/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include #include "TRef.h" #include "TRefArray.h" #include "Utils/Exception.hh" #include "DataStructure/Global/Track.hh" namespace MAUS { namespace DataStructure { namespace Global { /// Global function to sort MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint's based on /// their Z coordinate. bool SortByZ(const MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* tp1, const MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* tp2) { return (tp1->get_position().Z() < tp2->get_position().Z()); } // Default constructor Track::Track() : _mapper_name(""), _pid(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::kNoPID), _charge(0), _detectorpoints(0), _goodness_of_fit(0.) { _track_points = new TRefArray(); _constituent_tracks = new TRefArray(); } // Copy contructor Track::Track(const Track &track) : _mapper_name(track.get_mapper_name()), _pid(track.get_pid()), _charge(track.get_charge()), _track_points(track.get_track_points()), _detectorpoints(track.get_detectorpoints()), _geometry_paths(track.get_geometry_paths()), _constituent_tracks(track.get_constituent_tracks()), _goodness_of_fit(track.get_goodness_of_fit()) { _track_points = new TRefArray(*track.get_track_points()); _constituent_tracks = new TRefArray(*track.get_constituent_tracks()); } // Destructor Track::~Track() { delete _track_points; delete _constituent_tracks; } // Assignment operator Track& Track::operator=(const Track &track) { if (this == &track) { return *this; } _mapper_name = track.get_mapper_name(); _pid = track.get_pid(); _charge = track.get_charge(); _track_points = new TRefArray(*track.get_track_points()); _constituent_tracks = new TRefArray(*track.get_constituent_tracks()); _detectorpoints = track.get_detectorpoints(); _geometry_paths = track.get_geometry_paths(); _goodness_of_fit = track.get_goodness_of_fit(); return *this; } // Create a new Track, identical to the original, but separate. All // TrackPoints are also cloned. Track* Track::Clone() const { MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* trackNew = new MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track(); trackNew->set_mapper_name(get_mapper_name()); trackNew->set_pid(get_pid()); trackNew->set_charge(get_charge()); // Track points may be edited, so we clone the original points MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* tp = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < _track_points->GetLast()+1; ++i) { tp = (MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint*) _track_points->At(i); if (!tp) continue; trackNew->PushBackTrackPoint(tp->Clone()); } trackNew->set_detectorpoints(this->get_detectorpoints()); trackNew->set_geometry_paths(this->get_geometry_paths()); // This is just book-keeping, so we copy the TRefArray whole. MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* t = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < _constituent_tracks->GetLast()+1; ++i) { t = (MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track*) _constituent_tracks->At(i); if (!t) continue; trackNew->AddTrack(t); } trackNew->set_goodness_of_fit(this->get_goodness_of_fit()); return trackNew; } void Track::set_mapper_name(std::string mapper_name) { _mapper_name = mapper_name; } std::string Track::get_mapper_name() const { return _mapper_name; } void Track::set_pid(PID pid) { _pid = pid; } PID Track::get_pid() const { return _pid; } void Track::set_charge(int charge) { _charge = charge; } int Track::get_charge() const { return _charge; } // Trackpoint methods void Track::AddTrackPoint(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* track_point) { if (!track_point) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Attempting to add a NULL TrackPoint", "DataStructure::Global::Track::AddTrackPoint()")); } if (track_point->get_detector() == MAUS::DataStructure::Global::kVirtual) { AddGeometryPath(track_point->get_geometry_path()); } SetDetector(track_point->get_detector()); PushBackTrackPoint(track_point); } void Track::PushBackTrackPoint( MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* track_point) { _track_points->Add(track_point); } // Correctly remove the track_point, unsetting the detector bit and/or // removing the geometry path if appropriate. void Track::RemoveTrackPoint( MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* track_point) { if (!track_point) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "No matching TrackPoint: pointer is NULL", "DataStructure::Global::Track::RemoveTrackPoint()")); } // Remove track_point from TRefArray TObject* result = _track_points->FindObject(track_point); if (!result) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "No matching TrackPoint ", "DataStructure::Global::Track::RemoveTrackPoint()")); } else { _track_points->Remove(result); _track_points->Compress(); } // Check if track_point detector point should still be set. MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint targetDP = track_point->get_detector(); MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint *eachTP; bool stillNeeded = false; for (int i = 0; i < _track_points->GetLast()+1; ++i) { eachTP = (MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint*) _track_points->At(i); if (!eachTP) continue; if (eachTP->get_detector() == targetDP) { stillNeeded = true; break; } } if (!stillNeeded) { RemoveDetector(targetDP); } // If we have an associated geometry path, remove that as well if (targetDP == MAUS::DataStructure::Global::kVirtual) { RemoveGeometryPath(track_point->get_geometry_path()); } } void Track::SortTrackPointsByZ() { std::vector temp_track_points; MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* tp = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < _track_points->GetLast()+1; ++i) { tp = (MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint*) _track_points->At(i); if (!tp) continue; temp_track_points.push_back(tp); } std::sort(temp_track_points.begin(), temp_track_points.end(), SortByZ); _track_points->Clear(); _track_points->Expand(temp_track_points.size()); // Can be used to shrink too for (size_t i = 0; i < temp_track_points.size(); ++i) { _track_points->AddAt(temp_track_points.at(i), i); } } std::vector Track::GetTrackPoints() const { std::vector temp_track_points; if (!_track_points) return temp_track_points; const MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* tp = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < _track_points->GetSize(); ++i) { tp = (const MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint*) _track_points->At(i); if (!tp) continue; temp_track_points.push_back(tp); } return temp_track_points; } void Track::set_track_points(TRefArray* track_points) { if (_track_points != NULL) { delete _track_points; } _track_points = track_points; } TRefArray* Track::get_track_points() const { return _track_points; } // Detector Point Methods void Track::SetDetector(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector) { // Set the Nth bit of the integer, where N is the value of the // DetectorPoint enumerator. _detectorpoints |= (1u << detector); } void Track::RemoveDetector( MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector) { // Clear the Nth bit of the integer, where N is the value of the // DetectorPoint enumerator. _detectorpoints &= ~(1u << detector); } bool Track::HasDetector(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector) const { // Return the Nth bit of the integer, where N is the value of the // DetectorPoint enumerator. return (_detectorpoints & (1u << detector)); } void Track::ClearDetectors() { // Set all bits to 0, i.e. set int 0. _detectorpoints = 0; } std::vector Track::GetDetectorPoints() const { std::vector result; MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint test; for (int i = 0; i < MAUS::DataStructure::Global::kDetectorPointSize; ++i) { test = static_cast(i); if (HasDetector(test)) result.push_back(test); } return result; } void Track::set_detectorpoints(unsigned int detectorpoints) { _detectorpoints = detectorpoints; } unsigned int Track::get_detectorpoints() const { return _detectorpoints; } // Geometry Path methods void Track::AddGeometryPath(std::string geometry_path) { _geometry_paths.push_back(geometry_path); } void Track::RemoveGeometryPath(std::string geometry_path) { std::vector::iterator result = find(_geometry_paths.begin(), _geometry_paths.end(), geometry_path); if (result == _geometry_paths.end()) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Attempting to remove a geometry path not stored in Track", "DataStructure::Global::Track::RemoveGeometryPath()")); } else { _geometry_paths.erase(result); } } bool Track::HasGeometryPath(std::string geometry_path) const { std::vector::const_iterator result = find(_geometry_paths.begin(), _geometry_paths.end(), geometry_path); return (result != _geometry_paths.end()); } void Track::ClearGeometryPaths() { _geometry_paths.clear(); } void Track::set_geometry_paths(std::vector geometry_paths) { _geometry_paths = geometry_paths; } std::vector Track::get_geometry_paths() const { return _geometry_paths; } // Constituent Tracks methods void Track::AddTrack(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* track) { _constituent_tracks->Add(track); } void Track::RemoveTrack(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* track) { TObject *result = _constituent_tracks->FindObject(track); if (!result) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Attempting to remove a constituent track not stored in Track", "DataStructure::Global::Track::RemoveTrack()")); } else { _constituent_tracks->Remove(track); } } bool Track::HasTrack(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* track) const { TObject *result = _constituent_tracks->FindObject(track); return (result != NULL); } std::vector Track::GetConstituentTracks() const { std::vector temp_tracks; const MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* t = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < _constituent_tracks->GetLast()+1; ++i) { t = (const MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track*) _constituent_tracks->At(i); if (!t) continue; temp_tracks.push_back(t); } return temp_tracks; } void Track::ClearTracks() { _constituent_tracks->Clear(); } void Track::set_constituent_tracks(TRefArray* constituent_tracks) { _constituent_tracks = constituent_tracks; } TRefArray* Track::get_constituent_tracks() const { return _constituent_tracks; } void Track::set_goodness_of_fit(double goodness_of_fit) { _goodness_of_fit = goodness_of_fit; } double Track::get_goodness_of_fit() const { return _goodness_of_fit; } } // ~namespace Global } // ~namespace DataStructure } // ~namespace MAUS