/* This file is part of MAUS: http:// micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . */ /* Author: Chris Rogers (G4MICE) * Author: Peter Lane (MAUS update) */ #include "Optics/PolynomialOpticsModel.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Utils/Exception.hh" #include "Maths/PolynomialMap.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Primary.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ThreeVector.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/JsonCppProcessors/PrimaryProcessor.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Optics/PhaseSpaceVector.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Optics/PolynomialTransferMap.hh" #include "Recon/Global/DataStructureHelper.hh" #include "Recon/Global/ParticleOpticalVector.hh" #include "Simulation/MAUSGeant4Manager.hh" #include "Simulation/MAUSPhysicsList.hh" namespace MAUS { using MAUS::PhaseSpaceVector; using recon::global::ParticleOpticalVector; PolynomialOpticsModel::PolynomialOpticsModel( Json::Value const * const configuration) : TransferMapOpticsModel(configuration), algorithm_(kNone) { // Determine which fitting algorithm to use SetupAlgorithm(); polynomial_order_ = JsonWrapper::GetProperty( *configuration_, "PolynomialOpticsModel_order", JsonWrapper::intValue).asInt(); // TODO(plane1@hawk.iit.edu) Get from configuration const std::vector weights_(6, 1.); } void PolynomialOpticsModel::Build() { // Create some test hits at the desired First plane const std::vector primary_vectors = PrimaryVectors(); std::cout << "DEBUG PolynomialOpticsModel::Build: " << "# primaries: " << primary_vectors.size() << std::endl; Json::Value primaries_json; for (std::vector::const_iterator primary_vector = primary_vectors.begin(); primary_vector < primary_vectors.end(); ++primary_vector) { // generate a Primary object Primary primary(reference_primary_); ThreeVector position(primary_vector->x(), primary_vector->y(), reference_primary_.GetPosition().z()); ThreeVector momentum(primary_vector->Px(), primary_vector->Py(), reference_primary_.GetMomentum().z()); primary.SetPosition(position); primary.SetMomentum(momentum); primary.SetTime(primary_vector->t()); primary.SetEnergy(primary_vector->E()); // serialize primary to JSON PrimaryProcessor serializer; Json::Value * primary_json = serializer.CppToJson(primary, ""); Json::Value object_value; object_value["primary"] = *primary_json; primaries_json.append(object_value); } MAUSGeant4Manager * simulator = MAUSGeant4Manager::GetInstance(); // Force setting of stochastics simulator->GetPhysicsList()->BeginOfRunAction(); // Simulate on the primaries, generating virtual detector tracks for each const Json::Value virtual_tracks = MAUSGeant4Manager::GetInstance()->RunManyParticles(primaries_json); std::cout << "DEBUG PolynomialOpticsModel::Build: " << "# virtual tracks: " << virtual_tracks.size() << std::endl; if (virtual_tracks.size() == 0) { throw(Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "No events were generated during simulation.", "MAUS::TransferMapOpticsModel::Build()")); } // Map stations to hits in each virtual track std::map > station_hits_map; size_t count = 0; for (Json::Value::const_iterator virtual_track = virtual_tracks.begin(); virtual_track != virtual_tracks.end(); ++virtual_track) { MapStationsToHits(station_hits_map, *virtual_track); ++count; } std::cout << "DEBUG PolynomialOpticsModel::Build:" << std::endl << "\t# virtual tracks mapped: " << count << std::endl << "\t# station Zs: " << station_hits_map.size() << std::endl; // Calculate transfer maps from the primary plane to each station plane std::map >::iterator station_hits; for (station_hits = station_hits_map.begin(); station_hits != station_hits_map.end(); ++station_hits) { // calculate transfer map and index it by the station z-plane std::cout << "DEBUG PolynomialOpticsModel::Build: " << "# virtual track hits for z = " << station_hits->first << ": " << station_hits->second.size() << std::endl; transfer_maps_[station_hits->first] = CalculateTransferMap(primary_vectors, station_hits->second); } built_ = true; } const std::vector PolynomialOpticsModel::GetAvailableMapPositions() const { if (!built_) { throw(Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "No transfer maps available since the optics model has not " "been built yet. Call Build() first.", "MAUS::PolynomialOpticsModel::GetAvailableMapPositions()")); } std::vector positions; std::map::const_iterator maps; // insertion sort the map keys (z-positions) for (maps = transfer_maps_.begin(); maps != transfer_maps_.end(); ++maps) { positions.push_back(maps->first); } std::sort(positions.begin(), positions.end()); // just in case return positions; } void PolynomialOpticsModel::SetupAlgorithm() { Json::Value algorithm_names = JsonWrapper::GetProperty( *configuration_, "PolynomialOpticsModel_algorithms", JsonWrapper::arrayValue); Json::Value algorithm_name = JsonWrapper::GetProperty( *configuration_, "PolynomialOpticsModel_algorithm", JsonWrapper::stringValue); size_t algorithm; for (algorithm = 0; algorithm <= algorithm_names.size(); ++algorithm) { if (algorithm_name == algorithm_names[Json::Value::ArrayIndex(algorithm)]) { break; // leave the current index into algorithm_names in algorithm } } switch (++algorithm) { // the first element in Algorithm is kNone case kLeastSquares: algorithm_ = kLeastSquares; break; case kConstrainedLeastSquares: algorithm_ = kConstrainedLeastSquares; break; case kConstrainedChiSquared: algorithm_ = kConstrainedChiSquared; break; case kSweepingChiSquared: algorithm_ = kSweepingChiSquared; break; case kSweepingChiSquaredWithVariableWalls: algorithm_ = kSweepingChiSquaredWithVariableWalls; break; default: algorithm_ = kNone; } } /* Create a set of phase space vectors that produce a linearly independent * set of N polynomial vectors