; i++ ){ // cout << "Processing Argument : " << i << " : " << argv[i] << endl; arg = NULL; search=""; strcpy(buf,""); switch (ArgumentType(argv[i])){ case MDARGUMENT_TYPE_SWITCH: { // cout << " This is a switch " << endl; strcpy(buf,argv[i]); buf[2]='\0'; search = &buf[1]; if ( strlen(argv[i])>2 ) strncpy(buf,&argv[i][2],strlen(argv[i])); else strcpy(buf,""); break; } case MDARGUMENT_TYPE_NAME: { // cout << " This is a full name " << endl; strcpy(buf,&argv[i][2]); // Check if there is a '=' character in the name substr = strstr(argv[i],"="); if (substr) { // there is a '=' in the argument if ( strstr(&substr[1],"=") ) { cerr << " Argument " << argv[i] << " is not valid (multiple =). " << endl; return i; } search = strtok( buf, "=" ); strcpy(buf,&substr[1]); } else { search = buf; strcpy(buf,""); } // if the next argument is a '=', ignore it if (i+1GetName() << endl; switch( arg->GetFormatID() ){ case MDARGUMENT_FORMAT_NOVALUE: { // cout << " Format is null (no value)" << endl; if (buf[0]) { cerr << "Format error in argument " << arg->GetName() << ". " << " A value is given when none is expected. " << buf << " is ignored." << endl; } arg->SetValue( "true" ); // cout << " ... Value is " << arg->GetValue() << endl; break; } case MDARGUMENT_FORMAT_DOUBLE: // no break here case MDARGUMENT_FORMAT_INT: { // cout << " Format is or " << endl; if (buf[0]) { arg->SetValue( buf ); } else { if ( argc>i+1 && !IsArgName(argv[i+1]) ) { arg->SetValue( argv[++i] ); } else { cerr << "Format error in argument list after " << argv[i] << " : A value is expected. " << endl; return -1*i; } } // cout << " ... Value is " << arg->GetValue() << endl; break; } case MDARGUMENT_FORMAT_STRING: { // Everything until the next switch is accepted as value // cout << " Format is " << endl; string strValue=""; if (buf[0]) { strValue = buf; } for (int ia=i+1; iaSetValue( strValue ); // cout << " ... Value is " << arg->GetValue() << endl; } else { cerr << "Format error in the argument list after " << argv[i] << " : A string is expected. " << endl; return -1*i; } break; } default: // no break here case MDARGUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR: { cerr << "Format error in argument " << arg->GetName() << ". " << arg->GetFormat() << " is not implemented." << endl; return i; break; } } } else { cerr << "Error in " << _name << " : " << search << " is not a valid argument" << endl; return i; } } } // loop over the arguments to check if there is one mandatory argument not specified string tmpStr; for ( ArgListIter it = _argList.begin(); (it != _argList.end() ); it++ ){ (*it)->GetValue(tmpStr); transform(tmpStr.begin(), tmpStr.end(), tmpStr.begin(), (int(*)(int))tolower); if ( tmpStr=="mandatory" ) { cerr << " Error in " << _name << ". Argument --" << (*it)->GetName() << " is mandatory" << endl; return -1; } } return 0; } bool MDargumentHandler::GetValue( string aName ) { MDargument * arg = Find( aName ); if (arg) { if ( strlen(arg->GetValue()) ) return true; } return false; } MDargumentStatus_t MDargumentHandler::GetValue( string aName, string & aVal ) { MDargument * arg = Find( aName ); if (arg) { arg->GetValue( aVal ); return MDARGUMENT_STATUS_OK; } cerr << "Argument " << aName << " not found." << endl; return MDARGUMENT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND ; } MDargumentStatus_t MDargumentHandler::GetValue( string aName, int & aVal ) { MDargument * arg = Find( aName ); if (arg) { if ( sscanf(arg->GetValue(),"%d",&aVal) == 1) return MDARGUMENT_STATUS_OK; cerr << "Format error in argument " << arg->GetName() << ". " << endl; return MDARGUMENT_STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; } cerr << "Argument " << aName << " not found." << endl; return MDARGUMENT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } MDargumentStatus_t MDargumentHandler::GetValue( string aName, double & aVal ) { MDargument * arg = Find( aName ); if (arg) { if ( sscanf(arg->GetValue(),"%lf",&aVal) == 1) return MDARGUMENT_STATUS_OK; cerr << "Format error in argument " << arg->GetName() << ". " << endl; return MDARGUMENT_STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; } cerr << "Argument " << aName << " not found." << endl; return MDARGUMENT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } MDargument * MDargumentHandler::Find( string aNameOrSwitch ){ ArgListIter it = _argList.begin(); bool found = false; MDargument * res = NULL; MDargument * tmp; while( (it != _argList.end() ) && !found ){ tmp = *it; if( ( strcmp( tmp->GetName().c_str(), aNameOrSwitch.c_str()) == 0 ) || ( strcmp( tmp->GetSwitch().c_str(), aNameOrSwitch.c_str()) == 0 ) ){ res = tmp; found = true; } else it++; } return res; } bool MDargumentHandler::IsArgName(const char * str) { if ( str[0]=='-' && str[1]=='-' ) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool MDargumentHandler::IsArgSwitch(const char * str) { if ( str[0]=='-' && str[1]!='-' ) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool MDargumentHandler::IsArgValue(const char * str) { if ( str[0]=='-' ) { return false; } else { return true; } } MDargumentType_t MDargumentHandler::ArgumentType(const char * str) { if ( str[0]!='-' ) { return MDARGUMENT_TYPE_VALUE; } else if ( str[1]!='-' ) { if (strlen(str)<2) return MDARGUMENT_TYPE_ERROR; return MDARGUMENT_TYPE_SWITCH; } else { if (strlen(str)<3) return MDARGUMENT_TYPE_ERROR; return MDARGUMENT_TYPE_NAME; } }