/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include #include // Geant4 bureaucracy #include "Geant4/globals.hh" #include "Geant4/G4RunManager.hh" #include "Geant4/G4UserLimits.hh" #include "Geant4/G4GeometryManager.hh" // Geant4 physical model #include "Geant4/G4VSolid.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Material.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Element.hh" #include "Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Region.hh" #include "Geant4/G4RegionStore.hh" // fields and transport #include "Geant4/G4ChordFinder.hh" #include "Geant4/G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "Geant4/G4PropagatorInField.hh" #include "Geant4/G4EquationOfMotion.hh" #include "Geant4/G4FieldManager.hh" #include "Geant4/G4UniformMagField.hh" #include "Geant4/G4EqMagElectricField.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Mag_UsualEqRhs.hh" #include "Geant4/G4EqEMFieldWithSpin.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Mag_SpinEqRhs.hh" // Electromagnetic steppers #include "Geant4/G4ClassicalRK4.hh" #include "Geant4/G4SimpleHeum.hh" #include "Geant4/G4ImplicitEuler.hh" #include "Geant4/G4SimpleRunge.hh" #include "Geant4/G4ExplicitEuler.hh" #include "Geant4/G4CashKarpRKF45.hh" // Magnetic only steppers: #include "Geant4/G4HelixImplicitEuler.hh" #include "Geant4/G4HelixExplicitEuler.hh" #include "Geant4/G4HelixSimpleRunge.hh" #include "Geant4/G4HelixHeum.hh" // Visualisation #include "Geant4/G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Colour.hh" // legacy #include "Interface/MICEEvent.hh" #include "Config/MiceModule.hh" #include "Interface/MiceMaterials.hh" #include "Simulation/FillMaterials.hh" #include "Interface/dataCards.hh" #include "EngModel/Polycone.hh" #include "EngModel/MultipoleAperture.hh" #include "EngModel/MiceModToG4Solid.hh" #include "DetModel/SciFi/SciFiPlane.hh" #include "DetModel/KL/KLGlue.hh" #include "DetModel/KL/KLFiber.hh" #include "DetModel/Ckov/CkovMirror.hh" #include "DetModel/EMR/EMRBar.hh" #include "DetModel/TOF/TofSD.hh" #include "DetModel/SciFi/SciFiSD.hh" #include "DetModel/Ckov/CKOVSD.hh" #include "DetModel/EMR/EMRSD.hh" #include "DetModel/KL/KLSD.hh" #include "DetModel/Virtual/SpecialVirtualSD.hh" // non-legacy #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/JsonWrapper.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Simulation/VirtualPlanes.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Simulation/DetectorConstruction.hh" namespace MAUS { namespace Simulation { DetectorConstruction::DetectorConstruction(const Json::Value& cards) : _model(), _btField(NULL), _miceMagneticField(NULL), _miceElectroMagneticField(NULL), _rootLogicalVolume(NULL), _rootPhysicalVolume(NULL), _stepper(NULL), _chordFinder(NULL), _rootVisAtts(NULL), _equation(NULL) { _event = new MICEEvent(); SetDatacardVariables(cards); SetBTMagneticField(); _materials = fillMaterials(NULL); if (_materials == NULL) throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to acquire MiceMaterials", "DetectorConstruction::DetectorConstruction()")); } DetectorConstruction::~DetectorConstruction() { if (_miceElectroMagneticField != NULL) { delete _miceElectroMagneticField; } if (_miceMagneticField != NULL) { delete _miceMagneticField; } if (_btField != NULL) { delete _btField; } if (_rootPhysicalVolume != NULL) { delete _rootPhysicalVolume; } if (_rootLogicalVolume != NULL) { if (_rootLogicalVolume->GetVoxelHeader() != NULL) { delete _rootLogicalVolume->GetVoxelHeader(); _rootLogicalVolume->SetVoxelHeader(0); } delete _rootLogicalVolume; } if (_materials != NULL) { delete _materials; } if (_event != NULL) { delete _event; } if (_model != NULL) { delete _model; } if (_stepper != NULL) { delete _stepper; } if (_chordFinder != NULL) { delete _chordFinder; } GeometryCleanup(); if (_rootVisAtts != NULL) { delete _rootVisAtts; } if (_equation != NULL) { delete _equation; } } void DetectorConstruction::SetDatacardVariables(const Json::Value& cards) { if (&cards == NULL) throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to acquire datacards", "DetectorConstruction::DetectorConstruction()")); _maxModDepth = JsonWrapper::GetProperty (cards, "maximum_module_depth", JsonWrapper::intValue).asUInt(); _checkVolumes = JsonWrapper::GetProperty (cards, "check_volume_overlaps", JsonWrapper::booleanValue).asBool(); _stepperType = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "stepping_algorithm", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); _deltaOneStep = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "delta_one_step", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); _deltaIntersection = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "delta_intersection", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); _epsilonMin = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "epsilon_min", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); _epsilonMax = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "epsilon_max", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); _missDistance = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "miss_distance", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); _everythingSpecialVirtual = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "everything_special_virtual", JsonWrapper::booleanValue).asBool(); _polarisedTracking = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "spin_tracking", JsonWrapper::booleanValue).asBool() || JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "polarised_decay", JsonWrapper::booleanValue).asBool(); _physicsProcesses = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "physics_processes", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); _keThreshold = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "kinetic_energy_threshold", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); _trackMax = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "max_track_length", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); _timeMax = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "max_track_time", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); _stepMax = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(cards, "max_step_length", JsonWrapper::realValue).asDouble(); } G4VPhysicalVolume* DetectorConstruction::Construct() { // Set up the logical volume G4Box* rootBox = new G4Box("Default", 1, 1, 1); G4Material* rootMat = _materials->materialByName("Galactic"); _rootLogicalVolume = new G4LogicalVolume(rootBox, rootMat, "Dummy", 0, 0, 0); _rootPhysicalVolume = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(), "DummyPV", _rootLogicalVolume, 0, false, 0, _checkVolumes); // we never visualise the root LV _rootVisAtts = new G4VisAttributes(false); _rootLogicalVolume->SetVisAttributes(_rootVisAtts); G4RegionStore* regionStore = G4RegionStore::GetInstance(); G4Region* rootRegion = regionStore->FindOrCreateRegion("DefaultRegionForTheWorld"); rootRegion->AddRootLogicalVolume(_rootLogicalVolume); return _rootPhysicalVolume; } void DetectorConstruction::SetMiceModules(const MiceModule& mods) { if (_model != NULL) delete _model; _model = MiceModule::deepCopy(mods, false); ResetGeometry(); ResetFields(); } void DetectorConstruction::ResetGeometry() { // open the geometry G4GeometryManager::GetInstance()->OpenGeometry(); // update root PV G4Material* rootMat = _materials->materialByName (_model->propertyString("Material")); // we have to remove daughter volumes before changing rootLV dimensions - in // case daughter volumes are outside of the rootLV volume (makes a G4Exc) while (_rootLogicalVolume->GetNoDaughters() > 0) { G4VPhysicalVolume* vol = _rootLogicalVolume->GetDaughter(0); if (vol != NULL && _rootLogicalVolume->IsDaughter(vol)) { _rootLogicalVolume->RemoveDaughter(vol); } } // clear the regions list except G4 default region _regions = std::vector(1, "DefaultRegionForTheWorld"); // now change the rootBox dimensions (and LV name) G4Box* rootBox = reinterpret_cast(_rootLogicalVolume->GetSolid()); rootBox->SetXHalfLength(_model->propertyHep3Vector("Dimensions").x()); rootBox->SetYHalfLength(_model->propertyHep3Vector("Dimensions").y()); rootBox->SetZHalfLength(_model->propertyHep3Vector("Dimensions").z()); _rootLogicalVolume->UpdateMaterial(rootMat); _rootLogicalVolume->SetName(_model->name()); // update the voxel header whatever this is (some G4 optimisation routine) if (_rootLogicalVolume->GetVoxelHeader() != NULL) { delete _rootLogicalVolume->GetVoxelHeader(); _rootLogicalVolume->SetVoxelHeader(0); } // clear the G4SDManager MAUSSD::ResetSDs(); // clear the sensitive detector list - we will rebuild this in daughter mods _SDs = std::vector(); // user limits (e.g. step size) SetUserLimits(_rootLogicalVolume, _model); // now add new daughters bool cout_alive = Squeak::coutIsActive(); if (_checkVolumes && !cout_alive) Squeak::activateCout(true); try { for (int i = 0; i < _model->daughters(); ++i) AddDaughter(_model->daughter(i), _rootPhysicalVolume); } catch (Exception exc) { Squeak::activateCout(cout_alive); throw exc; } Squeak::activateCout(cout_alive); // close the geometry G4GeometryManager::GetInstance()->CloseGeometry(); G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GeometryHasBeenModified(); G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->Initialize(); // makes a G4 segv // std::cout << "Dumping new geometry" << std::endl; // need verbose level 0 // G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->DumpRegion(); } void DetectorConstruction::AddDaughter (MiceModule* mod, G4VPhysicalVolume* moth) { CheckModuleDepth(mod); G4LogicalVolume* logic = NULL; G4PVPlacement* place = NULL; if (mod->propertyExistsThis("G4Detector", "string")) { BuildG4DetectorVolume(&place, &logic, moth, mod); } else if (mod->volType() == "None") { CheckForVolumeInChildren(mod); } else { BuildNormalVolume(&place, &logic, moth, mod); } if (logic != NULL) { SetUserLimits(logic, mod); SetVisAttributes(logic, mod); BuildSensitiveDetector(logic, mod); AddToRegion(logic, mod); } for (int i = 0; i < mod->daughters(); ++i) AddDaughter(mod->daughter(i), place); } void DetectorConstruction::BuildG4DetectorVolume(G4PVPlacement** place, G4LogicalVolume** logic, G4VPhysicalVolume* moth, MiceModule* mod) { G4Material* mat = _materials->materialByName(mod->propertyString("Material")); std::string detector = mod->propertyString("G4Detector"); if (detector == "EMR") { EMRBar* bar = new EMRBar(mod, mat, moth); *logic = bar->logicalBar(); *place = bar->placementBar(); } else if (detector == "SciFiPlane") { _sciFiPlanes.push_back(new SciFiPlane(mod, mat, moth)); *logic = _sciFiPlanes.back()->logicalCore(); *place = _sciFiPlanes.back()->placementCore(); } else if (detector == "KLGlue") { _klGlues.push_back(new KLGlue(mod, mat, moth)); *logic = _klGlues.back()->logicalStrip(); *place = _klGlues.back()->placementStrip(); } else if (detector == "KLFiber") { _klFibers.push_back(new KLFiber(mod, mat, moth)); *logic = _klFibers.back()->logicalFiber(); *place = _klFibers.back()->placementFiber(); } else if (detector == "CkovMirror") { _ckovMirrors.push_back(new CkovMirror(mod, mat, moth)); *logic = _ckovMirrors.back()->logicalMirror(); *place = _ckovMirrors.back()->placementMirror(); } else { throw Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "Unknown G4Detector type "+detector, "DetectorConstruction::AddDaughter"); } } void DetectorConstruction::BuildNormalVolume(G4PVPlacement** place, G4LogicalVolume** logic, G4VPhysicalVolume* moth, MiceModule* mod) { G4Material* mat = _materials->materialByName(mod->propertyString("Material")); G4VSolid* solid = MiceModToG4Solid::buildSolid(mod); *logic = new G4LogicalVolume(solid, mat, mod->name() + "Logic", 0, 0, 0); // who owns memory allocated to rot? This is making a bug... not defined in // G4 docs _rotations.push_back(new G4RotationMatrix(mod->rotation())); *place = new G4PVPlacement(_rotations.back(), mod->position(), mod->name(), *logic, moth, false, 0, _checkVolumes); // for some reason this doesnt take if we are *rebuilding* - try to force it if (moth == _rootPhysicalVolume) { _rootLogicalVolume->AddDaughter(*place); } Squeak::errorLevel my_err = Squeak::debug; if (mod->mother()->isRoot()) my_err = Squeak::info; Squeak::mout(my_err) << "Placing " << mod->name() << " of type " << mod->volType() << " position: " << mod->globalPosition() << " mm, rotationVector: " << mod->globalRotation().getAxis() << " angle: " << mod->globalRotation().delta()/degree << " degrees, volume (incl daughters): " << solid->GetCubicVolume()/meter/meter/meter << " m^3, "; if (mod->propertyExistsThis("Material", "string")) Squeak::mout(my_err) << " material: " << mod->propertyStringThis("Material") << " mass (excl daughters): " << (*logic)->GetMass(false, false)/kilogram << " kg" << std::endl; else Squeak::mout(my_err) << std::endl; } void DetectorConstruction::AddToRegion(G4LogicalVolume* logic, MiceModule* mod) { if (mod->propertyExistsThis("Region", "string")) { std::string name = mod->propertyString("Region"); G4RegionStore* store = G4RegionStore::GetInstance(); // make a new region if required; should register itself in the // G4RegionStore if (store->GetRegion(name) == NULL) { new G4Region(name); _regions.push_back(name); } G4Region* region = store->GetRegion(name); if (region == NULL) { // just to cross check that G4 is doing its job throw MAUS::Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Failed to make region", "DetectorConstruction::AddToRegion"); } region->AddRootLogicalVolume(logic); } } void DetectorConstruction::SetVisAttributes (G4LogicalVolume* logic, MiceModule* mod) { bool vis = true; if (mod->propertyExistsThis("Invisible", "bool")) vis = !mod->propertyBoolThis("Invisible"); if (vis) { double red = 0.; double green = 0.; double blue = 0.; if (mod->propertyExistsThis("RedColour", "double")) red = mod->propertyDoubleThis("RedColour"); if (mod->propertyExistsThis("GreenColour", "double")) green = mod->propertyDoubleThis("GreenColour"); if (mod->propertyExistsThis( "BlueColour", "double")) blue = mod->propertyDoubleThis("BlueColour"); _visAtts.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(G4Color(red, green, blue))); } else { _visAtts.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(false)); } logic->SetVisAttributes(_visAtts.back()); } void DetectorConstruction::BuildSensitiveDetector (G4LogicalVolume* logic, MiceModule* mod) { if (!mod->propertyExistsThis("SensitiveDetector", "string") && !