/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . */ #include "DataStructure/EMREvent.hh" #include "DataStructure/EMRPlaneHit.hh" namespace MAUS { EMREvent::EMREvent() : _emrplanehitarray(), _initial_trigger(false), _has_primary(false), _range_primary(0.0), _has_secondary(false), _range_secondary(0.0), _secondary_to_primary_track_distance(0), _total_charge_MA(0.0), _charge_ratio_MA(0.0), _total_charge_SA(0.0), _charge_ratio_SA(0.0) { // for (int planeid=0; planeid<48; planeid++) { // EMRPlaneHit emrplanehit; // emrplanehit.SetPlane(planeid); // _emrplanehitarray.push_back(emrplanehit); // } } EMREvent::EMREvent(const EMREvent& _emrevent) : _emrplanehitarray(), _initial_trigger(false), _has_primary(false), _range_primary(0.0), _has_secondary(false), _range_secondary(0.0), _secondary_to_primary_track_distance(0), _total_charge_MA(0.0), _charge_ratio_MA(0.0), _total_charge_SA(0.0), _charge_ratio_SA(0.0) { *this = _emrevent; } EMREvent& EMREvent::operator=(const EMREvent& _emrevent) { if (this == &_emrevent) { return *this; } this->_emrplanehitarray = _emrevent._emrplanehitarray; for (size_t i = 0; i < this->_emrplanehitarray.size(); i++) this->_emrplanehitarray[i] = new EMRPlaneHit(*(this->_emrplanehitarray[i])); SetInitialTrigger(_emrevent._initial_trigger); SetHasPrimary(_emrevent._has_primary); SetRangePrimary(_emrevent._range_primary); SetHasSecondary(_emrevent._has_secondary); SetRangeSecondary(_emrevent._range_secondary); SetSecondaryToPrimaryTrackDistance(_emrevent._secondary_to_primary_track_distance); SetTotalChargeMA(_emrevent._total_charge_MA); SetChargeRatioMA(_emrevent._charge_ratio_MA); SetTotalChargeSA(_emrevent._total_charge_SA); SetChargeRatioSA(_emrevent._charge_ratio_SA); return *this; } EMREvent::~EMREvent() { int nph = _emrplanehitarray.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nph; i++) delete _emrplanehitarray[i]; _emrplanehitarray.resize(0); } EMRPlaneHitArray EMREvent::GetEMRPlaneHitArray() const { return _emrplanehitarray; } void EMREvent::SetEMRPlaneHitArray(EMRPlaneHitArray emrplanehitarray) { int nplhits = _emrplanehitarray.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nplhits; i++) { if (_emrplanehitarray[i] != NULL) delete _emrplanehitarray[i]; } _emrplanehitarray = emrplanehitarray; } bool EMREvent::GetInitialTrigger() const { return _initial_trigger; } void EMREvent::SetInitialTrigger(bool initial_trigger) { _initial_trigger = initial_trigger; } bool EMREvent::GetHasPrimary() const { return _has_primary; } void EMREvent::SetHasPrimary(bool has_primary) { _has_primary = has_primary; } double EMREvent::GetRangePrimary() const { return _range_primary; } void EMREvent::SetRangePrimary(double range_primary) { _range_primary = range_primary; } bool EMREvent::GetHasSecondary() const { return _has_secondary; } void EMREvent::SetHasSecondary(bool has_secondary) { _has_secondary = has_secondary; } double EMREvent::GetRangeSecondary() const { return _range_secondary; } void EMREvent::SetRangeSecondary(double range_secondary) { _range_secondary = range_secondary; } double EMREvent::GetSecondaryToPrimaryTrackDistance() const { return _secondary_to_primary_track_distance; } void EMREvent::SetSecondaryToPrimaryTrackDistance(double secondary_to_primary_track_distance) { _secondary_to_primary_track_distance = secondary_to_primary_track_distance; } double EMREvent::GetTotalChargeMA() const { return _total_charge_MA; } void EMREvent::SetTotalChargeMA(double total_charge_MA) { _total_charge_MA = total_charge_MA; } double EMREvent::GetChargeRatioMA() const { return _charge_ratio_MA; } void EMREvent::SetChargeRatioMA(double charge_ratio_MA) { _charge_ratio_MA = charge_ratio_MA; } double EMREvent::GetTotalChargeSA() const { return _total_charge_SA; } void EMREvent::SetTotalChargeSA(double total_charge_SA) { _total_charge_SA = total_charge_SA; } double EMREvent::GetChargeRatioSA() const { return _charge_ratio_SA; } void EMREvent::SetChargeRatioSA(double charge_ratio_SA) { _charge_ratio_SA = charge_ratio_SA; } }