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// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
// GEANT4 physics class: G4QPionMinusNuclearCrossSection -- header file
// Created: M.V. Kossov, CERN/ITEP(Moscow), 20-Dec-01
// The last update: M.V. Kossov, CERN/ITEP (Moscow) 17-May-02
// ****************************************************************************************
// ********* This HEADER is temporary moved from the photolepton_hadron directory *********
// ******* DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGE! With time it'll move back to photolepton...(M.K.) ******
// ****************************************************************************************
// Short description: CHIPS cross-sections for pi(minus)-nuclear interactions
// It is purely fake now (just a copy of the proton-nuclear XS) !!! only for testing !!!
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef G4QPionMinusNuclearCrossSection_h
#define G4QPionMinusNuclearCrossSection_h 1

#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
#include "G4NucleiProperties.hh"
#include <vector>
#include "G4VQCrossSection.hh"
#include "G4QPDGCode.hh"         // Uzhi 21 Sept.

class G4QPionMinusNuclearCrossSection : public G4VQCrossSection

  G4QPionMinusNuclearCrossSection()  {}



  static G4VQCrossSection* GetPointer(); // Gives a pointer to this singletone

  // At present momentum (pMom) in MeV/c, CS in mb (@@ Units)
  virtual G4double GetCrossSection(G4bool fCS, G4double pMom, G4int tgZ, G4int tgN,
                                   G4int pPDG=-211);

  G4double CalculateCrossSection(G4bool CS, G4int F, G4int I, G4int PDG, G4int Z,
                                 G4int N, G4double Momentum);

  G4int    GetFunctions(G4int tZ, G4int tN, G4double* y, G4double* z); // y&z=ArrayPointers //Uzhi
  G4double CrossSectionLin(G4int targZ, G4int targN, G4double P);
  G4double CrossSectionLog(G4int targZ, G4int targN, G4double lP);
  G4double CrossSectionFormula(G4int targZ, G4int targN, G4double P, G4double lP);
  G4double ThresholdMomentum(G4int targZ, G4int targN); // Threshold of pA reaction (MeV/c) // Uzhi
// Body
  static G4double  lastSig; // Last value of the Cross Section
  static G4double* lastLEN; // Pointer to the last array of LowEnergy cross sections
  static G4double* lastHEN; // Pointer to the last array of HighEnergy cross sections
  static G4double  lastE;   // Last used in the cross section Energy
  static G4int     lastPDG; // The last projectile PDG
  static G4int     lastN;   // The last N of calculated nucleus
  static G4int     lastZ;   // The last Z of calculated nucleus
  static G4double  lastP;   // Last used in the cross section Momentum
  static G4double  lastTH;  // Last value of the Momentum Threshold
  static G4double  lastCS;  // Last value of the Cross Section
  static G4int     lastI;   // The last position in the DAMDB
  static std::vector<G4double*>* LEN;  // Vector of pointers to LowEnProtonCrossSection
  static std::vector<G4double*>* HEN;  // Vector of pointers to HighEnProtonCrossSection