_everythingSpecialVirtual) return; // there is no way to delete sensitive detectors; all we can do is disable // old ones and ensure that we use a unique naming convention so we only // add detectors once. std::string sdName = mod->propertyStringThis("SensitiveDetector"); if (sdName == "SpecialVirtual" || _everythingSpecialVirtual) { SpecialVirtualSD * specVirtSD = new SpecialVirtualSD(_event, mod); logic->SetSensitiveDetector(specVirtSD); _SDs.push_back(specVirtSD); } else if (sdName == "TOF") { TofSD* tofSD = new TofSD(mod); logic->SetSensitiveDetector(tofSD); _SDs.push_back(tofSD); } else if (sdName == "SciFi") { SciFiSD* sciFiSD = new SciFiSD(mod); logic->SetSensitiveDetector(sciFiSD); _SDs.push_back(sciFiSD); } else if (sdName == "EMR") { EMRSD* emrSD = new EMRSD(mod); logic->SetSensitiveDetector(emrSD); _SDs.push_back(emrSD); } else if (sdName == "KL") { KLSD* klSD = new KLSD(mod); logic->SetSensitiveDetector(klSD); _SDs.push_back(klSD); } else if (sdName == "CKOV") { // disabled } else if (sdName != "Virtual" && sdName != "Envelope") { // Virtual and Envelope are special cases throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Sensitive detector type "+sdName+" not recognised in module "+ mod->fullName(), "DetectorConstruction::AddDaughter(...)")); } } void DetectorConstruction::SetUserLimits (G4LogicalVolume* logic, MiceModule* module) { double stepMax = _stepMax; double trackMax = _trackMax; double timeMax = _timeMax; double kinMin = _keThreshold; if (module->propertyExistsThis("G4StepMax", "double")) stepMax = module->propertyDouble("G4StepMax"); if (module->propertyExistsThis("G4TrackMax", "double")) trackMax = module->propertyDouble("G4TrackMax"); if (module->propertyExistsThis("G4TimeMax", "double")) timeMax = module->propertyDouble("G4TimeMax"); if (module->propertyExistsThis("G4KinMin", "double")) kinMin = module->propertyDouble("G4KinMin"); _userLims.push_back(new G4UserLimits(stepMax, trackMax, timeMax, kinMin)); logic->SetUserLimits(_userLims.back()); } void DetectorConstruction::SetBTMagneticField() { _btField = new BTFieldConstructor(); _miceMagneticField = new MiceMagneticField(_btField); _miceElectroMagneticField = new MiceElectroMagneticField(_btField); } // Set G4 Stepping Algorithm for BTFields // Choose lower order (simpler) steppers for faster processing in rapidly // changing fields void DetectorConstruction::SetSteppingAlgorithm() { G4FieldManager* fieldMgr = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager(); int n_vars = 0; if (_equation != NULL) delete _equation; // Note G4Mag_SpinEqRhs did not work for spin tracking in pure magnetic field if (_btField->HasRF() || _polarisedTracking) { fieldMgr->SetFieldChangesEnergy(true); fieldMgr->SetDetectorField(_miceElectroMagneticField); if (_polarisedTracking) { _equation = new G4EqEMFieldWithSpin(_miceElectroMagneticField); n_vars = 12; } else { _equation = new G4EqMagElectricField(_miceElectroMagneticField); n_vars = 8; } } else { fieldMgr->SetDetectorField(_miceMagneticField); _equation = new G4Mag_UsualEqRhs(_miceMagneticField); n_vars = 6; } if (_chordFinder != NULL) { delete _chordFinder; // owns _stepper memory _chordFinder = NULL; } if (_stepper != NULL) { delete _stepper; _stepper = NULL; } // Scan through the list of steppers if (_stepperType == "Classic" || _stepperType == "ClassicalRK4") { _stepper = new G4ClassicalRK4(_equation, n_vars); } else if (_stepperType == "SimpleHeum") { _stepper = new G4SimpleHeum(_equation, n_vars); } else if (_stepperType == "ImplicitEuler") { _stepper = new G4ImplicitEuler(_equation, n_vars); } else if (_stepperType == "SimpleRunge") { _stepper = new G4SimpleRunge(_equation, n_vars); } else if (_stepperType == "ExplicitEuler") { _stepper = new G4ExplicitEuler(_equation, n_vars); } else if (_stepperType == "CashKarpRKF45") { _stepper = new G4CashKarpRKF45(_equation, n_vars); } else { throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "stepping_algorithm '"+_stepperType+"' not found", "DetectorConstruction::SetSteppingAlgorithm()")); } _chordFinder = new G4ChordFinder(_miceMagneticField, 0.1*mm, _stepper); fieldMgr->SetChordFinder(_chordFinder); } // Set G4 Stepping Accuracy parameters void DetectorConstruction::SetSteppingAccuracy() { G4FieldManager* fieldMgr = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager(); if (_deltaOneStep > 0) fieldMgr->SetDeltaOneStep(_deltaOneStep); if (_deltaIntersection > 0) fieldMgr->SetDeltaIntersection(_deltaIntersection); if (_missDistance > 0) fieldMgr->GetChordFinder()->SetDeltaChord(_missDistance); G4PropagatorInField* fieldPropagator = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetPropagatorInField(); if (_epsilonMin > 0) fieldPropagator->SetMinimumEpsilonStep(_epsilonMin); if (_epsilonMax > 0) fieldPropagator->SetMaximumEpsilonStep(_epsilonMax); } Json::Value DetectorConstruction::GetSDHits(size_t i) { if (i >= _SDs.size()) { throw Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Attempt to get SD for out-of-range detector", "DetectorConstruction::GetSDHits(...)"); } if (_SDs[i] and _SDs[i]->isHit()) { return _SDs[i]->GetHits(); } Json::Value empty(Json::objectValue); return empty; } void DetectorConstruction::ClearSDHits() { for ( size_t i = 0; i < _SDs.size(); ++i ) { if (_SDs[i]) _SDs[i]->ClearHits(); } } void DetectorConstruction::ResetFields() { typedef std::vector::iterator field_iter; // we don't just delete and new as this would kill existing pointers to the // field map (e.g. held by G4 stuff). BTFieldGroup* mfield = reinterpret_cast(_btField->GetMagneticField()); BTFieldGroup* emfield = reinterpret_cast(_btField->GetElectroMagneticField()); // clear fields std::vector field_v = mfield->GetFields(); for (field_iter it = field_v.begin(); it != field_v.end(); it++) mfield->Erase((*it), false); field_v = emfield->GetFields(); for (field_iter it = field_v.begin(); it != field_v.end(); it++) if (*it != mfield) emfield->Erase((*it), false); // redo some initialisation stuff mfield->Close(); emfield->Close(); // now rebuild the fields _btField->BuildFields(_model); SetSteppingAlgorithm(); SetSteppingAccuracy(); } void DetectorConstruction::CheckForVolumeInChildren (MiceModule* mod, MiceModule* recurse) { if (recurse == NULL) recurse = mod; else CheckModuleDepth(recurse); if (recurse->volType() != "None") { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "MiceModule "+mod->name()+" with Volume None has child module "+ recurse->name()+" with Volume "+recurse->volType()+ " - but should be None", "DetectorConstruction::CheckForVolumeInChildren")); } else { for (int i = 0; i < recurse->daughters(); ++i) { CheckForVolumeInChildren(mod, recurse->daughter(i)); } } } void DetectorConstruction::GeometryCleanup() { for (size_t i = 0; i < _rotations.size(); ++i) { delete _rotations[i]; } _rotations = std::vector(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _visAtts.size(); ++i) { delete _visAtts[i]; } _visAtts = std::vector(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _userLims.size(); ++i) { delete _userLims[i]; } _userLims = std::vector(); /* Note that we never delete memory allocated to G4Detectors right now for (size_t i = 0; i < _sciFiPlanes.size(); ++i) { delete _sciFiPlanes[i]; } _sciFiPlanes = std::vector(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _klGlues.size(); ++i) { delete _klGlues[i]; } _klGlues = std::vector(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _klFibers.size(); ++i) { delete _klFibers[i]; } _klFibers = std::vector(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _ckovMirrors.size(); ++i) { delete _ckovMirrors[i]; } _ckovMirrors = std::vector(); */ } void DetectorConstruction::CheckModuleDepth(MiceModule* module) { MiceModule* mother = module->mother(); size_t recursionDepth = 1; while (mother != NULL) { mother = mother->mother(); ++recursionDepth; } if (recursionDepth > _maxModDepth) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "MiceModule "+module->fullName()+" is more than "+ STLUtils::ToString(_maxModDepth)+" levels deep", "DetectorConstruction::CheckModuleDepth")); } } } }