where N is the number of polynomial coefficients * for the desired number of variables (6) and polynomial order. This is * necessary in order to solve the least squares problem which involves * the calculation of a Moore-Penrose psuedo inverse. */ const std::vector PolynomialOpticsModel::PrimaryVectors() { size_t num_poly_coefficients = PolynomialMap::NumberOfPolynomialCoefficients(6, polynomial_order_); std::vector primaries; // The (0,0,0,0,0,0) case produces a polynomial vector (1,0,0,...,0) // primaries.push_back(reference_trajectory_); std::cerr << "Primaries:" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (size_t j = i; j < 6; ++j) { PhaseSpaceVector primary; for (size_t k = 0; k < i; ++k) { primary[k] = deltas_[k]; // non-zero, lower triangular elements } primary[j] = deltas_[j]; // diagonal element // std::cerr << (primary + reference_trajectory_) << std::endl; std::cerr << primary << std::endl; primaries.push_back(primary + reference_trajectory_); } } size_t base_block_length = primaries.size(); // adjust for the case where the base block size is greater than N(n, v) while (base_block_length > num_poly_coefficients) { primaries.pop_back(); base_block_length = primaries.size(); } for (size_t row = base_block_length; row < num_poly_coefficients; ++row) { PhaseSpaceVector deltas = deltas_ * (row / base_block_length); PhaseSpaceVector primary = primaries[row % base_block_length] - reference_trajectory_ + deltas; // std::cerr << (primary + reference_trajectory_) << std::endl; std::cerr << primary << std::endl; primaries.push_back(primary + reference_trajectory_); } return primaries; } /* Calculate a transfer matrix from an equal number of inputs and output. */ const TransferMap * PolynomialOpticsModel::CalculateTransferMap( const std::vector & start_plane_hits, const std::vector & station_hits) const { #if 0 MAUSGeant4Manager * const simulator = MAUSGeant4Manager::GetInstance(); MAUSPrimaryGeneratorAction::PGParticle reference_pgparticle = simulator->GetReferenceParticle(); const double t0 = reference_pgparticle.time; const double E0 = reference_pgparticle.energy; const double P0 = reference_pgparticle.pz; #endif if (start_plane_hits.size() != station_hits.size()) { std::stringstream message; message << "The number of start plane hits (" << start_plane_hits.size() << ") is not the same as the number of hits per station (" << station_hits.size() << ")."; throw(Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, message.str(), "PolynomialOpticsModel::CalculateTransferMap()")); } std::vector< std::vector > points; for (size_t pt_index = 0; pt_index < start_plane_hits.size(); ++pt_index) { /* ParticleOpticalVector start_plane_point(start_plane_hits[pt_index], t0, E0, P0); */ PhaseSpaceVector start_plane_point( start_plane_hits[pt_index] - reference_trajectory_); std::vector point; for (size_t coord_index = 0; coord_index < 6; ++coord_index) { #if 1 point.push_back(start_plane_point[coord_index]); #else point.push_back(start_plane_hits[pt_index][coord_index]); #endif } points.push_back(point); } std::vector< std::vector > values; for (size_t val_index = 0; val_index < station_hits.size(); ++val_index) { /* ParticleOpticalVector station_value(station_hits[val_index], t0, E0, P0); */ PhaseSpaceVector station_value( station_hits[val_index] - reference_trajectory_); std::vector value; for (size_t coord_index = 0; coord_index < 6; ++coord_index) { #if 1 value.push_back(station_value[coord_index]); #else value.push_back(station_hits[val_index][coord_index]); #endif } values.push_back(value); } PolynomialMap * polynomial_map = NULL; switch (algorithm_) { case kNone: throw(Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "No fitting algorithm specified in configuration.", "PolynomialOpticsModel::CalculateTransferMap()")); case kLeastSquares: // Fit to first order and then fit to higher orders with the // first order map as a constraint polynomial_map = PolynomialMap::PolynomialLeastSquaresFit( points, values, polynomial_order_, weights_); /* points, values, 1, weights_); if (polynomial_order_ > 1) { PolynomialMap * linear_polynomial_map = polynomial_map; polynomial_map = PolynomialMap::ConstrainedPolynomialLeastSquaresFit( points, values, polynomial_order_, linear_polynomial_map->GetCoefficientsAsVector(), weights_); } */ break; case kConstrainedLeastSquares: // constrained least squares // ConstrainedLeastSquaresFit(...); throw(Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "Constrained Polynomial fitting algorithm " "is not yet implemented.", "PolynomialOpticsModel::CalculateTransferMap()")); case kConstrainedChiSquared: // constrained chi squared least squares // Chi2ConstrainedLeastSquaresFit(...); throw(Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "Constrained Chi Squared fitting algorithm " "is not yet implemented.", "PolynomialOpticsModel::CalculateTransferMap()")); case kSweepingChiSquared: // sweeping chi squared least squares // Chi2SweepingLeastSquaresFit(...); throw(Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "Sweeping Chi Squared fitting algorithm " "is not yet implemented.", "PolynomialOpticsModel::CalculateTransferMap()")); case kSweepingChiSquaredWithVariableWalls: // sweeping chi squared with variable walls // Chi2SweepingLeastSquaresFitVariableWalls(...); throw(Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "Sweeping Chi Squared Variable Walls fitting algorithm " "is not yet implemented.", "PolynomialOpticsModel::CalculateTransferMap()")); default: throw(Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "Unrecognized fitting algorithm in configuration.", "PolynomialOpticsModel::CalculateTransferMap()")); } TransferMap * transfer_map = new PolynomialTransferMap( *polynomial_map, reference_trajectory_); delete polynomial_map; return transfer_map; } } // namespace MAUS